Xianxing City

Chapter 15 Persuasion

The forest is still that forest. The forest that Leng Qingfeng was familiar with just got the blessing of Sirius's light a few days ago. He wanted to find some traces of that night and made such a big noise. At least it should be a piece of charred earth within a radius of 100 meters, but to his surprise, it was still what he looked like when he came here, and the trees were still The ground is straight and scaly, and the grass is still thick, like a felt, and there is no sign of being destroyed. Leng Qingfeng did not know that his energy blessing was originally a supernatural power beyond the manifestation. The destruction of this natural thing can only be seen in the spiritual state. For the manifestation, it is a collision between invisible energy fields, that is to say, this kind of strangeness cannot be seen with ordinary naked eyes. What is different is a killing invisible to the naked eye, just like electromagnetic radiation, but in a hidden world, creatures within a radius of a radius have been seriously damaged and are soon or inexplicably dying or regeneating.

There is only one exception. The small pit in eight directions can see the traces of the soil being turned over, but new grass has been tenaciously drilled out of the soil. Leng Qingfeng knew that it was the trace he left.

He Xiaozhuo has come out of the depths of the woods, and he came earlier than himself.

The two stopped 10 meters away and looked at each other.

For a long time.

"What do you want to talk about?" Leng Qingfeng broke the silence coldly, and the voice came in the silent night, which was chilling.

"I think you should stop." He Xiaozhuo said calmly.

"What do you mean?" The sound is still cold.

"Do you know what you practice?"

"I know."

He Xiaozhuo was silent. He didn't expect Leng Qingfeng's answer to be so simply. He thought that Leng Qingfeng had gone astray, so that he could persuade him well. Now Leng Qingfeng is intentional.

"Do you know the consequences?" After stopping for a long time, He Xiaozhuo asked again. The old man has already told himself that people are the product of the combination of yin and yang. Cultivation is to rely on acquired cultivation and unique methods to return oneself to the state of pure yin or pure yang, which is to return to simplicity and return to the truth, so as to finally achieve the goal of eternal life. Therefore, there are no more than two kinds of cultivation: yin and yang. Yang refers to the immortal road, and Yin refers to the magic road. Yang's cultivation relies on collecting the positive essence of nature, such as warm sunshine, ancient and loving mountains and rivers, the breath of spring, and vibrant green... These are all aura. Cultivators take this as energy, take compassion and benevolence, practice it as fire, and use their own body as a furnace, so as to refine eternity. Elis of Longer life. Once the cultivation is successful, it means the cultivation of pure yang elixir, and the positive energy will be increased in the universe. Therefore, this cultivation pays special attention to the existence of positive substances in nature, because it is the source of their energy. On the contrary, the cultivation of Yin relies on collecting negative information in nature, desolate and cold haze, dirty and corroded rivers, dead lonely hills, resentful withered tombs and abys... These are also aura. Cultivators use this as energy, take blood-eating and coldness, practice it as fire, and use their own body as a furnace. , thus refining the elixir of eternal immortality. Once the cultivation is successful, it means that the pure yin elixir has been completed, and the negative energy in the universe will be increased. Therefore, this cultivation pays special attention to the existence of negative substances in nature, because it is their source of energy.

The reincarnation of the world, the vicissitudes of the sea and the vicissitudes of the world, and how many disasters are changing. Fairy Tao and Magic Tao are the source of energy and never stop fighting. Xiandao tries its best to create a sunny and windy world, and the Magic Road also tries its best to create a dark and bloody world. The long yang disappears, the yang grows and the yin disappears, the big fixed reincarnation, several times the prosperity of the Taishi, several times the universe is flood, but all things in nature, like a ruminduous dog-like ups and downs and even extinction, which is really deplorable, and human beings are also in it. And Leng Qingfeng's choice of magic is a betrayal of human beings.

He Xiaozhuo feels the cold air in Leng Qingfeng's body more and more: killing, blood-eating, cold.

"I don't know." No one told Leng Qingfeng the consequences of such cultivation, and he did not know it, but these three words were resolutely resolute. What if you know, as long as you can take revenge, the result is no longer important.

"What you practice is magic!" He Xiaozhuo is a little anxious.

"So what?"

"There will be no good end."

Generally speaking, when the baby is born, the father's essence * mother's blood is the combination of yin and yang, and the soul and body are also the combination of yin and yang. With age, the qi gradually rises, and the yin qi gradually decreases. At the age of 16, it is the peak of yang, which can be said to be a pure yang body. After the age of 16, the yin qi began to strengthen again, and the yang qi weakened. By the age of 32, the congenital yin and yang qi was exhausted, and the yin and yang qi of the day after tomorrow to maintain the balance, and the human body began to decline. So the best time to practice is before the age of 16. Because this is the immature growth period of the human body, it needs more care like sunshine and rain. It is very taboo for the immersion of yin and cold. The most important thing is the state of long yang and yin. At this time, forcibly adding a negative force field is tantamount to going against the sky. Of course, there will be great harm to the body. Leng Qingfeng is at this stage, and the kind He Xiaozhuo can't but remind him.

