Xianxing City

Chapter 14 Confrontation

Leng Qingfeng didn't go out anymore, because he no longer had to go out to study or practice. The most important thing for him now is to recover his vitality as soon as possible. The other is to absorb and turn the light of Sirius into his own energy as soon as possible. As long as he follows the method taught by the little spirit, he can practice.

During the day, he still pretended to be indifferent, and the poor child took the disabled himself to beg for food. Before he fully recovered and gained his skills, the play had to continue, and it had to be realistic. He could not be found any flaws by Song Jun, otherwise his revenge plan would be greatly affected. Sound, only by unexpectedly appearing in front of the opponent and giving the opponent an unexpected fatal blow, that is the most effective attack method, so he still has to lurk. For this reason, when Song Jun ordered someone to open the wound he was about to heal again, he still just gritted his teeth as usual and did not resist at all, but In my heart, I fiercely wrote down another blood debt for Song Jun - this is the 34th time.

So he has to practice at night and not be found by others. In the same way, he also adopts a sleeping position. However, he slept calmly, holding his left hand on his head and his right hand on his stomach, snoring in a dream. In fact, sitting work is often used on the inner or outer disk of the knees, and the feet are placed on the thighs. It is about the palms of the two hands, the center of the feet, and the top of the head facing the sky to adopt the aura of heaven and earth. This is the most basic way of cultivation. And sleep is a kind of natural, human-oriented product, so of course, returning to nature is the way to return to nature. Therefore, since human cultivation, sleeping immortals have also emerged one after another. The most fundamental element is not the choice of posture. The road is invisible and invincible. Sometimes it is too heavy on the form. On the contrary, it is the end of the original. Silent wins the sound, and there is no move to win. The highest level of cultivation is also arbitrary. Once you enter the realm, all forms are also a kind of "persistence". But Leng Qingfeng is just starting now. He has to start from the "law" and has to follow the road index.

Xiaoling first swam through his body and combed the seven meridians and eight veins. On the one hand, he repaired the meridians burned by the wolf's light, and on the other hand, he also guided Leng Qingfeng to follow this route for a while. A cold air slowly came out of Dantian. According to the route taken by Xiaoling just now, it ran little by little. From Baihui to Yongquan, from the divine palace to Mingmen, Leng Qingfeng could feel that the cold current was getting stronger and stronger, and after it swam through it, the originally dark and scarred seven meridians and eight veins also began to brighten up, and even became more. The brighter it is, the more flexible it is. Needless to say, do it again. Leng Qingfeng has an extraordinary aura at this point. Without Xiaoling's guidance again, he already knows what to do.

"Master, how are you feeling now?" After running five times in a row, Xiaoling asked with concern that in fact, it had clearly felt that the flashing meridians of Leng Qingfeng were as smooth as a highway.

Leng Qingfeng nodded with approval. At this moment, he also felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable.

"Now we try to run the light of Sirius."

Qing Mang finally jumped out of Dantian and rushed straight up along the governor's vein.

"Master, bite the tip of your tongue and swallow the blood." Xiaoling shouted anxiously.

Leng Qingfeng bit the tip of his tongue and swallowed his blood. The light of Sirius immediately slowed down. It turned out that the light of Sirius was the most blood-eating. When it saw the blood, it immediately absorbed it, and the light became brighter and brighter, even some dark purple. This is the familiar taste of blood. When it first fell from the sky, it tasted greedily. The child man's chaotic and stainless blood was sweet and delicious. Under the nourishment of this sweet blood, the light of Sirius stopped restlessness and tends to be quiet. Under the infiltration of such delicious blood, it is not beautiful to enjoy It's not the nature of Sirius. With the continuous strengthening of this infiltration, the light of Sirius began to be absorbed little by little, and the cold green front also became stronger day by day, and the cold air became stronger and stronger. But he is very restrained. Even if Xiaoling doesn't remind himself, he will restrain himself. Before revenge, he can't let anyone see what has changed, especially Song Jun.

After a week of recovery, the body has basically recovered as before, and the light of Sirius can also run with his own thoughts in the body. Leng Qingfeng feels very comfortable. Although the appearance is still the former Leng Qingfeng, it can be said that the body has been reborn Leng Qingfeng. This feeling is still increasing day by day. When he sits in the car begging every day, he no longer feels pain and pain. On the contrary, his mind will go far through the moment. He can feel the sound of whose coins falling to the ground on the other street, and the man on the other road must be here. He can feel the depths of the earth. A cold current is being inhaled into his body intentionally or unintentionally... Is this cultivation?

After running for a few weeks, Leng Qingfeng began to consciously let go of this feeling. The child's nature, he wanted to know what this group of unfortunate beggars like himself would be like in the dead of night.

The old beggar has already fallen asleep, and fatigue has made him a dilapidated machine. Once he stops, he can only be haggard there, like a broken skeleton, but there is still flesh on it, a breath, a gasping dry corpse.

