Xianxing City

Chapter 5 shi shou

Zhang Tieyi shouted and woke up everyone in the room.

Jianghu "skin" is the general name for selling drugs. The industry that sells drugs is also called "picking men", that is, selling the medicine in hand by various means. As for the effect of the medicine, it is another matter. In the past, this kind of industry was quite popular, and there were many categories, such as those who sold eye medicine called "picking men", those who sold cough medicine called "picking men", those who sold plasters called "picking stoves", those who sold medicine and sugar called "picking Hanzi", those who sold toothache drugs called "picking firewood men", and those who sold powerful pills called "picking men" Those who sell Rendan are called "picking grains", those who sell medicine and those who avoid plague are called those who are called "picking smoked men", and so on. However, with the continuous progress of society, some of these rivers and lakes have disappeared, and some have made reforms with the times, just like genetic mutations, resulting in new Jianghu scams. What young people are experiencing is the extension of this scam.

First, let's talk about collecting pigeon claws, which is just a cover. The purpose is to attract people's attention first, and then the student ID card (of course it is fake), so that as soon as you pay attention to it, the first step of the trap will be formed. It is a common psychology to go to a doctor. Then he throws out the trap of treating cancer, which is to catch your psychology of being eager to treat the disease. If you don't have such patients in your family, you may not care, but if you care about it, you are likely that your family or even your relatives have this kind of disease (because others have this kind of disease, you won't care. Heart) So when you ask, it means that you admit this kind of disease. This is called "Han Xin's random soldiers". The caster uses this method to "fraud" people who are really sick or related to the sick. This is a traditional method, coupled with improved modern means, graduate students, professors and such advanced words to lead you. In fact, he is not a student, a professor or a liar.

"Can a liar also have a pulse? Is the number so accurate? The young man asked puzzledly.

"He said that he can cure cancer, and you said that there is a patient, then this disease must be related to cancer, and you have told others that your daughter-in-law has stomach cancer. Even if you don't tell him, through the spring, he will also get your daughter-in-law's symptoms. Zhang Tieyi explained patiently.

"What if I tell him? Does the liar still know medical science?

"To keep pace with the times. Now the swindler is becoming more and more professional. If he wants to cheat on medicine, he not only knows general medical science, but also some of them are quite professional. In fact, don't think that a liar is lying. In order to tell a lie well, it often requires professional training. This is called 'steel mouth', that is, business mouth. The profession is called 'baokou'. How can you suppress it without a good 'baokou'? ( It can suppress people) So 'Baokou' can be said to be the basic skill of a liar. If you use today's words, it won't be called 'Baokou', and it's not a graduation. This is called scientists who know martial arts, and no one can stop it. Liars know how to be professional and deceive the whole world.

The young man was stunned, and He Xiaozhuo listened with relish. It's really insightful. I didn't expect that there was such a lot of knowledge here. Looking back on the Zhang San to Er hooks I met along the way, President Li, Song Jun and others were really professional liars.

"What's wrong with his medicine? Is it also fake?"

"I'm not sure what his medicine is, but it's true. Because if cancer can be cured, it will not be called cancer. Moreover, if it is really curable, so many hospitals in the country and the world have not overcome the problem, why do they fall to our small county? Did it hit your head again? Brother, remember, there will never be a pie falling from the sky, and it will be fake. If you pick it up, you will be fooled."

"Why did the potion turn red? And the medicine is not turtle blood, so how can it walk in the water?

"I don't know how it turns red, but it's just a trick. For example, like potassium permanganate, it turns red when you see water. In the past, some people poured incense ash onto the paper after casting a spell on yellow framed paper, and various fonts or pictures appeared on the paper. In fact, this is a use of the "suction principle", as long as you write various pictures with crayons on yellow paper in advance. I think its principle may be different from this, but it also uses some kind of physical and chemical reaction. It will never leave it. It will break a piece of paper and don't beat thousands of gold.

So it is. The young man suddenly realized that there was another burst of depression. Of course, the feeling of being cheated was very uncomfortable. Moreover, it was really annoying that 1,000 yuan was cheated out of his wife's serious illness and needed money. On the contrary, He Xiaozhuo, it's really a long experience today. This Tieyi is so accurate and knows so much. In my impression, I'm afraid that only the old man has this ability. So who is this Zhang Tieyi?

"Brother, you don't have to be too sad. If you are sick, you will go to the hospital. The liar is taking advantage of your psychology. It also shows that your husband and wife have a deep relationship, which is exactly what moved me and this child to deal with your daughter-in-law's illness, right, kid?"

