Fairy Sword

Chapter 151 Baikunlun's orphan daughter met her father and chased the lake monster on a snowy night

The two rode the snowy mountain white cow and galloped forward for miles. Suddenly, the white cow stopped running in a hurry and immediately returned back. Wuyu and Xiaoqian immediately jumped down and looked curiously at the distant bull king. Wuyu hurriedly checked the surrounding areas carefully and whispered to Xiaoqian, "This cow king suddenly returned. I think there is something here that scares it..."

Xiaoqian nodded, and then walked forward with Wuyu. The further she went, the colder the air became. Xiaoqian quickly took out the clothes she had prepared in advance. The two of them put them on their bodies and suddenly felt much warmer. Wuqi looked at Xiaoqian, who was red with a cold face and smiled, "The two of us have been through a winter. When It's really interesting..."

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, and suddenly the snow fell a lot on the top of Xuegu Mountain. He suddenly said in horror, "No! I am familiar with the sound of this mythical beast. When it was at the Ghost King Gate, the giant lion had such a roar! Let's get out of here!!!" With that, he pulled Xiaoqian up and ran forward!

Dozens of snow-white giant lions appeared in front of him! Wu was shocked and was about to turn back, but he saw that there were exactly the same beasts around him! Xiaoqian said tremblingly, "Uncle! ~~~What should we do now!? Wuqi shook his head and said, "Don't make a sound, let alone run around, or they will tear us to pieces immediately!" These giant lions are invulnerable, and even my sword spirit is difficult to kill them. It seems that we are more and less lucky today!"

The two stood quietly and did not dare to move. They saw the group of giant lions roaring around the two people and whispered, "Hear my back immediately!" Xiaoqian immediately followed it, and then roared, and saw a giant lion suddenly rushing towards the two of them! Other snow lions have also followed suit!

In an instant, he took out the purple cloud sword, and then went to Xiaoqian's sword. The snow lions immediately fiercely pursued them and asked loudly, "How far is it from here to the top of Kunlun Mountain!" Xiaoqian replied loudly, "It seems that you can't arrive until sunset!" After listening, the snow lions chased persistently below, and their speed was extremely fast. If the purple cloud sword lost its strength for a while, it would be really bad!

Seeing that the snow lions were about to chase in front of them, and the purple cloud sword was also flying lower and lower, Xiaoqian immediately shouted, "Uncle! Fly to the top of the mountain!!" Wuqi shook his head and said, "The air pressure on the top of the mountain is extremely strong. Without waiting to fly to the top of the mountain, we will fall from the void to the ground and smash to pieces!"

At this time of urgency, Ziyunjian suddenly lost its strength. Wuyu and Xiaoqian immediately fell down. Wuyu immediately held Xiaoqian tightly and suddenly waved a palm to the ground. The palm immediately shook a snow lion flying on the ground to crack its internal organs, and then fell to the ground and died. Wuyu took advantage of his palm. The power fell into the void again, and the two fought for a moment, but in an instant they fell down again...

With no inspiration, he immediately said loudly to Xiaoqian, "Protect your head with Cabernet Sauvignon! I'm going to push you out of this dangerous place!" With that, he suddenly pushed Xiaoqian out dozens of feet away, and then took a deep breath of elixir, and his body also fell straight down to the lion group below, but he heard a shocking scream, and then the snow glaciers on the top of the snowy mountain immediately fell down one after another...

saw the roar of an avalanche in the snow valley, and then the group of snow lions were buried in it one after another. Although the snow lions were big, they were extremely afraid of the avalanche and immediately fainted by the weight of 10,000 catties of snow, and then the valley regained tranquility. ....

For a long time, Wuyu crawled out of the thick snowdrift and looked around. He saw that the snow lions were lying quietly on the ground. Some of them were already angry and died. They were busy looking for Xiaoqian's traces. Suddenly, Xiaoqian turned over and climbed out of the snow, and her head was protected in front of her with Cabernet Sauvignon. She quickly said loudly to Wuyi: "Uncle! I'm here!"

