
Chapter 13 Three Chiefs

This place is not small from the general nest of these bandits, and Mora and the leader of the bandits talk as they walk.

The leader named Lajia ranks third among their three leader teams, and according to him, there is another big one in front of him. The strong man at the mage level is their two leaders - the mage is the sister of the great leader Mahdi, who is an extremely powerful warrior and extremely terrible among the powerful warriors.

Although Mora was walking on the ground and the bandits rode on horseback, Mora's expression was as relaxed as walking by the river with his friends, and he did not look panting when talking.

Lajia was secretly surprised that such a favored god entered their headquarters and did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse. However, it must be a disaster. It will be better than one if three powerful people do it. Thinking of this, Lajia was a little relieved.

While speaking, the leader also knows the story of Mora. He has also heard about the Canaan tribes. It is an extremely strong race, with a total of twelve ethnic groups, almost like one person. However, until now, it has not officially established a nation. It is a strong and strange nation. The most important thing is that this nation is extremely xenophobic, and anyone who does not have the blood of their twelve ethnic groups is called aliens.

However, seeing that such a teenager as Mora would leave his hometown and go to those places called aliens in the world, the leader even wondered whether Mora was also unpopular as a strange person in Canaan, so he ran away from home?

With all kinds of thoughts, everyone finally rushed to the headquarters of this group of bandits. When he knew that this gang of bandits secretly occupied a small kingdom, even Mora couldn't help but be surprised - this is really a big deal, it's simply a thief!

However, I just entered the official city of this small kingdom. A bandit in soldier's clothes outside the city hurried forward and handed me something like a scroll. After the armor was opened, the scroll was actually blank!

But the armor was not surprised at all, but his face became extremely solemn. The use of this special scroll can only show that something very serious has happened. Lajia's eyes showed a terrible warrior's light again, but he did not look at someone, but turned his eyes to the scroll, and a message hidden by the secret art came to his mind. Putting down the scroll, Lajia's face became extremely bad.

Seeing the leader like this, the subordinates who have been constantly frightened are even more sad. Today, these people are also not going well, and there has never been a robbery that will make them as sad as today. First, he came out of a happy interception place, then met a terrible god, and then he rode back dozens of miles with the leader. Now he sees that the leader is in a bad mood by some bad news, although it is possible to run away.

He looked gloomyly at the direction of the capital of this small country. Laga suddenly asked Mora, "Will you, the prophets of Canaan, save the aliens?"

Mora looked at him calmly, "I can be saved. I will pray for him. As for the rest, God will have his meaning."

Lajia is not moving forward, and no one else dares to urge him. The people of this small country called Rio in the distance saw these masked horse-riding warriors and avoided them from afar. Even if there were people who must enter the city, they all hid outside the city or could not come out of the city. At this time, it was the peak of the flow of people, and it was soon full of people like a market.

The leader turned the horse around impatiently, and people looked at it from afar. Although it was as full of people as the market, the voice of discussion was not loud. Finally, Lajia stopped the movement of the restless horse and said to Mora, "This time we have encountered great difficulties. If you can help us, we can promise you any request. It's okay if you want this small country."

Morah was unmoved and said plainly, "Come on, your kingdom is still yours, but the glory of God belongs to him and those who believe in him."

Moura said that the leader knew that Moraken extended a helping hand for them. Although it may not be effective, in some things, the role of the gods and disciples was unmatched by many big 1 mages combined.

The fast horse passed through the small town, and the leader and his men changed a batch of horses, and then continued to move forward without stopping. Mora was still walking on the ground. Fortunately, these people were extremely fast, and Mora walked forward among them again. When passers-by vaguely felt that they seemed to see something great and wanted to confirm, these people had already gone.

On the way, Mora asked what had happened to the leader. It turned out that today's terrible "sand rain" was caused by the mage in the palace at this time. Although it was prepared many days in advance, due to some physical problems with the mage, he could not move around at will, so he carried out this advance-prepared attack in the capital.

It's just that the mage suddenly fainted after the attack. The big leader used his ability to check and found that his sister's second leader had already suffered from an extremely deadly strange disease. The disease has long penetrated into the bones and can no longer be saved by manpower.

Although the three leaders, Laga, did not say anything else, Mora, who had become the prophet of God the Father, quickly came to a general conclusion in his heart.

