
Chapter 9 Prophecy


After this incident, the restless perverts in the caravan were much more at ease. In this way, the caravan set out, and after a few days, it completely left the boundaries of Canaan.

Looking back for the last time, Mora knelt on the ground and prayed for a long time, and then entered the worlds called alien by the Canaan clans with the team of mercenaries who took him in.

This time, the caravan came to a wide place. The leaders of the caravan found through a cylindrical object invented by the mages that there seemed to be a canyon in front of them, and the terrain was relatively dangerous. If there were bandits ambush there, only a few people could catch the caravan away. Even warriors could hardly escape. Because the terrain is famous for being fierce in this place, the blood of many warriors has been sprinkled on this place to achieve the reputation of bandits.

The leaders of the caravan studied the map and their counselor and mage in the tent for a long time, and finally decided that there could be another road to go, but it was a little far away, but these merchants had a lot of property, and they would rather go far away than encounter unexpected troubles. So the merchant decided to go to that road, although the mercenaries' s scouts had returned and reported that there was no ambush at the dangerous gorge.

However, the leader of the caravan does not value the intelligence of these mercenaries. On the one hand, the identity of merchants makes them look down on these mercenaries, and on the other hand, he is also worried that some powerful bandits have spells cast spells in the valley so that these mercenaries can't see anything. In addition, these mercenaries are just hired with money. Bodyguards, it is not surprising once they do something wrong to their employers for better wages.

Zorando's mercenaries went out and came back, and Mora was with them. Zorantu reported the information he found, but found that the leaders of these caravans did not pay attention to their intelligence. After careful inquiry, it turned out that the leaders of the caravans decided not to take this seemingly dangerous mountain road that had actually been explored, and should take another remote road.

Zorantu doesn't feel sad. Although the businessman's decision made him and his men's half-day busyness in vain, what can these hired workers say?

What surprised Zorantu was that when he told his men the decision of the leaders of the caravan, Mora, who sat aside, listened and said, "You took me to the caravan, and I have nothing to repay you. Just give you a message - go and tell those leaders that the seemingly dangerous road is actually safe, but there are jackals waiting on the seemingly safe road.

After saying that, Mora kept silent, but Zorantu was worried. It's not that Mora's words may be doubted, but he has seen the battles between the sons of the gods and the powerful people on the mysterious battlefield, and knows the powerful places of these people better than anyone else.

It's just that he is just the leader of a small mercenary team. His status in the caravan is even similar to that of the ordinary elite subordinates of those large mercenary teams. In this caravan, he is also a cannon fodder for road exploration and chores. Although it is not difficult to see the leaders of the caravan, who will believe it? Even those large mercenaries or leaders who can be called mercenary corps just have a reluctance to respect those businessmen.

At this time, Zorantu even hoped that Mora did not tell himself the news. Finally, after a long hesitation, Zorantu still went to meet a leader of the caravan - it was this leader who recruited Zorantu into the team, because he also knew a little about Zorantu's experience. Good vision, otherwise with Zorantu's men, it is impossible to join this kind of team that can travel around the world.

Zorantu told Mora's words to the leader of the caravan. The leader listened and patted Zorantu on the shoulder and said, "Zorantu, I'm glad that you are so serious about the caravan. I will give you a raise. However, even if the believer of the god you mentioned really has something powerful, it is just a little supernatural god in their Canaan. In the kingdom of these great kings or gods, his power is just that he can't communicate his beliefs and may be misled by some bandit god. If you don't have a broken mind, you won't believe that the sinister mountain pass will be safer than the road, will you? Don't worry, I will give you a good price at that time. Don't come to me with such a trivial matter anymore. I'm also very busy.

After saying that, he drove Zolandu out, but he despised the little mercenary leader in his heart. If he wanted to get a raise, just say it clearly. He had to find such a lame reason. Then I don't care about it. He did not doubt the identity of the young god mentioned by Zorantu, but he did not think that the young god in the world of other gods would continue to fully communicate with the teenager in the hometown of other gods. Unless it is God the Father, the world claims to believe in God the Father. In the end, it is not found that it is just a small arrogant spirit delusion.

Seeing that the leader of the caravan he was familiar with did not take these news seriously, Zorantu went back worriedly. He didn't know the leaders of the other caravans at all, and he was afraid that he would be bombarded out by the guards before he approached.

Go back to his camp worriedly. Looking at the appearance of the leader, Zoranto's men knew that the leaders of the caravan did not believe Mora's prophecy. Those leaders don't believe it, but these mercenaries clearly know the horror of Mora - even if his god is really a god in Canaan, but from the beginning, they knew that Mora's brother was actually a mighty warrior who could communicate with the gods. These little mercenaries knew that the relationship between Mora and the gods was absolutely different. I'm afraid he will really be the son of a god!

