Xianxing City

Chapter 10 So 2

"Haha," Zhang Tie smiled one by one, "you can think this is a liar, but do you think everything I gave you was cheated like this? Can your fighting behavior also be deceived by this? Zhang Tie asked slowly.

He Xiaozhuo really has the same question on this point.

"That's not really calculated by gossip, is it?"

"Yes, it's not a gossip, but it's also elaborate."

"How did you launch it?"

"The bridge you arrived today is called Hongqiao, which is north-south. You are from the north, and there are traces of woods on your body. The forest is in the north of this city, so you are from the north."

He Xiaozhuo nodded silently, which he also thought of.

"Then how did you calculate that the scars on my body were touched by yourself, not left by others, and that I was chasing others all the time, not by others chasing me?"

"The reason is very simple. If others had left so many scars on you, it wouldn't be so regular."

"Rules?" He Xiaozhuo wondered why he didn't find it.

"Yes. Didn't you find that your scars are in front of your body, but not behind your body? This means that you are chasing others. If others are chasing you, there should be scars behind you. Chasing others in the trees will make scars, of course, it will only be in the front, and it will be scratched by the branches when chasing, so the wound is made by yourself. Only the branches will only leave regular scratches in front of you. If someone else hurts you, they won't hurt such a rule.

He Xiaozhuo has to admire Zhang Tieyi's observation and reasoning ability.

"Then how can I see that I was defeated?"

"You looked depressed when you came, and your failure has been written on your face."

Yes, He Xiaozhuo admitted that he would not hide his inner world yet.

"Then how can you see that it must be a master's rescue?"

"Looking at the scars on your body, you will know the intensity of your fight. If you have been chasing others, it shows that you still have a certain upper hand and a certain upper hand and lose. You must have been plotted. You can not only be plotted, but also retreat all over your body. There are no scars on your body except for scratches. Isn't it possible that someone to save you? You should know that it is an ancient forest. Few people will go there. They are not a master in the world. Who can save you?

He Xiaozhuo has to admit that although this last calculation is not perfect, and Leng Qingfeng is not a master outside the world, the basic plot is still not much different from Zhang Tieyi's calculation. Zhang Tieyi is really a sophisticated calculation of Zhang Tieyi.

"No, I saw that when you came to the young man's house to criticize his daughter-in-law, it was full of professional terms, and the result of the calculation was also correct. Is this also what you speculated rather than calculated?" He Xiaozhuo asked again.

"Haha, do you think everything I calculated is speculative? Let me tell you, this is Jianghu. If you want to go to the world, you should not only understand the profession, but also understand the world, and the latter is more important. But it doesn't mean that the latter can walk around the world. Therefore, I must know a little about Zhou Yi's gossip and fortune-telling.

"Then isn't that his daughter-in-law is sick in her stomach?"

"Haha," Zhang Tieyi looked up to the sky and smiled again. The city knocks on thousands of sales and hits, and traveling around the rivers and lakes is also magnificent.

He Xiaozhuo shook his head inexplicably.

"This 'city' refers to observing words and colors and judging the authenticity. The young man took the medicine and looked anxious again. This is to observe his words and then judge the truth of the patient.

"Knock' refers to the side-by-side knock. She said that she had a life of fire in the sky, five earth and three fires in the column, hit the earth heavily, and the fire was ground again. The earth was too prosperous, and it was not ugly, and the earth was intensified... At this time, the young man finally couldn't help asking, 'What will happen?' I said, 'It's not good.' This is called side-the-side knocking.

"Thousands" is stimulation, scolding, intimidation and cracking down. Remember he asked me next?' What's wrong?' I replied, 'Her illness is also serious here.' This is Qian. Let's start with a scare."

"Sell' is to push out the known data. Now the known information is that his daughter-in-law is sick or even dying, so this point is sold, which is what I said next. In fact, what I later said about Sanding was a malignant disease, and his hands and feet were also injured, which was also a selling point around his daughter-in-law's suicide.

"The 'clip' is forced. When it comes to this, it is 'such as the disease of the spleen and stomach', which has forced him to choose whether it is right or not. In the end, he admitted that his daughter-in-law had something wrong, right?

He Xiaozhuo stared at Zhang Tieyi for a long time, which is clearly different from Zhou Yi he has learned.

"Then what is 'play'?" He Xiaozhuo didn't think there was so much attention here.

"Bat' is a sarcasm and suddenly asks a question. I asked him if there was a patient at home, right? Let's fight."

"What about 'Long'?"

"Long' is compliment, comfort, encouragement and praise. I have repeatedly said that they love each other and have a deep relationship, so I helped them. This is Long.

"So you haven't been using a deception all the time?" He Xiaozhuo feels very uncomfortable.

"What did I lie to?"

