Xianxing City

Chapter 9 So that's it 1

"Hahaha..." Zhang Tie laughed loudly, "My lonely old man has always remembered this day." The laughter was straightforward and bold, which made He Xiaozhuo very infected and laughed with him. There were also fools who were also influenced and smiled with his little white teeth. Although he didn't know why the two laughed in front of him, they would not pay attention to why he laughed.

After the laughter, Zhang Tieyi poured another glass of water for himself. After taking a sip leisurely, he began to observe He Xiaozhuo attentively.

"Do you still want to go down with me?" He Xiaozhuo took the initiative to ask, "Your good words haven't been finished yet?" Zhang Tieyi's straightforwardness and enthusiasm made He Xiaozhuo very happy. At this moment, he could safely make fun of the old man in front of him.

Zhang Tieyi did not answer, took another sip of water (it seems that alcohol worked), and still looked at He Xiaozhuo attentively.

"What, is there something wrong?" He Xiaozhuo deliberately straightened his waist and put on a posture that he deliberately showed Zhang Tie.

"Go home quickly. Your daughter-in-law hanged herself. Now there is still salvation when she goes back. It's too late..." Zhang Tieyi suddenly learned He Xiaozhuo's tone and said, and then suddenly asked, "How do you know that his daughter-in-law is hanging?"

He Xiaozhuo was stunned and immediately tasted the other way around.

"Young man, I think you have a patient at home, don't you?" Unexpectedly, he also learned Zhang Tieyi's tone.

"Hahaha," Zhang Tie clicked He Xiaozhuo with his hand, "Little son, don't you learn well?"

He Xiaozhuo also smiled happily.

Zhang Tieyi poured a bowl of water again for He Xiaozhuo and the fool, and then sat down solemnly and said, "Xiaozhuo, you are very accurate. You have this ability at a young age, which makes me admire me very much. Kung Fu is actually a piece of paper, which is not worth half a penny. So you don't say it, that's right. This is also the rule of the world.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just saw the response when the man asked questions." When He Xiaozhuo saw that Zhang Tieyi was very serious, he immediately took it seriously. As for the rules of the world, he had no idea, and he didn't think of hiding this secret conservatively. Why did he have to make simple and ordinary things so mysterious? Therefore, it is not his character.

Zhang Tie's eyes widened, and he also knew it. At this moment, he no longer cares about this secret, but cares about how He Xiaozhuo calculated it, which shows the child's degree of thinking, which is the place that determines the child's magic in the future.

"I know that when a person is asking gossip or fortune-telling, there are some accidental events that suddenly occur in the external environment, which is likely to contain the answers to the questions tested by the questioner. So how did you calculate it?" Zhang Tieyi asked solemnly that this question had been with him for a long time.

"Well, when I saw that you wanted his daughter-in-law, he called because he didn't know the time of his daughter-in-law's birth. As a result, the phone cover was entangled in the hanging of the red rope and didn't open it. He used his mouth to untie the red rope, which was the external response. I see that his hanging itself has the meaning of 'hanging' and 'hanging', which is the first layer. Secondly, the red rope is wrapped around the mobile phone, and his mobile phone is flipped. In this way, the mobile phone is not like a 'bow'. Because the hanging is very long, it hangs down from the bow, which is a word 'hanging', which is obvious. In addition, the mobile phone is When hanging, he uses his mouth to change the red rope. The red rope can be understood as a 'cloth', the mouth is a 'mouth', and the mouth and scarf is also a 'hanging', so it is obviously the meaning of hanging. Who is hanging? He asked his daughter-in-law, and of course he implied that his daughter-in-law was hanged. He Xiaozhuo said and heard Zhang Tie's excited slap on the table.

"High! It's really high!" Zhang Tieyi looked at He Xiaozhuo with admiration, "What a terrible future! Little guy, you are really aura, reasonable and well-founded, alive and useful, and your future is unlimited!"

He Xiaozhuo lowered his head with embarrassment and whispered:

"Isn't your calculation also very accurate? You have also figured out everything about others."

I didn't expect Zhang Tie to laugh again as soon as he heard this.

"Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

He Xiaozhuo looked at Zhang Tieyi in astonishment. He didn't expect that this person was more heroic and cheerful than he thought. The strangest thing was that he would immediately see what he was thinking and say it and come to your heart. This Tieyi is really a person who can do anything. To be honest, he can't help but be so curious about Zhang Tie.

"Now that you ask me and answer, I promise that I know everything and say everything." After saying that, Zhang Tie sat down and seriously waited for He Xiaozhuo's question.

"How do you know that there is a patient in his family?" He Xiaozhuo began to ask questions.

"It's very simple, because the plastic bag in his hand clearly says 'National Pharmacy'. The translucent plastic bag can clearly see the medicine box inside. Of course, patients will take medicine." Zhang Tieyi said calmly.

He Xiaozhuo's eyes widened, "You, didn't you calculate it?"

"It's not."

What does it mean? What does it mean?" He Xiaozhuo asked in surprise.

