
Chapter 42 If you don't do justice, you are guilty

Although the people under the ship don't know what happened on the ship, it must be a big deal. At this critical moment when they are about to go to sea, even the opposites of the Saidong Gang are speechless at this time - things in the sea can't be used to gloat, because they are not sure about those Things will come to you.

The more powerful these warriors are, the more they understand the sea, and they are more afraid of everything in the sea than those unknown mainlanders. On the contrary, they are unscrupulously on land.

It seemed that the whole world had calmed down. At this time, Zhen Ni, the daughter of the owner of the Sinian Gang, was having breakfast and brought her father's cronies and things to the ship. Suddenly, she encountered such a thing. Other people were silently waiting to see what had happened, but she couldn't wait there and immediately led people. On the boat.

As soon as I walked to the deck, I saw a white robe made of fine linen with extremely white internal strength, covered with a gray shirt and a strange luster and strength on his chest. His face seemed to be a god from the sky was walking to the height of the ship step by step.

"Mora." Zhen Ni couldn't help shouting, and then everyone who heard it began to make a little movement. Many people began to whisper privately and asked each other who the young man named Mora was.

Mora stopped and looked at Zhen Ni. At this moment, Zhen Ni even doubted whether the person in front of her was Mora, without the gentle smile that could be seen at any time, and there were no eyes that seemed to be kind at any time. His look is still calm, and his face is as rosy and shiny as a teenager, but no one will regard him as a weak teenager at this moment.

Looking at the solemn look, if such a look appears on a warrior traveler who has had a lot of life experience, perhaps people only think that what happened is a big deal for this person. However, such an expression appears on such a teenager, and he wears such a strange but sacred costume. Anyone who has a little brain will know that this is really a great event, and I'm afraid it has something to do with this trip to sea.

Looking at the wisdom, depth, long distance, judgment, and other inhuman and terrible divine lights in Mora's eyes, Zhen Ni's expression also became unnatural. Mora stopped and looked at her. Zhen Ni suddenly felt that there was going to be a huge change in her heart, but when this change was happening, she was suddenly interrupted by Mora.

"Zhen Ni, go and prepare a basin of water for me."

After saying that, Mora continued to think about the high platform on the ship step by step. No one knows why Mora wants a basin of clear water, but it is rare that no one's head is thinking about it. Everyone is waiting anxiously to know what happened.

Zhen Ni was stunned. Originally, when she looked at Mora and Yi Fude on his chest, a lot of things suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. When she was sad, Mora interrupted all this and asked her to prepare a basin of clear water--is it to splash on me to scold those disgraceful things in my life? The rare Zhen Ni thought for a moment, but she thought that her body went immediately without any delay. By the time she came to her senses, she had already walked to Mora with a basin of clear water, as if she were a clever maid. However, no one cares about this at this time, and everyone is anxiously waiting for this young man who seems to suddenly say something like half of God.

Mora walked up to the height under the mast platform. At this time, the people under the boat gradually surrounded him, so they also saw the teenager's figure. However, before they could speak, they were restrained by the teenager's clothes and serious look.

It seems that the whole world has calmed down and is waiting for the sentence of the teenager.

Mora looked around. For some reason, all the people he looked at involuntarily sounded the unspeakable secrets in their hearts, and then lowered their heads in shame--everyone knew such a move that what the teenager said now must be an extremely solemn event, and And it must not be nonsense.

However, after listening to Mora's words, many people hope that Mora is talking nonsense, or telling themselves that Mora is talking nonsense.

Moura raised the stick in his hand and said:

"Gentlemen, I am the prophet of the land of Ephraim of the tribes of Canaan. I believe in the name of God the Father, and now I am about to go to all the nations and nations of the world. Today, I was going to go to sea with you, but I was inspired by God the Father last night. There was a seastorm brewing in the sea, waiting to devour us. I know that you may not want to believe it, but as far as I know, I have to say that I swear in the name of God the Father I believe in, there is nothing false. Anyone who has ears should listen.

When they said this, everyone was more silent at first, as if they were dead. However, it didn't take long before a volcano suddenly erupted here. Everyone shouted and talked crazily. In fact, they didn't know what they were doing, but as if they didn't do anything and said something that was not enough to express all the feelings in their hearts.

