
Chapter 41 Sea Storm and Fude

ps: Yesterday, when I was in class, I read another book about the Anti-Japanese War. As a result, I was so sad that I didn't write it. As a result, the manuscript was not enough. Wow, I'm going to die after publishing this chapter today.


Although it may be an extremely distant place, or even something that hasn't happened, Mora saw a scene from the water in the air - as if there was a storm waking up slowly but unstoppably like a terrible ancient beast in the storm. In the brewing place, the horrible atmosphere silenced all the creatures in the sea.

However, this storm is extremely strange. Although it is horrible enough to make the largest whale in the sea hide far away, the specific scope of his brewing is only a few miles. Out of that distance, the creatures in the sea have no feeling at all.

Seeing such a scene, Mora knew very well that he was afraid that he would suffer this time going to sea -- even the fish in the sea could not fully grasp the information of the seastorm, so these seamen who believed too much in their sea experience would not perceive the danger, so, when the ship went to the sea At that time, I'm afraid it was the right time for the sea storm to break out.

This kind of seastorm is extremely rare, but Mora has read in the classics of the temple. Basically, when encountering such a seastorm, all the fishermen who go to sea are waiting to die.

In the history of the Canaan tribes, there was also a period of humiliation. At that time, the returning people were about to be caught up by the enemy in the sea, but suddenly there was a sea storm that completely affected the weather in the sea. Thousands of sea ships chased by the enemy, including more than a dozen of them, which seemed to be on the sea. The sea boats known as "sea castles" on land all disappeared in a few blinks.

Then the seastorm disappeared, but later this strange seastorm appeared several times. Although it was almost every hundred years, it was almost a huge disaster in the sea - this seastorm seemed to be life-conscious, and each time it must devour thousands of lives before it disappeared. .

This kind of sea storm is called "the revenge of the sea god" in the fishermen - fishermen believe that their fishing in the sea has angered the sea god, so the sea god will harvest the lives of fishermen every hundred years. It turned out that there was a legend circulating at the seaside: all the creatures in the sea are the children of the sea god, and the human fishing behavior angered the sea god, so there is such an uncontrollable and imperceptible storm that will suddenly appear and devour the people in the sea.

However, such a storm was not the case in the history books of the Canaan people, because Mora knew that the returning Canaan people were overtated by the enemy in the sea. The high priests in the clan sacrificed their lives and made a vow to be priests of the altar of the Father for eternal generations, and the Father God suddenly came down the sea storm to destroy the enemy. , but the sea violence father did not take it back. This sea storm is called "the sea breeze of redemption" in the Canaanites.

Mora sat there, closed his eyes and felt it over and over again, and finally could confirm the authenticity of the sea storm, because at the end, the power of his magical new evolution seemed to come to the sea in person, feeling everything about the sea storm, Mora Finally, I was convinced that there would be a great disaster when I went to sea this time. Judging from the habit of the seastorm devouring thousands of people every time, I'm afraid that all the people who go to sea this time will be buried.

However, even if you know about it, will anyone believe it? Moreover, by feeling the storm, Mora clearly knows that the seastorm is not just a naturally formed phenomenon - it contains a certain will from the Kingdom of God. Even if he prevents this sea, the seastorm will not change at all, and he will only continue to brew silently. The power was not until the sea suddenly filled with thousands of people, and then he burst out and suddenly devoured the crowd.

This is really an insoluble situation. Moreover, even if those people listen to themselves for the time being, there will be no harvest if they send someone to survey the sea area, because the seastorm will inevitably hide themselves, and even the fish in the sea can't accurately feel the power of the sea storm, let alone people.

It's just that it's really okay if you don't say it? Although the lives of thousands of people are aliens, Mora is not willing to ignore their lives, although none of them can be called righteous.

As for whether you believe it or not, as long as you say it, just let them go.

The night was getting dark, and Mora went to sleep with deep worry and sadness. The sound of the waves hitting the hull made many people who first board the sea unable to sleep calmly--thinking about everything in the sea and their future business, many businessmen couldn't help but walk out of the cabin excitedly and go to the deck to talk to people who can't sleep or find something to do, such as checking Look at your own goods, figure out the country on the other side of the sea, how to price your own goods, and how to buy those goods that can be sold at a high price here at a low price.

