
Chapter 109 Tea, please first

Although I was a little reluctant, it was not easy to relieve the enthusiasm and respect of the store owner. Tea is an act of respecting guests wherever you are. As a priest and prophet, you can't do anything too rude at any time. Mora picked up the tea, but always felt uncomfortable to drink it like this, so he said to Ganliu gently and happily, "Dear mage, you are the first formal mage I met in Nigra. I think you are an extraordinary, intelligent and humble learned man. I feel very honored to meet you, so let this cup of tea be a witness to our meeting.

After saying that, Mora drank more than half of the cup in one breath. Gan Liuha clearly saw that in the bright sunshine in the room, Mora's face looked very delicate in an instant. Mora closed her mouth in silence, and her throat moved quietly.

Looking at his appearance, Gan Liuha really wants to say that he can vomit if he wants to. But looking at the store owner, he didn't say anything. However, a few seconds later, he regretted why he didn't say it earlier.

"The taste is very unique. This is the most impressive and unique drink I have ever had. Presumably, Master Ganliuha will agree with me very much after drinking it. Mora said lightly, but Gan Liuha heard some gritting teeth from his voice.

"Really? Master, do you really think this kind of tea is delicious? The store owner asked in surprise. A mage's recognition of the specialties of his store will bring countless reputation and profits to the store. The owner of each hotel and pub will carefully record the words and deeds of every mage who has come to his store in the store manager's log, leaving this glorious history as his own store to future generations.

Once the names of 100 mages can be accumulated, the owner of the store can set up a wall and write down the names of each mages and the words he left in the store. Such a store will instantly improve the level of the store. Even if it is a dilapidated drinking water shop, it will be on a street in Negra. The most famous drinking water shop.

Mora looked at the excited shopkeeper. He didn't know much about Nigra's customs and didn't know why the store manager was excited, but the store manager's warmth and hospitality could be seen. Although... Well... Mora endured the discomfort in his stomach and did not nod or shake his head, but smiled slightly: "The most unique!"

Gan Liuha looked at Mora's smile and fell into his eyes, which looked very strange. Gan Liuha closed his eyes and raised his head to give full play to the strong control of his body as a mage. A channel leading to the stomach appeared in an instant in his throat, and all the sugary tea was poured into the stomach in a blink of an eye.

Probably the mage's drinking water is like this. The shopkeeper who noticed something wrong comforted himself so much, and then waited for Gan Liuha's evaluation.

Ganliu Ha wanted to say something as soon as he finished drinking, and then dismissed the shopkeeper away. However, even if he had hardly brought tea into his stomach, he only took a bite, and the strange smell of tea with sugar in his stomach appeared. As soon as Gan Liuha opened his mouth, he immediately closed it, otherwise it would be really bad for a mouthful of acid to spray out.

There is a lot of churning in the stomach, but the face looks like a careful taste. After a long time, Gan Liuha finally calmed his stomach and nodded to the shopkeeper, "Perhaps this is Nigra's most unique tea."

When the boss heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Gan Liuha was afraid that the enthusiastic shopkeeper would toss out something extraordinary, and immediately put on the serious face of the mage, "Well, I'm going to exchange some magic problems with this... mage, so don't come over again." After a moment of hesitation, Gan Liuha decided to treat Mora as a mage. Anyway, many times from the perspective of external performance of power, Gan Liuha is similar to the mage.

The store owner has been personally identified by the two mages. The tea in his store is Nigra's "most unique" tea, which is already overjoyed. How dare he continue to disturb the mage's research? He immediately saluted and ran to excitedly record today's events in the store manager's log.

Gan Liuha covered his stomach with his hand, had a lingering heart, and secretly decided: "I will never come to this street again."

Since Mora entered Nigra, he was slightly moved and rarely used his magic power to do anything. At this time, he did not use his magic power, but silently endured the "unique" taste brought by this strange tea with his body. It was really uncomfortable.