He said in surprise, "Are you all right!?" Xiaoqian said mischievously, "I should ask you this!" The two laughed and continued to walk in front of the valley until sunset before they came to a snow path up the mountain. They looked at the steep cliff and shook their heads and said, "This is really dangerous. If a mortal climbs up, it will fall down."

Xiaoqian nodded and said, "Uncle is right. This is the only road to the top of the mountain!" With that, he took out a short knife, inserted it, crawled slowly, and waved the purple cloud sword. The two of them climbed to the top of the mountain with difficulty.

In a short time, Wuyu felt difficult to breathe, and his mind was blank. It turned out that the top of the mountain was extremely high. If you crawled for the first time, you would have a plateau reaction, so there was such a situation. Xiaoqian smiled and said, "Uncle, hold on. After waiting here, you won't work so hard!"

Wu cursed: "It's not good for this moon mirror fairy to put his residence, but he wants to settle here. It's really evil..." Suddenly, they saw a flat path coming, and the two immediately walked along, without feeling that they were breathing.

Xiaoqian pointed to a castle in front of her and said, "That's the house of the Kunlun Sword School," Wu nodded and said, "It turns out that the Xuanmen residences in the world are so elegant," she took a few steps forward, and suddenly there was a thunderous roar, and then two extremely huge black lions rushed to them!!!

After seeing this, Wuqi was shocked and whispered to Xiaoqian, "When you came last time, did you have these two things..." Xiaoqian also said with great fear, "I've never seen it. I think it's been guarding in front of this mountain gate recently..." However, the two tall black lions strode to the two of them, and suddenly stretched out their huge claws and patted them!!!

Xiaoqian pushed out the attack range of the two black lions, and then carried the elixir. She raised her hands high and immediately caught the huge lion's claws. The black lion suddenly felt that an extremely strong force came from her body, and then shouted loudly and threw the black lion into the air!

Without waiting for the black lion to fall to land, he immediately rushed to hit his huge body far away. Suddenly, a palm attack and was caught off guard. Suddenly, he was shot more than ten feet by another black lion. The black lion in the air immediately fell to the ground, and then two black lions rushed up!

Xiaoqian shouted, "Uncle, be careful!!!" Wuqi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can still deal with these two!" With that, he got up and rushed to the fierce beast. The two black lions seemed to be shocked when they saw that Wuyi rushed towards them, and then roared and fought with Wuyi.

How can Wuyi care about these two beasts? He immediately used his Shura palm and slapped the two beasts to the ground one by one, and then they rushed up again and shook them away again. After so many tossing, the two black lions dared not come closer to the front. He waved his hand to Xiaoqian proudly, and then the two walked to the Black Lion.

The two giant beasts were still staring at them and were about to attack again, but they heard a voice shouting, "Sirvil beast! Don't retreat!!!" Wu Wei quickly looked up and saw a brilliant man standing in front of the castle not far away. Xiaoqian immediately shouted, "Dad!!!"

Then he rushed to the man's side and saw that the two giant lions had retreated dejectedly. He felt relieved and hurriedly hugged his fists and said, "It turned out to be Brother Li. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

That man was Li Yi, Xiaoqian's biological father. Li Yi saw that there was no slander and quickly arched his hand and said, "I came thousands of miles to escort my daughter. It bothers you. Please go to the city to talk about it!" Then he led Xiaoqian with no rejoice and joy to the castle.

Seeing that the city was wide and square, like a solid fortress, he entered the hall and suddenly felt extremely hot. He quickly removed his cotton-padded clothes and looked around puzzledly. Xiaoqian hurriedly explained to Wuyi, "Although this is a snowy mountain, this castle is the only blessed place on the top of the snowy mountain, and there are A dark volcano, so there is no need to burn fire to keep warm in the city. Naturally, it is extremely mild. Uncle wears so much that he will definitely feel hot!"