"It's none of your business?" Leng Qingfeng snorted coldly. In his opinion, He Xiaozhuo was just nosey. But he also didn't know that once you enter the magic road, it is equivalent to handing over your body, because both from the body and temperament will tend to be magical. Physically speaking, the magic road cultivation needs to be led by blood, which will continue to consume your blood, which will also lead to more blood-eating temperament. In terms of temperament, the continuous absorption of the negative performance and the continuous enhancement of the negative field, then the nature of the negative performance will continue to subtly turn into the temperament, cold-blooded, killing, tyrannical, insidious... will turn you into a demon step by step.

"You should wake up and not become a demon."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"It's dangerous for you to do this. If you want revenge, I can help you!"

"You?" Leng Qingfeng looked at He Xiaozhuo coldly from top to bottom and asked rudely, "If you can help me, I don't have to be cheated."

He Xiaozhuo is speechless. I was indeed cheated by Song Jun, and I was cheated again, but can't I persuade Leng Qingfeng?

"Is there anything else? It's okay. I'm leaving." Leng Qingfeng has been asking why Xiaozhuo came to him because of the confrontation last night, but he didn't expect to persuade himself to give up this kind of practice. It's a joke. Now that I have decided who the fuck can't care.

"You tried last night, so I can help you." Seeing Leng Qingfeng turn around and walk away, He Xiaozhuo said lightly.

Leng Qingfeng stopped and slowly turned around. He Xiaozhuo had exposed what happened last night. He paused for a moment. He was not as good as others, and there was nothing to say, so he just replied coldly, "No." After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

"Ceng Qingfeng, I advise you not to be the enemy of human beings!" He Xiaozhuo began to warn loudly.

Human? Fuck human beings, go to hell!" Leng Qingfeng threw down this sentence fiercely and disappeared.

He Xiaozhuo squatted down and carefully checked the eight small pits left by Leng Qingfeng. Although the spiritual charm had disappeared, he vaguely felt that this was a very strange formation, which was not the same as the strange door escape armor he had learned. Qimen Dunjia is also a strange art handed down from ancient times, but this array seems to be older. Apart from the simple eight small pits, there is no sign of inhumanity. That is to say, this is a simple and simple layout, but it contains great energy information. It is really simple! No wonder Leng Qingfeng's short days are getting more and more gloomy and stronger day by day.

And who helped him with this game? The amazing recovery of his hands and feet must also have something to do with this layout. He Xiaozhuo looked up at the stars in the sky. Who can give me the answer?

A sound, He Xiaozhuo turned around alertly,


A figure ran out crookedly, a fool.

Seeing the fool's sweat, he obviously trotted all the way to find it. When he left, the fool was sleeping soundly. He didn't want to disturb the fool, let alone bring the fool to see Leng Qingfeng, so he quietly came out alone. Unexpectedly, the fool found him. Why did he find it here? Does a fool have any special function?

Seeing the fool's anxious face, He Xiaozhuo held the fool in his arms, like a comrade-in-arms who had met after a long time. He knew that the fool was anxious for him to find that he was no longer there. After months of dependence on each other, the fool and he were almost connected with each other.

For a long time, the fool raised his head from He Xiaozhuo's shoulder and pulled the language that only He Xiaozhuo could understand. While speaking, He Xiaozhuo couldn't help but be shocked: Do you mean home? Song Jun? Is Song Jun practicing worms?

He Xiaozhuo pulled up the fool and ran to the beggar gang quickly

Outside the courtyard wall, the fool carefully pointed to the courtyard. He Xiaozhuo gently climbed up the wall, poked out half of his head, and looked inside.

In Song Jun's room, the curtains were tightly pulled, and a hazy firelight reflected. A thin figure was sitting there, holding the firelight with both hands. The firelight was still very hazy at the beginning. Gradually, it began to get bigger and bigger, and finally grew to the size of a human head, and then began to rotate, and the outline It is also becoming clearer and clearer. The bare skull and several black holes are a skull. After spinning for a while, the skull finally stopped and opened its mouth wide. Song Jun began to exhale dark purple smoke from its mouth. The skull opened its mouth to Song Jun and swallowed the dark purple smoke one by one breath, while the dark purple smoke continued to flow out. For half an hour, He Xiaozhuo couldn't help wondering where the smoke came from in Song Jun. Is it internal force or something else? And does the Song army have such a deep internal force? If so, then Leng Qingfeng, no, is afraid that he is not his opponent. If it weren't for the internal force, where did the dark purple smoke come from? That may be more terrible.