
Chapter 28 Take the body as the altar and the heart as the sacrifice

The surviving villagers are building their own homes, and Mora is carefully building an altar there.

A day seems very short when there is something to do. When someone feels that there seems to be a cool breeze in the air, looking up, most of the day has passed.

However, after the blessing of the gods, these people's work has been done quickly, and most of the houses have only been decorated. If you don't pay attention to them, they can be completed.

It's just that these people who have been moved and blessed are obviously not lazy. Even if it is not for themselves, but to reflect the glory of the gods, they will do their best to build their new home more beautiful.

When the villagers were about to complete, Mora had almost rested the altar. Looking at the smooth altar, Mora thought about it for a long time before continuing to do it.

He did not depict any mysterious patterns on this altar, nor did he depict the history and stories of the so-called gods on the altar like the temple murals of other gods.

Mora wrote a few words above:

"Don't offer me vain sacrifices. Incense is what I hate. I hate burnt offerings and the fat of livestock. What do you mean by offering these to me?"

"Villain, why do you sacrifice? Do you want me to forgive your sins? But why do you still have evil thoughts in your heart? First go and purify your heart, repent for your sins, and then come to me, lest I suddenly come and destroy you and your home.

"People, what are you going to do when you come to me today? I am a holy god and a god of evil. The place where your feet stand is holy. Be careful lest I suddenly kill you because of your sins.

"Did you come to my altar to offer sacrifices? I don't like the blood of rams, and I don't like the fat of sheep. I don't like your barley and white flour.

"I am the creator of heaven and earth, I am eternal, I am Alpha, I am Emega. When you come to me, be careful with your words and deeds, because my eyes can't tolerate any evil and uncleanness.

"I am the Most High, and I only enjoy the praise of the righteous and the laughter of the baby. When I see the good deeds of a good man, I will bless him and his home, and even the washbasin of his family."

"If you want to sacrifice, present your hearts and let me see if he is clean, because I am a holy God and will not allow human evil to appear before me. This worried people, you should offer your honesty without guilt, and I will do it for you.

"People who seek help from me, if you can walk under the sun without fear and watch your heart without fear, I will bless you until your tenth generation."

Mora painted so much that he stopped. The villagers gathered and looked at his work. No one dared to speak out, because Mora's words engraved on the altar greatly excited their hearts. I have never heard of such a god.

Mora stopped his work, turned to look at these people, and then walked slowly to the altar step by step. These people's eyes looked at his footsteps. At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to be silent, and the eyes of all sentient beings were waiting.

Mora said, "All sentient beings, if you have ears, please listen to me!" If you have eyes, please watch me do it! If you have a heart, just think about it!"

"I am the prophet of the Creator of heaven and earth. I am here to offer you a sacrifice of gratitude and blessing today. You should listen carefully to every word of me, because it is related to your fate."

"This is a holy God. He hates evil and only loves goodness. Only those with pure minds can see him. You come here to make your behavior flawless and evil thoughts.

"This heaven and earth are all created by God the Father, so don't take these things in heaven and earth as sacrifices, because they are all his."

"You should present your heart to him as a sacrifice, so that he can see the goodness in your hearts, and he will be happy with you. And I will offer your bodies as a living sacrifice and let him see your deeds. If you do well, he will bless your tenth generation.

"Just be careful and don't have other thoughts, because no one can hide your thoughts in front of him. Don't use people's stupidity to spect about the wisdom of God, lest he will curse you for ten generations."

After saying that, Mora knelt down on the altar and said to the people approaching under the altar, "Give your heart and let him check it." Your fate will be decided by yourselves.

These approaching people also knelt down, and a holy light fell like rain in the sky and fell on everyone.

When the rain stopped, no one was killed, and these blessed people hugged each other and cried.

Moura looked at all this and finally felt quiet. Everything was over, and his road was about to continue.

After offering the sacrifice, Mora said to the people, "Go back to your homes. You will no longer be sad, because the Most High is with you."

Mora went back to her car. The crowd dispersed with laughter, and the group of women brought by Mora also lived in this newly formed large outer village and built a new home.

Two women were sandwiched in the crowd and looked at Mora's car without any movement.

With complicated thoughts, the woman walked back to her house and walked to the door. She had opened the door and waited for a long time. Without waiting for what they thought, the woman entered the house sadly.

A small but sturdy carriage passed by the bridge. At this time, it was not yet bright, and the carriage did not make any sound. People were sleeping peacefully and looking forward to a new life in their dreams.

A woman stood at the head of the bridge and quietly watched the carriage pass by. Fortunately, the owner of the carriage was not too ruthless and stopped as he passed her. The door of the carriage opened, and Mora came down and looked at the woman.

"What's your name?" Mora asked.

"Ext. The woman replied that her voice was choked.

Mo stretched her hand and gently pinched the earring on her ear. The woman lowered her head and remained motionless, and then tears bloomed one small flower after another on the ground.

"I remember the name." Mora said, "Go back, I bless you!"

The woman's tears fell more and more fiercely, but there was a little happy smile on her face - at least, you remember me.

Mora turned around and the carriage gradually faded away in the rising sun.

If my love is not here, my heart will not be confused. I remember the name.