Fairy Sword

Chapter 152 The appearance of the ice lotus greatly increased, and the king of the snowman appeared

However, when he saw that the Ziyun sword was about to kill the monster under the sword spirit, suddenly a scream came. After listening to it, he immediately took the Ziyun sword back, but he saw a pile of small monsters shouting for the return of the thing in front of him! The thing seemed to forget the unrelented pursuit and hurriedly surrounded the cub, with an unusually kind expression...

After seeing it, he couldn't bear to disturb him again. He was about to turn around and leave quietly when suddenly there was a strange roar, and then a snow-white thing appeared from behind the mountain pass! Wu was stunned when he saw it. It looked like a human, like an ape, but its body was extremely huge! Stop and watch quietly!

But when he saw the snow-white giant walking to the lake monster, he suddenly slapped him. The lake monster couldn't dodge and was immediately slapped to the ground and rolled out. After seeing this, he was angry, and the lake monster did not attack him. Why did this thing suddenly attack randomly and immediately shouted, "You bastard! Why are you so rude!"

The thing suddenly heard Wuyi's cry, and then left the group of cubs and strode towards Wuyi. Wuyi immediately jumped on a pine tree, and was about to shoot down the purple cloud sword to kill the white strange ape. Unexpectedly, the strange ape was extremely fast and immediately jumped under the unreserved pine tree. Then he waved his hand and cut it, and the pine tree actually responded!

After seeing it, he jumped to the ground and suddenly realized that this thing was the legendary snowman monster in the snowy mountains! Then he shouted, "You damn thing has committed into my hands today. If I don't kill you, I will come out to harm the mountain creatures at will in the future!" With that, he took out his flying sword and cut off the snowman's chest!

But he saw the purple cloud sword cut to the monster's chest, and the snowman patted his chest, but he was not hurt at all! Wuyu was shocked. Why are the things in this snowy mountain so difficult to kill!? But when he saw that the snowman had jumped in front of him, he slapped him away from top to bottom! Wuqi immediately raised his palm and went against this tall snowman!

After a loud noise, Wuqi was slapped on the grass, and then the snowman was also shaken out by the unmarked palm. Seeing that the land was very soft, Wuqi crawled out laughing and pointed to the snowman and said, "You bastard, if I don't capture you alive, I will never wander in the world in the future!"

After saying that, Danyuan was transported, and then the water that was not far from the lake flew out and immediately followed the water vapor and rushed to the snowman! The monster was beaten, and his body was suddenly wet. In an instant, he jumped in front of him, and then the energy of the cold formula fell on his fingers and turned a little to the snowman. The snowman was immediately frozen in place!

Wuyi was about to use the purple cloud sword when suddenly the monster roared and threw all the ice on the ground. Wuyi patted his head and shouted, "What a fool. I know that this thing is not afraid of the cold attack!" With that, he was secretly lucky and poured the fire of Jiuyin into the soft land with the purple cloud sword!

The snowman didn't know the undiscriminated plot, shouted and rushed up to Chao Wuqi and said lightly, "You can't win if you fight so blindly!" With that, he snapped his finger, and then the already stored fire on the ground suddenly erupted, and the snowman was immediately surrounded and burned in the middle of the fire!

only heard a roar, and then the thing jumped out of the fire angrily and flew into the air and smashed it towards Wu. When he was about to jump to himself, he suddenly turned around and jumped, and then patted the back of the thing's head with his thick palm. The snowman was immediately He knocked down to the ground and fainted...

He laughed and said, "It seems that you are nothing more than that!" With that, he turned the purple cloud sword into a gas belt and tied the monster. The snowman had not woken up on the ground, so he had to be at the mercy of it. Seeing that this thing was so huge, he thought about how to bring him back to the castle.

But when he saw the lake monster coming from the side and saw that she looked very kind, he smiled and said, "This is not a suitable place for you to live. Take your child away quickly!" The lake monster stretched out its neck, as if to show intimacy, and then held something. Seeing that it was the glowing object, he asked curiously, "What is this?"

Suddenly, the lake monster suddenly wrapped Wuyu with his neck, and Wuyu suddenly suffocated, and his purple cloud sword was also tied to the snowman's body at this time. For a moment, it was difficult to defend, and he quickly blushed and said tremblingly, "What are you going to do... Let go of me..." Then he was suffocated and fainted. In the haze, the lake monster held the glowing thing and stuffed it into its mouth. Suddenly, it felt a cool intention hit its mouth, and then swallowed it into its abdomen, and then slowly turned around.

However, he saw those cubs and lake monsters surrounding the uncomplicated and looked at the lake monsters puzzled. Then the lake monsters nodded to Wuyu and walked down the mountain with the cubs. Wuqi was about to shout, but suddenly felt a torrent gushing out of his body. Suddenly, he was shocked and immediately felt that his elixir was full. It turned out that it was a tonic that naturally grew in Tianshan, but it was swallowed up by Wuyi by mistake!

