
Chapter 7 Mercenaries


Since the prophet Mora, people no longer say easily, "I'm going out for a walk." The Prophet Mora said this and then left and came back after many years. When he came back, many people even forgot that he had been a prophet in the temple and was personally chosen by God's pleasure.

Mora got up early in the morning and went to the riverside of the temple to take a bath. Then he returned to the temple and greeted the priests and elders in the temple one by one, as he usually did. However, while greeting the prophet Ely, Ely, who had been sleeping, suddenly woke up and looked at Mora and said, "My son, may God be with you!" Mora was shocked, but then vaguely understood that it was God's will and said nothing more. He just said to Yili, "May God be with you, elder!" Then I went out.

Returning to his house, Mora changed into a gray robe and a pair of strong shoes made of cowhide, picked up the walking stick given to him by the person who could not see his face, and then walked out of the door.

Some priests outside the temple and people who often talk to Mora were surprised to see Mora wearing such a long-distance costume and ask him, "Morah, where is this?"

Mora smiled gently, with bright and gentle eyes. Several girls who had been watching Mora near the temple blushed with shame, "I'm going out for a walk."

Although those people were surprised that Mora's dress was too formal, they all thought that it was just a teenager who had been in the temple for a long time and wanted to go out to the grassland or home.

No one would have thought that Mora left like this. No one knew the reason why Mora left, because Massa and Ulig, the two priests who had been against Mora in the temple, were no longer priests, and no one was good to Mora. No one knew why he left, but they all secretly guessed that maybe this was the god. The will.

Until later, the prophet who raised Mora died and was buried in the tomb of his ancestors, but Mora did not appear. From then on, people knew that Mora had really left. With the change of age, people gradually forgot this former "little prophet of Ephraim." Even later, Mora's two brothers left Ephraim and entered the royal court to fight for all the people of the Canaanites, and people could not remember such a former little prophet. Until he came back many years later.

Mora got farther and farther away from the temple. Finally, he went to a mound and looked at the temple. Mora took a stick in his hand and went down the hill step by step to another avenue. Few Canaan people passed by that road, except during the war. Because that road leads to the land of aliens.

Mora walked on that road and didn't go far before he met a mercenary detective sent by a caravan who walked first in front of him. There were more than a dozen people riding horses, wearing light armor, holding long bows in their hands, knives behind their waists, and pots of arrows on each side of the horse. Those people saw a young man coming from afar and didn't pay attention to it. It's just that one of the mercenaries on horseback made a bad joke and pulled out an arrow and shot half a hand away from Mora. The others did not stop it and were laughing and watching Mora's joke.

But Mora didn't seem to see the mercenary's movements, allowing him to aim at himself, and then shoot the arrow only half a step away from him without showing any panic. More than a dozen mercenaries who were still waiting to see the teenager's joke saw that the teenager was so calm. Although they were frivolous, they were by no means fools. Immediately, some people pulled their bows and arrows and aimed at Mora, and some people pulled out their knives behind their waists and gradually came forward.

One of the seemingly captains asked, "Young man, who are you?" Where do you come from? Where are you going?"

Morah turned a blind eye to their great enemy and replied, "I am from the land of Ephraim of the Canaanites, my name is Mora. I'm going to the countries of the world to meet you here. Please let me walk with you for a while, because I didn't prepare dry food and water.

The captain-like figure replied, "Young man, I think you are brave and bold. You really don't look like an ordinary teenager. Our caravan has met several gangsters and wants to sneak in."

Mora is not worried about what he said, "Do you think I will be a gangster?"

The leader looked at Mora with a very uncertain look. His men just clenched their weapons and looked at Mora nervously - people who can be so calm under such a lineup are either crazy or people they absolutely can't afford to provoke. The teenager in front of him really doesn't look like a madman.

"I think you are like a friend." The leader said.

"Ha ha" Mora smiled, "I don't have many friends, because the gods I believe in are holy gods."

It turned out to be a believer of a god, and all of them were slightly relieved. Although some believers of the gods are really as terrible as the gods, they will never be bandits, and those believers of the evil gods will never have the sunshine, courage, wisdom and other beautiful appearance of the teenagers in front of them.

"Well, Mora, welcome you to travel with us and see what's different from the rest of the world from your hometown." The leader enthusiastically invited Mora, a believer in the gods, especially the god of the righteous camp, whose gods would definitely be a good travel companion.

Moura joined the mercenary, the search whistle in front of a huge oriental caravan.

However, before Mora and these people had gone far, a mercenary suddenly shouted, "Look over there!" A mighty warrior is coming this way! He still holds a knife in his hand!!!"