A small mercenary about the size of Mora walked timidly under the order of his companions. Mora, who had been looking at the code, asked, "Brother Mora, if we really meet those robbers, will we die?"

Mora looked at him with a gentle smile and said, "No, no one of you will die." The teenager was suddenly very surprised, and other people who listened were also happy. Then he heard Mora's next sentence, "It's just that the merchants' goods will be swept away." There is another sentence he didn't say - "All this is because they say that my gods are just the gods of Canaan who will not have great power in these foreign lands."

However, after listening to what he said, the mercenaries were stunned, and then after a long time, they walked away and whispered,

"I think those businessmen are more willing to die than those who lose all the goods."

"Yes, yes, businessmen value their property most."

"But if the merchants are out of money, how do we calculate our commission?"

"You're stupid, it's good to save your life. Didn't you hear the god say that the people among us won't die?! It means that other mercenaries will die! Don't you think those merchants will come forward to negotiate first when they are in danger?!"

"So it is, so it is! I wish I could save my life! Besides, we are all small mercenaries, and even if we lose a little commission, we will soon get it back. It's better than those businessmen!"

"That's it!"

"Hey, you guys! Yes! Talk about you two! Turn down and don't let anyone hear you!"

"Ah?! It's the eldest brother. I'm sorry. I spoke a little louder just now. I'm a little excited!"

The mercenaries stopped talking. After dinner, the caravan set out again and went up another road. This merchant team is composed of nearly 100 large and small caravans, including merchants, mercenaries, attendants, warlocks, mages, scholars, and some people who have been added to parade around the world. There is a total population, excluding women and children, there are more than 3,000 men alone. Such a team is extremely large, with a lot of property and population, but there are also dozens of large and small mercenary teams or mercenary regiments, including many warriors and people with strange skills. Therefore, ordinary bandits will basically not come to rob such a caravan unless they can find the dangerous canyon where these merchants will not leave. Especially on the road that the caravan is taking now.

Because of the robbery here, it is not only difficult to use the terrain to eliminate those warrior mercenaries, but also cause dissatisfaction in some countries, thus using the army to cleanse themselves. No matter how powerful the bandit is, unless it is a very small country, no bandit dares to do so.

It's just that there are always exceptions. Just where the leaders of this caravan don't know yet, the palace of a certain country.

This is not a large country, and the population of the country is less than 100,000 men. But in this area, there are many such kingdoms, and wars and plundering occur every day.

However, what no one expected was that after one night, the country called Rio suddenly became strong and almost destroyed the country that had dared to invade it for half a year.

A small country in Rio has an old-fashioned country. At first, Jodi heard that there was a rebellion in the royal palace of the king of Rio in the night, and the king and ministers were burned to death. So the king of Yodi got up overnight and abandoned his army to clean up the chaotic Rio country.

At first, everything went well, and the difficult border of Rio was easily broken through. Even later, when Jodi fought near the palace of Rio, he did not encounter decent resistance. However, when the soldiers finally came to the city, the king of Yodi was arrogant and was not in a hurry to attack the city that day. His advisers advised him to only surround the royal city of Rio on all sides, so as to digest the hearts of the residents of the royal city of Rio and the warriors in it.

That night, the lord of Yodi had a banquet in front of the royal city of Rio, and the people of Rio were panicked. However, in the middle of the night, the gate of the royal city of Rio suddenly opened, and hundreds of warriors led by two high-level warriors suddenly came out. There was also a powerful mage on the wall who attracted people who were constantly fascinated by the army of Yodi, but several capable mages and warlocks in Yodi did not know when they were killed. In addition, Jodi did not have any capable warriors. More than 20,000 people and horses were killed. Even in a panic that night, Jodi had killed more soldiers than those killed by Rio. The king of Jodi was killed that night, and all his ministers and counselors died.

The hundreds of warriors and two mighty warriors who came out of the royal city of Rio constantly gathered the revitalized people of Rio and killed back to the capital of Yodi, plundered most of the wealth and population of Yodi, but did not take the land of Yodi. Since then, Rio has become a powerful country among the nearby small countries.

It's just strange that since the royal city of Rio caught fire that night, the mighty warriors and great warriors suddenly emerged? The mage and other warriors wear masks. They said that they were the kings and ministers of Rio, although fools knew that they were fake. But all the ministers and nobles were almost dead, and the people were led by these people to make great fortunes from Jodi, and no one said anything about it. Still calling kings and ministers, as if they were still there.