Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 49 The Truth Seven Years Ago

The trap has no heart, and every cell is crying and ingesting together. The darkest wells are hidden in the night. At the moment of the day when you don't need to eat, just because of the desire to eat, the space of life is open, and the remaining trap is not allowed to enter here. It leaves its fat-accumulated body, the fat and winding intestines, the facial folds that shake layers if you walk, and the stomach that fully open every folds. And the big feet that are swollen like water-filled pork.

The words written by fat are dark in the night. At the moment when the desire swells, when the trap of greed for food barks wildly, only food can stop the ghost's hell crying, and only desire can explain how innocent food becomes the stain of the moon warrior's rejection trap.

When the world enters the night again, when human beings become a trap again, the crime is the lightest, and the trap commits the most crimes.

"Has Xia Yi fallen asleep?" Jin Minjun stood under the moon and said with his back to Lu Yuanhan.

"Hmm. She slept." Lu Yuanhan was still surprised by Jin Minjun's meditation strength - he came to Jin Minjun so lightly, or was quickly noticed by Jin Minjun. Lu Yuanhan asked, "What's the matter with you asking me to come here?"

"Aren't you curious?" Jin Minjun looked at the moon and said, "Since the day Xia Yi disguised herself as a transfer student, you began to wonder about everything about her and why I sent her to monitor you."

"Hmm..." Lu Yuanhan turned his eyes. Although he heard something about Xia Yi, he still knew little about the current information, and Xia Yi also seemed to have lost the memory of why she died seven years ago from the beginning.

"It's time, you can know," Jin Minjun turned around and looked at the teenager who had been concerned since he was born, but changed the topic. "How much do you know about your father Lu Yesheng?"

Lu Yuanhan didn't expect that Jin Minjun's topic would be so jumpy. He replied, "It can be said that I don't understand it at all. I only know that he was one of the deputy cabinet owners 60 years ago, and I don't know anything else."

"Do you know which deputy cabinet he is?" Jin Minjun asked back. Seeing Lu Yuanhan shaking his head, Jin Minjun said, "He is the deputy cabinet owner of the October Pavilion where my brother Jin Minzhong is located. Now the October Pavilion Lord Tian Ding was only the third moon guard at that time."

When Lu Yuanhan appeared in the July Pavilion, Tianding stared at Lu Yuanhan's face and exclaimed, as if he remembered Lu Yesheng's face.

Although Lu Yuanhan's name has been repeatedly mentioned in the moon world in the past year, few people know that he is the son of Lu Yesheng.

"No!" Lu Yuanhan said blankly, "The information given to me by theku man said that Tianding was the cabinet owner who took office after the Yueyu War, but why did you say that Jin Minzhong was the cabinet owner, my father was the deputy cabinet owner, and Tianding was only the third?"

"This may also be a reason why Jin Minzhong has a grudge against my father... You don't know that Jin Tian, the head of the cabinet who died 80 years ago, is the father of Jin Minzhong and me."

Lu Yuanhan looked stunned. Jin Minjun shook his head and said, "I knew you would react like this. At that time, Jin Minzhong and Tianding both reached the cabinet master level, and my father Jin Tian first chose Jin Minzhong as the cabinet master, ready to transfer Tianding to other cabinets as cabinet owners.

"But Tianding refused. He said that he preferred the October Pavilion, and he was the same as the Shui Wuying Law at that time - according to seniority, so let your father Lu Ye, who was not as strong as him, become the deputy cabinet owner. You should not know that Shui Wumeng was even the fifth at that time.

"It's just that Jin Minzhong's personality is really not liked by his father. In the end, he abolished the position of cabinet master of Jin Minzhong and forced Tianding to become the cabinet owner of October. I'm afraid this matter has always made Jin Minzhong hold a grudge. And later, my father seemed to have the idea of passing on the position of the head of the cabinet to me, which was simply adding fuel to the fire for Jin Minzhong.

"Until 80 years ago, after my father was killed by Wangu, Xiao Nanhuo and Jin Minzhong, Jin Minzhong once again took the position of October Pavilion Lord and even under house arrest. This house arrest lasted for 20 years. It was not until 60 years ago, after Jin Minzhong rebelled with the eternal, and his two hearts found Tianding who had been under house arrest somewhere. He found the magic star and helped him lift Tianding's spell, so that Tianding, who had disappeared for 20 years, see the sun again. It was also that year that your father Lu Yesheng fled to the human world with the dead people.

Although Lu Yuanhan has experienced countless incredible things in the past few months, he still did not expect that his father had such a history with Jin Minzhong and Tianding.

Jealousy, power and hatred can often destroy people's pride.

Jin Minzhong is jealous, but Tianding always has two hearts and never give up. Jin Minzhong is jealous of Jin Minjun, but Jin Minjun always has Jin Tian's appreciation and promotion,

The crisp pride is full of foam. If you die with a knife, you can see the smelly and rotten inferiority complex. In addition, if inferiority does not emit rotten buds in the depths, climbs full of maggots that do not see the sun, and humble death becomes a dynamic humus, how can pride bloom?