The child who pulled the cart is as pitiful as himself. He doesn't know where he came from and how he came from, but now he has fallen asleep and breathes at a uniform speed, which shows that his vitality is still very tenacious. Unfortunately, this life is at a loss, like a bird that has just come out of its nest, and he doesn't know where his direction is.

The two beggars slept soundly, and the little girl. In addition to being weaker in life, it seems that they are used to this kind of life. They go safely during the day and return safely at night, so they sleep so safely at this moment.

And the teenager who begged alone seemed to have an unevenness, but he was wrapped in a layer of fear. He just twitched, and it seemed that his dream was disturbed by something. Fear has made him give up resistance. Maybe he is waiting, but who is he waiting for? Who will be the savior in this world? Or does the savior really exist? Then why don't you come?

The outside are the two newcomers, and the fool is second. He Xiaozhuo is a little special, always neither humble nor arrogant, and seems to have a strong self-confidence. It seems that the fool has nothing to do with him. Just because he came together, he has been protecting him. This boy is really special. What are they doing at this moment?

Leng Qingfeng's idea of visiting floated over rudely. Strangely, a ball of pure white air was wrapped there. He tried to let the idea enter, but the pure white air rudely blocked himself out. He tried to drive it, but soon the idea was like hitting a rubber wall. The same thing bounced back. Even the fool was wrapped in white gas, and he couldn't find any information from the two people.

"Master, it seems that they are also practitioners." Because Xiaoling lost his body, he could only hide in Leng Qingfeng's body, so he could only judge by the feeling of Leng Qingfeng.

The light of Sirius!

Leng Qingfeng did not hesitate to release the light of Sirius, which made it very interesting. On the one hand, someone blocked him, and he felt annoyed. On the other hand, he really wanted to see the power of the light of Sirius. It's too late for Xiaoling to stop it. The light of Sirius is like a flash of lightning, shooting out. Of course, it is not an attack method, but still a detection method, or using the internal force of the Sirius light to stimulate the idea to break through the pure white gas.

The white gas also changed quickly. In the purity, a hot light quickly turned out like a wave, like a small sun shining in the white air, firmly blocking the cold wolf light emitted by the cold green front.

"Master," Xiaoling was about to speak, when Leng Qingfeng had increased his power, and the light of Sirius stirred out again, but the white gas immediately soared, and the little sun still stood in front of him.

Leng Qingfeng didn't feel unnamed. He didn't expect that he would meet his opponent as soon as the light of Sirius came out, which made him very annoyed. The light of Sirius soared again, and it turned out to kill aggressively, but the white gas also expanded, and the little sun lit up another layer. And this time, it was not only blocked, but also slowly pressed over. It seemed that the other party was dissatisfied and had intended to warn himself.

Leng Qingfeng looks very embarrassed, and it seems that the opponent's skills are obviously above him. In fact, this is also because he is too hasty. The light of Sirius also has supreme power, but it needs to be improved layer by layer by cultivation. At present, he is just going to use the light of Sirius, which is still far from exerting the real power of the light of Sirius. Moreover, He Xiaozhuo has a deep cultivation foundation, so it is reasonable to fall behind.

But Leng Qingfeng is Leng Qingfeng. The more frustrated he is, the more he can inspire his fighting spirit. He is born with a fearless and indomitable personality. Even if the jade is burned, he can't retreat.

The light of Sirius launched again, and this time Leng Qingfeng actually came out with all his strength.

White* did not soar this time, and the small sun-like photosphere did not change, but stopped and waited there quietly. The beam of the light of Sirius's light hit the light ball fiercely. Leng Qingfeng felt like a person hitting himself with a stick. He couldn't help jumping all over, and the light of Sirius was bounced back by the other party. I didn't expect to lose so thoroughly, as if I had been hit in the mouth. I couldn't help but be angry from my heart and became evil.

"Master, the other party is very powerful. Let's stop it." Xiaoling felt Leng Qingfeng's anger and immediately persuaded him.

Leng Qingfeng snorted coldly and ignored Xiaoling. On the contrary, he was moving the light of Sirius.

"Master, aren't we going to deal with Song Jun? Let's talk about this person later."

Leng Qingfeng still ignored it. If there is no reason today, how can he give up? Even if you are knocked down, you still have to see the other party's blood flow out.

But before he sent out the light of Sirius again, the white air changed again and became warm and peaceful, neither like the state of alert nor hostility just now, and seemed to express a kind of friendship.

"Master, he seems to be showing his goodwill." Xiaoling first saw the intention of Baiqi.

"No." Leng Qingfeng replied coldly.

Bai Qi is still spinning and turning, as if he wants to say something. After a long time, Xiaoling finally understood the meaning of Bai Qi.

"Master, he wants to talk to you."

"Me?" Leng Qingfeng was a little surprised.

That's good. He Xiaozhuo wants to talk to Leng Qingfeng. To get rid of the poison, he wanted to deal with Song Jun, but at this time, the abnormality of Leng Qingfeng appeared, and the coldness had appeared more and more on the poor teenager. In the long run, there may only be a terrible consequence, so he had to talk to him.