
Chapter 2 The Hero

Ifalien belongs to the Joseph of the twelve tribes of Canaan and is a small mountain that is not very famous.

Although the environment is beautiful, there is a small but nearly 100 miles of hills, a large grassland that can't be found, and there are several springs of living water in four seasons, but these are not rare among the tribes in Canaan, but extremely common. Even compared with those so-called "milk and honey" places, it is a little shabby.

But Ephraim is not the youngest among the Canaanites, because many great sages, prophets and kings are from Ephraim. However, with the passage of time and the loss of classics in the war, many people gradually forget these. Only the senior priests and aging prophets of the temple still know that Ephraim is a place of heroes.

There are several villages on the grassland of Ephraim, and it is not appropriate to say that they are villages, because these people who live here often move their tents with the gnawing of the grass in the pastoral grassland. However, no matter how they move, they will have a center, that is, the temple corresponding to these people. Because at the end of the month, they go to the hall to offer sacrifices or pray for blessings or atonement.

It is not the beginning of the month or the end of the month. The woman standing under the oak tree on the edge of the grassland kept looking in the direction of the temple and kept praying. It seems that there is something difficult to understand.

While praying for the woman, a man came next to her. The man was a middle-aged man, but his eyes were still bright and his hair did not turn white. ** The arm outside told everyone that he was still a brave man, but a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes showed the secret that he was no longer a young man.

"Hanya, why are you worried? Is it Mora?" The man took the praying Hanya into his arms, then smelled the fragrance of her hair deeply, and then comforted her, "Don't worry about your children. Haniya, is it better for me than ten sons? ...Oh, hehe, okay, it's my fault. You shouldn't say that now." Looking at the angry face of the woman in his arms, the middle-aged man quickly flattered himself. Seeing that Haniya's eyebrows were still wrinkled, the middle-aged man comforted her again, "Don't worry, my wife, Mora is a baby given by the gods. He is a child blessed by the gods. No one in the world can hurt him."

The middle-aged man said this, which gave Haniya some comfort, but he still said with some concern: "However, husband, I heard that it was the two ungodly priest sons of the prophet who were bullying Mora. They are priests who are always in the temple for fear that they will deliberately make things difficult for Mora.

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "If they really dare to do this, let Fellini deal with them. Hahaha, anyway, my sons in Ligana are all wise warriors blessed by the gods, and they are still afraid of them?

Haniya smiled and said worriedly, "But, husband, what if you really fight with the two villains of Massaurig, what about the prophet Eri? Although his son is not good, the prophet himself is still good to us.

"Hey!" The middle-aged man Ligana also sighed, "My old friend Elli, really, ah." After sighing again, Elligarner didn't know what to say. "He's old and can't control his children, alas."

"Let's not talk about this, Haniya, there are two people to take care of Morra, and I believe there will be no trouble." Elegana said and hugged Haniya in his arms and made out. "It's you, don't worry about this and that all day long. If my little Niya had been too early, her face would not be beautiful."

Haniya buried her head in the arms of Elygana, just as the couple were relatives, "Ghana, Haniya, you two!" A voice interrupted the two warm people, "This is daytime!" You are so shameless outside. Don't you know that the young man who just came to report said that Mora was bullied by the priest because he accused the priest of doing shameful things during the day?

Haniya jumped away from Elegan's arms like a frightened deer, then looked at someone and shouted timidly, "Sister." Elygana smiled bitterly. It was his other wife, who was also his family member since childhood - Sonia.

Sonia also enjoys a good reputation among the women in Ephraim. She is not only dignified and beautiful, but also very good at housekeepers, and is also enthusiastic about working for her family. The tired passers-by who traveled far away are often warmly entertained, and almost all of Ephraim's poor have received her help. It's just that her mouth is really a little "powerful" and often makes people feel sad when talking for a while. She is a really standard woman with a knife mouth and a soft heart.

However, in addition, her attitude towards Haniya is not very friendly, because since she married Haniya, the time with her has decreased a lot, and every year when she goes to the temple sacrifice, Ligana always gives Haniya more gifts than her, although a big reason is that of her To comfort Haniya who had no children at that time, but the words that had spread among the women who had never had children in Ephraim deeply stabbed Sonina's heart - "Hania, am I better than ten sons?"

