Xianxing City

Chapter 18 Return to the Welfare Home

There was an accident in the welfare home.

When He Xiaozhuo came here, it was surrounded by people far away. An irregular human wall stopped 500 meters away from the welfare home. He Xiaozhuo took a lot of effort to squeeze through the onlooker wall and came to the front. The front was not so crowded, but the two yellow belts pulled a conspicuous warning line to make people Separated from the outside, a policeman wearing a bulletproof vest with a big enemy can be seen from the serious faces of the police that they have encountered a serious and difficult case.

What's going on?

"It is said that the director of the welfare home is a vicious wolf in sheep's clothing, specializing in selling children under the guise of the welfare home."

"Then just arrest it. Do you need so many policemen? It's like facing a big enemy."

"You don't know that. It is said that when the first wave of police went to arrest him, there were only four people. As a result, as soon as the person entered, two policemen escorted the other two handcuffed policemen and came out until they returned to the police station."

"Lap down, where are you compiling fantasy novels?"

"Cut! There is something more evil than this. It is said that the captain of the criminal police did not believe in this evil. After scolding the four children, he personally took five people in to arrest people. What happened?

"How's it going?"

"The four men were handcuffed out, and there was no trace of resistance or struggle."

"What a fantasy!"

"It means that there must be no one person in it, right? Yes, it must be that the accomplice is also in it, right?

"Maybe they also have guns, maybe they are more powerful than the police. If not, the police will be so obedient?"

"You mean you won't be a terrorist?"



He Xiaozhuo no longer needs to listen to these people's comments. He has understood the reasoning. Now he knows that Dean Li is definitely a terrible demon, more terrible than Zhang San, Ergou and Song Jun. He is by no means what these ordinary police can deal with.

Sure enough, another police car flashed red. It was a group of heavily armed soldiers, and their faces were covered with oil paint.

"Look. I said it was a terrorist, and the armed police came.

"You don't understand, this is a special police."

He Xiaozhuo can't stay any longer. The more the police recruits, the more it explains the seriousness of the problem inside. A cold Qingfeng has seen the horror behind the cold layer. What about President Li? I have no feelings for him, unless he is not a practicer, but in fact, he must be a practicer. Listening to what people have just said, it can be judged that if so, he is an unfathomable practicer.

But since I'm here, I can't retreat. What's more, there are babies in it. What will happen to them now?

He Xiaozhuo left the crowd. He knew that Dean Li would not go through the main entrance even if he came out. Then, the back mountain was the easiest place for him to get out.

At this moment, the reinforced police issued a renewed deterrence:

"Li Lanqi, you must give up all resistance immediately. Giving up the hostages is your way out!"

"Li Lanqi, you have been completely surrounded and will come out immediately. I guarantee your personal safety."

The loudspeaker shouted repeatedly to the welfare home, but there was a dead silence inside, and even the corner door next to the iron gate was still open, as if these heavily armed policemen facing the enemy outside had nothing to do with themselves.

"Group A."

"Group B."

"Group C."

The special police captain skillfully made various gestures, and each group of members quickly ran to the target point after responding. He was indeed a well-trained elite soldier.

Dean Li still has a symbolic smile on the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he sits cross-legged **, closes his eyes slightly, and calmly. There are four children standing opposite the window, just blocking the window. That is the only place in this room that is directly connected to the outside world. In other words, the sniper The only place where you can shoot directly in the house from the outside is there. Now they are blocked by four children. They are: baby, Hou Zi, curly hair and wild species. There are also eight children and an adult on the ground. The adult is Aunt Li, who is already like a sieve at this moment.

"Li Lanqi, give up resistance immediately. Any resistance is futile."

"Li Lanqi, give up resistance, we guarantee your life safety."

Dean Li shook his head impatiently. Obviously, he felt that the sound was noisy and did not open his eyes. He slowly raised his hand and shook it out of the window.

Immediately, the sniper on the opposite wall fell down the wall in front of his eyes.

Quickly two soldiers ran to carry the man away, but the people at the scene were still silent, and the fourth soldier fell down inexplicably.

"Let's go, force attack! I don't believe I can beat him!" The captain of the special police is very distressed for his soldiers.

The highest commander present was an elder in his fifties. After a long silence, he was finally uncertain. He was the director of the city's public security bureau. He had fought with guns and came out of the rain of bullets, but he still felt helpless about today's silent and smokeless war. He knew his enemy. He is invincible, but he knows nothing about everything in front of him, let alone the opponents inside.

