
Chapter 16 Bath

In this world, it is very common to sacrifice to gods. The central temple of the Canaan tribes offers various sacrifices almost every day - grain offerings, peace offerings, burnt offerings, sin offerings and so on. As long as other countries or nations believe in gods, sacrifice is not a strange thing. So Mahdai ordered it, and people began to prepare.

Mora asked Mahday to bathe in a pool that had not been used for more than a day. In order to show his respect, Mahdai cleaned up the original pool dedicated to the king and queen and asked someone to take Mora to bathe.

There are some things that are still different from each other after all. Mora means that since it is a sacrifice to gods, although he is already extremely favored, it would be better if he could do it more formally. And with those mercenaries for many days, and with these days of hard work, my body is not clean.

It's just that Mahday obviously can't fully understand the understanding of holiness by the gods that Mora believes in. Mora said he wanted to take a bath. He not only cleared the pool that originally belonged to the king, but also found the concubines who used to serve in the pool.

In fact, no matter how powerful it was, Mora was just a 16-year-old young man. At first, he did not find it. After lying in the pool with his eyes closed for a while, he suddenly felt that someone was approaching, and then he saw a piece of white flowers in front of him...

When Mora opened her eyes, she saw a woman about the same age as herself. I don't know whether it's the effect of steam transpiration or shyness. This woman with long hair and bright eyes and teeth is rosy at this time, almost dripping something.

She held a delicate flower basket in her hands, which contained bath towels and several cleaning things. At this time, the woman was half kneeling next to Mora and looked down at the pool water that was about to reach her neck. The steam almost covered her face, but Mora still clearly saw the delicate flowers on the woman's body under the gauze that almost did not exist in the water.

Mora's brain was blank for a moment, and then continued to close his eyes calmly. It's just that I'm not so calm. Looking up and taking a few breaths of air away from the steam in the pool, Mora tried to calm down, and then silently recited the laws and regulations of the code.

Her heart seemed to calm down a little, but Mora opened her eyes again and saw a woman holding a flower basket sitting naked next to her. Her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, so that Mora was very distressed.

He knows why, but he can't control himself. For those men and women, there is no strict requirement in the temple not to marry except for the highest priest. And as a teenager, Mora also has some of his own vision and imagination about these things. It's just that Mora is calmer.

In his days in the temple, he saw many people who made mistakes and came to pray for atonement because he could not distinguish between desire and love. I have also seen many people who live happily together because of true love, so Mora is also looking forward to her love. But it never excludes all the feelings brought about by the inexplicable goodwill caused by the ** of the body and the desire of the teenager.

The woman in front of her has been holding the flower basket for a long time, but Mora has not reacted at all. He neither let her serve nor let her leave, but closed his eyes, and occasionally seemed to open his eyes and continue to close his eyes at himself. What's going on? Are these mysterious and powerful people so unpredictable? So, has his heart been known by him?

Her arms are getting sore, but the girl still dares not show any disrespectful expression on her face. On the one hand, she is afraid of Mora, a mysterious and powerful strong man who even makes the "demon god" treat him with great respect, but on the other hand, she is her own hope for freedom.

The horror of that night still haunted her heart like a nightmare, making her often wake up from the middle of the night with extreme fear. The little daughter who was once favored by Wang is now just a very lowly little maid, and such a gap almost broke down.

In such a small country, countries like Rio and Yodi arise and perish every day. As a royal princess who is not completely ignorant, she has had a lot of bad conjectures about her fate - or the best is to marry a son of one of her father's favorite ministers, or marry a king as a concubine of a more powerful country to win more than ten years of stability in the country. She even thought that in case she became a princess of the subjugated country one day, I'm afraid she would be either a dead soul under the knife or be robbed by the warrior as a concubine.

I never thought that this day would become a reality. Those horrible and fierce warriors broke through all the defenses of the inner courtyard of the royal city in an instant. No one was their enemy, and even the powerful priests in the palace were directly cut into two sections when the powerful warrior appeared, without exerting any of his strength as a noble mage.

What the princess didn't expect was that these bandits not only seemed to want to plunder, but also seemed to really occupy the country. Even when the country's old partner Yodi came to attack, they actually destroyed the country that had attacked each other for decades.

And no one paid attention to her, the little princess of the former royal family. She has not been made a plaything, made into a gift, and has not been spoiled to continue to be her princess. Instead, she became a humble maid that she had never thought of in all her fantasies - no different from those servants who cooked on fire.

Even the food and clothing are the same as theirs. Those servants were respectful to themselves at the beginning, because they thought that even if their faces were not noticed now, they would one day be married as noble wives. It's just that after a while, she is still a humble maid. Those maids in the palace have begun to treat themselves badly, as if they have a great hatred with themselves. Or, on such a day, bullying a former princess will make them feel particularly happy?

The princess silently endured everything. She was a delicate and introverted woman. But she is by no means a weak woman. She used to be a princess of the kingdom. Even if she is now a very humble maid, she still has never really humbled herself. Now that there is a sudden opportunity to contact a mysterious and powerful young strong man, then if this strong man can have a little affection for himself and be a maid for such a strong man, it is better than waiting for a future of inexplicable fear in this hopeless palace.

The princess's arm was almost sore, and she still gritted her teeth, as if ants were biting, slowly stretching from her arm and all the way to her body. Then the once spoiled princess fell into the water.

Mora opened her eyes and was inexplicably covered with water. Anyone has to open their eyes and have a look. Then he saw the woman who had been making him a little nervous at this time fluttering in the water in front of him, as if someone had pressed her into the water to prevent her from getting up.

The other maids who stood in the pool were also shocked. They were going to pull the subjugated princess, but when they saw that Mora opened her eyes and looked silently, they thought that the princess had offended Mora and was punished, but none of them dared to move.

After looking at it for a while, Mora's mind, which was no longer bothered by his body's reaction, immediately became empty and immediately understood how it could be. Reach out his hand and pull out the subjugated princess.

Mora said the first sentence he entered the pool: "You all leave." Then he said to the woman who was still coughing violently, "You should also leave. What you think will be achieved." After saying that, Mora continued to soak in the pool and ignored these maids who were surprised or surprised.

When the maids and the half-dead princess who forgot that she was in the water and was choked to death leave because of surprise, Mora looked up at the sky. Think carefully about what your body's reaction expresses.

Time has passed, and the water in the pool has been changed several times. Finally, Mora came out of the water,

"Well, it's just a normal reaction of young people, nothing."