Xianxing City

Chapter 16 Caught in the Wolf's Nest Again

"So your real purpose is not to save me, but to hand me over to the ghost door." He Xiaozhuo said word by word.

"Yes. For this reason, I have been waiting outside while you are trapped by hatred.

"Waiting for so long to deceive us here?"

"Yes, I can only wait until the hateful prohibition is broken."

"Now you have decided to do it?"

"For my early success, that's all I can do." Huang You said categorically.

"Do you think you can achieve positive results?"

"I must achieve positive results!"

"Then you can't help it!" He Xiaozhuo's head flashed with fire, and Mei Xinyan had turned into a fire and rushed directly to Huang You.

But it was still a step late. Suddenly, a large strong yellow smoke suddenly appeared behind Huang You, which instantly filled the whole cave, and everything was shrouded in the strong yellow smoke. At the same time, the smell of fishy and stench came to the nose, making people dizzy and difficult to support.

Mei Xinyan shouted that it was not good. It was impossible to find anyone else, so she had to withdraw the fire, shrink her body into a fireball, and tried her best to find it to the exit.

After half an hour, the smoke in the cave finally dissipated, and Mei Xinyan just flashed out of the corner. The thick smoke just now made this inch of land out of nowhere. It seems that Huang You's poisonous smoke is indeed a small, and Huang You deliberately led them here to release the poisonous smoke, just using the hole to be closed. Space, so that the poisonous smoke cannot dissipate easily, it seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

The smell of fishy smell has not completely dissipated. With a ray of sunlight outside, Mei Xinyan was surprised to find that in addition to the fool lying on the ground, He Xiaozhuo and Huang You had disappeared.

"Xiaozhuo! Xiaozhuo!" Mei Xinyan shouted loudly, but in the empty cave, only the echo was heard, but no one was seen.

"Fool! Fool!" Mei Xinyan screamed for a long time, and the fool finally woke up drowsily, with a runny nose and tears on his face.

"Where's Xiaozhuo? Have you seen Xiaozhuo? Mei Xinyan shouted anxiously to the fool.

The fool was still confused. Hearing He Xiaozhuo's name, he was excited and immediately stood up, but then he shook to fall down. After barely standing, he trembled and pointed out of the hole.

Mei Xinyan was shocked and swept out of the hole.

Outside Momi Mountain.

An old man with a rosy face and white beard is sitting under an ancient tree in the valley, with a bluestone slab in front of him, with a green teapot and a green teacup. The old man drank tea in the shade of the tree and drank by himself, looking very leisurely.

But under careful observation, the old man's eyes looked into the depths of the valley from time to time. There was a faint anxiety in his red face. The two silk-like white eyebrows were thick and powerful, but it was difficult to hide the sharp light that occasionally flashed in the big eagle's eyes under his eyebrows. Under the lion's nose, the white beard is hidden, and a mouth that always smiles is mechanical and exaggerated. Because at this moment, when he drank himself, his mouth also smiled mechanically. He is not tall, fat, and wears a gray coat neatly.

The old man poured the pot of water into the cup again. This is the fifth cup. Under normal circumstances, the pot of water will never exceed four cups of water, but the old man picks it up at will and pours it at will, but there is always water in the cup in the pot. The old man is immersed in drinking alone.

In the sound of kicking, a teenager is slowly coming here, wearing ragged clothes, fluffy hair, and a pair of rubber shoes showing his toes. In addition to the alternating feet, he can no longer see the movement of his body. Even a pair of big dark eyes look straight ahead without blinking, as if Everything has nothing to do with yourself.

The white-haired old man had already heard this sound approaching, but he was indifferent and still leisurely poured his tea, as if he did not notice the approach of the young man.

Leave the young man to walk behind him and then stop.

"I'm thirsty. Can I ask you for a cup of tea?" The young man said politely.

The old man pondered for a moment, stopped in the air with his left hand holding the teacup, then gently raised his right hand and pressed it gently on the lid of the pot. A white column of water immediately spewed out from the spout, showing a beautiful arc falling back.

When the young man saw the water coming, he was rude. He raised his head and opened his mouth to the waterline.

The water line accurately flowed into the teenager's mouth. The teenager greedily sucked the water into his mouth, but only when he drank a cup of tea, the teenager suddenly fell to the ground without humming.

The white-haired old man smiled without looking back and took a sip of the tea that was still in his hand.

In the valley in front of him, there was finally a person who rushed to come, carrying a man on his shoulder. He walked vigorously and looked back from time to time while running.

Finally, I came close to the old man.

Gently put down the person on his shoulder, and then bow to the white-haired old man:

"Master, I brought people out."

"Huang You, you have done a good job this time. I will definitely reward you as a teacher." The white-haired old man finally spoke.