Wuyu nodded and said, "The world's affairs are really wonderful," and then Li Yi came to the guest hall. Li said politely, "Please be here later. I'll go and come!" Speaking of leaving the hall, he looked at Xiaoqian curiously and said, "Your father doesn't seem to be surprised by your arrival!"

Xiaoqian nodded and said glancholy, "Although Kunlun Mountain is located in a partial Yu, the news is very well-informed. As early as a few months ago, my father thought he knew about Xuanyimen..." Fearless that she would be happy and sad, he quickly changed the topic and said, "It seems that you can stay here for a longer time!"

Xiaoqian shook her head and said, "Although I want to be with my father, I still don't want to live in this snowy mountain, so I will suffocate." Wuyu sighed and said, "Let's make a finale when Brother Li comes back!"

However, Li Yi and several subordinates walked to Wuyu with a lot of strange fruits. Wuyu hurriedly said respectfully, "It makes me deeply uneasy that my seniors treat me so well!" Li Yi sighed and said, "You are kind to my wife and daughter. I, Li Yi, have been difficult to repay. I have known the change of Xuanyimen for a long time, and... Kind of her..."

With that, she shed tears. Seeing Li Yi's so emotionalness, she hurriedly scolded Zu Xiaoxian for being unkind and unjust. Xiaoqian also picked up the package with tears and said, "Dad! My mother's ashes are here. Please find a safe place to bury them..." Li Yi trembled and took the bones of Le Xinci, and then said to them, "Well, since this is the case, I will arrange it so that Xinci can enter the earth as soon as possible. Brother, let Xiaoqian take you around the city!" With that, he bowed deeply and arranged things.

Xiaoqian walked to the guest room with Wu Wei and said to Wu Wei, "Uncle, there are no guests in Kunlun Mountain all year round. There are many beds and rooms here. You can choose whatever you want!" Wuyu nodded and said, "You're welcome. I'll stay here for a few days and then go down the mountain!" Xiaoqian shook her head and said, "Let's stay here for a while, and then I'll go back to the Qingxu Valley with you!"

Li Yi arranged a happy and kind place to bury her bones. When tomorrow, she will bury her bones, and then let someone arrange a dinner party. Please drink together and ask curiously, "Why didn't you see the fairy in the door!" Li Yi smiled and said, "My master has always been uncertain about his whereabouts. He went to this snowy mountain to practice alone a few days ago!"

Late at night, Wuyu lay alone on the bed in the guest room and couldn't sleep for a long time. Thinking of what had happened recently, she really didn't know what to do. She remembered that Lingwa was still in Yaowang Mountain and didn't know how she was now. Suddenly, she heard a very low noise outside the window. Wuyu immediately turned over and looked down the city.

I saw a figure flashing very quickly in the wilderness in the distance, and I was shocked! He thought that there might be a master of the Ming Palace who chased him in Kunlun Mountain, and then he dared not make a sound. He quietly put on his clothes and gently pushed the window lattice and jumped out to the city.

The moonlight shone through the whole snowy mountain. Looking at the snow from afar, there was not a single footprint left. Thinking that the man's light skills were extremely skillful, he immediately rushed to chase the man away!

After chasing him for a long time, he saw that the man still seemed to distance himself. He felt a little in his heart. This man was an extremely smart master of Xuanmen, and he did not dare to be careless, so he secretly followed the man forward. I don't know how long it took, but the man seemed to come to a lake and then stopped quietly. Come down.

He stopped and looked around, afraid that the man would have strong support here. Unexpectedly, no one appeared quietly around him, and the surrounding landscape was very different from the cold snowy mountains when he came! There are green grass and pine trees everywhere. It turns out that this area is a volcanic area. After years, this place has formed a sharp contrast with the front of the mountain.

The man quietly hid behind a stone platform by the lake and leaned over without a look. Suddenly, there was a low roar behind him, and then a snow wolf appeared a few feet behind him! After seeing it, he was shocked. The man immediately noticed it and suddenly jumped into the lake, but saw that something seemed to roll in the lake, and then he regained his calm...

