Xianxing City

Chapter 17 tit for tat

"Ceng Qingfeng, didn't you let so many people come to the funeral?" He Xiaozhuo took a step closer and stopped the attack of Sirius. It's very simple. Once Leng Qingfeng launches the light of Sirius to the Song army, the sacrifice will not only be the Song army. Although Leng Qingfeng can't fully exert the power of the light of Sirius, it is not a problem to make a house collapse according to his current skills, so that the house full of beggars will not be spared.

"You?!" Leng Qingfeng straightened his chest angrily and stared at He Xiaozhuo angrily. He Xiaozhuo's words are reasonable, but how can he be a person who is willing to give up? As long as he can take revenge, what about others? Two momentum, the two forces joined each other again, and confronted each other hard: one was cold and domineering, the other was majestic, the other was the light of the wolf eating blood forward, the other was the jade god power stood proudly, and the external momentum instantly filled the hut. The invisible pressure made everything silent, and the beggars were like cicadas. The root slipped out, only the quartz clock on the wall, and the sound of beaking was particularly crisp.

Song Jun finally got up again. The rusty old knife was still inserted in his lower abdomen. At the moment when Leng Qingfeng stabbed it, he instinctively retreated. Years of practice was still not in vain. The knife only two inches into the lower abdomen, which was not enough to be fatal. It was even just a minor injury to the skin. The reason why he pretended to be so painful was just paralyze his opponent. The illusion has been mixed in the world for so many years. How to harm people and protect himself is the course he practices every day. Sure enough, the opportunity has come. He can secretly recite spells, move the skeletons, and launch the first wave of sneak attacks when the boy thinks he is proud of his success. Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly has that horrible strength and fleshy palms. It is even more terrible to break the poisoned blood skeleton, a magic weapon that has been cultivated for many years, and make yourself suffer from vomiting blood. As soon as the poisonous blood skeleton is broken, half of its vitality will be destroyed, which is fatal. I had no choice but to spit out the poisonous worm king, which was the last fight. I didn't want to be destroyed by the boy He Xiaozhuo again. From then on, my life's cultivation turned into nothingness. If I don't run at this time, when will I wait?

Yes, Leng Qingfeng is confronting He Xiaozhuo with all his strength. This is the best time for Song Jun to escape. There is no dignity of the past, just like other beggars. It's just that he is more embarrassed than other beggars. He covered his lower abdomen with one hand, and his knees in the other hand and did not dare to crawl out. He was still close to the wall, a falling dog or a lame dog falling into the water. If there was a tail, it must be tightly at this moment. It's really funny.

He Xiaozhuo finally opened his mouth, pointing to the beggars who had already slipped outside the house,

"You can't hurt these innocent people. As for him--" He Xiaozhuo pointed back to Song Jun, who was slipping outside the house without looking at him, and was so scared that Song Jun immediately lay on the ground.

"It's your business how you avenge." After saying that, he stepped aside.

That's enough. Isn't it Song Jun that you are looking for? In order to avenge, you can ignore others, so you can avenge, and why do you still care about others? If He Xiaozhuo has come up for Song Jun, he will fight with him today. Since he is not, then leave him alone. Leng Qingfeng snorted coldly and walked to Song Jun gloomyly.

Song Jun has curled up into a ball and can't help trembling. Unexpectedly, Song Jun, who had always been fierce and cruel, had become such a look. Leng Qingfeng was very disdainful.

"You! Get up." Leng Qingfeng hit Song Jun's buttocks fiercely. Without the king of maggot skeletons and maggots, Song Jun had nothing at this time, and the cold momentum of Leng Qingfeng had already made him shudder.

"You, you, what are you going to do?" Song Jun's voice was also trembling.

Leng Qingfeng grabbed Song Jun's neck and pulled Song Jun in front of him.

"Fight the debt! How do you treat me? Today, I will return it to you twice!" In the end, Leng Qingfeng clenched his teeth to speak.

"No, don't... It used to be my fault. You have a lot of adults who don't have the same experience as little people, so just let go of the villain. The little man will be a cow and horse to serve you..." It is worthy of being a veteran of the world. Song Jun was able to say a lot of Jianghu routines at this time.

"Is it still used in the world? I think it's this life." Leng Qingfeng said coldly. His hand trembled, and a circle of bright light had rotated around his palm. It was a circle composed of countless light like a rusty needle. It flashed green and rotated, emitting dazzling brilliance, including He Xiaozhuo, and everyone was shocked.

Silk Road Flower Rain. It's the Silk Road.

Leng Qingfeng finally became the first layer of the Silk Road in the shortest time, but this was enough to punish Song Jun.

The aperture was expanding, and soon rose to more than one person, trapping Song Jun in it. Song Jun was fixed. Except for pleading, he could not resist at all. How could Leng Qingfeng pay attention to his plea? The aperture began to shrink and gradually shrink. When Leng Qingfeng did this, he showed great patience. Little by little, the aperture began to penetrate into Song Jun's skin, and all the light all penetrated into Song Jun's body. It was not until the light completely disappeared that Leng Qingfeng gave up with satisfaction. He looked at Song Jun coldly. Obviously, when the light pierced his body, it did not hurt, because Song Jun did not show pain, as if the thing had not entered his body. But the more it is, the more horrible it is.

"Xiao Ling, it's up to you now." Leng Qingfeng issued an order, but others didn't know who he was talking to.

"Yes. Master."

A moment later, Song Jun suddenly laughed wildly, "Ah ha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha..." He saw him scratching every inch of skin under his body with both hands and rolling on the ground, "Ah ha ha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha... Ah ha ha...haha...haha...haha... I'm itching to death, ah ha ha ha ha... please, beg, help, help, ah ha ha ha ha... help... ha ha ha ha... ha ha ha..."

