
Chapter 63 Assassin

(PS: After Singles' Day, Shenma** is gone, and I want a red ticket to comfort him•••••)

However, Mora looked at the little prince with a smile.

This expression made Keqi kick in his heart, "What's the matter, Mora, why are you looking at me like this?"

Mora stood up from the sea stone, looked at the dark sea in the distance, and said calmly, "No strength does not mean no trouble. For you, the prince's identity is a problem in itself.

"What do you mean?" Keqi was very confused. This little prince, who was obviously still a long way from growing up, could not hear the different meaning in Mora's words. But Zhen Ni and Hai Yana are different. One is a girl who grew up in a sea town with all kinds of people of three schools and nine streams. She is used to countless intrigues and intrigues. The other is a royal patriarch who has walked through countless seas and has seen the independent, intelligent, bold and careful royal princess of nearly a hundred undersea worlds, and has come into contact with many seas. The story of the struggle for power of the royal family.

So when Mora said this, the two smart people immediately thought of the skills of the Prophet Mora and the identity of the heir of the little prince's kingdom. Looking at the direction Mora was looking at, the dark sea that seemed to be hiding a devouring beast, and there seemed to be some strange shadows shaking. Zhen Ni immediately hid behind Mora, and the eldest princess shouted, "Wait!"

At this time, she saw the gap between the biological wisdom at the bottom of the sea. The eldest princess instantly reflected the possible danger and even analyzed the source of the danger in her mind. Although Xiaomei was a little confused, she immediately took the little prince to hide in the middle of the guard. The little prince didn't figure out anything, but he also cooperated to let Xiaomei be pulled to the center of the team to protect him.

As for other undersea creatures, the prince's guard is better. At least they know how to surround their prince, and those who follow Hayana with obvious IQ problems are still leisurely pulling the sea mud and looking for poor bugs. Of course, there were also a few people who were slightly more flexible. Looking at the princess and several other adults, they felt that something seemed to have happened, so they stared at their adults, but they didn't know what the princess shouted "alence" meant, and they didn't move their nest at all.

This is why the princess is not concerned about the protection of these low-level underwater world creatures at all. These guys seem to be wise, but their wisdom is really too low-level! And the terrible thing is that because of their wisdom, they are different from simple creatures. Without the animal instinct of unwise creatures, they cannot be trained like hunters; but their wisdom is too low, resulting in their wisdom making them completely unable to be like other unwise sea creatures in the sea. With the same hunting life, you can only live in a calm and safe sea world.

All this happened in a short period of time. Not long after Hayana shouted "alence", a sharp thorn like rain fell on these people like raindrops!

"Sting fish kill!" Xiaomei was so scared that she shouted, "How can there be such a horrible thing that can only be found in war?"

Hayana's face has also become very bad. The killing of thornfish is not an advanced attack, but just gathers a group of thornfish together and keeps spraying spikes out. Although the spiny fish is a relatively weak fish, the only attack method is to spray the three sharp spikes on their backs, and the three spikes of the spiny fish can only spit once a day, their spikes are as hard as steel, and the speed of the spiny fish is very fast and is generally used as sentries and reconnaissance of the kingdoms at the seabed. . But once the number of these weak sentries exceeds 100, they can be used as a big killer. Hundreds of thorn fish gathered together, and three waves of thorns came in a certain direction for a while, enough to instantly empty the enemy's grassroots power. Although those grassroots will not have much attack power in war, the auxiliary role may cause great headaches. Like the paralysis of electric fish, the piercing eyes of shining fish, and the disgusting acid water of acid fish are all annoying things that many big men don't want to touch.

Hayana didn't look well, but in the face of this storm, she did not panic. The jade lotus-like arms were one, as if opening a door. The thorny rain on the follower who was about to fall into the still stupid coral island sea world seemed to fall into another space halfway, and a series of white water lines drawn in the sea were cut off halfway. The first wave of attacks ended.

At this time, those stupid coral island guys seemed to understand what had happened and immediately panicked. The seabed, which was already a little noisy, suddenly became more chaotic, and the "smoke" boiled. Looking at these brainless creatures coming out of the coral island, Hayana sighed, but she had no choice but to be careful.

Although the royal family at the bottom of the sea is powerful, sometimes there are some bad weaknesses. Although Haiyana's natural space ability is strong, as a humanoid royal family, it is close to human beings in many ways. For example, at this moment, when the sea is muddy, her eyesight is greatly affected. However, there are many creatures in the sea that don't need to look at things with their eyes. The turbid water has little effect on them.

