
Chapter 62 Requirements for God

"So, Mora, what is the existence of the prophet? Is it the kind of person who constantly predicts good or bad luck for the people?" Zhen Ni asked curiously.

Mora looked at the stick in his hand, thought for a while, and then said to several curious people, "Actually, although we Canaan people also have priests and prophets, most of the time, there is no clear difference between prophets and priests as between other gods and clans.

"If it is necessary to say the difference, it is that the priest is selected by the clan and recognized by the gods; while the prophet is directly selected by the gods and accepted by the clan. Their responsibilities are usually not distinguished. However, the general clan's teachings, teachings and daily sacrifices to gods and blessings are all completed by the priests, but the prophets only come out to communicate directly with the gods when they encounter major events in the clan.

"In addition, priests have extremely strict requirements for words and deeds, clothing and living, and live in the temple all year round. The prophet is more casual in foreign objects, but the prophet's firm requirements for inner piety and faith are even higher. Moreover, sometimes the prophet lives in his own home like ordinary people, and sometimes he has to go to the village temples of the people to check the situation in the clan - the form is casual but the connotation is stricter. jin."

Hayana suddenly asked, "So, do you priests and prophets have the ability to prophesy?"

"This," Mora thought for a moment and said, "Priests can only passively receive instructions from the gods to be regarded as a prophecy, but the prophet can directly communicate with the gods and ask about the future."

"Do you need to sacrifice your life, or lose something or person that is important to you?" Zhen Ni asked worriedly.

Because as far as she knows, many spells and magical arts in the world that seek future situations require great sacrifices and costs. Some people even pay the price of their lives for this, and some people destroy their families and finally get an inexplicable and obscure future guidance. And it is the calculation of the mages. Zhen Ni also saw the work of those mages when she was in Haizhen. She just had to pay so much to calculate something that has happened. So what kind of horrible requirement should it be if it is to measure the future?

However, Mora's answer calmed her down.

Mora said disdainfully: "What kind of prophecy is that? It's just the obscure nonsense made by those evil gods using their own power, or directly set a script and then bring people in. Many gods in the evil camp often deliberately arrange a tragic future when people ask about the future, let the person who asks for questions fall into it, and then come to seek salvation from themselves. If the people who ask about the future don't believe it, it is a real tragedy, using such means to confuse people and make their faith Expansion, these are all common techniques. In fact, if those ignorant people don't ask for those evil gods, maybe there won't be such a tragedy.

"Is that true?" Zhen Ni was surprised, "But why are so many people trapped in it?"

Mora said helplessly, "Although I know they are fake, many times what the gods of the righteous camp say is the same. And except for a few evil gods, most evil gods also disguise themselves as righteous gods. Moreover, when people are weak and confused, they can't tell whether the gods are true or false (otherwise, where can they go back to seek God?), and the result has to be tragic.

"So troublesome!" Xiaomei was about to faint, and her eyes turned around a few times, but she was still dizzy. "So, what about the prophetic language of your clan, Mora?"

"Our Canaan people are in the name of God the Father. Our prophets directly communicate with the gods to know everything about the future. Even sometimes, the great prophet can directly call the power of the kingdom of God and predict the future by himself without any sacrifice or damage, and the results we get are clear. Understand, it's not a metaphor or a dream or something.

"So powerful?" Mermaid Xiaomei exclaimed, "Then you Canaan people should be the most powerful race on earth, right?"

After listening to Xiaomei's words, Zhen Ni looked at Mora doubtfully, because she had also heard of the Canaan people, but it did not seem to be an unparalleled clan in the world. She didn't even know anything except that there was a tribe called Canaan far away. If they are really the people of God the Father, and there are such powerful priests, prophets and elders who are almost close to the gods, why hasn't their fame been revealed on the ground?

Mora said with a wry smile, "Yes, according to the power of the gods of our clan and the guidance of the priests, prophets and judges, the four poles of the earth and the sky should have heard the names of our clan. It's just,"

With that, Mora couldn't help stopping and sighed after a while, "Other than that, let's talk about the great prophet of our clan. He was chased and killed many times in his life and almost lost his life!"

"Ah--" Everyone who listened to him was surprised, "Is there a stronger race as your enemy?"

