
Chapter 26 Three Songs

The people on the other side of the mountain gradually came to their senses, and the living people, most of whom were women, finally calmed down after a long time of panic. Look for the bodies of your living or dead family members. This is a sad and sad day.

After panicking for a long time, finally, the people living in the camp returned to the village again with themselves and their own people (or dead or alive). The fire in the village had long been extinguished by the miratic rain. However, the people who were burned by the fire are still wailing on the ground. Many of them are old and children, and some of them are adults. Their skin burned by the fire is burnt black, and because they are tied up, they tear it apart when they struggle.

The village is full of sadness and despair. The remaining young people have no courage, and the elderly who are barely alive and the seriously injured middle-aged people are struggling painfully and desperately at the last moment of their lives. The overwhelmed women didn't know how to deal with these sudden difficulties behind their clothes.

This place has not experienced war and robbers for many years. Only those old people in the comfortable village remember how to treat the wounded, but they are no longer there.

When it was getting dark, a number of cars suddenly came to the road on the other side of the village mountain. The remaining people in the village who had been deprived of courage by fear were all panicked. Some women ran crazily with knives and shouted without knowing what to say.

It was not until the slightly bold man saw that the person in the first car was the god who had left, that he calmed down a little and then trembled and welcomed Mora and the women who walked with Mora into the village.

Mora said to the women who came with him, "Go and help them." These women got out of the car to help those people - although they were all equally sad, these people always experienced earlier and already knew what to do.

Someone helped an old man who was burned by fire come to Mora. The old man was also an elite warrior when he was young and went out to travel and participated in the kingdom war, so in this banditry, he was only injured, but the flame did not burn him much, but he was smoked. It's just embarrassing.

This old man is now the only one who can make the decision in the village. At this time, his clothes have been changed, but they are still not very neat - this was almost impossible for the old man who has always taken these embarrassing things seriously, but now no one is interested in mind to care about these things, life and death. There is nothing other big between them.

Although the old man was the elder of the village, he still gave Mora a general ceremony to meet the prophet and priest with a respectful expression. Mora did not stop him, because at this time, he represented the messenger of the gods and accepted such a ceremony with qualifications. After the salute, the old man's expression suddenly relaxed a lot. A god who received the great courtesy and respect from others would not suddenly leave the painful person alone. So the old man said with a little excitement, "Dear Lord, you have saved our lives. We really don't know what words and etiquette to praise you and your God. Just ask you to make it clear that we are still in trouble and cannot be relieved by suffering. Please continue to help us, because we have no other gods to pray for at this moment.

Mora replied, "You don't need to worry that my God will not give up halfway since he sent me here, because the word of God the Father never failed. Just take care of your wounded and I'll go with you. I have learned the knowledge and medicine of wound relief in the temple, and today I will also pray for you that those who are still alive will not die at this time.

The old man was very surprised to hear this. Mora and these few remaining men walked into the village. Although the village has settled down, the moans of sadness and howling because of all kinds of physical and mental pain are almost endless. Mora sighed deeply and said to the people with his sad faces, "Take me to the highlands of the village. I pray for God's blessing and comfort for you. Don't be so miserable again."

When the old man heard this, he was so excited that he wanted to kneel down to Mora with the rest of the people. Mora immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "You must not worship me, because I am a human like you. You only have to worship God. I'll go and pray for you. You just need to give praise to the gods.

The elder saluted again, and then took Mora up to the stone platform placed in the middle of the village - this is the place specially used by the village to announce news or trial verdicts. Seeing that Mora was about to walk up like this, the elder asked, "A mighty prophet, don't you need any sacrifice or ceremony to pray for blessings from the gods for us?"

In the old man's opinion, even if the gods don't care about their lack of sacrifices at this time, they will sacrifice to those who pray (Mora) to bathe and change clothes first. However, Mora returned: "He made this world. What should I use to sacrifice to him? There is no filth in people's hearts. What is the purpose of bathing? God looks at people's hearts and does not look at people's appearance, because he is God. The elder, you should listen, because what you hear will not be heard, and countless people want to hear but can't hear it. This is a real god. In front of him, no spirit dares to call himself a god.

After saying this, Mora has walked to the stone platform and looked around. A bonfire was lit in the village, and the injured people were gathered together. They were injured and could not sit and stand, but they still could not rest after lying down. All kinds of wounds on their bodies were tossed their bodies; their souls were also in pain because of the loss of their families. Although there were people in the village, they were more than the place of death. It's uncomfortable.

There are still unquenched fires on the plains in the distance. The fire ignites from the ground and burns the bodies of those gangsters. Only these fires can burn in the environment of divine punishment hail. There is only one day left, and the earth seems to be stained with blood. There are souls and resentments between heaven and earth that have just left their bodies and are entangled, cursed, resentful and howling.

Moura looked at all this. Although his heart had communicated with the kingdom of God and was always wrapped in the warmth of God, when he saw these scenes, his heart was extremely excited and sad. Tears flowed from his face, and Mora made a crying song:

"I have sorrow and would like to be comforted; my heart is dizzy because I can't hear the voice of joy.

