
Chapter 110 Future Crimes?

Mora smiled and said, "I don't know your life, but I can see that you are a basic person. Most of your attention is on ordinary things that are seen by others but don't pay attention."

Gan Liuha looked at Mora nervously and didn't know what he would say. At this time, he was very sure that this divine disciple had reached a state that he could not judge, because his tone and expression showed that he was the person who walked into the scenery, but he was not a person like himself who could not even approach.

"You are very right to do this!" Mora will definitely arrive.

Gan Liuha almost jumped up happily. Although this young man was much younger than himself, he was a teacher. Hearing the affirmation of such a "senior" who walked in front of him, his heart was as happy as being encouraged and praised by the teacher when he was a child. However, the habits formed over the years have made his face more and more serious and correct:

"Thank you for your affirmation, so can you teach me more?" Gan Liuha said very modestly.

Mora looked at the crowd coming and going on the street through the door of the store, was silent for a while and said, "You are right. Keep sticking to it, and your future achievements will be unlimited. Although the world is complex, the elements that make up it are only those; we have countless brilliant civilizations, and there are countless poems and chapters in civilization, but their basis is only those words. The deepest connotation of the foundation may not reflect the superiority in a short time, but over time, you will find that when others are still studying advanced and complex existences, you can already create those advanced existences!

"However, I would be happy to give you some more tips. I agree with the practice and spirit of the mages' rigorous and diligent study of the world, and you have carried forward the glory of people. So, let's start with the closest things around us!"

"Please say!" Gan Liuha changed his name, but no one felt awkward.

Mora pondered and asked a question: "For example, if you know that a person will commit a great crime one day in the future, can you judge him to die according to his future crime?"

"This..." Gan Liuha was suddenly stunned by this problem. He has been studying real problems, but this kind of philosophical conjecture is rarely involved, and he has always been not interested in those very "virtual" things, but Mora's question is obviously not that kind of "nothing" delusion. Things.

Mora looked at him as if he was about to think, but he stopped him first and added: "This problem is not just a logical philosophy problem. If you want to study it thoroughly, you must at least understand the world's laws of time, causality, judgment and many other high-level laws.

"In fact, even the original gods of the Kingdom of God rarely answer this question, because this not only involves extremely complex things such as ethics, morality, human hearts, etc., but also many laws that are difficult for gods to grasp, such as the law of time, the law of cause and effect, etc.

"So, I'm just saying that I don't want you to find the answer. In fact, the answer is not important. What matters is what we can learn in the process of finding the answer.

"Even, maybe we will accidentally find an extremely interesting and great 'point' in the process of studying this problem. This 'point' alone is enough for us to devote our life's energy. Then, at that time, the problem of the original inspiration point has been It is no longer within our consideration. However, our life is still very full and wonderful.

Gan Liuha looked at Mora in a blank manner. After a long time, he sighed, "I think I should introduce more mages to you, because my wisdom alone is not enough to bear such teachings. Your words have given me countless inspiration and guidance. If one day I reach a height that I have never thought of, I think your words will be the greatest help.

"Please forgive me for the disdain in my heart when I first saw you because you were a god and a disciple. The God who can be a believer of a wise person like you must also be praised in the kingdom of God.

"Oh, Nigra is attending the Mage Exchange Conference recently. There are mages from all over the world, and even some mysterious figures from the far east and west. Can you join me? And I have many mage friends who will be happy to meet you.

Mora nodded and said, "With this intention, I left my hometown and walked around the world to see the countless scenery in the world and the geography and humanities unique to my hometown. In my hometown, although people praise the supreme gods, they are bound to fall once every hundred years. I came out this time to find the result of eradicating all this.

"Now that I see the wisdom and strength of your mage, as well as the city Nigra, which belongs to the mage, I have been greatly inspired. I'd be happy to meet more mages and strange people.

Gan Liuha smiled and said, "This is true, except for Nigra and another place, there are not many mages in the world.

"In fact, I heard from my teacher that in many other parts of the world, there are also many magical but completely different forces - in the far east, west of the desert sea, and even the north of the ice and snow world, there is a group of people who can be comparable to the gods of the world. This world is really wonderful!"

