Xianxing City

Chapter 4 Cure

" stand-in? What is a stand-in? What should I do?"

The young man is both doubtful and anxious. After a suffocating calculation, Zhang Tieyi has plunged him into complete depression. I'm afraid his wife is hopeless. But now Zhang Tieyi mentions the " stand-in", which seems to be a life-saving straw. Although it is thrown in the middle of the quagmire, it also reflects the dawn.

"The stand-in is to shape another body for your daughter-in-law, replace your daughter-in-law's real body, and let the stand-in cover the disaster. It's just that it needs to be done..."

"How to do it?" This time, He Xiaozhuo was also stunned. This Tieyi is becoming more and more mysterious. According to reason, it is a wizard's job. However, after Zhang Tieyi said this, he has roughly understood the meaning of " stand-in". A half-witchcraft method is still popular among the elderly in their hometown. For example, if anyone hates someone very much, they will make a villain with cloth or noodles, write the other party's name and eight characters, and then prick it with a needle or steam it in a pot. It is said that this will make the other party unlucky or even die. For this reason, he has specially consulted the old man. Does that work? At that time, the old man just smiled incompetently and said four words that had nothing to do with this: evil does not invade righteousness. It seems that Zhang Tieyi's statement about sending a stand-in is almost the same as this. It's just that the practice at home is to harm people, and sending a stand-in is to save people. It seems that spells in the world are ordinary, and only look at the intentions and evil of the caster.

"Yes, it needs to be done. Through the method, the stand-in is sent there, so that the real patient can escape, but..." Zhang Tie pondered for a moment and seemed to be difficult.

"What's the matter, master?" The young man's heart was picked up again.

"Generally, when sending a stand-in, you should also let the people over there be accommodated,"

"Over there? You mean..." The young man is like in a dream.

"Of course, it refers to the ghost world, and there are also stewards, so it is necessary to accommodate them, otherwise it will be difficult for the stand-in to be recognized, isn't it?"

"How to be flexible?" Young people are very urgent.

"July 15, burn incense for a pig's head and burn more paper money at the same time. I'll do some of the rest." Zhang Tieyi said cheerfully.

"That's troublesome." Young people are very grateful.

"It's easy to say." Zhang Tieyi still replied cheerfully, and his expression changed, "Oh, what a coincidence!"

The young man's relieved heart was immediately picked up again with Zhang Tieyi's exclamation. Even the fool beside He Xiaozhuo stopped playing curiously and opened his mouth to look at Zhang Tieyi.

"What's the matter, master?" The young man's voice almost trembled.

"What is the lunar calendar today?"

"June 18."

"Yes, this stand-in will be sent on July 15th, but it will take nearly a month to send it. But depending on your daughter-in-law's illness, you need to deal with it as soon as possible. I'm afraid it's too late..."

"Yes, master, what do you think you should do?" The young people are crying a little.

waved his hand. Zhang Tieyi is a comfort to young people,

"Don't worry, let me figure it out again." Zhang Tie fell into meditation at the beginning. After a long time, he finally sighed,

"It seems that this is the only way."

"Does the master have a way?" The young man asked urgently.

Zhang Tieyi nodded silently,

"There's nothing I can do, but I see that your husband and wife are so affectionate, let's make an exception, but this method of 'ferocity and speed' will also cause great damage to me, but who let me catch up with things like you? Damage also needs to be managed. Zhang Tieyi said very tragically.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't let you help for nothing. I will definitely pay you a lot." At this end, young people really can't see the importance if they don't express their position.

"Where are you talking about? Saving a person's life is better than building a seven-level floating slaughter. People should always do good deeds and accumulate virtues. Zhang Tieyi said Langlangly.

"Children, what do you think? I think you are also a fellow. Why didn't you say a word when you entered the house? Zhang Tieyi naturally turned the topic to He Xiaozhuo. His "spring" has been very hard, but the child has always been calm. It is basically certain that this child is not a Jianghu person like himself, which is likely to be a "cling tip".

He Xiaozhuo did not answer, but his eyes fell on the tray on the low cabinet, which was full of medicine. It is not difficult to imagine that it was the place that patients could not get rid of every day. In the middle of the plate, there is a small box made of fine bamboo, and the red pills are faintly visible through the pores above. Among the pile of drugs, the medicine is the most conspicuous, and depending on the brightness of the bamboo box, it is still a very new bamboo box.

"Is that also the medicine your daughter-in-law took?" He Xiaozhuo finally opened his mouth.

"Yes." The young man opened his eyes wide.

"Is there a red pill inside?"

"Yes. I just bought it."

"Is it also bought at the pharmacy or hospital?"

"No. It is said that there is still a history of this medicine. The young man sighed.

