Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 3 Tianlian'er

Lu Yuanhan quickly twisted his head and dodged the blow. The fangs of the trap entered his shoulder and blood shot everywhere. He gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said nothing. He abruptly threw the trap out.

Although the trap has always had the upper hand in this hand-to-hand fight, it has been attacked from the distance of Jiang Xiaoxiao. Even if Jiang Xiaoxiao's attack power is not high, the trap will be exhausted for such a long time.

"Damn!" Tongding cursed and wanted to avoid it, but was entangled by Lu Yuan's cold.

The trap was furious and wanted to explode. Suddenly, it stopped and its body twitched. It sobbed, rolled its eyes, and fell to the ground.

Lu Yuanhan looked puzzled - obviously this trap is still in the upper hand. Isn't it fraudulent?

Lu Yuanhan carefully approached it, kicked its head, and was relieved - it was really dead.

He turned around, and suddenly, the body of the trap exploded behind him, and the black blood splashed Lu Yuanhan. Lu Yuanhan didn't expect it. He frowned, and the smell of blood in the trap made him feel nauseous.

He cursed unlucky and walked to Jiang Xiaoxiao. Suddenly, he felt that there was something wrong with the blood. He widened his eyes and wanted to vomit - the feeling of the source of the soul in the blood was too strange... No, it was too similar. It seemed that he had come into contact with such a source.

Lu Yuanhan trembled and couldn't move. He tried to recall the source of the soul. He was suddenly shocked and his body trembled - a similar source came from himself!

This is the source of my soul when I went out.

He remembered his rampage when he was in the forest and when he fought with Sbaide. It is the strange source of the soul in his body, the kind of soul that greatly increases his strength but causes great pain.

Lu Yuanhan's eyes began to turn blood red, and his facial features gradually twisted. He knelt down in the black blood and roared hysterically. His expression was extremely painful. He covered his heart tightly with his hands, opened his mouth wide, and the blue veins on his neck burst out. His eyes were full of red blood, suffering as if he would die at any time.

Sbaider looked at all this in the distance and hid his source. He knew that he could not move anything and was afraid that he would be found by the moon world at any time.

He looked at the painful Lu Yuanhan and knew in his heart that it was another step away from the experimental plan. I'm afraid that Lu Yuanhan would be forced to grow a lot this time. Sbaide jumped up and returned to the dark moon world. He closed his eyes and did not look back at the black blood. He sighed in the air: I'm sorry, H-654.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was scared and at a loss. Her big eyes were full of tears. Looking at such a painful road, she was extremely anxious and rushed to him.

"Don't come here! Don't come near me!"

Lu Yuanhan waved his hand to Jiang Xiaoxiao and shouted - he remembered that he kissed Xia Yi in the forest for the first time, and several innocent people around him when he walked for the second time. He understands that he is extremely dangerous now, and he must not let Jiang Xiaoxiao get close to him while he is still conscious!

Jiang Xiaoxiao was scared by Lu Yuanhan's big drink and stopped in place and didn't know what to do. She looked at Lu Yuanhan's twisted expression covered with black blood and felt great pain in her heart, but she didn't know how to help him.

What should I do? What to do! Lu Yuanhan's body was unable to move, and the horrible and strong strange spirit in his body kept exploding. He knew that he would definitely get out of control if he went on like this. He really couldn't guarantee that he would not do anything to Jiang Xiaoxiao.

What should I do? Lu Yuanhan roared, and everything in front of him slowly turned black. When I opened my eyes again, I lay and floated in the dark space. There was fog in the darkness. It was strange that there was no light, but I could see the people in front of me--

It's like this again... I saw you again, no sword.

"No sword, my good friend, what should I do?" Lu Yuanhan floated in the dark, like a dust floating in the universe.

Wujian still turned his back to Lu Yuanhan and said nothing.

"Tell me what I should do. I want to protect my friends, not hurt them.

"Do you really want to know?" No sword did not turn around.

"Isn't that obvious!"

"To control the evil power in your body, you are not going to defeat Sbaide or the eternal, nor the cabinet lords of the moon. Because you don't have any so-called enemies. Your only enemy is yourself.

"Myself? What do you mean? Don't go. Don't go without a sword!"

Lu Yuanhan roared--

Why is it so similar? Why is everyone so determined to leave my back? Lu Yuan's cold eyes were occupied by black, and his eyes turned red. He smiled bitterly in his mind: Without a sword, why is your departing back exactly the same as the back of your father's fall twelve years ago?

Jiang Xiaoxiao knelt on the ground, approached Lu Yuanhan little by little, and his eyes were red - Lu Yuanhan had completely fallen in place for two minutes without moving.

Jiang Xiaoxiao became scared and couldn't control her worried mood. She stood up and strode forward. Suddenly, Lu Yuanhan sat up, with an evil smile, her pupils were red, and her eyes turned black.

Is this still a long way to go? Jiang Xiaoxiao was stunned and looked at this completely strange road and became scared.