Find something to transfer your mind. Thinking so, Mora smiled at Gan Liuha and said, "It's a pleasure to communicate with Master Gan Liuha about the world." Mora's wording is slightly different from Ganliuha. One is about communication spells, and the other is about the problem of communicating the world, which seems to be completely unrelated.

But Gan Liuha's face became very serious... Well... This time it was really serious. Because, compared with his mage at the same level, Gan Liuha is more pragmatic and down-to-earth, and because he has far mastered the foundation of the mage far beyond his peers. It seems that he spends more time than people at the same level but has no obvious achievements, but Gan Liuha himself knows best that it is that he has been immersed in the basic world of mages for a long time. Truth, so, what no one knows is that although his power and spell level are still ordinary mages, they have been exposed to the level of "world" that only big mages can reach.

It's like a group of students studying. Although their grades are similar, one is still doing the questions honestly, and the other has thought about the meaning and source of the questions from the perspective of the author. Although the final results are the same, it is obvious that the two people will be different in the future. The latter will go further and much farther.

Originally, Gan Liuha was just to send away the shopkeeper, and also to get to know Mora. He casually said that he wanted to exchange magic questions, but he didn't expect that Mora would answer himself to exchange "world" questions. People who don't understand may think it's international affairs? Political issues, but Ganliuha believes that Mora doesn't mean that. From Mora's look and tone, Ganliuha knows very well that this young man is a noble person, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the political state, just because he is noble, not because of his noble status.

Such a statement is not complicated. The so-called identity is just a problem given by the acquired and the comparison between people, but people themselves are a natural thing, which is innate. The so-called equality between people refers to people themselves. As a human being, we are the same creature on the ground, so we are equal in this respect. But it does not mean that people are born equal.

Some people are born royal nobles, some are merchants, some are civilians and even slaves, etc. Their identities are completely different. But as a person, they are equal, and no one will have more life than anyone else. When it comes to the damn time, no one can delay a second based on their identity.

However, in Mora, Gan Liuha felt a kind of nobility from the existence of people themselves. It seems that when this young man is born, even if he is given no identity, he is noble, just like the nobleness between a man and a beast. That's a higher level of existence, so it's noble. Just like God is nobler than man, because he has a higher level.

Originally, Gan Liuha did not notice these, but when Mora said that he wanted to communicate about the "world" problem, the inadvertent breath and natural attitude made Gan Liuha, whose mage's realm come into contact with the "world law" level, instantly found something strange.

The mage sitting with a straight face seemed to be conducting the most rigorous and important experiment. The shopkeeper who silently paid attention to the two mages saw the appearance of the two mages and became more convinced that two extremely great mages came to his store today. Looking at their serious expressions, there were only the highest mages. It looks like studying extremely profound knowledge together! - The shopkeeper who had watched a debate between mages from afar sighed. At the same time, ask people to gently move away the tables and chairs around the two mages, so as not to let other guests disturb the communication between the mages.

Gan Liuha didn't care about the others in the store. At this time, he had a rigorous attitude and a serious face, looking straight ahead and looking at Mora. If his former classmates saw it, he would be surprised to find that Gan Liuha was so serious and serious when he studied under his teacher.

Ganliuha did not doubt what Mora said. He believed in his sense of touch, and his realm convinced him that this god was no longer an ordinary disciple. A god who can understate the "world" no longer needs to be entangled with his identity. Such a state is close to incredible. Moreover, Gan Liuha believes that his belief in such a state must not be those spiritual gods born in the world, but the gods from the legendary kingdom at the beginning of heaven and earth!

Such gods are indeed very worthy of respect and worship, because they are superior to human beings in rank. Even if human beings have become gods again, they still respect those beings. As for the reason, isn't it normal for a son to respect his father? In particular, his father has no shortcomings to blame.

"So, where do we start?" Gan Liuha looked into Mora's eyes and said excitedly and tremblingly, "Although I have seen those scenery, I can't get close to enjoy them, so many times, it's like looking at flowers in the fog, like being intoxicated, but almost nothing."