Everyone panicked and looked over and saw a warrior in cloth with a knife in his hand coming this way. His footsteps are the same as normal people, but each step is a magical distance of more than ten meters. His body shines with uncoverable light, which is the symbol of a mighty warrior. Looking at the continuous images appearing in the brilliance of the warrior, these brave mercenaries almost fainted. These are their invincible warriors.

At this time, Mora stood up and said, "Don't panic. This is my brother. He is here to find me." Then without waiting for these people to say anything, Mora walked to his brother Fellini. His pace was not fast, but he actually walked a distance of more than ten meters. The mercenaries were so smittening that they knew what kind of person he had just pointed with arrows!

Moura and Fliny both walked with almost an inch of shrinking steps, and the two met quickly. Fellini said first, "Now that I see you like this, I no longer worry about your safety, but what on earth are you doing? Why don't you say goodbye? Worrying me and my father?"

Mora told him everything that had happened, and finally said, "Now that I have become a prophet of the gods, I feel that the day that the former prophets have said is getting closer and closer. I'm afraid it will come when you and I can still be warriors. The world is about to be turbulent, but you also know that the people of the Canaan people have become more and more far away from God over the years, and even many gods who follow the Gentiles have done many evil deeds. If it doesn't change, I'm afraid that Canaan will become a wasteland when the prophetic kingdom comes. So I'm going to the countries to look at their situation while looking for a machine for change.

Flyni was silent for a long time, and then hugged Mora and said, "You are the great warrior of Canaan, but you are from the gods. I have no right to bless you. May our God always be with you!" Finally, he said, "Brother, go home early!" Then he strode away and stopped looking back at Mora.

Mora also turned around and returned to the group of mercenaries. They all looked at him with horror, and no one dared to say anything, because they knew that this was a person they had met who could represent gods on the ground. And what shocked this mercenary most is that not only a Mora, but also his brother is a mighty warrior who can defeat some junior spirits who self-debducted as gods. What kind of person is this?

Soon, these people finished their team's task, but almost no one spoke along the way and were silent. So when he returned to the camp, a leader of the caravan suddenly saw these lively and jumping mercenaries. He thought that there was a big enemy waiting in front of him, and as soon as he knew it was not, he left. As for why these mercenaries suddenly became like this, he didn't care. In the eyes of the merchant, these mercenaries are just temporary servants. Since he is a servant, how can the master care about the servant's mood?

As for the mercenaries of other teams, how can these competing mercenaries care about everything about their opponents? It's good not to fall into the well. But a few people still came to look for trouble with a provocative smile.

"Zorando, where did you pick up this little rabbit? It looks very tender! Haha!" A bearded muscular man came over and asked Zorantu, the leader of the team of mercenaries, looking at Mora, who was as quiet as a virgin.

Among such a group of five and three thick mercenaries, Mora, a handsome and gorgeous teenager, looks like a beautiful teenager, and Mora not only inherits his mother's charm in appearance, but also inherits a little Hanya's coquettish and touching appearance.

The muscular man with a provocative beard began not to look closely in the distance. When he came to see Mora's appearance carefully, he suddenly couldn't walk with his feet (even the guy didn't notice that Mora was a man). He suddenly squeezed away a few of Zorantu's men in front of him to come and play with Mora.

Zorando's men immediately got up to stop the bearded muscular man and joked that he really touched Mora and provoked him. How many of them could survive if he started to do it directly? Gods and human beings are two world concepts!

However, as soon as the obscene chicken bearded man said, these mercenaries noticed that Mora was still a beautiful teenager who looked very beautiful and timid! I was scared by Mora and his brother just now, but these people didn't notice this!!!

Zorantu didn't notice the messy thoughts of his subordinates. When he saw the obscene bearded chicken man - his old adver Danili, actually went to trouble for Mora. At that moment, his anger almost burned his brain, your sister! If you make such a nonsense, I don't know how to kill the representatives of the gods. I'm afraid it will involve your own group! Immediately, his anger soared, and he had to pull out his knife desperately, although some of them were for Mora, who was calm and angry.

"Daniley! Damn it, I'm going to play with you for my life!!!" Zorantu completely scared Danili with a look that he was about to kill. That brain spirit? Most of the insects were scared to death, and they ran away without even saying a harsh word. Then Zorantu saw his brothers looking at himself and Mora with some strange eyes.

Zorantu, who reacted after a long time, was so angry that he chased his younger brothers with a knife, and as a result, he further realized some kind of unspeakable secret.