Xianxing City

Chapter 17 Interception

Gulan Mountain is not a small mountain, but it is the only high mountain within sight, because it is surrounded by a flat river. It is not famous. Few ordinary people know its name as high officials, and even the villagers living at the foot of the mountain only call it Dongshan, because it is on the east side of the village. But among many famous practitioners, few people don't know Gulan Mountain, because you can't know Gulan Mountain, but you can't know Jiuyou Valley. You can't know Jiuyou Valley, but you can't know Ghost * Yin * Cave. You can't know Ghost * Yin * Cave, but you can't know Ghost * Yin * Gate. . Because the two Taishan Beidou in today's cultivation world are the ghost * Yin * door and Yuzhen door. The Ghost * Yin * Gate is located in the Ghost * Yin * Cave of Jiuyou Valley, and Gulan Mountain is located on the only way to Jiuyou Valley.

In fact, it is just an earthy mountain. The mountains are full of forests, and the trees are full of graves. In the terrain of Yima Pingchuan, this is indeed a good natural cemetery. I don't know how many dead have been buried here in the past dynasties.

At the top of the mountain, a pile of barren tombs are circled into a large cemetery, with broken bricks and moss, and the remnants of monuments are scattered. In the middle of the cemetery, a fierce quarrel continued.

"Is your news reliable? Can you wait for him here? A woman's voice is very strong.

"I'll strangle you if my news is unreliable?" The man's voice is even more vicious.

"Then come on, let's see who strangles whom?" The woman's voice is not weak.

"Don't quarrel with me. Haven't you quarreled enough every day?" Another man shouted impatiently.

"Hey, you little turtle, I haven't figured it out with you yet, and you still farted?"

"Uncle, it's all over now. What's the matter? You should know that we are now grasshoppers on the same line. If we can't run away, you will jump on me. You should know that our top priority now is to cut off the stinky boy and change it to the secret method of the teacher, which is our split strategy.

"Can you just wait here to die?" The woman's voice said coldly.

"You stinky snake can't get along with me, can you? I can't even understand the secret words of my ghost * Yin * door. I haven't lived for hundreds of years in vain?

"That's not necessarily the case? Isn't it in vain that you have lost your life?" The woman's voice is still cold.

"If you say it again, I won't strangle you immediately! Didn't you take your life by others? How dare you say I? I won't die even if I take my life."

"Well, you two, don't quarrel. It's you two who also took my life, and we're even, aren't we?"

"Who is even with you? I can't wait to strangle you immediately!" The man and woman who had just quarreled shouted out in one voice.

"Okay, when you all go out, I'll let you pinch one by one. Now the question is, if that person comes, will your formation work?

"You little bastard, do you still doubt my ability? I'm afraid that he won't come. It's too late for that stinky scorpion to run away when he sees me.

"You won't know until it's time to brag." Women are still unforgiving.

"You snake bitch..."

At this time, if anyone hears them quarreling in the cemetery and sees them in person, they will be scared to death on the spot, because the voice of the quarrel is three people, but there is only one person in the cemetery. If you think that this person must be a madman talking to himself on the street, but if you meet such a person in the cemetery, will he still be a person besides ghosts?

Of course, he is a human being, but not an ordinary person. This person is the co-existence of the old immortal, Li Lanqi and Chang Xiaoqing, and the soul of the three who exist together in Li Lanqi's body. In the bloodless fight with the ghost sword, he beat the bloodless and fled. When he found He Xiaozhuo, he had already been taken out of the dangerous place by Chang Xiaoqing. No matter how fierce the quarrel between the three people was, it was useless, so they had to find it all the way with their own heart.

Chang Xiaoqing thought about how to protect He Xiaozhuo, and what he thought about was how to catch He Xiaozhuo to change the secret. Li Lanqi thought was the most complicated. He wanted to catch He Xiaozhuo. Fortunately, he showed his face, but he was afraid of how to explain to the master after catching He Xiaozhuo. Before you can figure out a definite solution, you have to delay it. The three people quarreled all the way, walked and stopped, and fell behind He Xiaozhuo over and over again. However, after a quarrel, the three still reached an agreement on one point, which is cultivation. If you want to solve the current dilemma of the Trinity, only by constantly improving the level of cultivation can it be possible to recreate the real body.

After practicing all the way, the level of cultivation has progressed rapidly. The old man is a genius in this regard, and Chang Xiaoqing's century-old cultivation also has its own uniqueness. However, Li Lanqi has greatly picked a cheap one. The original body has already been reborn. Although this body is no longer owned by himself, he still wants to find an opportunity to try his hands. Unexpectedly, this opportunity will come soon.

