Xianxing City

Chapter 15 Can't be wrong Li Siping 1

suddenly woke up and said, "I see, your pill is an antidote. You asked me to scratch it to the wall, that is, to volagate the medicine into the air; and then to the lock hole of the old lady's house, because the friction when she opens the door will volatilize the antidote; you asked me to row it to a high place on the door of the old lady's house, because the old lady can absorb the antidote at close range when she opens the door, so Although the old lady was drugged downstairs, she suddenly woke up after breathing the antidote in the corridor all the way to the room, and found that the swindler was holding his money and jewelry, so she found that she was fooled and shouted to catch the bad guys. The two swindlers had to seize the way and escape..."

"Oh!" Zhang Tie narrowed his eyes with a smile and pointed to He Xiaozhuo and said with a smile, "Confucians can teach!"

"Then how can you have an antidote?"

"This is often said to walk in the world, and the antidote must be in hand." Zhang Tieyi said proudly.

"There is one more question!" He Xiaozhuo said loudly.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Tie was stunned.

"What if the police don't arrive in time?"

"What should I do? What should I do? Zhang Tie scratched his scalp and muttered, "What should I do? What should I do?"

"Yes, what should I do?" He Xiaozhuo asked unrelentingly.

"What should I do? Then I can only take action in person!" Zhang Tie shrugged his shoulders helplessly and looked very aggrieved.

Zhang Tieyi is really a lovely and good person. He Xiaozhuo couldn't help jumping into Zhang Tieyi's arms.

"Oh, Xiaozhuo, what are you doing? Look, so many people on the street are watching, and they think I have paedophilia.

"Fuck you!" He Xiaozhuo pushed Zhang Tieyi away, stamped on Zhang Tieyi's feet fiercely, and strode forward. Seeing this scene, the fool also learned from He Xiaozhuo, stamped on Zhang Tie's other foot and neck, and then quickly chased after He Xiaozhuo. The rest of Zhang Tie grinned and scolded fiercely, "Hey! Two little wolf cubs, can they stay for a long time? Then he limped up.

He Xiaozhuo didn't expect that the door of Li Siping's house would be so crowded. Originally, it was an ordinary suburban hut with three ridge-rise houses, painted green glass windows, simple and old low walls, but the door was full of all kinds of cars. Although He Xiaozhuo couldn't name those cars, it was easy to see that the owner of the car was ordinary people by looking at the bright and luxurious appearance of each car. Of course, in addition to cars, there are also ordinary people in a long queue, and no one maintains order. Whether it is a stylish person in suits or a plain and ordinary person, they are waiting for something devoutly.

"What are they waiting for?" He Xiaozhuo asked unconsciously.

Zhang Tie smiled and said, "Today is the day my brother came out of the mountain. Of course, they are waiting for my brother to tell fortune!"

"They all came to your brother's fortune-telling?" He Xiaozhuo was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw such a big array to tell fortunes. He thought of Zhang Banxian in the neighboring village, who was also known to the ten-mile and eight villages around him, but his family has always been a doorkeeper.

"Of course." Zhang Tieyi said proudly, "And they are lucky today."

"Lucky?" He Xiaozhuo didn't understand why he was lucky to find Li Siping for fortune-telling.

"Of course. My younger brother only counts 20 people a day, and then it doesn't matter how much money he gives. And it only comes out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that there are at least 30 to 50 people who come to calculate every day, sometimes even more than 100 people. These people are all admired. Didn't you look at those cars? Some of them are still from more than a thousand miles. So are you lucky to be ranked 20th today?

"I'm dizzy." He Xiaozhuo didn't expect that there would be so many fortune-telling people looking for Li Siping, let alone that there would be so many people coming to Li Siping every day. It seems that Li Siping must be extraordinary.

Zhang Tieyi passed the queue very easily and took He Xiaozhuo to the door of the hut.

knocked on the door, but no one paid attention to it.

"The person inside just went in," a thin man who had been standing by the door reminded him unplealy. His eyes were full of hostility. Obviously, it was his turn to settle down, and he was also hinting that Zhang Tieyi not to sew.

"We are here to visit." Zhang Tie looked through the man's mind and explained casually. The man said to himself unhappily, "If you add a seam, you can add a seam. What else do you mean by visiting the door? It is said that Li Siping has always been a follower of rules. Why is there anyone else to sew it? After saying that, he stared at He Xiaozhuo and others with blank eyes, and he didn't want to add more seams from me.

At this time, the door opened, and a white and young face poked out. He Xiaozhuo saw two thick black eyebrows wrinkled together, like two curly silkworms, and below them were a pair of eyes like apricot cores. As soon as the two curly silkworms saw Zhang Tieyi, they immediately unfolded:

"Master, you are here!" The man exclaimed. At the same time, the door opened like a silkworm. Then he turned around and shouted to the room, "Master, uncle is here."

