
Chapter 17 The Mystery of Sacrifice

The mystery of sacrifice

It was early when Mora came out of the pool, but all the people who participated in the sacrifice did not have any impatience, because they knew that there would be an extraordinary prophet to sacrifice at the newly built altar.

As for what a great person this prophet has never met, not many people know, but many people already know that the "demon god" who can let them or live to die at will actually respect the prophet who is said to be only a teenager.

These people standing by the altar are all silent. Even when the killed livestock and other sacrifices are placed on the altar, they try not to make any sound - this is not because they fear the gods, but because if someone shows a solemn look in the sacrifice, it is almost inevitable to be killed under the altar. .

Finally, when it was getting dark, Mora came to the altar accompanied by Mahday and Laga. Looking at the neatly arranged sacrifices, Mora nodded and expressed satisfaction.

Laga asked, "Prophet, these sacrifices are from us according to the requirements of the national sacrifice of this country. I don't know if they are at peace with the requirements of the gods you want to pray for us?"

After hearing this, Mora suddenly laughed and said, "This world was created by gods. What do you think when you sacrifice to the gods and pray for blessings or promises?"

This problem suddenly puzzled the two people who were already capable warriors. If ordinary people ask them this question, they can still try to think about the answer, but a very favorable prophet who can only be the most devout believer of the god can ask such a question!

If it hadn't been for looking at Mora's brighter glow in the night, Mahdai and Lajia would have even doubted whether Mora had begun to betray his faith!

Mora did not confuse them for too long. "For God the Father, sacrifice is just a ritual. It has no meaning in itself. The key to sacrifice is the heart of the sacrificer! A person with all kinds of thoughts that are not compatible with the god of the sacrifice, no matter how beautiful the sacrifice is, he will not get any welfare in the end, or even be cursed.

Looking at Mahdai and Laga, Mora seemed to understand that in order to be safer, he explained carefully: "So, as long as there is nothing evil or unclean in the sacrifice, the key to the success of the sacrifice is the piety of the sacrificer's mind."

Stop for a moment and let them think about what they said. Mora said again, "In the sacrifice, the main role of priests or prophets is to communicate with the gods, but since you are already mighty people, after the passage with the gods is opened, you can tell your prayers to yourself and the gods."

After saying that, Mora said to the people standing by the altar, "Pour the water on the sacrifice until the water fills the ditch beside the altar."

The people standing on the service were greatly surprised, but no one asked anything, just wondering: Is this prophet not a fire sacrifice but a water sacrifice?

When the water filled the ditch beside the altar, Mora said to Mahdai and Laga, "How are your hearts, your sacrifices. Come with me."

After saying that, Mora stood by the altar, put the stick that had not left his hand by his side, and then knelt by the altar to pray. The light on his body became more and more obvious, and even seemed to ignite a bright fire in the night. Those who stood by the altar couldn't help retreating. No one could be afraid in front of this holy light!

Even Mahdai and Laga wanted to escape again, but Mora's words were still in their ears just now - the key to sacrifice is the heart of the sacrificer, not the priest or prophet.

With all the shame and pain of being censored for all the dark privacy in his heart, Mahdai summoned up his own powerful warrior, went forward, knelt down on one knee, and made a wish in the sky of the altar!

"Gods I have just heard but have never known, may your name be praised by thousands of people, and your glory spread all over the earth. I, Mahday, the son of * abandoned by the clan, pray to you today. If you can save the life of my dearest sister Ingrid, I would like to exchange my life for her days. But since you told me to be righteous through your prophet, I am willing to do it, just ask you to save my family. Mahdai, worship sincerely. If it is against your wishes, you are willing to be punished.

On the other side, Lajia seemed to have experienced a great inner battle. Compared with the powerful Mahdai in the power, there were still many things in his heart that he could not let go. However, at this time, he struggled with all his mental strength, and he also stood up and trembled into the area of Mora's body, but he had no strength to do it. The strength of more words just rushed desperately to Mahday's side and shouted, "Wongyuan!" Then he fainted.

After Lajia fell into a coma, a fire suddenly appeared on the altar impregnated, burning all the sacrifices into ashes in an instant, and even the water in the ditch near the altar was burned clean!

All the people who stood at the altar were shocked. Although they had heard such a miracle, they saw with their own eyes that so many water-soaked sacrifices were suddenly burned out like this. They were all shocked and retreated for fear that the fire on the altar would suddenly come down from the altar and burn themselves.

Morah waited until all the sacrifices were burned out and whispered a scripture in the code: "Our God is fire!" Then he said to Mahdai, who was still respectful next to him, "Go back, I'm going to continue my journey."

Mora, Mahdai and Lajia, who had just woken up, were walking back, and suddenly several female warriors came from afar, "Lead! The second leader woke up! And it's all right!"

Mahdai listened and suddenly turned into a strong wind and disappeared from these people. Lajia also followed closely, but he had just suffered a great psychological torture, but it was a little slower.