Xianxing City

Chapter 16 Li Siping 2

After listening to the master's instructions, Sihai didn't say a word. He grabbed the thin man's neck and took it out. Although the four seas are not strong, the thin man still has the upper hand compared with him. But as soon as the thin man swaving his arm and opening his hand, he rushed up from the edge of the shop and shouted:

"Wh! I said, what's going on with you? I came here in the name of Li*Master*, but you didn't say anything to me. Why did you chase people? Now you have to make it clear to me."

"Drag out!" Li Siping did not explain and shouted angrily.

Without hesitation, Sihai grabbed the man's shoulder, pushed him to the door, and then opened the door, ready to push him out of the door.

The thin man was not willing to give up. He grabbed the door frame and shouted at the crowd waiting outside the door: "You guys commented. I sincerely came all the way to find Li * teacher to tell fortunes. As a result, after Li * * * teacher just asked me eight words, he didn't tell anyone out. You guys commented. , what's the reason? Is the master unreasonable? If you can't figure it out, you have to give me an answer. How can you get out of thin air? Even if you can't figure it out, can't you drive people away? Is this your ability to drive away people you can't figure out? ......”

Although the thin man is very thin, he is very articulate and shouts. The team that was originally neatly arranged is also chaotic. Everyone gathered around,

"What's going on?"

People began to chattering.

"You said that I can't calculate it wrong. Well, then tell me, are these two eight characters you counting your relatives or your family?" Li Siping's angry voice came from the room.

"You!..." When the thin man heard Li Siping say this, he was so angry that he lit the room with his hand and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Then I tell you, one is a dead person, and the other is not a human life but a cat's life. What do you want to do with these two words? Don't you know that our industry has never been a dead life and an animal life? Bullying me blind, isn't it? Let me tell you that I am blind but not blind!"

Wan! There was a noise in the crowd, and Li Siping said a few words. He had made the reason of the matter clear. The people waiting cast their contemptuous eyes on the thin man. It turned out that this man was looking for trouble.

When Zhang Tie heard this, he suddenly jumped up and rushed out of the house.

"Brother, forget it. He is also a boring person. Li Siping said his first sentence to Zhang Tieyi at this time. It seemed that he had already known that Zhang Tieyi was in the room.

As soon as Zhang Tie chased him to the door, the thin man had run away, "Don't let me bump into you again!" Zhang Tie scolded hatefully, and then went back to the house.

"Brother, if you brought a distinguished guest this time, I don't think you should wait here. Let's go to my cabin first, where the wine and dishes are ready for you. After 20, I will go back to make amends to you. Li Siping said slowly.

He Xiaozhuo was very shocked. Li Siping said that Zhang Tie came with distinguished guests, so who else is there besides himself? But he hasn't greeted Li Siping yet. Why did Li Siping say that? He also said that the wine and dishes were also ready. Did Li Siping know that Zhang Tieyi was coming?

"Well, you still know my temper. Well, that's the old rule." Zhang Tieyi smiled cheerfully, "You, I don't know whether you are dead or hard. I think you are just a corner." After saying that, he shook his head and said, "Xiaozhuo, let's go first. Mr. Li* has issued an order to expel guests."

Zhang Tieyi is really Zhang Tieyi, and now he is joking about his younger brother again. Li Siping also ignored it and ordered to the four seas: "Next."

He Xiaozhuo came out of Li Siping to know that this was just Li Siping's usual fortune-telling place, which was equivalent to his office, while Li Siping did not live here. The place where Li Siping asked Zhang Tieyi to go was the place where he lived.

On the way, Zhang Tieyi told He Xiaozhuo about Li Siping's life.

That year, Master took himself on a tour of the world. At that time, he was also a teenager. One day, I walked to a small village with red brick and green tile houses, weeping willow trees swinging in the breeze, the streets of the stone road are simple and solemn, and a white and bright river passing through the village, adding a natural, simple and warm and faint feeling to the village. Master likes it very much. He feels very kind and familiar. At that time, the villagers washed clothes and bedding on both sides of the river, and then put the washed clothes and bedding by the river to dry.

After a breeze, the master pinched his fingers and immediately knew that a heavy rain was coming, so he hurriedly asked the people in Hedong to put away their clothes and tell them that it was about to rain. The villagers were skeptical. At that time, it was a beautiful day. How could it rain when it rained? Looking up at a cloud, where did the rain come from? But when people saw the master's sincere appearance, they began to clean up the clothes and bedding on the ground with half a doubt.

When the people in Hexi saw it, they asked why the people in Hedong began to collect clothes and bedding? The people in Hedong told the reason, saying that the gentleman said it was going to rain soon.