Oh? This time, Zhang Tie's turn opened his eyes. What's wrong with this child? If you don't ask the birthday, you won't calculate it. Why do you ask this question instead? Medicine is a very professional thing. Does he know medicine? That's not right. Just know the doctor. The medicine in the world is very different. What can doctors see from the surface of the medicine? This child is really interesting. It was not until the young man said that the medicine had a history that Zhang Tieyi couldn't help but realize that the child still saw something from it.

"That day, I was worried about my daughter-in-law's illness downstairs, and I saw a student-like man wearing glasses, polite, and holding a bird's claw in his hand..." The young man began to recall.

"Hello, brother, is there anyone raising pigeons near here?" The person who came asked.

"I didn't notice. What's wrong with you?"

"Well, brother, I'm a graduate student at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine..." After saying that, the man took out his student ID card, which was on his photo.

"This time, the professor made a special trip to treat a cancer patient. Our professor has newly developed a prescription for various cancers. One of the medicines is pigeon claws. Because there are not many drugs brought, he came out temporarily to collect them to see if there are any pigeons. He wants to buy some pigeons and go back to make some medicine.

"Graduate student of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Treating cancer?

"Yes." The student answered naturally.

"Is your medicine effective?"

"Of course it works. Hundreds of cancer patients have been cured."

"Can I buy it on the market?"

"I can't buy it. Because it is still in the clinical stage, it can only be listed after the success of this stage and with the approval of the State Food and Drug Administration. This time, the patient came here because he was introduced by the professor's friend, otherwise the professor would not have brought medicine here.

"Can any kind of cancer be cured?"

"This is like this. Through our current clinical trials of various cancers, it has not been found that it does not work?"

"Can stomach cancer be cured?"

"Gastric cancer is also a common cancer. We also have clinical and have a good response."

"Well, I also have a patient at home. Could you please take a look?"

"Well, brother, you think I came out to buy medicine, not to see a doctor. Besides, you should go to the hospital to see a doctor. Students are very difficult.

"Brother, please. I have been to the hospital for a long time, and I won't look for you if I can cure it. Can you help me take a look? Can't I help you collect pigeon legs later? Under the pull and dragging, the student was finally invited upstairs by the young man.

"Your current feeling is pain, dull pain, hidden pain, nausea, loss of appetite, often diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and even vomiting blood and black stool, right?" The student was politely diagnosed after the meridian.

"Yes, that's it." The young man answered for his daughter-in-law, secretly admiring that he was worthy of being a graduate student of medical school. As soon as he helped, he talked about his daughter-in-law's symptoms.

"Well, please, brother, go and pour me boiled water for dinner." The student gave the order.

The young man immediately prepared the water.

The student took out a small medicine bottle from his bag, took some powdered medicine and poured it into the water, and then stirred it with a spoon. It was still a bowl of transparent**. At this time, he asked the young man to help his daughter-in-law lift his coat, revealing his abdomen, gently lifting the ** in the bowl on the skin, and soon the ** that fell on the skin turned red. The young man couldn't help but be shocked.

"What's going on?"

"This is our latest detection method. The deeper the red, the more it shows the degree of cancer."

"What should I do then? Can it be cured with your medicine?

"It can be cured, but I don't have much medicine in my hand, so I came out to find materials to prepare some more. If I give it to someone else, it's not easy for me to go back." Students are very difficult.

"Brother, your patients are all sick like this. You can't stand by. Besides, you are still a doctor. Human life is at risk, please help..." The young man's eyes are already wet.

Students are very moved,

"Then let me see how many medicines there are?" With that, he took out a small bamboo box from his bag, where there were red pills. After counting, there were about 40 pills.

"Well, it's not easy for you. I'll give you 20 pills a day, and it will have a obvious effect in 20 days."

Then a bowl of boiled water, immerse one end of a pill in the water, and a red mist-like water line rotates in a spiral in the white water and slowly swims forward...

"See, our medicine can only be matched by turtles in the deep sea for at least 100 years. This is the tortoise blood, otherwise other drugs will gradually spread out as soon as they are dissolved in water, right? Only this kind of turtle blood can swim in the water. So the cost of this medicine is also very expensive.

"I understand, in this case, we won't take your medicine for nothing. How much do you think this medicine is?" The young man was very excited when he heard that the students finally agreed to give medicine.

"Well, we will sell 100 tablets of this medicine clinically. It's not easy for you. Let's charge a cost price of 50 yuan per capsule." The student said sincerely.

Young people are very grateful. After receiving 1,000 yuan, the students also sincerely gave them the bamboo box and put the rest of the medicine elsewhere. Finally, let's say goodbye,

"I wish your daughter-in-law a speedy recovery, and you don't have to send me. There is a custom in our place that the patient's family does not send the doctor, which only allows the doctor to take the disease away, and the patient's family is far away from the pain."

"You've been fooled!" Zhang Tieyi shouted before the young man finished speaking.