The old immortal accidentally found the secret words of the ghost * Yin * door on the stone of the mountain road. The elder of the mysterious sect with a smiling face and poisonous scorpion Leng Qianzong has captured He Xiaozhuo and is sending it to the ghost * Yin * hole. Don't miss the opportunity. Gulan Mountain, the only way to get to the ghost * Yin * hole in the starry night, is to cut off the smiling face of the poisonous scorpion cold clan.

Leng Qianzong took He Xiaozhuo all the way to control the wind. Because he took He Xiaozhuo, the speed was slower and it took more than a day to get to Gulan Mountain.

At the sight of Gulan Mountain, Leng Qianzong couldn't help but be secretly happy. After passing here, it is Jiuyou Valley, which is equivalent to safely taking He Xiaozhuo to the ghost * Yin * door, and you can also get the Jiuyou ecstasy magic formula he dreamed of. That is the shortcut to the method he has practiced, otherwise he will have to realize hundreds by self-understanding. I just realized the ninth barrier.

immersing himself in this joy, he never thought that someone was waiting for him.

As soon as I flew to the top of the top of Gulan Mountain, eight dazzling mysterious spirits suddenly rose from the underground tombs, such as eight fountains, directly locking myself in all directions.

After the eight Xuanqi rushed over the height of Leng Qianzong, it immediately bent to the middle and formed a point in the middle. A black ball suddenly formed, and the bright light flashed. The black ball directly shot down a dark yellow light column and hit Leng Qianzong.

Leng Qianzong shouted badly, and the tea bowl in his hand was hurriedly thrown into the air. The tea bowl was upside down in the air and became bigger in an instant, like a big umbrella covering him in it.

The Xuanhuang light column hit and was hitting the inverted tea bowl. The tea bowl firmly supported the light column, but the huge pressure absorbed the yin qi in the underground tomb and continued to support the eight Xuanqi black balls, forcing him from the air to the ground.

Leng Qianzong did not dare to neglect. As soon as he raised his right hand, a white water line spewed out of the mouth of the teapot. As Leng Qianzong turned around, he was pouring on the eight mysterious qi, and eight rays of smoke rose up and dissipated in an instant.

Leng Qianzong looked at the opposite side. A middle-aged man in his forties nodded with a smile, especially the sinister eyes behind the bright glasses, which surprised him. Suit leather shoes, no tie, snow-white sweatshirt, thin body, and a polite style. No matter how you look at it, it feels a little incompatible with the monks. But an indescribable airflow in the body makes people feel particularly cold.

What kind of master is this? There doesn't seem to be such a number one person in my memory, but the formation just showed is strange. Is it the person of the ghost * Yin * door? Impossible, how can a person of the ghost * Yin * door blatantly ambushed himself in front of his house? Isn't that obviously a break with us? You should know that the two families of Migzong and Gui*yin*men have always been allies.

"Who are you? Why did you ambush me? Leng Qianzong calmed down and finally asked in a low voice.

"I don't know who I am, and I don't know why I ambushed you?" The speaker is obviously Li Lanqi. At this moment, he will not reveal the name of the ghost * Yin * door.

"You?" Leng Qianzong is very angry. Have young people become scoundrels now?

"Little doll, don't know the depth. If you don't explain this matter clearly today, I will stuff you directly into the grave under your feet." The smiling scorpion's face swept by angrily and soon showed a smiling face.

"Old man, why are you so angry? They just played with a formation and wanted to catch a sparrow or something, but they didn't know that they hit it. Li Lanqi turned out to be innocent.

"Is it?" Leng Qianzong knew that the person opposite was doing this to himself, but he suppressed his anger, "How about I give you a sparrow?"

"Wow!" Li Lanqi, who didn't know the depth, actually clapped his hands.

"Look for death!" Leng Qianzong snorted secretly, and the turquoise teapot mouth was aimed at Li Lanqi.

The smoke is winding, and the black smoke slowly flows out of the spout and slowly condenses into the air, becoming more and more dense. With a bag of smoke, a huge scorpion made of black smoke has fluttered in the air. The huge double pliers are like waving two big trees, and the long scorpion tail is like a column of tornado, Zhang He danced his teeth and claws and rushed straight to Li Lanqi.

Li Lanqi was shocked. What kind of move is this? It's too horrible. Dare not slow down, hurriedly pinched the formula and chanted a spell. A huge column with a thick water tank also took shape. At that time, it was a gloomy wind around the pillar, and the ghost was fierce. It was the ecstasy pestle he refined with his ghost.

"Who are you from the ghost*yin* door?" Leng Qianzong roared, without looking at this ecstasy pestle, from this ghost, except for the people of the ghost * Yin * door, how can there be such a strong ecstasy skill?

"Don't you know?" Li Lanqi is ready to be a scoundrel to the end.

"Ha ha, son, I'll take you to ask the owner of the cave."

After saying that, the magic formula was pinched, and the giant scorpion flying wildly in the air waved down, and the huge scorpion clip came to Li Lanqi.