
Chapter 1 God's Childhood

The most humiliating time in his life, Mora, the supreme man of the main world and once the greatest prophet, was probably the time when he was 14 years old when he was stripped of his clothes and tied to the pillars at the door of the temple.

That's really a huge humiliation.

Although the teenager Mora's body is young, it inherits his mother's beauty. Under the sun, the white and touching skin seemed to be sheep fat shining with charming luster. Several bold girls "accidently" fell on Mora's body at the pillar at the door of the temple. After a long time, they got up and ran away with red faces. Mora, who blushed as if she was going to drip blood, closed her eyes and recited the code of the temple desperately to forget the embarrassment.

The teenager has been tied here for a while, surrounded by many women who peeked with silk scarves at the door of the temple. While peeking at Mora's flawless body, the women whispered condemning the two priests in the temple who had been accused by Mora with the code - it was precisely because of the misconduct of the two priests, violated the code and acted arbitrarily that they were accused by Mora.

But they were so angry that they grabbed Mora and stripped him of his clothes and tied him to the pillar at the gate of the temple. The father of these two priests is the prophet in the temple - a powerful figure who can communicate directly with the gods. Although no oracle has been sent down in the past decade, no one dares to despise the majesty of the prophet, and even tolerates the prophet's two unworthy sons.

Sneakingly looking at Mora's flawless body exposed to the sun than a woman, the women were jealous and pitied. The teenager was obtained by his infertile mother who made a wish to God and gave it to the prophet in the temple after he was weaned. Mora has been smart since he was a child, loved by people and gods, studied codes and laws, and was a boy favored by all women in Ephraim. Like his brothers, he also has his own name - "Ephraim's little prophet", because he was raised by the prophet. This name should have been the two priests, but they misbehaved. That's why they have always been harsh on Mora.

Someone has gone to Mora's brother Fellini and asked him to put Mora down. Fellini is a mighty warrior blessed by the gods. Once a demon from the land of evil spirits ravaged the land of Ephraim, killing many people, and even some priests fell under the devil's claws.

At that time, Fliny was still an adult teenager. He was inspired by God and communicated the power of the kingdom of God and became a powerful warrior. When everyone thought he was crazy, he rushed up, tore the demon with his bare hands, and became the "guardian of Ephraim".

Later, Fellini became the guard warrior of the temple, and only he would not pay attention to the priests made by the two unworthy sons of the prophet. Others are still afraid of these two wanton priests. Because the prophet Eli is old and can't restrain his sons. Therefore, they become more and more reckless and often do excessive things in the temple, even unclean with women in the back of the temple.

This time, Massa and an unscrupulous woman among the two priests were rude in the back of the temple. After being seen by Mora, they scolded loudly, causing other priests to see Massa's scandal, so Massa was angry and treated Mora like this, and threatened no one to let go of Mora until Mora admitted his mistake, otherwise he would be used. Their authority drove the man out of the temple.

But Mora, who has been abiding by the code since childhood, would rather be humiliated than violate her principles, so there was a scene of the women at the door.

In the temple, Massa and his brother Uligu, a priest who is also disrespectful to God.

"Masa, Mora's brother Fellini is a mighty warrior. What if his brother comes to you like this? We can't beat him." Ulig was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? This is the temple. If he dares to do it here, he will despise the glory of the gods. We can use the golden lampstand to deal with him!" Massa said coldly.

"What? Golden lampstand!" Ulg was shocked, "This is a treasure used to collect the power of faith to communicate with the gods. If we do this, the gods will not punish us, will they?"

"Uleg, you are too timid. Haven't you heard of that legend? The god has already fallen asleep, and now everything is just the residual reaction of his divine power. Massa replied that he didn't care.

Uligu was shocked and almost jumped up. He looked around and almost roared when he saw no one nearby, "Masa, are you crazy?! This is a foreign saying. If you dare to say it outside, we will be stoned to death by the people immediately! Have you forgotten the end of that man?! His body is still under that pile of stones!"

Massa was also bold. When Ulg said this, he remembered that although he was usually very powerful, if he really wanted to do a clear blasphemy in front of the people, he would be a ruthless pile of stones waiting for him.

Seeing that no one was there, Massa said something to himself. Then he spoke carelessly and just lowered his voice. "But don't you think those alien words are very reasonable? Otherwise, if the gods really woke up, then our behavior would have been killed by the gods according to the code, but until now we can even use the golden lampstand!"

"Masa! You bastard! Come out!"

A thunderous sound almost overturned all the tents built in front of the temple. Many of the women who were watching Mora fainted on the spot. And some adult men who are closer to the owner of this sound are also roaring in their ears, their eyes are full of stars, and they can't even stand firmly!

Masa and Uligu, who were still in the temple, were also shocked by the sound.

"It's Fellini!" Ulig exclaimed, "He will kill us!"