Proud people are afraid of the bottom of their feet, mud entanglement, and rotten. Hasn't every arbitrator, who is great and wears a coat, never had a small word?

The world is so big that whether it is Jin Minjun or Jin Minzhong, it is only their pride to protect themselves. Make them proud, or they will choose to die. As an arbitrator, Jin Tian, the great man, should be satisfied with this ending.

"It seems a little far away, but only by talking about your father can we explain everything to you."

Jin Minjun's words turned around, and Lu Yuanhan knew that more shocking news was coming.

"At the beginning, your father lived with the dry people. Until 20 years ago, they did something that shocked the moon world and the feather world - they carried out a small-scale attack on the feather world, which obviously violated the agreement between the two worlds after the Yueyu War more than 200 years ago. The feather world promised that the feathers would only move in the feather world, but People in the moon world can't enter the feather world. After this happened, Yujie immediately sent people to negotiate, and after some twists and turns, Yu did not pursue it.

Lu Yuanhan's eyes were solemn, and he understood why Zhang Yize and others were in the human world.

The so-called attack is just a way to recruit talents for ages, and their Italian experiments can be further developed. This harvest is very big for all ages, and it has collected the hearts of three final feathers and a middle-level featherer at one time. These three final feathers are Zhang Yize's parents Zhang Sen and Liu Xu, and Zhang Sen's younger brother Yuan Dingzhen, and the middle-level feathers are Zhang Yize's uncle Zhang Lei.

Blessing from these four feathers, Wangu has successfully created countless Italian people, but Wangu is not satisfied. These Italian people can be said to be garbage, and they need more talented human beings.

Seven of the twelve cabinet owners in the dark moon world are Italians. Of these seven, only the blood-eating Italians transformed from human beings, while the other six are the souls of the soul area. Wangu found in a large amount of experimental data that among people in the field, the human body is much stronger than the soul. Just like these seven, except for Chahong, which is slightly stronger than blood-eating, others are weaker than blood-eating.

Wangu entered a state of madness and began to search for various human beings with high-spiritual sources in the human world. Blood-eating was of course the first thing he saw, but Wangu was still not satisfied. Finally, he found that there was a place called Shizhen in the human world, among which there were many human beings with high-spiritual sources, so he began to be crazy in Shizhen in the human world for ten years. Crazy experiment.

It was that year that Lu Yesheng met Lu Yuanhan's mother Qiu Xinjin. The two fell in love crazily. Lu Yesheng ignored the dissuasion of the dry man and decided to use the special human body of the dry man and began the life of ordinary people with Qiu Xinjin.

In that year, the Lu family and the Xia family happened to become neighbors. After Xia Yi's parents Xia Kai and Pan Hehe, who already had a good source, became neighbors with Lu Yesheng, the source was even better.

Twenty years ago, Xia Yi was only four years old. Her natural source is stronger and better, and because she grew up near Lu Yesheng, her talent is more obvious. Of course, this cannot escape the eternal search network.

So Xia Yi became the second goal of the ages, but at that time Xia Yi was too young. Two years later, Ji Xiaoji was born. His natural source is stronger than Xia Yi. It can be said that he has entered ecstasy. He is waiting for a better moment, that is, the next year.

This year is the year when Lu Yuanhan, Zhang Yize and Jiang Xiaoxiao were born.

As soon as Jiang Xiaoxiao was born, her soul was sealed by the withered people. Lu Yuanhan's birth completely shocked Wan Gu and others. Jin Minzhong soon found that Lu Yuanhan's soul had the feeling of Lu Yesheng. He would never believe that Lu Yesheng would be so bold to form a family in the human world.

After Jin Min's investigation, it was finally confirmed that Lu Yuanhan was Lu Yesheng's son.

Wangu is waiting for the growth of Lu Yuanhan, Ji Xiaoji and Xia Yi, and the withered people are also waiting.

In these 20 years, there has been a lot of friction between the dead and the ages, which is nothing more than the ancient experiment and the dead people have begun to obstruct. The dead man understands that what the ages want most must be Ji Xiaoji and Xia Yi. The dead man must not let the ages succeed. When he takes action, he wants to gather the hearts of Ji Xiaoji and Xia Yi just right.

Twelve years ago, when Xia Yi was 12 years old, Wan Gu felt that the time was ripe. He sent Zhang Sen and Yuan Dingzhen to ask them to kill Xia Yi's parents and capture Xia Yi alive, but the dry man, HD Yang, Shan Xue and Shan Ling went out at the same time that night, completely preventing Zhang Sen and Yuan Dingzhen, and also made Xia Yi's family successfully trust the dead people. .

"That night, Jin Minzhong attacked Lu Yesheng, who was walking with you. At that time, Lu Yesheng, who was walking with you, had no chance to fight with Jin Minzhong. Although Lu Yesheng was forcibly stopped by Xiao Nanhuo not long after the battle began, Lu Yesheng had fallen into a pool of blood."

Lu Yuanhan trembled all over - the truth of the matter was like this.

He clenched his fist. Although he had endured to the limit, he never burst out - he had to wait for Jin Minjun to finish speaking.

"But, as you know--" Jin Minjun's eyes were clear and he whispered, "Lu Yesheng is not dead."