
Chapter 8 Chrysanthemum Disabled, Wounds everywhere

A dispute stopped temporarily after Zoranto's crazy murderous performance. However, looking at the damn eyes of his men, Zorantu felt still uncomfortable, and a stream of evil fire kept coming out, and he even wanted Danili to draw a knife and fight with himself at that time.

Because of this dispute, Mora, who was originally silent in this team, was suddenly known by many people. However, Zorantu was panicked to find that many of these men who had not seen women for nearly decades saw a stunning scourge-level beauty in their eyes. Hot and undisguised.

Zorantu's heart sank, and a team of mercenaries like Danili is similar to himself, but there is no need to be afraid. But there are some strange people in some teams, such as warriors and mysterious mages and warlocks. Even if not, the number of those large mercenaries can make their people surrender without fighting. Unfortunately, several eccentric people in the team have passed through their own camps and showed their naked desire to Mora, who was quietly reading at this time.

Zorando can't wait to rush over and shout at those people: "Don't you bastards see that this boy is a man?!?!" In fact, Zorantu himself knows in his heart that some people do like men! And some of these people can kill themselves without a few slaps.

The reason why those people have not done so far is that in the caravan camp, there is no past reason to say that they will be punished for their actions without authorization. Because if the mercenaries of the strong bully the weak, they will be completely unable to move around. Moreover, it is said that there is also a powerful warlock or magician in the caravan. They have many strange means to make those invincible strongmen miserable like dogs.

In fact, Zorantu also wants to shout at Mora, "Can you not be so beautiful and behave well!!!" But he was even more afraid to say this. The main reason why his team could join such a big caravan was that he had survived on the battlefield of a huge battle between warriors and the sons of god representatives. Although there were some warriors in many teams, there were no powerful warriors. When those people showed their strength all day long, Zorantu They all sneered in their hearts. These self-righteous warriors really met that kind of power. People stood there and could make him die simply and quickly! So he was even more afraid to say a word disrespectful to Mora. He didn't even dare to think of the too offensive words in his heart, because he knew that these were likely to be detected by him and killed himself.

However, Zorantu has always been wondering why Mora is still sitting quietly, with a book written by them on his knees, looking at it quietly. The afternoon sun shone on his body and painted a faint glow. The handsome and perfect side face seemed to always have attracted the sound of swallowing saliva in the sunset. This perfect teenager, who seems to be the son of the gods, touched the hearts of countless people at this moment.

Looking at the hidden or exposed unkind eyes around him, Zorantu is actually very eager to know who the god Mora believes in is? It can actually make his people have such good conduct and tolerance.

At this time, Mora finished reading today's homework of the code, closed the book, and said to Zorantu, who was not far from him, "The God I believe in is the Father of the Kingdom of God!"

Zorantu rolled on the ground several times, and his heartbeat was almost gone! In his guess just now, he even doubted whether the representative of the god could not detect people's strong thoughts about him. Now it seems that he can not only detect, but also secret thoughts can't hide it from him!!!

Zorantu is no longer worried about Mora. Such a figure, a person who believes in God, can leave everything to his gods. As for whether anyone will do anything stupid at night, it is not Zorantu's consideration.

When night fell, Mora and Zorantu's mercenary team ate some cakes and dried meat together. Looking at his calm and worried that someone's nausea could not be suppressed at night and came to make trouble, Zorantu couldn't help envy Mora - in Zorantu's view, Mora's god must be It is extremely capable and has a lot of kindness and tolerance, otherwise his people will not be so peaceful and not afraid of harm, nor will they have such a good mentality. Maybe it's really God the Father? Zorantu is very puzzled. In this world, he said that he believed in the race and national sea of the Father. Except for those who believe in themselves, no one will recognize other people's gods. So many times, when you say that your faith is God the Father, it often means a lie - because some people's divine system does not allow others to know.

After eating, Mora prayed for a while and fell asleep. He slept soundly, but some people were very uneasy.

This night, almost no one in this camp slept peacefully except Mora. Zorantu listened to it all night, but he was extremely frightened to hear the screams of many men! That was an extremely unusual scream. Few people have heard this kind of scream, except for a few perverts and people who have seen perverts. Zorantu is one of them - he is the kind who has seen a pervert. So as soon as the sound sounded, he knew what it was. At first, he was greatly surprised. As a result, he carefully distinguished that it was not Mora's voice. Just as he was puzzled, several of the same voices also sounded. Those voices were miserable and refreshing. Zorantu, with sharp ears, even heard a few screams and later became Screaming.

Thinking carefully, Zorantu guessed what had happened, so he almost completely covered himself in the quilt, as if he were avoiding some extremely horrible people or things. The mercenaries in the same tent as him have been known for years and the leader to travel south and north. Seeing the leader like this, he also tried his best to drill into the quilt!