So the people in Hexi also began to pack up their clothes and bedding. When Master saw it, he stopped them and said, "You don't have to clean up your clothes and bedding."

The Hexi people felt strange and asked the master why the people in Hedong wanted to clean up the clothes and bedding when the rain came, but we Hexi people didn't use it?

Master told them that because the rain will be bounded by the river, it will only go down to the east of the river, and the west of the river is still sunny.

At that time, after the master finished speaking, the villagers opened their eyes wide, and no one could believe that there would be such a strange thing. Fortunately, what the master said was that it was going to rain soon, so believe it. If the master's prophecy cannot be fulfilled, it is not too late to settle accounts with him.

As soon as the words fell, a pouring rain came as expected. If it hadn't been for the timely collection of clothes and bedding, this pouring rain would have been equivalent to washing all their things in vain. And as the master predicted, the torrential rain only fell to the east of the river, but not a drop of it. At that time, people thought that my master was a living immortal. My master and I also left quietly in the praise. At that time, I was also very proud of my master.

Walking, I met a cattle herding baby, who was only about ten years old. He hurriedly drove a few cattle, and his whole body was as thin as firewood. His big eyes were particularly abrupt because he was thin. His upper body was still bare and he was walking back tremblingly. Obviously, the pouring rain just now drenched him. Seeing his poor appearance, the master immediately took off his clothes and put them on him and asked him to go home quickly so that he would not be frozen.

But before the cattle herding baby had gone far, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, which was a thunderbolt in the clear sky after the rain, and then a string of lightning chased the cattle herding baby...

The master shouted and ran to the cattle herder. But it was too late, and the herder was struck by lightning.

Master tried his best to save the life of the cattle baby, but the eyes of the cattle baby were blind from then on. They used to be a pair of big crystal clear eyes.

Master was very guilty and said to me in private: In fact, the thunder and lightning was aimed at him, because he had just leaked the sky, so he was punished by God. He should have been struck by lightning. But he gave his clothes to the herd, and the lightning found the clothes and went away...

In order to express his guilt for the cattle herding baby, the master persuaded the family of the cattle herding baby to take him home as an apprentice. He taught what he had learned in his life to the cattle herding baby without reservation for ten years. Another ten years led us to travel around the world, let us experience all kinds of people, and apply what we have learned to practice, until we see that we have all achieved academic success, especially the original cattle herders have an unfathomable opportunity to settle down and laugh proudly. Then he quietly retreated and tells us that he will hide in the mountains and forests and be silent forever. There will be no more leakage of the sky.

The cattle herder is Li Siping.

I didn't expect Li Siping to have such a miserable background. He Xiaozhuo has been speechless for a long time. Is Li Siping blessed or blessed by misfortune, or both? Fate is really a miracle. I don't know why she was born, I don't know why she died, and who led the wind and rain for her and who set up a rainbow for her? Who is grasping her trajectory? Invisible fate, untouchable love, who can hold fate in his hands? Reach out your hand, where are you? Or is it already in hand?

No wonder Zhang Tie is so angry with the thin man who wants to deceive Li Siping. Master, Zhang Tieyi and Li Siping are so amazing. He Xiaozhuo suddenly thought of the old man and Chang Xiaoqing. Where are they?

"I've arrived. This is my brother's house." Zhang Tieyi's words finally pulled He Xiaozhuo back to reality from a trance. In front of him was a metal security door, telling him that it was only a door away from his master's house.

"What?" Before inserting the key into the lock hole, Zhang Tieyi suddenly stopped and saw him lower his waist curiously and began to carefully observe the pattern on the wall next to the door.

He Xiaozhuo saw all kinds of words and advertising strips on the wall, some of which are just small palm-sized advertisements, which are open to the water, some are a few words and a string of phone numbers, which are for repairing household appliances, and some are larger and more exquisite, which are enrollment advertisements... Why did this Tieyi suddenly become interested in advertising?

"Xiaozhuo, look at this." Zhang Tieyi greeted He Xiaozhuo and came forward, "Look at this." Zhang Tie pointed to the wall.

He Xiaozhuo saw that it was a string of numbers written in pencil.

"It's not this," Zhang Tie waved his hand. "It's the following ones."

Only then did He Xiaozhuo see clearly that on the words of that string of pencils are several symbols directly engraved on the white wall with iron nails: ⊙-+☆, the top of the minus sign is also marked with one, three, five, and finally a five-pointed star. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it.

"Isn't it casually scratched by the child?" He Xiaozhuo asked suspiciously.

Zhang Tieyi shook his head resolutely, and then bit out a few words from the root of his teeth: "Grandma, it's on my head!"