
Chapter 40 Darkness Comes

After the sky gets dark, the seaside is still very lively. However, it is finally near the end. The goods have been fully transported and settled, leaving only the people waiting to board the ship to argue about the location of their cabin. The positions of the upper, middle and lower floors are not only different from the comfort of living, but also the status reflected in this period is very different.

For businessmen, what they pursue is not only wealth, but also the glory and status brought by wealth. However, all this has nothing to do with Mora and Zhen Ni. After getting on the boat, the two visited around and then disembarked to the nearby coast. Zhen Ni had to go back to live, but Mora did not intend to go back, but wanted to adapt to the feeling of being on the sea boat in advance, so she did not go back.

When Zhen Ni saw that Mora didn't go back, she wanted to stay, but although the girl's mind was complicated, at least she was somewhat reserved. She was not the kind of stupid girl who was hopeless when she became a nymphomaniac. She was going to get off the ship after saying goodbye to Mora.

However, before leaving, Zhenni suddenly remembered something, "Mora, what about your carriage and horse?"

Mora smiled and said, "That was given to me by my friend. Now I have let the horse go back. As for the carriage, my friend is a mage. There is a positioning and transmission array in the car, and I have also sent it back."

Zhen Ni was surprised for a long time before she said funnyly, "There are many people in our sea town who want to buy your horse. You just let the horse go, not only to make many people sad."

Mora smiled and didn't answer.

Zhen Ni asked again, "But the road is so far away, will there be any accidents on your horse's road?"

Mora replied, "The horse is already psychic, at least it has warrior-level power. Besides, such beast warrior creatures are very fast and nothing will be fine." Of course, some Mora did not say that the horse was supported by him with some of his own magical power, and could even burst out the power of a powerful warrior level at the moment. Who can stop such a horse? Moreover. Compared with human beings with greed and selfishness in their hearts, the horse's mind is much simpler, and it is impossible to be harmed by anything.

Zhen Ni asked about this matter and calmed down, but she ignored a very important thing - Mora said that the carriage was given by his mage friend, and it has now been sent back by Mora to urge the teleportation array in the carriage.

Zhen Ni, who didn't know much about the mage, did not notice the information reflected in it. If you can place a transmission array on small local items such as a carriage, it is definitely an energy-level mage - the 1st mage! Moreover, at ordinary times, although all the power on the French car has a lot of mana crystals as energy, it still depends on the people who use the carriage to recharge those crystals.

Since Mora let the carriage be teleported back to that distant place, the required mana crystals are definitely not a small number. If an ordinary mage does such a thing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for a long time--because the recovery of mana is not enough to take a rest when the body is tired. Large charging generally allows The mage has been unable to use his power to carry out research activities for several months.

And Mora can easily do this, so at least his friend is a great man at the level of a big 1 mage. There are still many possibilities for a person to socialize with a mighty warrior, but if a person can make friends with a big 1 mage, then this People must feel that something with a level of power can be worth taking care of by a mage.

Moreover, the person who can easily charge the mana crystal for long-distance transmission, at least has a great power level! Such a person, wherever he appears, is absolutely as eye-catching as an ordinary small monarch.

Unfortunately, Zhen Ni did not understand the world of the mage, so she did not find these amazing mysteries. Moreover, she usually came into contact with the mage and knew a little about some mage's things. As a result, she didn't express too much surprise when Mora sent the car back -- she thought this was the characteristic of the mage's creation.

In her heart, she was surprised that Mora did not hesitate to send the car back instead of selling it for money.

After Mora sent Zhen Ni away, he returned to his cabin. In recent days, he has been so busy that he has spent much time reading the code. Although those things have almost been imprinted in his heart now, daily homework has become a habit. Moreover, no matter how clear the mind is, it is necessary to maintain the daily cleaning work. As for another pagan that Mora has seen, such as "nothing to cause dust" and so on, hehe, I'm afraid it is already a god. As long as it is a human being, it is still a real believer who insists on reflection every day.