Sure enough, the second wave of harsh rain attacks secretly came in the turbid water. This time, because Hayana's sight was covered a lot, and the fish, shrimp and crabs on the coral island also ran around, and many of them ran out of Hayana's protection range, so after this wave of attacks, there was some bloody smell in the sea.

A very wonderful thing about the bottom of the sea is that once fish, shrimp and crabs have wisdom, a little blood similar to human will appear in the body. Although it is not much, it is indeed human blood. And it is the royal family. Although the blood of the whole body is the type of creatures in the sea, the most critical part of the heart is still a mass of human blood.

As soon as the smell of blood appeared in the sea, the sudden battle became fierce. Although Hayana has no feelings for the fish, shrimp and crabs in the low-wise coral country, after all, she is the people of the kingdom she once stayed in. Seeing these guys crying miserably and being killed, Hayana suddenly looked embarrassed. Her hands were together, and her fingers were staggered, drawing a mysterious shape. A circle was slowly drawn on the chest, and then gently pushed. Suddenly, a huge space crack appeared near the dark sea area, and the previous two sets of fish bones were returned.

At this time, the thorn fish were still following the commander's order to prepare for the third attack. The body was just before the launch, and it was impossible to move the body easily. Suddenly, the space cracks and countless fish bones that were shooting out of the cracks scared all. The thorn fish were all cracked. They and their bodies, who were extremely fast, happened to be the only moment when they couldn't move. Under the panic, the original formation was also chaotic, but when the panicked thorn fish moved, the spikes on their backs that were already ready to go were finally launched, but most of them fell on their own people. At the same time, the spikes from the cracks in space were also returned, and this dark sea with hundreds of fishes immediately became more chaotic than the little prince and his party. Moreover, the team of hundreds of people itself is much more than the little prince. Although the thornfish is low-level, it is also one of the intelligent creatures. Therefore, immediately, there are louder cries than here. Once these temporarily gathered thornfish are chaotic, they will run around. In a short time, this is almost a few miles The sea is full of bloody smells.

Hayana's face suddenly changed, "No, such a large range of blood will definitely attract ferocious sharks. Let's go quickly."

After saying that, Hayana immediately said to Xiaomei and the little prince pulled by Xiaomei, as well as Mora and Zhen Ni, "I'll set up a short transmission. You all come and stand with me."

After saying that, the princess began to constantly take out small but shining crystals and set up a complex and mysterious array on the ground. Mora once saw the transmitted mage array on her magic car, but it was obvious that the array arranged by the princess in front of her was more complete and powerful than the one carefully prepared by Yin Ge Li. It can be seen that many of the human mages that the princess said at the beginning were learned from the sea and did not talk nonsense.

Xiaomei looked at her princess pulling out the crystal formation one by one, but her face showed a very distressed expression. Obviously, these crystals are rare and precious items. The little prince also opened his eyes. Although he knew that his "wife" was very strong and rich, he never thought that the precious national treasure in his energy-sensitive kingdom could take out so much! Although they are very small crystals, each crystal is equivalent to a very powerful power storage close to great energy, and it can be charged.

Compared with their surprise at the crystal, Mora is more concerned about the ability of the princess's space. Obviously, this piece of crystal that appears out of thin air is in the princess's "space". If he can have such a space, he will save a lot of trouble when marching around the world.

"Okay, come in quickly." Heyana said urgently. As soon as Mora Zhenni Xiaomei and the little prince stood up, she heard the extremely frightened shrill from the fish, shrimp and crabs still fleeing around in the distance. Hayana, Xiaomei and the prince's faces turned much whiter - this is the extremely fierce shark clan in the sea attracted by the smell of blood.

The shark clan is a race with combat effectiveness at the bottom of the sea, and even their teeth are hard sea stones that can only turn into scum. Sharks are also one of the few races in the sea that do not have a humanoid royal family, and most sharks do not have the various powers and skills that other races have. However, the shark clan's own huge size, sharp and ruthless and hard teeth can resist most of the damage of the leather. These have made the shark clan the most infurious terrorist race on the seabed.

Even Hayana, who has space powers, can barely use space to banish a shark. If she wants to kill him, it is basically impossible. Moreover, unlike other giants, these terrible sharks actually like groups of activities!