Mora also nodded and said yes, and at the same time was fascinated.

Looking at the light of the sun and the scene of people coming and going outside, Mora said to Gan Liuha, "The sun is approaching noon. Let's have a meal and talk about it. When I settle them in the afternoon, I will go with you to meet those mages."

Morah spoke without discussion at all, but Gan Liuha was full of joy. For the "senior" and naturally lowered his attitude, he did not feel any dissatisfaction and grievances. Unfortunately, Mora seemed to be just a traveler, otherwise he would have to consider Moura as a teacher and learn from him.

Waving to call a waiter in a hotel, Mora and Gan Liuha asked for a table according to the standing dishes in the store. Coco, who was tired of playing, came downstairs at this time and shouted Mora with a smile. Then he mischievously slid down the handrails of the stairs and was so scared that Sidoma, who was following him, rushed over quickly.

The five-year-old girl did not know what reserved was. When she slid down the stairs, the raised flower skirt exposed a cotton-colored small white cloth. The delicate, baby fat calves were as white and tender as lotus root. She flashed past the many guests sitting downstairs, and then Coco jumped up to Mora with a smile.

Mora smiled and hugged the happy girl, and then nodded to Sidoma, who came slowly and looked pale, signaling him to sit down.

Gan Liuha looked at the string of twelve glass beads around Coco's neck that were no different from those that could be seen everywhere on the street and asked curiously, "Is this the treasure? Bead treasures often have many miracle effects. I wonder what this string of functions is? Sidoma looked very nervous and looked angrily at Gan Liuha. How dare this guy peep at his daughter's baby so blatantly.

But Mora completely ignored Sidoma and said naturally, "It's the inheritance of blood power or something. In ancient times, human beings were born with great power, but later they multiplied and their blood vessels became thin. But some people have come up with many ways to maintain and maintain the strength of their bloodlines. These twelve beads are like this.

Gan Liuha's eyes widened, the pearl of blood inheritance!!! This is a legendary treasure. It is said that only gods have the ability to make such a treasure! Moreover, it is a real god, not the kind of evolved god born in the world. It is said that such a treasure can not only inherit the blood power of the ancestors, but also inherit some of the powers of the gods who make the jewels.

"It's such a treasure! This...this...this, this" Ganliuha was shocked. Sidoma couldn't understand the content of the dialogue between Mora and Ganliuha, but also knew that the jewel seemed to be more precious than he thought, because the highly respected mage in front of him was actually such a hungry wolf looking like a barbecue. Why does this Mora know nothing about hiding?

Sidoma turned around and stared at Mora. How can such a treasure be light to others? It must be a precious and careful treasure!

"This...but... God! - I didn't expect..." Gan Liuha's eyes almost spewed fire, and his whole body trembled with excitement. After completely inheriting the power of beads, he would directly have part of the power of the god! Although mages have always believed in any gods, it refers to the gods on the earth. For that kind of noble gods, mages still yearn for that kind of natural noble gods!

Coco was scared by Gan Liuha's appearance. He got into Mora's arms and covered the jewels around his neck with his hands tightly. The little girl pretended to be fierce and angry, "Hey, bad guy in gray robe, what are you going to do!? My Uncle Mora is awesome! If you dare to hit my mind, hum!"

Looking at Gan Liuha's crazy appearance, Mora frowned and said, "Don't the mages pay attention to wisdom over everything? How do you look like you are obsessed with this?

Gan Liuha was still excited. After listening to Mora's words, he couldn't help muttering, "However, this is the inheritance pearl!" Don't you know that once you completely inherit such a bead, you can have part of the power of the gods! That's a real god!!!"

"So what?" Mora said casually, "What can the strength bring you? Doesn't the mage often say that strength is the tool and wisdom is the master?

Mora's words rang like a huge bell in Gan Liuha's heart, and he immediately sweated like rain and his face turned pale. After a long time, he returned to normal and said, "It's my gaffe to make you laugh... Oh... I've been secretly laughing at myself that others don't understand my wisdom and ideas. Who knows that when it comes to the test, I can't completely keep myself awake! Hey--

Gan Liuha sighed and was depressed.

ps: Another chapter, old rules, and finally ask for tickets and collection!