Some people were even shocked by the news, shouted inexplicably, and then suddenly jumped out of the boat into the sea, in chaos.

However, the scene did not last long, because Mora stood there holding a stick and gently hit the board twice with a stick. These two strokes were extremely light, as if children were knocking, but the whole boat, including the people on the shore, seemed to hear two crisp knocks in their ears.

"When! Dang!"

Everyone calmed down again. Mora put his staff beside him, walked to Zhen Ni, raised his hand to the people, and said, "Now I have told you the news, but I can't make the decision whether you believe it or not. But if something happens, the blame has nothing to do with me.

After saying that, Mora washed his hands in the basin in front of everyone, and then returned to the cabin again with a stick.

The crowd was boiling again. However, these had nothing to do with Mora. Zhenni hurriedly threw down the basin in her hand and followed Mora's back into the cabin.

"Mora, Mora." Zhenni followed Mora, ran into the warehouse and into Mora's room.

Mora put down a huge stone in his heart at this time. He knew that no one wanted to believe it, but he had to say that such a thing was not easy to do. Although he relied on divine power and prophet's clothing to increase his image and words, for a seaman who often deals with mages, this It is not the only reliable information, especially what Mora is talking about - "sea storm"!

Sea storm is a strange thing that cannot be detected in advance with countless experiences handed down by fishermen. Once you meet him in the sea, even if you have a visual distance from the coast, or even stand on the edge of the coast, it is extremely unsafe.

And the most important thing is that once the sea storm appears in the sea, like a beast with life, it must swallow enough human life to disappear. Otherwise, once it appears, then the whole sea season. Even the career in the sea of a generation can't be calm, and it often happens. Suddenly, in the calm weather, suddenly the world changes in a few breaths, the waves are rough, and then after a few breaths, everything returns to normal, but there are extremely fast broken boat trees on the sea - this is not an exaggeration, but the truth There is a fact, because at that time, some seamen fished near the coast at their door for safety, but they were still swallowed up, and that scene spread to all the fishermen by the sea.

"Mora, is that seastorm you said true?" Zhen Ni asked nervously, but there was a strange feeling in the girl's heart - was she happy? Because then a teenager will not be able to leave so soon.

Mora put the scepter beside him, picked up the code and sat on the boat to read it. He said to Zhen Ni, "Your father will certainly gather all the mages here to predict the safety of this sea again. Their prediction will certainly show that this is a safe and secure journey, and my words will not be believed."

Zhen Ni said urgently, "Then why do you still say it?"

Moura smiled faintly, and at this time he replied to the bright teenager, but what he said was not easy at all,

"There is one thing in the law of our Canaan--it is sin to do what we can do but not do! If I keep silent today, the death of all people on this sea will be on my head. I can't afford this crime."

Zhen Ni was stunned. It was the first time she heard that there was such a law - "If you don't do it, it's a sin!"

Her heart is shocked. What kind of race can have such a law?!

No wonder there is such a man, and only such a nation can give birth to such a man who seems to be a man in the sky. Zhen Ni suddenly felt very frustrated. How can such a nation and such a man deserve? Maybe they will not despise themselves, but when living together, how can they not be ashamed of their past and being with those people?

The loss and disappointment in her heart almost broke Zhen Ni's heart, and her nose was sore, as if she was going to shed tears, but thinking that there were still questions in her heart, Zhen Ni resisted the sadness of inferiority and asked:

"But, Mora, since you know about this, why do you still want to be with the ship?"

Mora closed the code, looked at the sea outside the window, and said calmly, "I am the elect of God the Father. If I haven't finished my road, God the Father will not let my feet fall into the underworld. Besides, after all, I am also a prophet blessed by God the Father. In case I really arrive at that time, I may be able to save a few people.

Zhen Ni looked at the teenager who said this calmly and had all kinds of thoughts in her heart for a moment.

silently withdrew. Before leaving, Zhen Ni turned to Mora and said:

"Mora, even if the world doesn't believe you, I believe you. It's just that you will protect me, right?"