
Chapter 12 Divine

Mora walked silently with the bandit, allowing those howls and murders to happen in front of him, and there was no fear, as if these life-and-death knives were not killing human lives, but a group of workers slaughtering cattle and sheep.

The gangster who suddenly understood in his heart held the knife tightly, and his eyes were no longer thinking about blocking the murder scene for this teenager who looked like an angel, but passed over the teenager from time to time. His eyes were full of caution, as if he was not a weak teenager walking with him, but a fierce beast.

Finally, when the bandit who suddenly became fascinated and woke up took Mora away from the place where these merchants and bandits arbitrarily intercepted and came to his bandit camps that no longer surrounded the fleeing mercenaries, the bandit already had an idea in his mind. He stared more carefully at Mora and walked into the camp almost in a few steps.

Soon, other people came over and asked the bandit, "Ita. You're not happy over there. What are you doing here?" It turns out that this bandit is called Ita.

Ita suddenly pulled out his knife, but instead of moving forward and cutting people, he took a big step back, staring at Mora and shouting, "Be careful! This person may be a believer of a god. He sensed the fluctuation of the power of the big 1 mage in advance and didn't hurt at all over there!"

I was shocked by his actions, and the other bandits were also desperate. They usually tied their heads to their belts and had a strong sense of prevention against danger. The tough bandit named Ita only pulled out half of the knife, and many people immediately threw down the things in their hands and began to pull out their weapons. The reaction was incomparable. Hurry up.

Although there are mighty warriors of one of their leaders in their camp, after all, they are not themselves, are they? In case he is killed before his leader comes out, even if the enemy is easily killed by the leader, won't he die in vain? Therefore, these bandits will never be careless - it can also be seen that these warrior-level people can kill those mercenaries who are also warrior-level like cutting melons and vegetables.

When Eita finished shouting, these bandits had pointed their shining death-like knives and other weapons at Mora. Although some people once thought that such a cute and perfect child should not be the so-called dangerous person in a short blink of an eye, after listening to Ita's shouting, suddenly They all reacted. Under such circumstances, it may be an ordinary child to stand among these fierce bandits without fear?

And after listening to Ita's shouting, these murderers looked at Mora, a perfect angel-like teenager, and felt that he was more likely to be a divine disciple, and he was extremely favored by God, because it was really difficult to see such a beautiful man in the world.

Although I admire the beauty of this teenager in my heart, the most thought in the hearts of these bandits is still a fear that life cannot be grasped in their hands. Ordinary gods who can communicate with gods are at the level of half-step power. Although they may not be so powerful in the face of real power, those ordinary warriors who want to kill them are just fierce are just cutting melons and vegetables - just like they cut melons and vegetables.

A group of bandits threw down all the work in their hands and surrounded a teenager (Mora is 16 years old? What a lovely age!) There were not many people in this camp. They immediately noticed the abnormality here and quickly understood what had happened. People quickly ran to report to the leader. Once there is a half-step powerful or powerful god in this camp, then the lethality is comparable to the powerful mages and bravery. Most of the soldiers - because warriors are single kills, and mages are group kills.

The two are the same power. Although the warrior group is not as good as the mage, the single warrior is unstoppable; and the mage is not as good as the warrior, but the group coverage is not possible for the warrior. However, the gods and disciples are exceptions.

The power of the gods comes from their devout faith to communicate with the gods, although it may be a little unstable - for example, suddenly something happened to God and didn't care about you for a while; or if you did something to make the gods dissatisfied, the god's grace suddenly decreased or disappeared! Or the most basic rules of the gods that violate your faith in something, and the gods will kill you directly without waiting for others to do it! Moreover, in some evil countries, even if you are right, they will suddenly withdraw their strength when you are against the enemy, just to see your despair! The most excessive thing is not only to withdraw your strength but also to add him to your enemies, which is what all the gods of the evil camp are afraid of.

So the profession of disciple is really dangerous, but the benefits are also great. Even if it is just an ordinary person, as long as he does something extremely evil, he can communicate that the evil god has a power close to the level of power - the so-called power is basically impossible for the god to deal with it without coming in person. Although the gods of the righteous camp strictly require the character and thoughts of their gods, their power is stable.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the attack of the god and disciple can be either single or ranged. The most horrible thing is that if a god communicates with the greater the god, the more favors he receives, and even the group attack also has the single attack power of powerful warriors!!! Just think about it and you will know how horrible it is.