There was a burst of apology in Wuyi's heart, and then thought for a moment, and then he tried his best to drag the huge snowman forward! After walking for a long time, Wuji did not find the castle of the Kunlun faction. When he was looking around, he saw the moon mirror fairy coming from afar. Seeing Wuji dragging this huge thing, he was immediately surprised and said, "How can you meet this monster!? It's really evil!"

I was embarrassed to tell the story. After hearing this, the moon mirror fairy laughed and said, "I'm also curious and don't mean to covet that divine object, and I'm old and miserable. It's not as good as a young man like you! That thing is the ice lotus of Tianshan, which can add Danyuan to the people of Xuanmen. It can be seen that your boy is blessed! Haha!"

After listening, he nodded guiltlessly, and then the two dragged the huge snowman towards the castle.

At this time, the sky was approaching the dawn. As he walked, he said to the moon mirror fairy, "Senior, why is Kunlun Mountain in such a natural danger!" The moon mirror fairy sighed and said, "Although it is dangerous in front of the mountain, you can see it behind the mountain. The climate is pleasant everywhere, and there are many beasts nearby. If I hadn't lived here for a long time, those things would have run out of the mountain to attack the people nearby, so I haven't moved for a long time!"

When Wujing listened, he suddenly became awe-inspily and hurriedly took the people in the mountain to thank the moon mirror fairy. The two came to the castle. The moon mirror fairy opened the door and dragged the monster into it. As soon as Xiaoqian got up, she was shocked to see Wuyu dragging such a monster in. Then she saw the fairy follow her up from behind. She smiled and explained to Xiaoqian, and then arranged the place where the monster lived.

The snowman was locked in a huge iron cage. At this time, he had already woken up, but he took back the purple cloud sword. Suddenly, the thing roared loudly in the iron cage. The moon mirror fairy laughed and said, "It's you who are so angry, but you are still captured by us!" Haha!" Xiaoqian also looked at the monster curiously, and then the three went to the canteen for breakfast.

After a while, in the afternoon, Li Yi was busy with things in the city. He left the castle and went down the mountain early in the morning and didn't come back until dusk. As soon as Li Yi entered the castle, he suddenly heard a roar and was immediately shocked. Then he hurried to the place of the iron cage and saw the snowman imprisoned here. , immediately stunned and speechless.

But when he saw the moon mirror fairy, he said proudly, "Haha! How about it!? From then on, I trained this thing to take care of our home! How about!?"

Li Yi looked at the moon mirror fairy for a long time, and then sighed loudly, "Alas! Master, you are so confused! How can you bring this thing to the city!? Unfortunately, I'm not in the city today. Now it's getting late and it's too late..."

After listening, he asked curiously, "Brother, what's wrong?" Li Yi pointed anxiously to the red-eyed guy in the cage and said, "This thing is wild. How can it listen to people's training!? And once the snowman is missing, they will follow the breath left on his way, and after sunset, they will all go out to rescue their companions! It seems that the Kunlun faction is dangerous today..."

The moon mirror fairy shook his head and said, "No, no, it's nonsense. Why haven't I heard of it!" Li Yi pointed to the foot of the mountain and said, "A few years ago, the hunters at the foot of the mountain worked together to catch one, but the final result was that a village was destroyed by them. Although our castle is tall, if these things are powerful, it is difficult for us to support it!"

But when he saw the moon mirror fairy suddenly laugh loudly, he patted his uncomplicated shoulder and said, "So good! Let's take the opportunity to get rid of these monsters in one fell swoop and remove a big harm for the people of Tianshan Mountain! I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time. It's exactly what I want!" After hearing this, Li Yi had to say, "I'm going to set up the defense now. You all prepare. When the sun sets, his companions will definitely come here to rescue!"

After listening to it, the moon mirror fairy said to it, "Don't blame yourself! I just like to be lively. You and Xiaoqian go and prepare to meet the enemy!" With that, he went to the canteen for dinner and said to Xiaoqian without any regret, "It's all my painstaking efforts**, but I didn't expect..." Xiaoqian said with a smile, "I haven't seen a fairy so happy for a long time!" Now that it's like this, let's just defeat those guys!"

Wuyu nodded vigorously and then waited quietly here. After a long time, the sky was getting darker and darker. Suddenly, a great shock came, but Xiaoqian said nervously, "They are coming..." After hearing this, he immediately looked at the window lattice outside the city and saw tall snowmen coming towards this side in front of the dark castle!

The moon mirror fairy laughed and said, "These things are still dog-like! Today, I'm going to walk for heaven!" With that, he suddenly jumped out of the window and jumped out without seeing it. Li Yi saw that the two were so careless and immediately sighed and said, "Master, why are you so childlike? We didn't have to pester them!" I have made a defense, and they can't rush into the city..."

Xiaoqian hurriedly stood in the high city and looked down. She saw Wuwei and the moon mirror fairy just jumped under the wall, and suddenly those huge snowmen surrounded them!

