
Chapter 61 The Standard for Becoming a God

"Morah, are you a god on the ground?"

After the banquet, Princess Hayana and the little prince Keqi took their attendants and guards respectively, packed up the necessary salutations, and set off simply.

In Mora's view, the preparation of these fishmen - those simple and casual things, and even some human nobles, are much better than this.

If Princess Hayana hadn't said that she had been farther than the seaweed mountain with more humble salutes than these, Mora would have doubted whether she was not going to marry the little prince of Keqi.

In the end, Hayana, Keqi, Mora and Zhenni, as well as the prince's dozens of strong bodyguards, plus the princess's intimate maid mermaid guard Xiaomei, with dozens of guards who don't have much IQ and only have some combat effectiveness, in the cheers of those fish, shrimp and crabs that have not yet rested at this time. Let's go.

However, looking at the accompanying guards - crabs that always go in the wrong direction and always move left and right vertically; moving forward quickly can only turn around and retreating sea shrimps;

From time to time, a curious guy appeared on the seahorse coral car and fell down. If any accompanying fish soldier has the intention to pick it up and throw it back into the car, then he can continue the journey. If no one cares, then the journey of this starfish is over.

However, it seems that both the princess and the little prince are used to this and have no intention of stopping to close the team.

Those shrimp soldiers and crabs who have fallen behind the team will be abandoned like this.

As a result, there were only a few nautical miles away from the coral island world, and there were only a dozen "people" left in the team.

Zhen Ni and the princess and the mermaid bodyguard Xiaomei are very familiar with each other. When Zhen Ni talked to them about this situation on the way, the sea fisherman calmly said that for these separated guys, the princess and the prince did not expect them at all.

Except for those extremely powerful sea worlds, other small sea worlds do not care much about these so-called honor etiquette.

Even most people in the sea world don't even bring guards when they travel, because once they encounter danger, those guys with limited brain capacity and don't understand the meaning of loyalty and reputation may run faster than their own kings, or stop there in shock and pretend to be dead.

Wel speechless Ing••••••

Zhenni and Mora are extremely interested in these sea worlds. And Princess Hayana, who loves travel and adventure, and the little prince of Keqi, who also has a childlike curiosity, are also extremely curious about Mora and Zhen Ni.

Under the sea, the existence of countless Ganges sand in the sea world is an extremely wonderful thing. Although the sea world is very similar to other sea areas, even human beings who do not understand water at all can live a normal life there.

However, once you leave the territory of the sea world and enter the sea outside the sea world, those sea areas are completely unfazed seabed space for human beings - huge seabed high pressure, cold, dark and unable to breathe - normal human beings go to that place, and even can't even say whether they are covered by the sea. It's crushed to death, scared to death, or suffoed to death!

Many lucky human beings who came to the sea world are trapped in the underwater world for a lifetime for this reason - those underwater worlds are backward and low-level, have no transmission arrays, or are unable to use transmission arrays. Those sad and lucky human beings can't leave the sea world at all, otherwise there will be a completely meaningless bone scum at the bottom of the sea.

And the most tragic thing is that the underwater world seems to be able to live in human beings, but living alone in a group of fish, shrimp and crabs, even strong warriors will die because they can't see real ground sunlight for several years; and iron-willed mages will even go crazy to death because of the lonely seabed! - Lonely mages also have to live in the crowd.

But after Hayana raised this question, Mora smiled and said that he was a believer of the God the Father who created this heaven and earth, with the divine power given by God the Father, and could pass anywhere in the world.

As a result, when Mora and Zhenni just left the territory of the coral island sea world, the cold and darkness belonging to the real bottom of the sea suddenly supported Mora and Zhenni, but just when all this was about to meet Mora, a light almost covering the whole coral island sea world wrapped Mora and Zhen Ni, After this light disappeared, Mora and Zhenni, two human beings, could ignore the temperature darkness and water pressure of the seabed like those sea fishmen.

Seeing such a powerful scene, Hayana and the little prince almost thought that Mora was a god.

That's why I asked - "Mora, are you a god?"

Later, Mora learned that there were also many gods at the bottom of the sea. However, these gods do not develop their disciples and spread their beliefs as widely as the gods on earth.

Moreover, the gods in the sea often have nothing to do with the creatures in the sea. When Mora asked how the gods appeared in the sea, Hayana actually told him that except for a few powerful and mysterious gods that existed since the sea, most of the other undersea gods were actually some creatures on the seabed who devoured some strange things and then became so-called gods!

What's more strange is that these undersea creatures are still devoured. For example, a whale swallows a strange stone. If it is swallowed by a shark, the shark may not change except for stomach stones.

And this matching is not limited to species, even if other whales swallow it, there will be no change, oh, except for stomach stones.

Although that is the case, Mora can't help but wonder that such a large sea is full of gods at the thought of the vast sea?

The little prince with "house" temperament also waited curiously for Hayana to answer. Hayana, who was a completely bad elder sister, was cute by the poor and stupid little prince's expression, so she played a fierce trick on poor Keqi - Mora and Zhen Ni - because this is not the first time, and, Zhen Ni, who tried to help, was accidentally touched a lot of oil by Hayana!