"This is the temple. If he dares to use swords here, the gods will curse his tenth generation! Don't be afraid of him!" Don't be afraid, but the shaking hands and feet exposed Massa's heart.

"It's all your fault. What are you doing during the day? Are you still afraid that the boy will see it at night?" Ulig complained, "What's wrong with this? Our reputation will inevitably decrease and we will be despised by those ignorant people in the future!"

"You don't often do it during the day, and you still talk about me?" Massa was not happy. "It's just bad luck today that the boy saw it. Forget it, why do you say this? Let's go! Take the golden lampstand, if Fellini dares to do it, I will burn him with the fire of faith!" The last words were almost whispered.

Outside the hall, Mora has been released by Hanifei. Hanifei is also his brother, but also his half-brother. Hanifei has a more beautiful appearance than the women in Ephraim, and he is also good at art. His singing can communicate with the gods and get the ability to get blessings or curses. His handicrafts are commonly used utensils for sacrifices in the temple. He has never seen a better person than him in Ephraim. His title is "Elf of Ephraim". Another point is that he is the dream lover of an unmarried woman in Ephraim, not one, but the only one.

Relave the rope tied to Mora, and at first the women who were scared out by Fellini looked at the two people secretly from a distance again. Although it was very disappointing to see Mora's white jade-like beautiful body wrapped in a white robe, it was very disappointing to see the two young men who knew almost all the women in the land of Falian standing together, the handsome face like an elf, the condensed body like mutton fat, the vision and feeling, oh, far away.

Hanifei gently asked what had happened to Mora. He was worthy of being "Ephraelin's elf". Even if his face was angry, he still spoke cautiously and gentle as jade, as if he were saying gentle love words to his lover. The women who watched this scene from afar wanted to be the teenager who was wrapped in Hanifei's robe. Of course, some women hope that the person holding the teenager is better. Oh, it's far away again.

Mora told Hanif and Flini, who walked in, that he saw Massa and the woman rudeness in the temple, and then said that he accused Massa according to the code, but was stripped of his clothes and tied to the pillar of the temple door.

Flyni, who just came over, wanted to say a few words to Mora, but after listening to Mora's description, Fellini almost couldn't help shouting again, "Masa! You blasphemer bastard, get out of here!" The sound shook another person.

Hanifei had already foreseen that he held Mora and walked away a little, but he still felt that his ears were a little noisy.

"Flyni, what are you shouting in front of the temple gate? I don't know if this is the temple?" A lull and warm voice sounded in the hall, and then everyone saw a golden light in the hall and immediately exclaimed.

"Golden lampstand!" It's a golden lampstand!"

"Masa and the others actually took out the golden lampstand!"

"It's not easy to do!"

"What will happen?"

"I don't know, my God, why such a person can use the golden lampstand instead of being killed by the gods!"

"Oh, my God, how are we living these days? Did God abandon us and let this wicked man be our priest?"

"Shh, keep your voice quiet and don't let them hear it."


Flyni looked at Massa and Ulig coming out of the temple with a bad face, each holding a golden lampstand in their hands. The gold lampstand is different from the ordinary lampstand. The base is a flawless ruby, wrapped in a complete piece of pure gold, and the upper part of the pure gold is hammered into seven lampstands - "Seven" is the complete number of the twelve tribes of Canaan, representing the twelve tribes of Canaan. There is no oil in the lampstand, but it emits an extremely bright light. Except for a few capable soldiers and sacrifices, few people can face the light. Because this lamp is equipped with the fire of faith that burns the power of the whole people's faith, only sacrifices or prophets can pick up and use it.

"Flyni, I know you are a mighty warrior, but you should know the rules of the temple. Mora made a lot of noise in the temple and violated the code, so I accused him a few words. Unexpectedly, this child accused me of using the code, so I had to teach him a lesson. Besides, my father is also Mora's tutor. Anyway, I'm Mora's brother. There is still a right to teach him.

"May God identify right and wrong between you and me! Massa, please don't put me side by side with you. You don't deserve it!" Despite looking at Massa and Ulig holding the golden lampstand in their hands, Fellini's words remained merciless. As for Massa's idea of leaving a step to think about things, it is a joke to a mighty warrior like Fellini.

"You!" Massa's face was gloomy, "Flyni, don't you see what I'm holding in my hand?"

"The code tells us that even Beelzebu (the monarch of the evil kingdom) will pretend to be a bright angel to make voters **, and the golden lampstand in your hand is still made by me!" Before Fliny could speak, Hanifei said.

"So, you are going to do the right thing with the temple!" Massa's sinister way.

Flyni took off his robe and showed his strong muscles,

"Masa, don't play tricks on words. You are a priest who does not keep your duty and defiled the temple, I swear in the name of the living God that I will teach you a good lesson today!"

"Flyni, you self-righteous reckless man, the fire of the gods will bear witness to your stupidity!"

The war is imminent.

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