
Chapter 11 Arrow of Despair

The "sand rain" in the sky finally stopped, and the whole camp could not even be described as a mess. The sound of howling seems to fill the whole world, and almost everyone's hearts are digested like water.

Most of the warriors were injured. Although few were seriously injured and died, the current scene made their warriors' hearts tremble, and even their hands with swords were powerless. Many warriors even stood dumbfounded after the "sandstone rain" stopped, not knowing what to do.

Although they are warriors and have experienced battles, they have never seen a more capable warrior and a greater level than them. Mage? Those characters seem to be only one level higher than them, but everyone knows that warriors are the grass by the roadside, and the power is a thriving tree. There is no comparison between them. Although there is a word warrior in the name, if a great warrior wants to kill an ordinary warrior, then that The only thing the warrior can do is to run desperately so that he can win half a blink of an eye to leave his last words.

Now there is actually one at the same level as the mighty warrior. Big. The mage was attacking them, and the hearts of these warriors were full of fear. One is because of the fear of the great power of higher-level people, and the other is because of fear of this shocking sky that has never been seen! --- A person's power can trigger such a terrible power. Although it takes a long time to prepare, this kind of power is almost a god in the minds of these mercenaries. In people, their warrior hearts are all lost!

However, no matter how timid they are, when they see the warriors laughing and suddenly riding or running from the back of the mountain, in the grass, on the distant horizon, these mercenaries of the caravans who often hang their heads on their waists almost hysterically pulled out their knives and swords to kill the bandit warriors with horror masks. The past.

A dusty and ferocious bandit line, and a slightly scattered caravan mercenary line running on the ground with a crazy fighting spirit of burning life, as if the flood had hit a slightly strong dam,

"Kill————ah!!!——ah?! Oh! @! &#@..."


The two teams of mercenaries quickly handed over, and then extremely tragic blood flowers bloomed on this still dusty road. The initial crazy bravery of the mercenary belonging to the caravan gave the survivors in the caravan a slight quiet and noticed the hearts of the people close to the robbers, but soon, the truncated cry halfway made everyone's hearts sink, as if they had been caught by the abyss.

In just a few blinks, the mercenaries belonging to the mercenary regiment who raised their knives to fight almost completely fell under the knife, and only a few of the robbers were injured by knives and then disarmed their horses to continue to chase and kill.

After two breaths, the hearts of some crazy mercenaries who wanted to kill like the original mercenaries who rushed out seemed to be filled with cold water, and their hands and feet only felt cold.

The last madness could not achieve any results. Even if they took their lives, it was just a slight slowdown of the enemy's footsteps. These mercenaries immediately lost their last courage. Except for those whose family members were also in the caravan who also wanted to go back to save their families or die together, the other mercenaries ran desperately. Look for the direction without enemies.

However, they were soon desperate, because not only the group of extremely fierce bandits rushed across the road the caravan was going to take, but there was also a group of bandits riding horses, wearing horrible masks and silent. These people did not rush to kill, but just rode their horses to watch the battle in front of them, but this made these mercenaries more desperate. Because the enemies in front of them still fought with them cautiously, but the people behind looked at their howling struggle like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Moreover, this despair soon permeated the hearts of all the lucky people. Although the hundreds of bandit warriors in front of them were brave, they still had the possibility to rush over and escape, even if the other party had a big one. Mage, but it is impossible to hunt down these "ants" one by one! - in those capable and great. In the eyes of the mage, these mercenaries are actually just ants. But a desperate and crazy mercenary actually rushed to the group of bandits behind the team, and then suddenly pulled his bow at a very fast speed and shot the fastest in his life! It is also the last arrow!

The arrow emitted like light, and even in a desperate mood, this arrow is infinitely close to the level of the power warrior. The deep breath of despair on the arrow alone is enough to hurt the heart of a warrior! And although the mercenary is crazy and desperate, there is also a little hope in the despair, hoping that this arrow can bring a chance to live. Therefore, there is also some strange power in this deeply desperate arrow, as if it is communicating a mysterious existence between heaven and earth! To give this desperate mercenary a chance to live, and this feeling is also the feelings of everyone in the caravan here. This arrow with despair and hope actually resonated with everyone. With the blessing of a force in the dark, the arrow seems to attract everyone's despair and hope to find a way to live! !!

This arrow is very wonderful and great, and even the stable masters and bandits behind them have changed their colors, and the horses under them involuntarily retreated. Seeing this, the people of the caravan all showed surprise feelings, and then they saw the leader-like figure with a golden mask among the bandits, with a deep glow on his hands, and easily grasping the arrow full of despair and hope!!!

