
Chapter 27 Rebuilding a Home

Rebuild the home

The morning light sprinkled on the village, bringing some warmth and vitality. However, the village was very quiet, as if no one lived there. There was no chirping of chickens, no dogs cheering, and no cooking smoke. It seemed that people had suddenly left and abandoned the land.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is an extremely strong breath of divine light in this seemingly dead village, which is not a silent breath of death, but a calm and peaceful feeling of rest.

The sun rose higher, the power of the sun gradually strengthened, and the darkness of the earth was no longer able to escape and went away. Someone came out of the village, and then gradually people came out and spontaneously went to the stone platform in the middle of the village, waiting for the big and terrible god to see if he had anything.

No one made a noise. Last night's divine light purified their hearts and gave them great comfort, so that they all saw their families in their dreams again at night. Although it was a farewell, one night was enough time for these people to digest most of their sadness.

Suffering will not last forever, and life may become difficult, but those who live should be strong, because their deceased people look at them in the underworld and hope they will live a good life.

When Mora appeared, all the people, men and women, old and young, were already waiting at the stone platform. Mora smiled comforting and encouraging them, facing the sun, as if the blessing of the gods was with these people.

After the baptism of the soul at night, these people who have purified their sins in their hearts no longer have the feeling of fear and war when they look at Mora. The young god envoy walked up to the stone platform in the morning light, as if wearing a layer of haze clothes and asked their greetings:

"May God bless you and bless those who have suffered great hardships in their hearts. The night has passed and the light has come to you."

When these people heard this, they saluted Mora together, which was a great courtesy, not an acceptable etiquette. But these happy people have long regarded Mora as the embodiment of the gods on the earth, so they continued to walk towards Mora with this extremely respectful salute.

Moura wanted to stop it, but the excited and happy people had saluted, and it was too late for Mora to stop it. But is such etiquette acceptable? If it is just an ordinary person or a person who completely believes in people's courage that has nothing to do with the gods, then it is nothing.

But if a force comes from a god or a person who has a very close relationship with the god accepts such a gift, it means that he regards himself as a god, and such an act is an act of deviousness that will definitely be killed by the god.

These people only salute, and the power of those similar beliefs gathered to praise the thoughts of gods and praise all sentient beings in heaven suddenly transmitted to Mora in all directions, which is not acceptable to mortals. Because the many thoughts and powers in it are far beyond the limits that powerful warriors can bear - that is the collection of some of the same ideas in the hearts of all sentient beings in the world.

At this time, Mora was almost burst by these suddenly gathered forces, and his body emitted great light. From a distance, it was like the sun in the sky falling to the world. No one could look directly at it. However, the more so, the people's hearts when saluted, and even some of the same from heaven and earth. The remaining similar thoughts and forces were attracted and added to Mora.

When Mora was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded in Mora's heart:

"Mora! Mora! Why don't you lift the staff I gave you?"

Mora suddenly remembered the stick in his hand, which was an artifact given to him as a certificate. He immediately raised the stick with all his strength, and suddenly the flood that concentrated on him seemed to have found an outlet.

This stick has no damage under these unbearable forces and ideas, but it seems that great changes are brewing. Finally, when the thoughts and power of blessing and praising from the world reached a certain peak, this rod, which originally seemed to be no different from the ordinary wooden staff held by the shepherds of the Canaan clan, suddenly emitted great light and gave back all the concentrated forces.

There is a light between heaven and earth. People's hearts have no evil thoughts at this moment, and there seems to be only truth, goodness and beauty in the world. In addition, except for Mora, no one noticed that the earth was shaking and the hills were falling, like waves; the sky was also changing, the clouds were flying around, and the sky and the earth were sacred lights, but Mora easily saw a group of angels coming up from behind the clouds.

When Mora was surprised to see the angels, he saw very clearly that several archangels who were obviously the commanders of the angels smiled at him. Mora was definitely not dazzled by himself. It was indeed the archangels who smiled at him, and the smile was like a friend's smile.

When you look carefully, those angels have disappeared, and the light between heaven and earth has disappeared. Mora withdrew his eyes and suddenly found that everything in and around the village had been changed. The village was originally on the edge of the plain, but now the plain has moved a lot, making the village reach the middle of the plain.

However, what is more surprising and unbelievable is that the area centered on this plain and village seems to have been raised by life. From a distance, it has become an earthly city. In the distance, the grassland is surrounded by an extremely wide river that I don't know where it came from. There is only one place that is not fast and not wide, and there is a bridge that seems to be naturally formed to communicate with the outside world.

Mora's clear eyes saw that there were many extremely ferocious fish and terrible water plants in the river. In this way, this village, which has suffered great difficulties, has become such a beautiful place with great safety in the world.

The only people standing on the stone platform were speechless. Everyone doubted their eyes, and even many people bit their fingers because they suspected that they were still in a dream.

I don't know how long it took, and finally these people were sure that what happened around them was true, and they were all shocked and speechless. The staff in Mora's hand has returned to the original appearance of the staff. Looking at these people whose lips squirmed and didn't know what to say, Mora took a deep breath and shouted to them, "It's time to rebuild our home! Don't delay. Today you will forget your sadness, because the Almighty God the Father has done great things for you. Don't hesitate to go quickly, build your homes, and then give your thanks to God the Father. Go ahead and do it immediately. Don't be lazy. Today is a big and terrible day. Anyone with strong hands and feet will work, because the eternal God is with you.

The people shouted and then dispersed to build their new homes with surprise and fear.

Mora stayed on this stone platform and did not act with the people. He prayed silently in his heart and communicated with the kingdom of God to know what he had just seen. However, no matter what he did, no one responded to him. Finally, Mora had to keep this doubt in her heart and stop thinking about him. Then watch the busy people building their own houses.

Blessed people, men and women, old and young, feel strong, as if they are warriors. No one has different ideas in their hearts and is fully committed to building their new home.

Morah is not with them, because he also has his own things to do. Although God does not require it, now that there are conditions, Mora is willing to do something more formal.

He didn't hold any tools in his hand. The wand was placed on the ground beside him at this time, and then Mora rested and painted it on the stone platform with his hand.

This stone platform is a stone that does not know when it exists. The warriors in the village can't leave any traces on it with a sharp knife. But at this time, under Mora's men, the stone seemed not to be a stone, but a pile of surface objects.

Mora patted, and the irregular place on the stone sank and became extremely flat, as smooth as a mirror polished by a craftsman, and even a figure could be seen. Mora walked around the stone, but it took a lot of effort. Finally, this irregular stone was made into an altar with a complete ring on the four sides of the ground.

Looking more carefully, Mora still feels a little dissatisfied. Compared with his second brother Hanifei, his craftsmanship can only be regarded as a reluctant entry. But in the eyes of those villagers, this is a different scene.

A warrior can't change a stone that can easily change its shape and appearance like a dough under the hand of this divine messenger. Although these people have never seen a mighty warrior or mage, they all know that this young man who looks like a minor is definitely those so-called big The existence of energy, such a person, is said to be able to kill some small gods born in the world with strong power.

These people are extremely panicked and happy to think that such people can rebuild their homes with them. Panic is because they have seen the horror and holiness of such a god who can slaughter the low-level god of the world. Until then, they did not believe that the god of Mora was God the Father)

It is happy that once you can be killed because of your own problems, you can not worry about all kinds of disasters all your life after being blessed by such a prophet, and even your descendants may get blessings if they do well.