And now the bandit looks at Mora's angelic face and feels that this person must be extremely favored by the gods - if they know that Mora was directly asked by his mother from God, I don't know if they can't even hold the knife.

Fortunately, the leader of the bandit still valued the lives of his men. As soon as he heard that a perfect teenager suspected of being a god was found in the caravan, he immediately came out with his knife, and then he saw his men holding knives in panic to guard against the quietness of the angel-like and god-like quietness, which seemed to be a little shy? ( I'm dazzled. The leader thought.) The teenager.

The teenager didn't say a word from beginning to end, and even when the leader came, he just looked at the leader quietly. When the powerful leader looked at Mora, his eyes shot a terrible light, and even the extremely fierce warriors and bandits who were not looking directly nearby felt that their hands and feet could not stand. Several guys who had just been shocked by Mora and the warrior's heart was unstable were even scared by the leader, even with knives. Fall to the ground!

But no one will feel that these people are cowardly, because they are standing in the middle of the battle between two extremely heroic characters. All the bandits have confirmed the identity of Mora's gods. Under the gaze of the leader's power "warrior's eyes", Mora not only did not have any fear, but even a faint layer of light on his body, but it was a very pure glow.

The onlookers clearly saw Mora's body, and the power of the powerful leader's warrior's eyes actually appeared in this shining light! It seemed to be two beams, but the light was completely blocked from Mora's body and did not affect him.

Finally, the leader said, "Young man, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Moura looked at him and said, "Today's killing is enough. Tell your people to stop!"

The leader did not expect that Mora was this request, but his power and wisdom were also extremely horrible. In an instant, he judged that this was a god in a just camp. Although such a god was not compatible with these bandits, it was better than those gods of those strange and treacherous evil countries.

So the leader shouted, "Stop killing, just plunder property, don't violate the order!"

The leader was not shouting what would happen if the order was violated, but Mora turned around and couldn't hear the sound of death. He suddenly knew that the leader was indeed a man with prestige.

So Mora said, "I am the prophet of the temple of the Canaanites in the land of Ephraim, and my name is Mora. Now I want to go to other countries, so I will join this caravan. They treat me well, so please take their belongings and leave their lives and let them go home. I don't think you lack slaves and warriors.

The leader replied, "I am one of the three leaders of these people - Lajia. I can't completely make the decision on this matter, but I think someone else will agree to your request. Prophet, please follow me and let me introduce you to other leaders, if you don't mind us as bandits. When he said the last words, the other bandits also paid attention to it and wanted to know what Mora, the prophet of the god, regarded them.

Mora didn't say anything else, but said lightly, "Okay, please."

The leader put the knife into the sheath and took Mora to the country they occupied. The road was a little far away, so he brought a white horse for Mora.

Unexpectedly, Mora frowned when he looked at the horse. The leader and his men thought that Mora was not satisfied, so he said, "Please forgive me, Prophet. This is the best pony we have now. But there is a better one in the country. Was it ready for you at that time?

Mora replied, "I don't care about this, but I grew up in the temple and have never gone out to graze, so I have never ridden a horse." The leader showed an embarrassed face. Although he was at the same level as the teenager, he did not want to offend a god.

But then Mora's words shocked him. Mora said, "You can ride in front of you. I can catch up with your footsteps."

The leader was greatly surprised. He knew that the speed of the great warrior was extremely fast, even if he could fly to catch the birds that fell to the ground, but it could not last. However, seeing that the teenager could do this easily, he made him confirm one more thing - this teenager is absolutely extremely favored by the gods, because every time ordinary gods use their superpowers, they need to communicate with the gods for a long time, and even sacrifice or make gods' wishes. But this teenager actually uses divine power as simple as eating and drinking water, as if he were a god himself!

The leader hid this surprised mind deeply in his heart and did not show it. And his men don't know much about the world of power, but they are not surprised. The leader chose a fast horse and set off with Mora.

At first, the leader walked slowly, and then found that Mora didn't care at all, so he gradually accelerated and almost ran away.

But Mora is like an ordinary person walking. His footsteps are not fast, and his eyes can see clearly, but he is always a little in front of the leader - so as not to be choked by the dust.

All the people who followed the leader were greatly shocked. Several people who once drew their knives to such an extremely capable god suddenly felt cold in their hearts. He didn't even dare to look at Mora for fear that he would feel that he had offended him and kill himself.