Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 50 The Truth Seven Years Ago

Only meat is allowed to be cut, no bleeding, no more, no less.

The dazzling gold in the moonlight has never been measured so accurately. No one promised that they would go to hell, and no one did not promise that they would die.

Before the camel passes through the eye of the needle, there is no obvious boundary between miser, profligates, upside down conscience liars, shear robbers and greedy people. How can human beings accurately grasp the degree of life and wealth? Human hands reach out to ask for, which day, which second, which innocent person's blood is stained, and who will get a pass to the trap or the moon world?

Why do you give human desires without allowing them to expand arbitrarily? What is wantonness and what is a god? That day, between black and white, between countless deep and shallow grays, human beings shifted a little on the road to destruction - please believe that the trap was once given white desire like the moon.

Lu Yuanhan lowered his head and asked, "So, where is my father now?"

"No one knows," Jin Minjun said, "we only know that he is a high spiritual enlightener who has imposed the idea of changing a city life on that body that will never change, and we don't know where he has gone as a moon warrior himself."

Lu Yuanhan remembered the subsequent events very clearly. Several months of guards came to inspect his father's funeral. If it was correct, he should have come to search for Jin Minzhong and others where Lu Yesheng's body was located. After the funeral, Qiu Xinjin moved home with him. A year later, Qiu Xinjin married Ling Yuze.

"Xia Yi has been living under the protection of dry people. It's just that ten years ago, Wangu sent Zhang Sen and Zhang Lei again. This time his goal was Ji Xiaoji, but it was a pity that the dry man could not be saved in time this time.

Lu Yuanhan closed his eyes - it seems that Ji Xiaoji's tragedy is indeed related to the Zhang family. What would happen if all this was learned by Ji Xiaoji?

Ji Xiaoji's parents tried their best to save him. When the dead people arrived, only Ji Xiaoji, who had begun to mutate, was saved. This was the last Italian experiment in the ages. Ji Xiaoji's parents failed to survive, and theku man saved the dying Ji Xiaoji and made him a rare master among Italian people of the same age. From then on, theku man began to form his ultimate planning team.

Another year later, Lu Yuanhan's sister Ling Yuchen was born, and her birth was even more sensational than Lu Yuanhan's birth. Until seven years ago, a civil war between feathers broke out in the human world, which made Jin Minjun and the dry man directly contact.

Seven years ago, Zhang Yize's parents accidentally learned about a plan of Wangu and others. The key figure of this plan turned out to be Zhang Yiyan, Zhang Sen's youngest son, who was ten years old and Zhang Yiyan was seven years old that year.

Wangu took a fancy to Zhang Yiyan - Zhang Sen's two sons are extremely talented. They have reached the strength of the first-level feathers at birth, and both of them have excellent IQ, and Zhang Yiyan's talent and talent are stronger than Zhang Yize.

Naturally, Zhang Sen could not tolerate Wan Gu's idea of hitting his son and had many quarrels with Wangu. Wan Gu, who was cruel, knew that Zhang Sen and Liu Xu could no longer stay, and suddenly had the intention to kill. He persuaded Yuan Dingzhen and Zhang Lei and began a conspiracy.

The four feathers of the ancient faction went to attack Xia Yi again, saying that although the Italian experiment had stopped, Xia Yi's rare high-spirited human beings were precious materials and could not be wasted like this, so they let the four feathers capture Xia Yi again.

Wan Gu also said to Liu Xu: Xia Yi is well protected by the dry people. Such a large-scale attack of high featherers will definitely be discovered by the moon world, and it is uncertain to send the cabinet master to Shizhen. He promised Liu Xu that although it was dangerous, this was the last task, and he would let the Zhang family return to the feather world after completion.

"And the cabinet owner who was sent to the human world that day happened to be me," Jin Minjun said. "The dead people and others did not have the opportunity to save Xia Yi, because they were attacked by Jin Minzhong and Xiao Nanhuo halfway. Wan Gu's order to the two of them is that they don't have to fight to the death, just procrastinate.

The subsequent events went in the most tragic direction - Xia Yi's father Xia Kai was seriously injured by Zhang Lei on the way home, and Hu Hu, an experiment used to investigate the data of Italians at that time, solved Xia Kai.

The five people went all the way into Xia Yi's home. At that time, Yuan Dingzhen asked Zhang Sen to take action and sneaked on Zhang Sen and Liu Xu when he was unprepared.

How could Zhang Sen and Liu Xu expect that their brother Yuan Dingzhen would take action against them, and then began a fierce battle at Xia Yi's home. Under such a high feather battle, Xia Yi and her mother Pan Hehe naturally could not escape the impact and died tragically in their fierce battle, and no one was aware of it.

Lu Yuanhan's face was already full of anger. At the age of 17, he was naturally young and frivolous. What he wanted to do most was to rush into Zhang Sen's house, question him, and even torture him.

"Calm down first, I know what you think," Jin Minjun saw what Lu Yuanhan thought at a glance. "It's over. As far as the current situation is, Zhang Sen is very important to us. If you kill him, Zhang Yize will definitely become your enemy. You think you need another enemy at this time. People?"