Zhang Tieyi immediately waved his hand to him and put his index finger on his lips, signaling him not to make a sound. Then he followed the young man to the house. No one paid attention to the thin man who turned his face away angrily.

As soon as he entered the room, He Xiaozhuo saw a plaque hanging on the opposite wall, with gold words on a black background: You can't be wrong. He Xiaozhuo took a breath of cold air, and it seemed that the owner of the room was very confident.

In the room, there is a man sitting cross-legged in the center. At the age of 40, he has a gray head, a dark face, black and shiny eyebrows, a pair of big black eyes, and dark eyes, but the eyeball is always fixed in one direction and rarely rotates. Tall nose bridge and angular lips. He Xiaozhuo could feel that the man on the pavement must have been a beautiful man when he was young, but it was a pity that his eyes were blind and looked blind, because those eyes were no different from normal eyes from the appearance, which were different from the dry eye socket of the congenital blindness. Dressed in a black and white striped shirt and jeans, although his eyes are blind, he sits there without anger. It seems that it is Zhang Tieyi's younger brother Li Siping.

Opposite Li Siping sat a middle-aged man in a casual jacket, wearing glasses and listening to Li Siping's fortune-telling with a pious face.

"You are a prosperous official, and you have been born all the way. I have graduated from college, then assigned a job, and then you will be proud and promoted."

"What position do you think I can sit?"

"You are now at the department level and will be promoted to deputy bureau in two years."

"What about two years later?"

"Let's deal with the matter in front of you first."

"What's ahead?"

"Yes, you don't come to fortune-telling today to ask about things two years later, do you? You are now haunted by a woman. This woman is not your wife, but your lover. She is twelve years younger than you. She is very beautiful and has a black mole on the left corner of her mouth.

The man with glasses lowered his head powerlessly. Obviously, Li Siping had already said it in his heart.

"But your wife has discovered that she is forcing you to break up with that woman. By the way, you sit in your wife's palace every day, and you are also rich because your wife's palace is rich, which shows that her father is also a senior official. You borrowed her light to get to this point today.

"Not bad." The spectacled man had to admit it in the face of the facts.

"Look at your lover again and get along well with money. It means that you hold on to the rich and make a lot of money with you. And this money coincides with you, which means that you don't want to give it. But your partial wealth is secretly related to the partial officials. Turning back to you shows that you have important evidence in the hands of your lover.

"What evidence?" The man with glasses blurted out.

"The partial wealth is unjust wealth, and it is a secret match. Of course, it comes from bribery." Li Siping said rudely. But this wealth is secret and empty, and it is sealed, so I'm not to say it's evidence of bribery. That is to say, your lover has your evidence of bribery in her hand, and she will also blackmail you with a property, otherwise she will not let you go.

"I hope the master will give me some guidance." The man with glasses almost knelt down.

"How can I point out any maze? If I know the cause of the previous life, the recipient of this life is, and if I know the result of the next life, I will do it in this life. Zhou Yi said: If you have a good family, you will have Yuqing. If you have a bad family, you will have a surplus. If you do good deeds and accumulate virtues, you will be able to avoid danger at that time."

"Yes, the master said so. It's just the matter at the present, and please don't hesitate to teach me.

"There is much help in the way, but there is little help in the way."

"Master, please make it clear."

"At present, you can go to the market or restaurant to buy six turtles and release them to the lake in the north."

"Is that all right?"

"This is the method of release. All things have spirits and all sentient beings have feelings. This practice is only to solve your urgent needs. The key lies in long-term good deeds and accumulation of virtues to achieve the merit of saving the world. At that time, all contradictions will be solved. If you are officials, if you can really benefit one side, you will also achieve worldly merits. Why do you care about temporary troubles?

"Thank you for your advice." The man with glasses seemed to realize something and bowed deeply to Li Fuping before retreating.

He Xiaozhuo was about to come forward to inquire. Zhang Tieyi pulled him and then shook his head gently. He didn't know that Li Siping didn't want anyone to disturb him when he was fortune-telling, including his brother Zhang Tieyi.

At this time, Li's disciple introduced another man of about 40, and He Xiaozhuo noticed that it was the thin man at the door.

"Master, please approve these two lives." After saying that, the middle-aged man took out a prepared note with two eight characters written on it, and the middle-aged man read it to Li Siping word by word.

"Men's life: Renchen Gengxu Gengyin Ding Chou"

After listening to this, Li Siping began to calculate. About a minute, Li Siping was furious, but he still said to the people calmly,

"Do you think there is another eight character?"

"Yes, there is another one."

"Let me hear it." Li Siping said word by word.

The middle-aged man has been looking at Li Siping's calculation with a smile. After listening to Li Siping's words, he picked up the note and was afraid that Li Siping could read it word by word: This is a woman's life: Wu Yin Jia Yin Ren Yin

Li Siping listened carefully, and then began to pinch his fingers, and he couldn't help guessing as if he were saying a spell...

Suddenly, he stared blindly and shouted angrily at his apprentice, "Four seas, kick this man out!"