The relationship between these three leaders should be very good, especially the big leader and the second leader. Moreover, the second leader should have found the abnormality of his body long ago, but he still insisted on serving the big leader and plundering with him. Most importantly, according to the words of the three leaders, it is not difficult for Mora to analyze the complex feelings between the three leaders. There must be ethical, triangular, secret love, and persistence.

Although Mora grew up in the temple and has not experienced these, the classics in the temple are not only codes, but also many Canaanic historical stories and some famous things of various ethnic groups. He has seen a lot of similar stories between three people in the book. So Mora didn't find it strange. I just prayed secretly in my heart and felt with the gods to know what would happen in the end.

The god did not have a clear reply in Mora's heart, just to let him go at ease. Everything has its own arrangements, and Mora will not have any hesitation.

The three leaders have planned for many days to ambush this merchant team from the east. The team has already gathered at the border, so now they are rushing back. Although it is very fast, after dark, everyone has to stop to rest. Although this kingdom is small, it can't walk from one end to the other in two clicks. Unless it is the legendary "king" above great power - the peak of the warrior, the "word" - the summit of the warlock mage, the "god" - the summit of the priest and prophet. To some extent, these people are gods. Although there are shortcomings, it is no longer human imagination.

In the peak of the warriors of Canaan, there was once a "king" who used the bull-catching stick in his hand and the warrior of the 300-power enemy country to destroy the foundation of the empire that was about to reign. - See in the following "The Age of Scholars", and there is also a barran among the warlocks He can even say blessings or curses on behalf of the gods of justice or evil. He is also known as the head of mages and warlocks in the world, but unfortunately he died under his own greed.

As for the "God Man", it is unique to the Canaan people. Except for the Canaan 12 tribes and their enemies, people in other countries are not very clear about it, but treat them as gods and disciples.

So, two days later, I finally arrived at the royal city of Rio. Although it is a small country with a population of about 100,000, the construction of Wangcheng is not ambiguous at all. The neat stone wall can hardly see two wide gaps, which is as solid as some of the walls that can even be seen through by Mora in front of them. The gate can accommodate two large carriages side by side with wide entry and exit. The gate's small arms are so long, and there are more than a dozen warriors guarding the door - only these extremely powerful warriors can close and open such a heavy gate. The door was wrapped in thick iron and nailed with rivets. No wonder the Yodi Congress attacked despite the high morale - even if no one let them attack such a city, it will take half a day.

The group entered the gate and immediately waited for the warrior guard at the door to lead Mora and Lajia to the palace - because on the way Laga had conveyed the message with secrets with the treasures invented by the magician.

Just near the gate of the palace, the door was opened, and an extremely magnificent hero came out of it. Although he wore a mask on his face and a little rich robe on his body, Mora knew at a glance that he was a master of a powerful warrior who could level his armor a few times - that is, a legendary two men!

As soon as the hero saw the armor, he looked directly at Mora with extremely terrible power. That look was terrible. He even stood there with his hands and feet trembling. As for the other warriors, they had already fallen to the ground and their teeth trembled with fear.

Mora also suddenly panicked. At that moment, he seemed to see that the hungry wolf was about to rush to himself and tear himself to pieces. But then the power that appeared in his heart appeared on him again. So Mora looked into the heroic man's eyes without fear.

The hero's eyes are majestic, shocking, terrible and fierce. People seem to see all kinds of strong thoughts and the horrible will that subdues everything.

However, Mora's eyes are soft, calm, serene, kind, pure, courageous and wisdom. All kinds of beautiful and kind things in the world seem to be found in it - those are heavenly eyes.

The big leader hero suddenly withdrew his eyes, looked at Mora, made a very formal etiquette, and then said, "Friends from afar, please help me. If you can solve the pain I have encountered for me, I would like to give up my strength to follow your god and treat him as my god.

This is extremely heavy, and even those warriors who were frightened by this hero shouted: "No, big leader!"

The big leader suddenly paused, and suddenly the ground seemed to be earthquake, and those warriors were directly stunned by this force!!!

The silent Lajia also stood up reluctantly and said, "Me too."

Mora looked at these two people and secretly guessed about them, but still answered calmly: "Today I pray for you. I don't have any requirements. I just want you to know what kind of god I believe in."

After saying that, Mora said to the great hero, "Take the way."