Lu Yuanhan obviously did not eliminate his anger because of these words. He stood in place, clenched his fists and listened to Jin Minjun continue to tell the truth seven years ago.

When Jin Minjun arrived at the scene, Hu Hu had killed Liu Xu, who was dying by Yuan Dingzhen. Zhang Sen, who was beside him, had fallen into a bitter battle with Yuan Dingzhen and could not save his wife at all.

Yuan Dingzhen naturally noticed the appearance of Jin Minjun and escaped from the house when he was unprepared. Jin Minjun only saw three bodies and Zhang Sen, who was crying with bruises all over his body.

At that time, Xia Yi was not dead and dying. It was her mother who had been protecting her with her own body.

When Jin Minjun was preparing to execute Zhang Sen, who violated the defeated regulations, the dry man finally arrived. At that time, Jin Minjun and the withered man had not seen each other for 53 years.

At that time, Jin Minjun stubbornly believed that the withered man was one of the culprits who killed his father. He was very uncalmly fighting with the dead man, but the three female deputy cabinet owners behind the dead came to fight against Jin Minjun.

At that time, the dead man walked next to Xia Yi and picked up the 17-year-old Xia Yi. Xia Yi interrupted his breath in the arms of the dead man.

After this misunderstanding battle, Jin Minjun was naturally defeated by the dead man, but the dead man did not kill Jin Minjun, but brought Jin Minjun and Zhang Sen to his stronghold.

In his stronghold, the dead man told Jin Minjun the truth 80 years ago. Naturally, Jin Minjun did not believe it. When the dead man transferred all the evidence to Jin Minjun, he had to accept such a fact. From that day on, Jin Minjun and the dead man began to establish contact.

Also from that day, Zhang Sen safely handed over Zhang Yize to the dry man for guidance.

"The dry man failed to find the soul of Xia Yi's parents in the human world. I'm afraid it has become a trap or been eaten by the trap. Anyway, it has completely disappeared. Fortunately, the dry man still found Xia Yi's soul. The dry man erased Xia Yi's memory of that night. More than a year later, let me take Xia Yi to the soul area, and finally trained him to become a qualified moonguard. You all know what happened later."

After hearing all this, Lu Yuanhan trembled all over - if Lu Yesheng had not become a neighbor with Xia Yi's family in those years, and if Xia Yi had not often played with Lu Yuanhan when he was a child, Xia Yi's family would not have encountered such a tragedy.

It is my responsibility to cause such a tragedy! Lu Yuanhan deeply blamed himself.

"Then why... you sent Xia Yi to spy on me." Lu Yuanhan asked.

"The person who came to monitor you is not me, but the new stone," Jin Minjun replied. "After the tragedy seven years ago, the dry man and I sealed the swordless - your soul can no longer rise, which will bring danger to more people around you. The dead know that you will not take action until the day you grow up. Until a year ago, you had been in that high school for a year, and you have had more or less contact with Zhang Yize and Ji Xiaoji. The three of you have the ability to be independent. Theku man decided to lift your seal so that the people in the moon world can find you, and his ultimate plan has finally entered a substantial development. Step by step.

After lifting the seal of Lu Yuanhan's soul source, he was noticed by Xinshi in a very short time. He sent Yueshi to Lu Yuanhan many times to investigate. Even though he was unbelievable, he finally confirmed that Lu Yuanhan was the son of Lu Yesheng.

In April, Xinshi finally decided to send Yuewei Yuyuan to conduct a thorough investigation of Lu Yuanhan.

In the past year, Lu Yuanhan's name has been mentioned the most in the moon world. Not only Xinshi, but also Shuangxin and Baiye are very interested in Lu Yuanhan - although Shixinshi did not tell everyone that Lu Yuanhan was the son of Lu Yesheng, after he disclosed the composition of Lu Yuanhan's soul and blood relationship at the cabinet meeting, this unprecedented source still caused a sensation.

"I understand that I must not let Shi Xinshi investigate you alone. Knowing all this, I can't watch because of Shi Shi's intervention to destroy the plan of the dead people, so I decided to send Xia Yi to contact you anyway. In this way, under Xia Yi's mistake, you will inevitably have contact with the dead people and will not appear engraved. It's more like a coincidence," Jin Minjun said, "so that you, Zhang Yize and Ji Xiaoji can unite at the right time. And this is also the reason why I later concealed the moon world and let Xia Yi become your deskmate.

The question that puzzled Lu Yuanhan for several months was finally answered in this long night talk. Lu Yuanhan clenched his fist and asked, "So, what are we going to do next?"

"Do whatever you want. What's the reason for your coming to the moon world?

Why did I come to the moon? Of course, it is to save Yuchen and Xia Yi! Lu Yuanhan looked at the moon in the sky, clenched the sword in his waist, and his eyes sparkled. He swore in his heart: Whether the opponent is Shibaid, Jin Minzhong, or even eternal, I must live to bring Yuchen back to Shizhen!