The gu of the silk road flower and rain - an outsider, it is this hand that Leng Qingfeng used. Since he was disabled by the Song army, there have been many lonely nights and rainy days. The only thing he wants to do is revenge. He stayed with the greatest perseverance to avenge this day. For this reason, he figured out countless ways to revenge until that day, Lingyuan Xiaoling told him the third use of the silk road rain, and he finally decided how to punish the demon who had suffered countless times when this day came. It should be the best choice for Song Jun to treat him in his own way. Song Jun regards poison, so let him taste the taste of poison.

It's just an extraordinary poison of silk road flowers and rain, which is the blessing of Sirius. Lingyuan Xiaoling's body black dog hair and Leng Qingfeng's blood refining, that is, countless dog hairs are plunged into the skin, and these dog hairs are still alive. With Lingyuan Xiaoling's order, they will do it Can Song Jun fight for all kinds of different actions?

Now the first set of group exercises they did was - coquettish * itching, and tens of millions of dog hairs tickled Song Jun's skin together. What else can Song Jun do besides laughing wildly? Then roll and laugh all over the ground.

"Ah ha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha...haha..."

But laughter can also kill people, so you can't let him die. That would be too cheap for him. Leng Qingfeng's desire for revenge will never end so soon. So the second set of group gymnastics performance of aliens began again. Driven by Xiaoling, the first wave of light pricked the most painful part of the nerve endings of the Song army----

"Ah ha ha ha---- ah! Ah! Ah! ..." Song Jun, who had been rolling on the ground with a smile, suddenly jumped up from the ground and stroked his hands to somewhere quickly, but he hadn't wait for the place. Driven by the little spirit, the second wave of thousands of rays pierced the most painful part of Song Jun's nerve endings together. He quickly covered another painful place and danced like this. , screaming, like a gorilla barking and dancing, stunned everyone. If He Xiaozhuo hadn't quietly put a layer of prohibition outside with Qimen Dunjia, I'm afraid someone would have called the police. However, when he saw Leng Qingfeng's means, He Xiaozhuo also shook his head in pain. He was also full of hatred for Song Jun, but when he saw Song Jun being tossed so miser, he couldn't help but have a trace of pity. What a poor person must have something hate.

Song Jun finally couldn't stand it. He was injured. How could he stand it for too long? He shook his head and hit the wall and fainted. Leng Qingfeng looked at the paralyzed Song Jun with contemptuously, stopped the operation of aliens, and turned his eyes to the crowd.

"Do you want revenge?"

Beggars, look at me, I look at you, with big eyes, no one dares to answer, and they have not come out of the state of shock.

"Do you have it?" Leng Qingfeng raised his voice and shouted loudly, and his reaction to the crowd was very depressed. After being bullied by Song Jun for so long, is there no intention of revenge?

"Well," everyone hesitated as if they had woken up. "What do you want to do?" The old beggar whispered, his voice was only in his throat, and he did not dare to look at Leng Qingfeng.

Disappointed. Unexpectedly, these people didn't even have the courage to revenge. They were waiting for him to be disappointed, but they saw that the fool turned out from behind He Xiaozhuo and crookedly to Song Jun on the ground. He raised his leg and took a foot. Then he took a sip and walked back crookedly. Leng Qingfeng nodded approvingly to He Xiaozhuo in this direction, and he didn't know whether it was for He Xiaozhuo or a fool, or both. He knew that He Xiaozhuo would not take action and disdain to take action at this time, so he turned his eyes to the beggars.

"Don't worry, his poisonous skeleton is gone, and the maggot king is dead, so I can't give you any more poison, and the poison on your body will automatically dissipate." Leng Qingfeng is right. Once these two things are gone, the poison of each person will lose the source of life, just like the soul has disappeared with the disappearance of the poison skeleton and the king of insects, and the poison of losing the soul has dissipated.

The beggars' dull faces finally showed a little joy, but no one came out. This made Leng Qingfeng furious, pointing to the old beggar,

"You, go to revenge."

"Oh, oh, yes!" Seeing Leng Qingfeng's domineering, the old beggar finally understood that he was a more domineering master than Song Jun.

"You, you, each go up, 10 feet per person, 10 mouths!" Leng Qingfeng couldn't help ordering.

Soon Song Jun became a pig-headed pig face.

He Xiaozhuo shook his head in pain again. It was time to leave.

"He Xiaozhuo, where are you going?" Leng Qingfeng asked unexpectedly, not only because He Xiaozhuo just saved himself, but also because in this group, only He Xiaozhuo was respected by him.

He Xiaozhuo turned around and looked at the cold Qingfeng who had recovered, the beggars with a wooden face, and the Song Jun, who was depressed and knelt on the ground. A torrent suddenly surged up to his heart. Leng Qingfeng's revenge, but he still had a big heart. That was a group of good brothers who once fought side by side, and With her, at the thought of her, Dean Li's ferocious smile finally emerged.

"Children's Welfare Home of Lengzhou County" He Xiaozhuo said word by word.

Looking at He Xiaozhuo's distant back, Leng Qingfeng suddenly had a sense of loss. Is this because of the vacuum left by He Xiaozhuo after turning around and leaving?

"Lord, are you leaving too?" The old beggar led everyone to see that he was leaving and knelt down to stay. Damn it, when did he become their master?

"Get out!" Leng Qingfeng shouted loudly and coldly forced everyone back.

Then he kicked Song Jun, "Let's go!"

Song Jun stood up and was about to leave, but he was kicked to the ground again.

"Crawl!" Leng Qingfeng shouted angrily behind him.