It turned out to be Huang You's master. The one who came was Huang You, and he was also carrying He Xiaozhuo, who was already in a coma.

It turned out that when He Xiaozhuo was trapped in the film ban, he happened to be bumped into by Huang You, who was practicing in the mountains. He quietly hid behind the tree and eavesdrop. Finally, he knew that the child trapped in the ban was He Xiaozhuo, who had been looking for by his master, and immediately reported the matter to Master Miguzong's smiling and poisonous scorpion Leng Qianzong. That's why Huang You designed to introduce He Xiaozhuo into the closed cave, then fascinated He Xiaozhuo and others with his own unique poison, and then carried He Xiaozhuo to meet the master who responded to the mountain pass.

This is the experience of the past.

But what Huang You didn't expect was that what Master just said was, "I will reward you as a teacher."

"Master, what I want is the secret of the ghost * Yin * door, which can help me achieve positive results early." Huang You looked at the master with expectant eyes.

"Why, can't you get the right results that you are taught by your teacher?" Leng Qianzong still had a smile on his face, but in that smile, he had shown a gloomy evil spirit.

And Huang You, who has been excited, has not yet noticed the anger of Leng Qianzong.

"Master, the disciple has been practicing for 600 years, so you can become a disciple!" After saying that, he lay on the ground and couldn't help kowtoing to Leng Qianzong.

"So you have to use this guy to change the secret of the ghost * Yin * door?" Leng Qianzong swallowed a cup of tea into his stomach without slowing.

"Master, you promised your disciple, it can't be counted." Huang You kowtowed again.

Just as Huang You kowtowed and raised his head, a drop of water accurately bounced into Huang You's mouth, and then a black gas spread from Huang You's mouth.

"Master, you..." Huang You grabbed his throat with his hand, stared at a pair of small eyes in shock, and raised his other hand tremblingly, pointing to Leng Qianzong.

But it could only point out that the smoke quickly spread in his body, Huang You's face began to twist, and his whole body twisted into a ball in pain.

With the dispersion of the smoke, Huang You's clothes began to dissipate in the black smoke and turned into nothingness little by little. With Huang You's violent twists, he finally let out a creepy howling. In the howling, his body gradually deformed, getting smaller and smaller, and finally all his clothes disappeared. Lost, the originally smooth skin also began to crack like a piece of burnt paper. With a heartbreaking wail, Huang You slowly grew a fluffy brown-yellow fur in his gradually burnt and torn skin, and finally settled on the shape of an animal more than a foot long.

Small head and long neck, small nose and round ears, a pair of small eyes black and shiny, dark brown face, white hair around the mouth, long legs and long tail, four short legs, and the glands at the anus are particularly developed. It's not something else, it's just a weasel. No wonder his name is Huang You, and his homonym is Huang You. And the poison that fascinates He Xiaozhuo and others is the stench it releases.

Once the yellow weasel appeared, it immediately lay on the ground and kept shaking, and its eyes were full of hatred and fear.

"Beast, you are just a little yellow skin, and you want to find the right result? Don't forget that I am your master. Don't be delusional until I find the right result. Fight with me, and I will bring you back to your original shape now!"

When Leng Qianzong said this, he slowly took a sip of tea and continued proudly:

"Tell you, I accept you as an apprentice, but I just use you to get He Xiaozhuo out of the hands of the hateful sky, and save me from the bad luck of hate breaking the sky. You will believe the secret of helping you change the ghost * Yin * door. Tell you, I have never counted what I said. Besides, is such a little demon worthy of getting the secret of the ghost * Yin * door?

Leng Qianzong finally said his true intention nakedly. As the elder of the witching sect, it was not shame, but ability to deceive others. Therefore, Leng Qianzong is now proud of the successful realization of his plan. The more humiliation he is, the more happy he feels. So he doesn't want to kill the yellow weasel, but keep it as a proof of his means. Why not? Moreover, spreading the fire of hatred is exactly what the Migzong likes to do. Let this little goblin repent, hahaha, Leng Qianzong smiled and swept the yellow weasel into the mountain forest. Whether he can survive or not depends on your own creation.

He Xiaozhuo, who was still in a coma, was suspended in the air by him.

"Little guy, people all over the world are looking for you. Blessed people don't have to be busy. Blessed people run away. It seems that I'm still predestined with you. Now I will send you to the ghost * Yin * door to change the secret.

After saying that, a fishy wind suddenly rose, and the two suddenly disappeared.

In the depths of the grass, there was a sparse sound. The young man sat up alone, spit out a mouthful of water, looked at the direction of Leng Qianzong's distant escape, showed a cold smile, stood up from the grass and stride.

The teenager is none other than Leng Qingfeng.