Finally, after playing enough, Hayana continued to explain that in addition to a few powerful races cultivated by the mysterious existence of the sea, other creatures that become seabed gods in other ways often do not have much improvement in IQ, because they still follow the magic power. The original biological nature was killed by the more powerful Nepity.

Moreover, even those undersea creatures with matching power and become gods, even if they can be safe, they will live for up to one or two hundred years - these guys with divine power, except for a few skills, are completely with their gods. The identity does not match, and immortality is like a joke to them. It can even be said that several gods of the sea are falling every month!

Of course, it can also be said that several undersea gods are born every month!

"But is this also called God?" Zhen Ni couldn't help asking.

"Of course," Hayana replied, "Being powerful is only one aspect. Although these gods seem to have endless lives, they all meet the basic requirements of gods, little sister."

As she spoke, Princess Hayana couldn't help stretching her wolf claws to Zhen Ni again. Zhen Ni was scared and quickly hid behind Mora - it seemed that this princess had a particularly rogue temperament, and she wanted to reach out to touch and play anything she was curious about!

And it seems that this Hayana has wanted to do something to Mora for a long time, but after Mora showed the power of almost God, it obviously restrained a lot.

"Does the gods have signs?" Zhen Ni asked Mora this time. After all, Mora is a believer in the legendary God the Father - that is the supreme in the world.

Hayana is also curiously waiting for Mora's answer, wanting to know that the definition of gods on the ground is different from that of the seabed.

"Create and destroy." Mora replied.

"Creation? Destruction?" Zhen Ni wondered, "Why is this? Isn't it the strength of power? Flying away from the sky? Blessings and curses or something?"

Mora shook his head and smiled, "Of course not. The strength of power can be sought by anyone with wisdom. Curses and blessings are just a more mysterious kind of power, not gods.

"Isn't destruction enough to reach a certain level of power?" The curious little prince quickly recovered from the princess's ** and interrupted and asked.

The princess grabbed the little prince and hugged him in her arms. The prince's guards had lost a lot on the road just now, so now no one cares about the little prince. Zhen Ni was very envious of watching the princess play with the little prince and tossed her husband like a Barbie doll. (Well, well, I wrote it wrong) It seems to be a funny thing.

"General power only brings destruction." Mora ignored the bored taste of the princess and the prince and continued to explain: "Although the destroyed things are no longer the same, they still exist after all, and the destruction has completely disappeared."

After a pause, Mora said in more detail: "For example, you can heat a piece of ice and turn it into water, which will be destroyed. If you continue to heat it, it will eventually become a gas, but no matter what it becomes, it is just a different form. In fact, it doesn't matter about these items themselves. The so-called destruction is only relative to creatures, and these things cannot be used. But destruction completely disappears this ice! - It is neither water nor gas, but it no longer exists.

"The creation of gods does not refer to the creation of something like a creature that takes a certain material and beats with various fire and water knives, but creates something directly from one's own mind without relying on anything."

Mora continued: "The power of the gods is also separated by this. Some of the most elementary gods can be injured or even killed by ordinary warriors, but they can use their magic power to create some illusory memories and implant them in people's minds, trying to confuse people. But powerful gods can create mountains, seas, lakes and heaven.

"The supreme of the world, that is, the Father God, has the highest power, because the world is his creation and complete creation. He doesn't rely on anything, just his ability, so he is the highest in the world.

"So it is," Zhen Ni nodded, "but, Mora, why can't those low-level gods create at will?"

Mora replied: "Although creating out of thin air is completely inconsistent with common sense, what is created must be true, and having a strict system and function is already in line with the law. And this requires extremely high wisdom and ability. Those low-level gods do not have such wisdom at all, and their creation can only create chaotic and plausible memories to confuse people who have not been determined.

"Mora, isn't your power already a semi-divine power, so can you create it?" Zhen Ni asked curiously and expectantly.

Listening to her words, Hayana looked at Mora in surprise - is this a god?

"No. My power comes from the Supreme, so if I become a god, then I will be the Supreme, belonging to the highest end of the world and stronger than all gods. However, there will be no such creation and destruction until wisdom and power arrive.

"So powerful, the god of the highest?" Zhen Ni and Haiyana, the little prince and Xiaomei all stared straight. It turned out that they had always been with the supreme god of the future?

"But, Mora, since you have such a future, why don't you practice now?" Zhenni is anxious for Mora.

Morah raised his staff and said, "Because I am a prophet of the clan!"

Prophet? What does a prophet have to do with becoming a god? Hayana asked.

"The duty of the prophet is to lead the clan through the sinking abyss, through the black water of death, and reach the bright place on the other side of the most dangerous time. Only when the duty of the prophet is completed will he be recognized by the supreme and have supreme power. Therefore, first of all, the prophet may not encounter such a disaster in his lifetime. In addition, even if he encounters it, the prophet may not be able to do it well, so it is very difficult.

However, after listening to Mora's words, other people still looked at him with fiery eyes. After all, they have a chance to become gods, aren't they?