The stars in the sky, where are you? Isn't it that you can't see today's sadness and hide?

Beasts on the ground, what are you looking for when you walk around? Don't swallow the body of the person who has just died. I'm afraid you will fall into the abyss.

People's hearts, why is it so unpredictable? Some people do evil, and some people are happy to see evil. Why did such a person come out of his mother's womb? The world is dark because of you.

Who am I going to mourn? Who can understand my sadness? The person I love left me today. She died in front of my eyes, but I was powerless. Why are there evil people in the world who devour innocent people like fierce lions?

My heart is sad, where does it come from? Who is my strength and my arm that I can rely on? Stars, don't hide. You must know it in ten thousand years. Please come and tell me.

This song spread all over the villages and nearby mountain villages and plains. Anyone who hears it, as long as they can breathe with their noses, the creatures who can think are moved, full of sorrow, full of sadness, and the heaven and earth are full of grief. There was an extremely low voice in the depths of the earth, as if a great being was shocked by this sadness and also made a sad sound. There are no birds in the sky, but there are sad sounds echoing over and over again. There is water vapor in the air, and it seems that the sky is also crying.

Then Mora was excited, raised his staff in his hand and shouted to the sky, "Father, please listen to me, the sadness of this land is too much, but the wicked have not been completely eliminated. Today I pray to you that there will be no more such sins in this sad land."

After saying this, Mora made another song, but it was a curse song:

"Woe! Woe! Woe! Those gangsters and bandits who got up in the morning were full of evil thoughts to do evil things. They ate and drank happily, shed innocent blood, and arbitrarily killed women and children and plundered property. There is no righteousness and kindness in their eyes, so the underworld will expand its desire, open its infinite mouth, and swallow up their glory, masses and prosperity. People with bad intentions can't escape.

Woe! Woe! Woe! Those who call evil good, call good evil, dark beauty, and hate light, suddenly everything is turned upside down, and all their glory returns to dust - the rain makes him decline, and the earth grows, but there are only thorns. When he was at ease, a sword came to him.

Woe! Woe! Woe! It is evil to do what can be done but not to do it. The sorrow of the poor who can't bear to close their eyes will not be merciful, the cold will die of the cold, and those who are not holy between heaven and earth will fall into the abyss of the earth.

At the end of this song, there seemed to be thunder between heaven and earth, and the earth trembled. People with evil thoughts in their hearts suddenly felt that they were abandoned by the world and wanted to sink into the abyss of eternal redemption. Everyone's heart can't be quiet. Now they don't even remember the sadness. They only remember the evil deeds they have done. They even feel that when Mora's "s song of curse" is done, they are afraid that if they don't repent in their hearts, they will die in the abyss. So people immediately stopped working for trial.

The darkness on the ground suddenly faded a little and no longer made people palpitate. All the people stopped everything at hand and stated their sins to the gods in fear and war, praying for forgiveness and repentance. Anyone who did this was safe and safe, but suddenly several people fell to the ground and had no sound. It turned out that these people still had great evil thoughts in their hearts but did not want to repent. One of them was one of the young people who supported the old man.

Seeing such a terrible scene of gods judging with people, those other young people who helped the old man at the same time immediately threw the invisible selfish desires of the invisible people in their hearts to a place where they could no longer be seen. These people worshipped, and no one could stand.

After finishing this "sing song", Mora clearly felt the cleanliness of heaven and earth as if they had taken a bath - Mora sighed in his heart: How big and terrible the bath cleaning of the Father is.

Then, feeling the clean breath of heaven and earth, Mora began to pray for blessings and comfort for these mourners who survived from adversity, which is also a song - "Song of Blessing":

"The disaster will not be permanent, because God the Father is looking at it. The earth will not be permanently dark, because the sun will rise.

Sad people, rejoice, because comfort will come to you, as long as your heart can be comforted.

Sad people, wipe away your tears, because the people you lost will no longer come back, but you are saved people, and you will live the happiness of your family in the world.

People with physical pain, don't moan, because your souls are still there, and your bodies can be healed. Don't panic. As long as you wait, the God of salvation will never look at you.

Great and terrible God, please bless you, for only you can comfort the sad people.

Before the song stopped, the extremely holy divine light brewed on the stick in Mora's hand. At the end of Mora's singing, he raised the stick in his hand, and the light shot into the sky, and then turned into a light rain in the high sky and fell to the ground.

The rain contained an extremely sacred power. It fell to the ground and suddenly turned into an extremely fertile land. After experiencing the burning vegetation, it grew again. And the blood of the blood-stained land also sank into the depths of the earth in an instant, and the resentment and feelings that kept emanating from the blood also sank with it and no longer stayed in the world.

This fell on people's bodies, and those who were seriously injured were also treated. The charred skin on their bodies was drenched by the rain, as if they were washed away dust. Before these people felt pain, there was fresh and intact meat and skin in the bloody place, just like babies. Smooth and tender.

However, these light rains suddenly turned into thunder and fire on some people again. Before they could say a word, they suddenly turned into a pile of ashes. Everyone who saw them panicked, more devoutly prayed and self-examination, and clarified their sins.