"It's also calculated. It's also calculated that there are patients in his family through the plastic bag of the pharmacy and the drugs inside. This is called reasoning, but this algorithm is not calculated by Zhou Yi's gossip." Zhang Tie ignored He Xiaozhuo's surprise.

"Then how can you be sure of his family? Isn't it that he bought medicine for others?

"Because he came to ask the gossip, it shows that he cares about the patient, cares about him, and even can't rest assured. May I ask if this society can make a person buy her medicine and care so much that he can't worry about it? Will such a person be his colleague or cousin except his family?

He Xiaozhuo was speechless. Although Zhang Tieyi didn't calculate it with gossip, it really made sense.

"Then how can you be his daughter-in-law? Can't his parents or children be sick?"

"The word 'Qinggong' can be faintly seen on his medicine box. Only women have a uterus, so it must be that women are sick."

"Then how do you judge that his daughter-in-law is sick and not his mother?"

"Wuji Baifeng Pill, which is also a medicine that can be faintly seen in the plastic bag he carry, which is the best tonic for women. I think he is about 30 years old this year, so his mother should be over 50 years old. Seeing that his dress and manners are not rich and powerful, his mother's possibility of supplementing this medicine is greatly reduced. Zhang Tieyi took a sip of water again. "There is another reason. According to my years of experience, it is increasingly minimal for young people to calculate their parents. On the contrary, men are used to asking women and men."

He Xiaozhuo was speechless. It turned out that Zhang Tieyi was so calculating that he always felt a little awkward, but he could not point out Zhang Tieyi's mistake. All kinds of knowledge, Zhang Tieyi is indeed unmatched in terms of "all kinds of" learning.

"Then how did you calculate that his parents are incomplete?" He Xiaozhuo asked curiously again, can you infer this from external reasoning?

"Hahaha..." Zhang Tieyi laughed cheerfully again. Well, since I promise you that you know everything and say everything, I will just show you the methods of the world today. After saying that, he took out the small book and pen when he was on the bridge, "We also count your situation." The brush was written on the small book, which was as big as the palm of his hand, so he wrote it in the palm of his hand. After writing, he combined the small notebook and asked He Xiaozhuo, "Ty about your parents?"

"My parents are alive." He Xiaozhuo told the truth.

Zhang Tie tore off a piece of paper and showed it to He Xiaozhuo, which said: Both parents are complete.

Then write it in that small book.

"What is your father?"


As soon as Zhang Tie tore off a piece of paper, it said: Father is a cow.

Then write it in that small book.

"What does your mother belong to?"


As soon as Zhang Tie tore off a piece of paper, it said: the mother is a dragon.

Although it is the second time to see Zhang Tieyi's technique, He Xiaozhuo can't help but be surprised. Zhang Tieyi's hand will not only come out by guessing, right?

"What about my brothers?" He Xiaozhuo asked the same question.

Zhang Tieyi didn't squeak, wrote it on the paper, and then tore it down and showed it to He Xiaozhuo: Kunzhong can't be two or three.

"This time it's wrong. I'm two brothers."

Zhang Tieyi did not answer, but only clicked on the paper with a pen. When He Xiaozhuo looked at it again, the word had become: Brother can't, two or three.

"You?" He Xiaozhuo opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't go on. Zhang Tieyi's writing can't be wrong.

"I understand that your 'life can't have children'. Can it be read as 'Life alone, can't have children' and 'Life alone can't have children'?"

Zhang Tieyi gave a thumbs-up to He Xiaozhuo with a mysterious smile, and He Xiaozhuo was derailed, "So that's how you calculate!"

Zhang Tieyi smiled mysteriously, "How's it going? Is it accurate?"

"Yes!" He Xiaozhuo rolled his eyes. Now he thinks that Zhang Tieyi is really brazen.

"No," He Xiaozhuo became strange again, "This 'parents are incomplete', 'parents are both complete', 'mother is still there', 'father is a cow', 'mother is a dragon' will not break the second meaning no matter how they break the sentence? Is this also fake?

Zhang Tieyi couldn't hold it anymore. A mouthful of water spewed out of his mouth and pointed to He Xiaozhuo with his hand. He Xiaozhuo with a gasp and a smile: "You boy really broke the casserole and asked (pattern) to the end, okay, then let you see it." After saying that, he handed the small book to He Xiaozhuo.

He Xiaozhuo looked through it carefully and couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that the small notebook was not all blank pages. Many pages had already written 'parents are incomplete', 'parents are complete', 'mother is still there', 'father is still there', 'father is ox', 'mother is dragon', 'father is a horse', 'female is born in chicken' and so on.

"What are you? ..." He Xiaozhuo seemed to have realized something.

"Yes, the broken words have been written for a long time. What I wrote on the paper just now is just for making a show. As long as you tell the result, I will find the broken words that match the result written in advance and tear it up for you. That's enough. I'm sure it won't be wrong, right? Of course, this requires practice, but it can't make you find that the paper I just tore may not be the page I just wrote. After saying that, Zhang Tie looked at He Xiaozhuo proudly.

"So that's it!" He Xiaozhuo suddenly realized that of course, it was God's mind.

"So it is." Zhang Tieyi learned He Xiaozhuo's tone.

"You are a big liar!"