"Kka!" The arrow was broken.

The last hope in the caravan was also broken!!!

"Great power?" The battlefield was silent for a moment, and then a mercenary in the caravan murmured like a dream, and then suddenly "Hahaha..." he laughed wildly and drew his knife and rushed to the power-level leader - crazy!

The broken arrow flew back faster than flying away. The rushing mercenary hung in the air and fell back. The arrow shot in from his forehead and made a transparent hole! The crazy mercenary's body fell to the ground heavily and there was no sound.

Below, there is only crying and begging for mercy. Several mercenaries cut half a knife for their families, and then they were cut down. Then the fierce bandits abused their families in front of these mercenaries, and then stabbed them with guns at their craziest times!!!

The killing has gradually stopped, and the mage has not received much abuse as a special resource. Almost all the strong mercenaries have been killed, so it can be seen that these fierce bandits absolutely do not lack their men. After the battle, there was plunder, and the bandits began to act recklessly. Occasionally, there are several fierce bandits who draw knives to kill people they don't like. Women and children were basically taken away. Of course, many beautiful women were directly XXOO, and then her family resisted and then killed. The battle seems to be over.

is very short. From the appearance of those bandits to the end of the battle, there are only 20 times to take a deep breath.

It's just that some people are always destined to happen.

Several bandits walked through Mora's camp, and were surprised to see that the small mercenary team in this small camp was hardly harmed, which was a little different from the other half-dead camps hit by the "stone rain", and then found umbrella-like objects on the ground. Immediately called the people who had surrendered and asked them whose idea it was.

The bandit asked about the people in a camp next to Mora. Although those people were surprised by Mora and his gods, they immediately confessed Mora in the face of the robber's knife.

The robber saw a handsome and weak extremely cute teenager, who seemed to be aware of it in advance. The mage's power fluctuated and made preparations in advance - it turned out that this bandit thought there was a mage here.

Immediately felt that the bandit who had been deceived cut off the head of the mercenary who testified to Mora! However, after cutting off the mercenary's head, the bandit looked at Mora's handsome and seemed to be timid (this is heredity!) The expression was full of pity in his heart, full of affection for this teenager, and felt that it was an unforgivable mistake for such a teenager to live with these disgusting and incompetent mercenaries. He cleaned up a few mercenaries fiercely, and then the bandit's companion said, "Hey, why don't we give this teenager to him? How about the mage leader?

The bandit suddenly lit up, "Yes, such a touching little thing is given to the big one. Master, maybe she will give us some life-saving treasures as soon as she is happy!"

At present, I no longer care about who came out of the umbrella. I walked over. I was going to pull Mora and look at the timid look. I suddenly felt pity and said, "You teenager, come with me. I'll take you to meet someone."

Moura put the code in his arms into the bag beside him, and then followed the bandit with his poor stick. Zorantu on one side and Mora, who knew Mora, said nothing and were silent. Watch the son of the god leave them.

The robber actually walked in front of Mora with great concern all the way, and even blocked Mora unintentionally when he encountered some other bandit murders to prevent the teenager from seeing it. This kind behavior makes his partners know, and I'm afraid it will make him laugh to death!!! However, at this time, anyone who saw Mora did not laugh at the bandit, but felt that he did so for granted! How can such a timid and soft teenager appear on the fierce battlefield? He should be with the perfect woman such as the princess and princess! No! How can those secular women match such a perfect teenager! This is simply the son of a god! Only the legendary most holy and noble goddess is the companion of this perfect teenager!

Suddenly, the gangster who led the way moved and suddenly realized that something was wrong with him. How could a vicious gangster have pity for a teenager? It turned out that it was because of the feeling of the son of God brought to him by this teenager who was obviously just an ordinary person!

With this feeling, the well-known gangster went to see Mora's perfect almost angelic face again, and then found that the so-called cowardice on the teenager's face was just a natural beauty, otherwise a real little teenager should have been on such a battlefield. He was so scared that his face was pale and his fart was flowing. How could it be such an expression as if he suddenly saw a stranger and shy child?

day?! Is it true that this teenager is aware of it? The magic power fluctuates?! Is he actually a hidden master? - The kind that can pinch himself to death with one hand??? The gangster's hand with the knife began to be unstable. He had the courage to kill others, and now his life can't be pinched.

Suddenly, the gangster finally thought of another possibility - the divine disciple! This teenager is a divine disciple! Only in this way can he explain why he will have a perfect angel-like face and smile shyly rather than timidly in this dangerous battlefield! God! Didn't you say that there are no big gods in this territory?

The gangster wanted to cry.