Later, the conflict became more and more. Sonia quarreled with Haniya almost every day, but Haniya, who was weak, could do nothing but cry, which made Sonina, a kind-hearted woman, bully her and feel sad. Unexpectedly, Haniah went crazy and went to the temple to make a vow to give birth to a son and return to God. It was an extremely hard thing to make a wish, so Haniya almost lost her life. However, during that time, Ligana was not at home because of something, and it turned out that Sonia took painstaking care of Haniya until she gave birth to Mora.

Since then, the two women have maintained a strange relationship. Haniya was afraid of Sonina, who continued to be jealous of Haniya's husband's favor, but she spoiled Mora very much, more than to the two her own Flenie and Hanifei.

Not to mention the story of Mora's family, the three people under the oak tree were standing a little awkwardly. Suddenly, a big light came from the direction of the temple. The light was so strong that few people could even look directly at the light.

As soon as the light lit up, Elygana, who had also been a warrior, immediately took his two wives into his arms, pressed the head of her door on his chest, and shouted, "Close your eyes!"

The two women were shocked. When they first saw Jin Guang, they were suddenly pulled into their arms by their husbands. However, they had little doubt about Yigana's words and immediately closed their eyes to avoid the pain of temporary blindness.

On this day, many people in Ephraim and nearby places were blind for a long time because of the light. This is the fire that the power of faith has been ignited. Except for extremely simple or holy people or powerful warriors, as long as there is an unclean in their minds, they will be blind for a few days. The more unclean they are, the longer they will be blind.

This incident is also a big event in Ephraim.

Finally, the light slowly receded, and it was no longer visible far away from the temple. Elegana let go of his wives and said seriously, "Nina, and Niya, go to the tent immediately and don't come out until dark."

Haniya looked worriedly at Erigana, and Sonia said, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Eligana said, "That light is the light of the golden lampstand in the temple. Generally, only the large-scale projection of the evil spirits in the country of evil spirits will be used. I have to see what happened?"

Sonica knew that her husband was a warrior and had been a warrior in the temple, so she said, "God is with you!" Elygana hugged him.

Haniya said nothing. She went forward and kissed Erigana's lips, and then shyly stood behind Sonia. Sonia snorted, and Haniya's face turned redder. After all, she was not used to doing such intimate movements when others were present.

Egana laughed happily, then got on the horse, picked up his iron rod and knife, and went to the direction of the temple. When his figure disappeared on the other side of the mountain, the two women got into the tent.

As for the servants at home and other people who have just been shining by the divine light, although they are panicked, such a thing has not happened. After the chaos, they calm down and put down their work, find a place to quietly reflect on themselves, pray for the gods, and wait for their eyes to recover.

After crossing the mountain, he looked back and could no longer see his two wives. Yigana suddenly accelerated his speed, as if another 100,000 urgent things were waiting for him to deal with.

In fact, it was indeed urgent. At the beginning of the light of the temple, he had already felt some strange breath. That breath was not the breath of the devil from the "land of evil spirits" that he told his wives.

The breath is pure, hard, and there is an indomitable courage in it. Erigana, who used to be a warrior, suddenly felt that it was a powerful warrior, and it was a warrior who communicated with the magic power of the great hero Ninglu, the first warrior in the world in ancient times.

Ninglu was a super warrior in ancient times. He was praised and blessed by God his father and became the head of the warriors in the world. After his death, his heroic spirit was summoned to the kingdom of God, and his warrior power was left in the world to guide the warriors in the world.

All warriors who can communicate the power of his warriors are called powerful warriors. They can use this courage to communicate with the gods to convey their blessings or curses, which can be achieved as long as they are reasonable.

There are not many mighty warriors in Ephraim. Since Eligana retired from the army, he has only seen one mighty warrior, that is his son Fellini, who is famous all over Ephraim.

In the light that just broke out in the temple, Elygana clearly felt the breath of Flini's warrior. The person who came not long ago reported that Mora had suffered unfair treatment in the temple, so Flini and Hanifei went to the temple. What's wrong now? Elygana's heart is more anxious.