The moon mirror fairy laughed and said, "Okay! Let's have a big battle today!" With that, he threw himself on the snowmen and immediately fought with the snowmen. While he was careful about the safety of the moon mirror fairy, he also fought with the monsters around him. Suddenly, the roar under the castle was endless!

Several snowmen rushed to the castle. Li Yi immediately commanded the disciples in the city to raise the surrounding defense, but saw the iron pillar like an iron halberd rising from the ground and immediately trapped the snowmen firmly outside the wall. The snowmen immediately roared and hit the iron pillar, hitting the blood above their heads. Flying horizontally, still won't give up!

Li Yi was shocked and immediately ordered to strengthen the city defense. Then the solid stone walls rose from the ground and protected all the surrounding walls inside. Xiaoqian was relieved when she saw it, and then secretly prayed that the two could win!

However, Wuyi unfolded the purple cloud sword and fought fiercely with the snowmen. Since Wuyi took the ice lotus, the elixir suddenly rose, and the power of the purple cloud sword also soared. The skins on those snowmen were originally extremely fat, but they were cut by the unrepresented purple cloud sword and suddenly cut blood!

Seeing that he had been able to kill these monsters at this time, he was extremely excited. The moon mirror fairy waved the roaring snowman and shouted loudly to Wuwei, "These things are really tricky. You have to be careful!" Suddenly, he was hit by a snowman, and then fell to the ground. Immediately, the snowmen surrounded the moon mirror fairy!

When he saw the stop, he was shocked and was about to rush to help. Suddenly, he heard a loud shout, and then the snowmen around the moon mirror fairy were immediately blown out by a wave. The moon mirror fairy held his arms and laughed and said, "Okay! It really embarrassed me! It seems that I'm going to take some unique skills to deal with you!"

Suddenly, his surroundings soared, and then the skin on his body gradually became bigger. In an instant, the moon mirror fairy became a muscular old man. A snowman immediately roared and rushed to the moon mirror fairy. The moon mirror fairy suddenly waved his right palm, and the snowman immediately covered his chest and fell to the ground, constantly howling!

Seeing that the moon mirror fairy was so powerful, the stone hanging in his heart was put down, and then the two of them rushed violently. Suddenly, more than a dozen tall snowmen were knocked to the ground by their sword spirit and palm! Xiaoqian cheered happily. After a while, the other snowmen were also defeated by the two, and dozens of strong opponents were beaten by an old and a young man like this...

But when he saw the moon mirror fairy looking at the body of the snowman on the ground, he immediately laughed loudly and quickly pricked up his ears and said, "Senior, listen, why do I feel something wrong!" The moon mirror fairy also listened carefully, and then the earth suddenly burst into a fierce tremor. Li Yi shouted, "No! Come back soon!!!"

Before they could react, they saw a gray snowman as tall as a castle coming from a distance! Wuyu shook his head and said, "Senior, we have caused a big disaster this time. The king of this snowman has also come. It seems that we have no chance of winning!" The moon mirror fairy shook his head and said, "Don't worry! As long as we work together, we will be able to kill this monster!"

The thing walked to the two people and quietly looked at the bodies of their companions on the ground. Suddenly, they looked up to the sky and roared loudly. Wuyi suddenly felt that his ear drums seemed to be torn, but he saw that the monster suddenly grabbed a ball of white snow from the ground and then threw it on the wall. The strong wall was hit with a big hole by the snow mass!!!

Li Yi was shocked when he saw it, and then quickly commanded everyone to strengthen the city defense. However, he saw the monster constantly shooting at the wall with snowballs on the ground. After seeing it, he immediately shouted, "You guy, stop it!!!"

With that, he jumped up. When the huge snowman Wang saw Wuyu jumping towards him, he immediately waved and smashed him. He suddenly dodged behind him, and then stabbed the purple cloud sword in his back. However, the monster's fur was more than ten times thicker than those miscellaneous soldiers on the ground, no matter how he could cut it. , it only hurt a little fur...

The moon mirror fairy immediately jumped to the foot of the monster, and then shouted and was about to attack him. The snowman king was extremely fast. He immediately waved his arm and smashed down at the moon mirror fairy. The moon mirror fairy was really worthy of being the head of a generation of Xuanmen. He immediately became angry and abruptly took over this mountain-like giant. Hit!

Seeing that the moon mirror fairy was in danger, he immediately put away the purple cloud sword, carried his Shura palm, and suddenly patted the top of the snowman king's head. The giant received a strong blow and immediately collapsed on the snow. The moon mirror fairy laughed and said, "Good boy! There is yours!" Wuyu smiled and said, "Senior, be careful, this thing has really been beaten!"

The snowman king immediately stood up from the ground, and the two immediately rushed to the snowman king again! Li Yi was secretly shocked by the unretied magic power and the master's physical strength. A life-and-death war was about to begin under the castle of the Kunlun faction...