He Xiaozhuo nodded silently. Zhang Tieyi was still very good at thinking about people's psychology.

"Do you think this medicine can still be taken?" The young man asked doubtfully.

"I can't eat it." He Xiaozhuo said decisively.

This time, He Xiaozhuo grabbed Zhang Tieyi in front of him. Zhang Tieyi rattled and finally couldn't say it. He originally wanted to say that it is certain that this medicine can't cure diseases, but it will not cause diseases. As far as he knows, in addition to one or two drugs that play a special role, the formula of this medicine is nothing more than starch and will not cause serious harm to the body. .

"Why?" This time it was Zhang Tieyi who asked.

"Because you just calculated that fire and earth in her eight characters are sick and are taboo gods, then this medicine is red, and it is also fire and earth. It does not help to use gods and avoid gods, so it is not only useless, but also harmful to eat it." He Xiaozhuo said word by word.

Zhang Tieyi nodded with approval.

"What a fear!"

"Also, it's better for patients not to live in the current bedroom?"

"If you don't live in the bedroom, where do you live?" The young man and Zhang Tie cast puzzled eyes one by one.

"Avoid the direct corner of the bedroom on the steps and move to the west room first. And it's better for others not to live in the current bedroom.

Every sentence of He Xiaozhuo was loud and ambiguous.

"If there is more, let's move out of this rockery." He Xiaozhuo pointed to the bonsai in the corner again.

"Windows with telegraph poles outside the window should be hung with curtains, and keep pulling as long as you have nothing to do."

"Is there also a big stone under the west window?"

"Ah?" The young man's eyes widened. He Xiaozhuo had not been to the west room since he entered the house, and when he led them into the building, he walked through the east door and could not see the west environment of the building. How did the child know that there was a big stone in the lawn under the window on the west side?

"Yes, there is. But that's also the decoration on the public lawn. What should I do?

"You put a metal wind chime on the west window sill." He Xiaozhuo said in an unquestionable tone.

"Okay," the young man remembered He Xiaozhuo's words one by one. As for why he has no time to take care of it, he now increasingly believes that He Xiaozhuo must have some special function.

"One more thing, keep six black goldfish on the north side of her room. No matter what happens, always make sure that there are six black goldfish in the fish tank."

"Remember." Look at the soft voice of Nuo.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that He Xiaozhuo stopped talking, the young man hesitated to ask for fear of missing something.

"No more." He Xiaozhuo answered very simply.

At this point, He Xiaozhuo has finished the calculation and arranged it. He turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the young man.

"Master, take it, I haven't given you the money yet!"

"Give the money?" He Xiaozhuo stopped blandly. He has never thought of fortune-telling to make money.

"Yes, I've been busy for a long time. Thank you very much today. If it weren't for you, my wife today..." The young man's attitude was very sincere. After saying that, he put the two envelopes prepared on the coffee table, one to Zhang Tieyi and the other to He Xiaozhuo.

Zhang Tieyi smiled politely and said, "That's embarrassing." Reach out to get the envelope pushed towards him.

"I don't want money." He Xiaozhuo said firmly. I just caught up with the help. If I help, I also need money. When I was at home, those uncles and aunts helped your family farm today and help her family with medicine tomorrow. Shouldn't they all ask for money?

The young man was stunned, and Zhang Tieyi stopped his hand and looked at He Xiaozhuo together.

"I'm just here to help. It's free." He Xiaozhuo said calmly.

"Can't help for nothing? You deserve it, too. I have to come to you if I have anything to do in the future.

The young man's words are true. As the saying goes, he can't lose his skills when he sees the master. He has seen the real skills of He Xiaozhuo and Zhang Tieyi, so there is more reason to believe in their ability. I'm afraid that his wife's hope of recovery is in front of him. Moreover, today, the child has saved his wife's life. Now the two have just taken the medicine, and the result depends on the future, so they must be careful, so despite their own constraints, they emptied their wallets and put them in two envelopes.

"That's not the case. Besides, I just told you to do that, but I don't know what the result will be." He Xiaozhuo still doesn't feel that he can't take the money. Zhang Tieyi is a little depressed. This child is really a child. The hospital doesn't prescribe medicine and doesn't mean that it will be paid after it is cured. If it can't be cured, will it not be paid? On the contrary, it is better to pay a deposit before treating you. Listen to this child's tone or can't stop? Do you think you are a fairy? It cures all diseases. If you don't take the money, it's not easy for me to take the money.