Mura stroked his staff and listened to their doubts. He couldn't help but look dark and very sad. He stopped and sat down on a sea stone in the sea and told them the story of his Canaan people carefully.

"No, it was the Canaan people who chased the great prophet!"

Mora's words stunned those who heard it.



"How can there be such a thing?!"

Zhen Ni pulled Mora worriedly and asked, "Why did this happen?"

Mora said helplessly: "Because the prophecy of the great prophet does not match what the people think, what he said often makes the people feel bored. Because, in many cases, in the era when the great prophet appeared, people were far away from their fathers and followed the evil and strange gods of other races. Those confused people were angry and wanted to kill the great prophet because they rebuked their evil deeds on behalf of God the Father.

"Is there such a thing?" Hayana was surprised, "Don't those of your people know that they believe in the Supreme God?" Aren't they afraid of the anger of God the Father?

Mora smiled bitterly: "Of course, I know that these people have abandoned God the Father directly."

continued to shake his head helplessly, "It's just that they followed their father for a long time and began to fall, following their selfish desires, indulge their behavior, corrupting their bodies, and following those ** evil and chaotic gods."

Zhen Ni took Mora's hand: "Mora, will you encounter that situation in the future?"

Mora looked up at the top of the ocean. At this time, he was about a few deep at the bottom of the sea. Although he could see things at the bottom of the sea at this time, he looked up at it with endless darkness and no light.

"Ha ha, although that situation will be very painful, once you persist and finally guide the people out of the abyss of evil, you can become the supreme god."

"What a strange and powerful god system," the little prince interrupted. "But, Mora, why do you have to become the supreme god system? Isn't personal cultivation and strength enough?"

Mora looked at the beautiful little prince with childish fluff and said with a smile, "Power is nothing in this world. What if a person can go through the mountains and seas?

"You should know that on the ground, the sun shines on good people and bad people; rain and dew moistens flowers and plants and moistens thorns; and these are the truths reflected by heaven and earth and God - no tolerance, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a fierce beast. God means tolerance in itself. Without God's mind, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a pathetic dust between heaven and earth.

If a person can tolerate the incomprehension and betrayal of the clan, but still loves his own people like a mother loves her children, and is born and died for them, such a mind is the demeanor of the supreme god!"

"It seems very complicated. So, Mora, have the great prophets in your clan become gods?" Zhen Ni asked.

"Well," Mora thought carefully and sighed, "There are many ordinary gods who have become the kingdom of God, but they are also ordinary gods and become supreme. Originally, a great prophet in our family had this opportunity, but at the last moment, when he saw the evil deeds of the people, he was so angry that he said a few fierce words. That's why I lost that opportunity. You can only wait for the resurrection at a certain fixed moment in the future, but at that time, you can become the supreme god.

"If I fail in the future, I will probably be resurrected as the supreme god at that moment." Mora said.

"That's it."

"So it is."

Suddenly, Princess Hayana, who was rich in experience, heard something, "Mora, you said you can become the supreme god, doesn't that mean that you will be the great prophet of the clan in the future?"

"Ah--" Zhen Ni also reacted. Mora said that even if he failed this time, he could become the supreme god at a certain resurrection moment. The subtext of this sentence is that he is the great prophet of the future in the clan?!

"Yes," Mora nodded,

"I am the son of my mother's wish. I have been offered to God my Father as a Nasser since I was a child, and after I inherited the tradition of prophets in the temple, I knew in my heart that my future is the great prophet in the family."

"Then why don't you stay in the clan and travel instead?" Zhen Ni was puzzled.

Morah: "This is a long story, but the key is that I got the revelation from God my father. There will be a great disaster in our family in the future, and even the great prophet can't deal with it safely.

"It's okay if the people can cooperate fully, but according to the history of our clan, once there is a great prophet, it means that the people begin to degenerate again. Therefore, I must leave my hometown and go to other countries in the world to find more perfect growth, so that I can deal with the plight of the clan and outside the clan at that moment. "

"Well, Mora," said the little prince, "After listening to your explanation, I suddenly feel that I should be a little prince who doesn't need to think about anything. It turns out that too powerful is also a trouble--"

PS: One less collection, my heart hurts so much! The collection fell off on Singles' Day. Are you forcing me to explode?