"The person who called you, tentative attack, withdraw if you can't!" He finally gave the order, and that's all he can do. He doesn't care about the stalemate at all, and his side has to fall down inexplicably every moment. Does this stalemate still make sense? What the fuck is this? He couldn't help cursing in his heart with hatred.

Three soldiers rushed in with guns and cat waists.

But something strange happened. As soon as the three soldiers rushed into the corner door, they immediately dispersed. The finished glyph attacked and moved forward. After entering the door, they should have passed through the playground and went straight to the door of the office building, but the three people only ran more than 30 meters away and stopped, and they were in a wall-walled posture. The first image was backed against the wall and quickly gestured to the two people behind them. The two men immediately rushed up to the cat's waist and reached a position parallel to the first person. They immediately leaned against the wall and shot the gun to the sky, nervously preparing for battle.

Which country's play is this? Everyone outside saw three people with their backs to the empty square, making various gestures, and the muzzle was still facing the sky. Honey, is this a drill or an act? Now on the battlefield, if the enemy shoots a point on the opposite side, these three live targets will have to return to the west. This is not a war to die. You don't have to exaggerate to die, right? Isn't it funny?

The director of the Public Security Bureau frowned, and he didn't understand what the tactics were.

"Group D, Group D, why did you stop attacking?" The special police captain can't wait to go up and strangle all these three guys at once. Damn it, what are you playing?

"Group D report, Group D report, I found a high wall in front of me, unable to move forward, unable to move forward."

Dizzy, the captain of the special police almost tore the headset. In broad daylight, in full view of the public, what kind of ecstasy soup did the three kids eat?

"There are no obstacles ahead, move forward!" The captain's order is unquestionable.

So people saw three people bump forward with their shoulders together, and then they were really bounced back and fell to the ground as if they had been hit by something.

It's strange. Just as the captain of the special police wanted to get angry, the director of the public security bureau waved his hand. He had seen that there must be a lot of articles in it. If he couldn't figure out the truth, he would attack recklessly. He waved his hand and had to withdraw first.

But they couldn't withdraw. As soon as the three people returned more than ten meters, they began to perform the same action again, but this time they were facing the direction of the gate, leaning against their backs and hitting them, which was useless. Obviously, they were blocked by an invisible wall.

"Ask for reinforcements and send the best psychologists and magicians immediately!" The director has seen the abnormality here, but in this atheistic country, he can only find these two people to explain.

Dean Li slowly took a look at the wall clock on the wall. At five o'clock in the evening, it was time. The black metal bottle appeared in his hand again, opened the cap, and said proudly from it, "Uncle, it's time. It's time for you to cash it."

It turned out that this was a gamble between President Li and the old man.

Since Dean Li caught the old immortal soul through plotting, he has been forcing the old immortal to teach ghosts to disperse, but the old immortality always procrastinates. He knows that since you Li Lanqi wants to learn from ghosts to disperse, then you can't hurt my immortality, then you can't hurt me. So I'm not afraid of what you always say to kill me. But now the immortal family is in your hands. Mingdou can't fight, so I'll just have a formula. Let's talk about it for a day. When you become a ghost, it's time to really send me away. At that time, it will be difficult for me to die.

It's like a tongue twister, but it's a good estimate. According to Dean Li's character, he definitely thinks so. Demons can be said to have a good heart when they look at evil people. Therefore, the old man simply played a scoundrel, spit out a few words when he was happy, and pretended to be crazy when he was unhappy. Therefore, Dean Li practiced slowly on the ghost dispersion, and now he is just a beginner. But he is not in a hurry. If you want to die, you must first find a way to deal with him, and then everything will be easy. But this method is really difficult to find. After all, it is a century-old devil.

Today, I was forced to talk about the ghost's mind, but the police actually came to the door, which was very annoying. I had to give some ecstasy to the police. I didn't want to be seen by immortality, and immediately seized the opportunity:

If you want to learn from me, then you are my disciple. My disciple must be bold, otherwise I don't want it. How can it be called bold? Now that the police arrest you, you are fascinated by others. Well, you have to come to arrest you later. Don't run. Now is the time. You must stay here until the end of the Shen Dynasty. No matter what happens, you can't leave. If you do it, I will teach you. If you can't do it, don't disturb my sleep anymore.

This is the reason why Dean Li did not leave. Although it has been equipped with ecstasy defense outside, there are still taboos for police sprayers (guns). After all, that thing is too harmful to the body, so now is the time to leave.