Seeing that the snow wolf rushed at him with its fangs, he immediately slapped it to the ground and was about to leave, but he saw that the man suddenly reached his side and slapped him! Wuyi hurriedly waved his palm and slapped the man. The man's palm hit Wuyi's palm. Wuyi immediately felt a chill in his body, and the man was also shocked and withdrew ten feet away.

But he heard the angry saying, "You damn thing, I've been waiting here for several months. Finally, the monster appeared, but you scared me away! It's really bad for me!" Wuqi looked at the man carefully through the moonlight and saw a white-haired old man. Wuqi said shyly, "Please forgive me for my ignorance and disturbing your big event. I will apologize to you!"

The old man frowned and said, "Where are you from, boy!? How dare you come to the top of this snowy mountain? He hurriedly said his intention. The old man nodded and said, "That's the case, then you have to make some compensation for your mistakes!" He asked puzzledly, "How to compensate!"

The old man smiled and said, "I'm here waiting for the monster to appear!" After listening to this, he meditated for a while, and had to agree. Then the two of them chatted behind the stone platform and asked curiously, "What's your name, senior!" The old man smiled and said, "I can go in and out freely in this snowy mountain. Don't you know who I am!"

After listening to it, he suddenly realized, and then fell to the ground and said respectfully, "It turned out to be a fairy. Please forgive me for not knowing the real person!" The moon mirror fairy nodded and said, "That's all! Your master, old man Su and I have always been good, and I have also heard about your recent events in Xuanyimen. It's really a pity for Xiahou..."

He said puzzledly, "What exactly is the thing that the senior wants to capture?" The moon mirror fairy smiled and said, "This thing is just a lake monster in the lake, and there has been a saying in the mountain that this monster has a treasure in its mouth for a long time. I want to check what happened. At this time of year, it will appear from the water several times, so I have been waiting here for a long time."

I don't see that this old man is very similar to the white dragon real person of Xianzhuanmen. They are all naive and strange, and their behavior is strange. Is this master really like this!? Thinking of this, I secretly felt funny, but I heard the moon mirror fairy say, "Last time my disappointing disciple Li Yi lost my snow wheel sword to the hands of Zu Xiaoxian of Tianlongmen. It's really a shame of the Kunlun faction. I don't bother to ask for it. If you are interested, how about taking a start for me?"

Wu nodded and said, "That Zu Xiaoxian killed my senior sister. I will definitely find him for revenge. Please don't worry!" The moon mirror fairy nodded and then whispered, "Shh, that thing is about to appear again. Let's stop talking..."

Wuyi hurriedly held his breath and quietly hid behind the stone platform with the moon mirror fairy, but after a wave rolled in the lake, the long-necked monster appeared on the lake. The monster seemed to hold a glowing thing in its mouth. The moon mirror fairy secretly waved his hand and pointed to the left direction, and Wuyi immediately leaned to the left. Go, the two of them act separately and are about to lean against the monster.

The monster suddenly noticed something, and then plunged into the bottom of the lake. He couldn't bear to let the moon mirror fairy wait any more. He suddenly jumped into the water, and then hugged the monster's neck tightly. Then the monster struggled and dived into the bottom of the water. The moon mirror fairy had always been unsusceptible and could only watch anxiously on the shore. ......

After diving with the monster for a while, he felt that his breathing became difficult, but he still grabbed the monster desperately. After a struggle, the monster jumped out of the bottom of the lake and immediately rushed to a mountain pass!

Seeing that this thing could actually walk on the shore, he was suddenly surprised. Then he followed him, but saw that this thing had already left the lake where the moon mirror fairy was located. The thing ran faster and faster. Wuyi was anxious and was afraid that this thing would escape his sight, so he quickly took out the purple cloud sword and wanted to kill it with his sword. Down!