Strangely, although there were screams in this camp, it seemed that someone had already agreed not to come here, but no one found anything abnormal! At dawn, some large mercenaries saw that some of their team members had not returned for a long time and couldn't help sending people to look for them. When they finally found them, these bold mercenaries were all scared to death.

There used to be many brave mercenaries, some weird strong men who know some mysterious techniques, and some other people who know and know abnormal habits. At this time, these people are wailing in front of the tent of the camp they sneaked to at night, but no one lies down. , no one rolled, and the people who came to look for or check were all frightened.

These people with abnormal habits are all extremely miserable and howling loudly on the ground at this time, but people who see them are not only panicked and don't even know how to do it.

There is continuous blood flowing from the back of these people, and even some people's intestines are turned out. As for the front, the stick made every mercenary who looked at it couldn't help touching their balls with their hands. It was just horrible - you can imagine straightening the stick in front of the balls and inserting them into the casserole. Is it the result of practicing the iron sand palm? ~!

If it's just ordinary knife wounds and sword wounds, these mercenaries who have been living on the edge of the knife will not feel overwhelmed, but now looking at such a scene, these bold mercenaries are also stunned. Some sharp-eyed people even found some fragments of a generally light-de sighted part of the human body on a bush of thorns. It is not difficult to tell from the shape of the blood stains on the thorns. Last night, someone hallucinated or something else in this bush of thorns as a woman or something that can be inserted. As a result, now . All the mercenaries who found this lost their courage. Such a thing is simply terrible!!!

Finally, these mercenaries who were silent because of fear heard the voices of some people in the distance, and the caravan stewards and warlocks hired by the caravan appeared here. Although they are not ashamed of the lives of these barbaric mercenaries, these mages and warlocks still have to heal them when they have happened to them, because these people can do a lot of things for them.

When these mages and warmen scolded the mercenaries for making trouble, they saw such a scene, and the mages who often went to deal with some strange creatures or corpses also changed their faces - on the one hand, because these mages were also men, but on the other hand, such a big thing happened. , they did not feel any magic or other power fluctuations of warlocks at night (it turns out that most of these mages and warlocks do not believe in the existence of gods and regard everything as once more powerful warlocks or mage predecessors), which means that there must be many times more powerful people than them last night to punish them. These lawless mercenaries.

The leader of the mage took a deep breath and made a ceremony for a junior disciple to visit the elders. Then after waiting for a long time, he did not see any expression from the seniors. Suddenly, he made a mage sign language that only the mage understood by the mage to the people behind him, and then the people behind took out some powder and said it with the potion at the same time. The mysterious spell synthesized something, and then ordered someone to pour it into the water and feed it to the mercenaries lying on their sides.

The mercenaries who were still lying on their sides drank, their heads suddenly tilted and completely fell into a coma. Even if others touch their backs, they have not changed. It seems to be dead. Looking at the actions of the mages with awe, the mercenaries carried their companions back and carefully healed them.

However, when I left, I looked at the small tent that was still closed and the owner had not come out, almost escaping away from this place.

Danili, who was in the nearby camp, was so frightened by Zorantu that he did not act with those perverts last night, so he escaped, but he was also the first person who came to check the situation after getting up in the morning and found the horror of the scene. Only then did he know the reason why Zorantu worked so hard yesterday. He was not afraid that he would hurt the exquisite porcelain teenager, but that the mighty teenager would be angry because of his inaction.

Thinking of this, Danili's face turned black. Before the teenager appeared, he immediately took his men far away from the camp and went to the other end of the caravan.

There was almost no one at the scene. Originally, there were still several mages to stay to check, but I heard that there was a senior mage here, so I respectfully left here without stopping.

Mora came out of the tent, washed up, and took out the code to watch in a well-lit place in the morning sun. He slept soundly last night and didn't know anything. However, looking at the fearful eyes of everyone looking at him today, his wisdom as a prophet immediately understood that someone wanted to be unfavorable to him last night, and he was punished by the gods. But Mora didn't take this seriously, but continued to look at the code and silently communicated with the gods in his heart.

Looking at the teenager who is as perfect as the son of a god in the morning light from afar, no one feels that they have a bad idea in their heart. Everyone who thinks of the wrong idea touches their balls silently, and then immediately feels that nothing malicious thoughts are gone.

Zorantu's men all looked at their leader with grateful and reverence. A leader who had seen great power was different from the leader of the Son of God. Zolandu looked at his men proudly, but he didn't dare to boast. There is a holy god's people here, and these mercenaries who have always done things without scruples have become as well-learned scribes.