Taking out the scriptures, the fish oil lamp in the room is not bright, but there is no problem for a god like Mora. He can see the same thing as during the day even in complete darkness. What's more, there is still some light in the room now.

However, not long after picking up the book and reading it, Mora habitually communicated with the Kingdom of God in his heart. Suddenly, a great darkness came to Mora. The darkness was so great that even Mora's heart had lost its light. The five senses and everything else are lost, only boundless silence. Even Mora tried to move, but there was no change at all. It seemed that his whole body was completely frozen by darkness except for thinking.

Even his thinking is a little stagnant to some extent, but Mora did not panic. Although this is the first time he has experienced such a situation, he has heard that except in the temple or near the temple, once a prophet or priest is personally revealed by God, there will be no light. But the boundless but extremely pure darkness.

Sure enough, Mora was silent for a long time, and suddenly a voice said, "Mora, Mora, what are you doing?"

Mora replied, "I'm going to the other side of the sea to see what's the difference between the world and my hometown?"

The sound disappeared, but the darkness was still there, silent, cold, boundless, without any warmth.

After a long time, a voice suddenly asked, "Mora, Mora, what are you doing?"

Mora replied, "Lord, I'm going to the world on the other side of the sea to see how they are different from my hometown. I heard that's the other side of the world."

The sound disappeared again, but the darkness was still there, without any reduction. In the darkness, Mora gradually felt that his heart seemed to be a little trapped in the boundless silence that had at the beginning of the earth. Although he was not afraid, he gradually became a little uneasy. I don't know why. Such a thing will happen to me.

However, Mora tried to communicate with the Kingdom of God in his heart in the past, but he was extremely surprised to find that he seemed to be in the Kingdom of God!!!

It's hard for Mora to believe that this feeling is wrong, but why is there such a darkness in the kingdom of God that silences people's hearts? Shouldn't the Kingdom of God be completely bright and warm?

Mora was surprised, and suddenly the voice sounded again: "Mora, Mora, what are you doing?"

This time, Mora did not answer immediately, but thought carefully for a long time before saying carefully, "My Lord, I'm going to the cities of the world to see how their country and their gods are different from my hometown?"

This time, the voice in the dark did not silence again, but continued to ask, "Why are you doing this? You see, your father and your father's father have been living well in Canaan, and your brothers are also living their own lives there. They are all very well. Why did you leave them to worry your family?

Mora was silent. After the voice finished speaking, countless memories suddenly went uncontrollably in Mora's mind, which were the precious memories that Mora had left Canaan since he was a child.

The feelings of missing my hometown can't help but run into Mora's heart, especially my mother's weak heart. I don't know how worried I should be after leaving. Then his heart also began to waver. Suddenly, he wanted to go back to see his mother, his father and brothers, and the old prophet who had been his tutor since childhood.

Yes, the old prophet Elli doesn't know whether he will be more sad to make his condition more serious after his two sons die.

However, when Mora thought of Eli and his two sons, he suddenly thought of leaving his hometown. At that time, in order to avoid Eli, although his son did something damn, after all, their death was related to him, but in addition, he did not leave his hometown completely for Avoid this.

Mora's heart gradually became firm. Finally, in the dark, Mora's voice did not hesitate at all, "Lord, my way is ahead. I want to go to the world over there to see how their country is different from my hometown. Moreover, I know that you are the Father God who created heaven and earth, but I don't understand why in such a big world, only the twelve tribes in our hometown believe in you, and even the tribes near my hometown do not believe in you. Even if they see your glory, they still stubbornly fight against you. I want to go to those countries that I have only heard of but haven't even heard of, and I want to find out why your glory has not spread to the four poles of the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, the great darkness that came to Mora receded, and then there was such an extreme light that Mora could not see him with his eyes, "I am with you, as long as you are strong and brave, you can walk your journey."

Then a force falling from the sky suddenly fell on Mora and merged with his power, which was close to the divine level. The degree of his power did not increase, but Mora obviously found that the complexity and mystery of power was much more.

This force just fell on Mora. Between breathing, he smelled the smell of the sea water in the sea. Mora clearly got a message from the moisture of the sea water in the air.