Don't get in the way, don't get in the way! Lu Yuanhan shouted in his heart and roared: You madman who occupies my body, don't get in the way!

Lu Yuanhan's eyes were white and black for a while, and his expression was sometimes evil and ferocious, and sometimes confused and painful. Suddenly, the evil expression disappeared.

Lu Yuanhan opened his eyes, and a big drop of sweat fell down. He knew that the violent himself would soon completely occupy his body and rush ahead of him... Lu Yuanhan tried his best but resolutely pulled out his sword.

"No!" Jiang Xiaoxiao cried at Lu Yuan and rushed to him, but there was no time to stop Lu Yuanhan's behavior. Lu Yuanhan stabbed his sword into his abdomen in front of Jiang Xiaoxiao.

That's the only way, right? No sword.

Only by defeating myself and erasing another self can I protect the people around me, right? But, without a sword, you didn't teach me how to stand up again.

Lu Yuanhan closed his eyes and showed a weak smile. In Jiang Xiaoxiao's crying, Lu Yuan fell to the ground cold.


Where is this? Am I still alive? Lu Yuanhan wanted to open his eyes and found that he couldn't do it.

He felt that he was lying on a **, and seemed to be surrounded by two women. Judging from the source of the soul, one is Jiang Xiaoxiao, and the other is the source of the soul... It is so strong that he can't stand it. This degree is stronger than Shibaid and closer to the one named Jin Minjun.

Jin Minjun? Yes, it's him. This time he came to the moon world to save his sister from him. Why is he still in a coma? What the hell are you doing?

Lu Yuanhan's consciousness woke up again, and he almost tried his best to barely open his eyes.

This is a very ordinary bungalow, like the kind of hut common in southern rural areas. He found himself lying on a piece of wood**, surrounded by Jiang Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping with his hands clenched.

"Are you awake?" The woman asked coldly.

Jiang Xiaoxiao immediately looked up when she heard the voice and saw that Lu Yuanhan, who had woken up, almost screamed and rushed into his arms. Tears filled her eyes, and her mouth kept repeating: "Great."

Lu Yuanhan has no time to take care of Jiang Xiaoxiao's emotions. He can feel that this woman's soul is definitely Yueshi.

He looked at the woman, with a beautiful face, a perfect figure, and a beauty who could not be picky from any angle. She stood there, motionless, but the source of courage kept pouring out so strong that it was difficult to breathe.

Such a source... seems to imply that she is one of the twelve masters of the lunar world.

If this is the case, Jiang Xiaoxiao and I will definitely die. Lu Yuanhan frowned, held his breath, and thought about how to bring the swordless on the table in the distance.

"You don't have to be nervous," the woman stood up and walked to Lu Yuanhan. "I know what you're thinking."

Jiang Xiaoxiao wiped her eyes and looked back at this beautiful woman with long black hair - she even felt inferior at first glance. You should know that Jiang Xiaoxiao was known as the school beauty in the human world, but when Jiang Xiaoxiao saw her, she felt gloomy every moment.

Such a peerless beauty saved Lu Yuanhan, making Jiang Xiaoxiao feel a sense of crisis and can't help but be jealous - how good such a powerful person I would be, I can protect Yuanhan all the time.

"Do you know Jin Minjun?" Lu Yuanhan is not afraid.

The woman smiled and said disdainfully, "The man who was under house arrest? Oh, I'm self-righteous with the advantage of aristocrats. I don't know why I hide your sister and don't let the moon world know. That kind of person... I'd rather not know.

Lu Yuanhan clenched his fist and was a little nervous - it seemed that his previous speculation was correct. He asked tentatively, "Are you also the lord of the cabinet?"

"September Moon Pavilion Lord, Tianlian'er."

Jiang Xiaoxiao and Lu Yuanhan's bodies trembled and were a little scared - the cabinet master was so powerful that people could not imagine. Is she here to kill us? Jiang Xiaoxiao stared at Tianlian'er and was timid.

"Lord?" Even if Lu Yuanhan had already suspected that she was the cabinet owner, he would still be a little nervous when he heard Tianlian's confirmation. After all, after the battle with Sbaide, he knew how strong the cabinet master level was.

"Are you not with Jin Minjun or Shibaid?" Lu Yuanhan asked again.

"Remember," Tianlianer took the sword from her waist and played with her back to Lu Yuanhan. "The less you know, the safer it is. The two people you mentioned have no contact with me at all."

Lu Yuanhan understood that if he said anything wrong, he might also implicate Jiang Xiaoxiao. He knew that he could not get any news about his sister from the female cabinet owner, so he had to ask, "The three moonguard friends I know in the human world... How are they?"

"All are in a coma. Yu Yuan and Yu Tiejun are fine, after all, they have their own cabinet owners to protect them. As for--" Tianlian said with a disdainful smile, "Oh, as for your little girlfriend, she is Jin Minjun's subordinate, which is more or less auspicious. That girl is really bold. She has feelings for human beings and violates the regulations.