"You cheated him out of his real condition and made him think it was calculated by you."

"If you think this is cheating, there's nothing you can do. But I think cheating always means something, such as using interests as a means. And I still have nothing now.

"Didn't you finally take other people's money?"

"That's the money for treating others. It's the money for the stand-in."

"Isn't your method all deceived? Isn't this method of sending a substitute a fraud?" He Xiaozhuo didn't think so.

"Of course not. Among what I and the master have learned, I have learned this seriously, and the rest of the gossip terms and rules are really swallow. The ultimate purpose of the calculation is to cure the disease, that is, to seek good luck and avoid evil, so I don't think it's important how to introduce the disease. The key is to cure it. Zhang Tieyi also has a serious face.

"Do you think your method will definitely work?"

"Do you think your method will definitely work?" Zhang Tieyi also asked.

He Xiaozhuo was speechless for a moment. He only dealt with the patient's space environment according to the principle of gossip and his own induction. As for the result, he could not be sure, because he had never had any experience in this field.

"So I don't ask for other people's money." He Xiaozhuo said righteously and confidently.

Zhang Tie was happy. In fact, isn't our goal all to cure diseases? Even if you don't ask for other people's money, if you don't cure them, will you feel at ease because you didn't take their money or because you can't cure the disease?

"Of course, I will feel sorry for not being able to cure this disease."

"So we are doing all the duties of doctors now. It's just that the patient came to you. You used the means of looking, smelling and cutting to get the patient's cause, and then opened the prescription. I used the way of looking, smelling, asking and cutting to get the patient's cause, and then opened the prescription. Next, it depends on whose recipe is good, right? Another difference between us is that you confiscate the money, even if I accept it. But what's wrong with this? Which hospital will not charge because the patient has not been cured? They don't pay for the disease.

"You..." He Xiaozhuo was speechless for a moment. In the face of Zhang Tieyi, an experienced and experienced old man, he still looked a little tender.

"Then don't you charge money every time you tell your fortune? Have you all been sent as substitutes for treatment?"

"Of course I have to collect money. Why don't I drink the northwest wind? But you don't have to send a stand-in, but the disease is cured? Zhang Tieyi replied easily.

"Do you still treat the disease?" He Xiaozhuo's eyes widened, "Is it cured to tell people's fate?"

"Of course. You know you are so accurate. Why did that young man hit you at first? This is called good advice, and good medicine is bitter. Children, if you walk around the world in the future, of course, I still advise you to go back to study. Anyway, remember not to speak too bluntly, which will hurt people very much, and it will be easy for you to get hurt. Today, you directly said that people hang themselves, which is a taboo.

"I'm telling the truth."

"To tell the truth? What if you miscalculated? You should know that people make mistakes. If you make a mistake today, will they ask you to settle accounts? Moreover, even if you have figured it out, you should also leave some room for others, such as telling them to go home quickly. If he wants to ask why, just tell him to go home and know, leaving room for himself.

He Xiaozhuo straightened his neck unconvincedly.

"Let me give you an example. Now I can only have one child, so more people come to my family to have a child, whether it is a man or a woman. My old man's general reply is: girl."

He Xiaozhuo turned his head doubtfully and looked at Zhang Tieyi. Isn't this the big brother of the fly - blind ( blind)?

Zhang Tieyi took a sip of water again, "Because now we Chinese like to have boys, so once we give birth to a girl, they must say that Zhang Tieyi's calculation is really accurate. If it was a boy, hey, they would have happily forgotten what I counted for them.

Dizzy, He Xiaozhuo is really dizzy. What kind of person is this iron?

This is called psychology. Why do many people come to fortune-telling? The girl asked her mother that she was sick in the gums; the old father asked Jiao'er, and her children must have few children and grandchildren... When she asked this matter, she must be missing. She frequently asked the reason, and there must be a reason for this... Since she came to fortune-telling, there must be something wrong, but how about calculating more things? Can it be solved? No, you have to comfort people at this time. Why do you talk about Long? It is to comfort others, describe a future for others, and make people feel at ease. In fact, many fortune-telling people don't just solve problems, but they can't find a way out psychologically. Why is my life so hard? Why is my life so bumpy? I've never heard of a fortune-telling asking why my fate is so good? Therefore, in the face of these people with problems, comfort is very important, which is also a psychological hint. Because you have calculated something for him, then he will believe you very much, so it is very effective for you to comfort him at this time. For example, if a person wants to commit suicide, you can comfort him that you are very unlucky now, but after this step, everything will be fine. Only when there is hope can he be motivated, and he may not commit suicide again. Can you say that this is not curable? Isn't this also psychotherapy? Is it normal for me to charge?

He Xiaozhuo is completely dizzy. Zhang Tieyi, you shouldn't call it a divine calculation, you should call it a divine stick.