When the sky was about to dawn, Mora got up from **. Although he was sad, he still fell asleep peacefully at night and was not as excited as those who landed on the sea for the first time.

Put on the inner robe made of fine linen in his body when he was a little prophet, and the outer blouse was a gray knee-length gown. Then Mora took out the code and read a few chapters for a long time before putting down the scriptures and taking out the special clothes unique to the prophets of the Canaan tribes made on the road from his small box. Decorated with virtue.

Fude--a chest armor-like object with two covers that can be worn outside the prophet's robe. There are twelve various gems and agates arranged according to the number of the Canaanites, and inside each gem has the names of the Canaanites carved with divine power. The order of the twelve gems is arranged in three circles according to the order of the eldest and young of the original twelve distant ancestors. The middle circle is the eldest son of the twelve clans - the Youda tribe, and then the Liulan tribe, the Western crown tribe, the Levi tribe, the Zebran tribe, the Issaga tribe, the Dan tribe, the Jiade tribe, the Asher, Navotali, and Jo. The tribe of Se and Benya.

These are the Canaan clans. Their names are engraved on the gems of Fude. Every time priests and prophets communicate with gods or declare great things, they must wear Fude to show the solemnity and credibility of their words.

Although this is a foreign land, Mora still carefully bathed and wears the clothes of the prophet. Fortunately, he is a prophet and a people who is pleased with the gods, otherwise there are more costumes and gifts to be done.

Wearing all this, Mora slowly took the scepter given by the Father in his hand, step by step. As soon as he went out of the cabin with a solemn expression, he met a sailor on the ship. The sailor of the Sea Gang suddenly saw such a man coming out of Mora's room and was immediately suppressed.

After bathing, Mora wore a gray but solemn robe, but the extremely white inner robe exposed by her neck and arms was even more pure and dazzling. Mora's long un trimmed hair fell on her shoulders, as if the face of the full moon did not have the gentle smile that the sailor had ever seen, only extremely His solemn and pious look is like a messenger from heaven, which is majestic and unsightly.

The sailor just took a look and immediately lowered his head. In the past, he might have had a lot of thoughts about this teenager, but at this moment, he was completely full of panic, as if the evildoer had been caught in front of the judge and lost his confidence. The darkness in his heart was exposed to the sun and suddenly felt Get your own humbleness and shame.

However, when he lowered his head, he suddenly saw Mora's clothes on his chest, and twelve completely different but extremely precious gems suddenly flashed into his eyes. As usual, the sailor may see such a treasure, and the first projection in his heart is greed, but this time, after seeing this, he has no evil heart at all.

On the contrary, at that moment, the sailor seemed to see twelve gods with twelve gems turned into twelve gods full of god images standing in front of him to judge himself. In a trance, the sailor suddenly crawled to the ground, as if all the power had been extracted, and his face was full of horror. . All his evil deeds over the years have emerged and been constantly judged. The sailor seems to have seen that his sins have been dragged to the depths of hell to accept punishment.

Fortunately, Mora did not stay here for a long time. He just glanced at him and walked past him. However, in this way, the sailor also lay on the ground for a long time until he was pulled up, and his limbs were still weak. Finally, he failed to participate in this sea business.

Mora continued to walk step by step. The staff was held in his hand. Although it was a wooden seemingly inconspicuous staff, anyone looking at Mora's expression would feel that he was holding a scepter that was enough to govern and even command the king.

Although many businessmen have not slept all night, it is too common for these people to stay up late, so when Mora appeared, the deck was still almost full, and all the procedures have been completed. Now they are waiting to make sure that the good people have arrived, and then set off when the tide rises.

It was precisely because of the large number of people that as soon as Mora appeared, the unique and strange costume of the Canaan prophet immediately suppressed everyone. When these people saw this seemingly underage vulnerable teenager walking on the deck with a "scepter" in their hands, they lost their voices at the same time.

Originally, the lively deck seemed to have been wiped out alive. The people under the boat were still lively to greet and shout to the people on the boat. Suddenly, they were all dumbfounded and were surprised, while some "old people" were secretly worried in their hearts when they went to sea. In fact, it is also the most complicated moment in people's hearts. Any difference will become a shadow in the heart.

Such a sudden silence on the ship is not a fun phenomenon or joke for many people.