
Chapter 113 Mage Enrollment Examination

As for the Negra's magic lecture hall, it is really difficult to classify her as a college. She doesn't have a fixed lecturer, a fixed student, or even a fixed class location. The people who come to the class are also extremely complicated. The highest is the big mage, and the lowest is even ordinary Nigra city residents who know nothing about magic.

However, most of the time, the Nigra Tianping magic lecture hall will be held in Nigra Tiantang Square (the name of the square is also changed because the lecture hall is often held there. As for the original name, no one knows).

The specific way of class is as follows - every morning, before the sun rises, people who have come here to talk about the knowledge of mages gather together and draw lots to determine the order of everyone's lectures. Then after the sun rose and raised his arm, he began to talk about his views on spells. The next listener will wait for the mage to finish speaking, ask questions or refute what he said, and then the mage who will answer or debate the magic principles.

Because there are no restrictions on the number of people who attend classes, it often happens that some laymen ask some questions that make people laugh and cry. However, no one stopped these laymen, because there are also some laymen's problems that sound childish, but they have given great inspiration and inspiration to the mages. Often successful mages tell their friends that their promotion inspiration for promotion comes from a joke from a layman.

Of course, it is also normal to often see mages who are speechless or embarrassed in the Nigla magic lecture hall, because it is not only mages' apprentices, ordinary people, but also other mages and even big mages who occasionally pass by. Although it seems embarrassing at this time, mages who pursue spells are more than anything else willing to be embarrassed like this often, because it means that they have another mistake to be pointed out, or they have a new goal to pursue.

Since there is no fixed location in the Nigra magic lecture hall, after the completion of every day's magic lecture, a mage must come to discuss the location of the lecture hall the next day. Although it is generally fixed in the Negra Square, you have to make other plans in case of rainy days, foggy days or big festivals.

The reason why such a loose magic professor organization can develop compared with the other three giants is that on the one hand, there are often mages who get inspiration or make friends on the same road here. On the other hand, almost everyone who has listened to the class here for more than a year will get a Nigra balance spell lecture. Hall's student ID card and school emblem!

That's right, it's the student ID card and school emblem! At first, it was just a joke of a young mage. But it was this move that made the Nigra magic lecture hall have its own honor and connection. It is often seen that some Nigra city residents proudly pin a delicate and small Nigra magic lecture hall school emblem on themselves on holidays. Although they do not have the knowledge and strength of a mage, in Nigra, everyone who has such a school emblem will be treated by a mage, which belongs to Nigel. The honor of the magic lecture hall. Although she is slightly more than the other three in terms of cohesion, she has the greatest influence. Almost half of the people of Nigra have listened to her class! Moreover, tens of thousands of people in the million-dollar city carry the school emblem of the Nigra magic lecture hall, claiming to be the people of the Nigra magic!

shared these things about the world of mages with Mora on the way, and neither Ganliuha nor Mora felt that time passed quickly. When Mora returned the school emblem of the Nigra Tianqi magic lecture hall handed over by Ganliuha (Ganliuha is not only a researcher of the Nigra Magic Academy, but also a part-time lecturer of the Nigra Tianqi magic lecture hall. In fact, many excellent lecturers in the Nigra Tianxiao magic lecture hall are tutors from three other magic colleges or Researcher.), Gan Liuha suddenly found that he and Mora were going in the wrong direction because they were too involved in talking!

Gan Liuha, who suddenly found this, was ashamed and even planned not to say it, and continued to take Mora to take a detour and go back. It's just that it seems that it's not early. Even if you arrive at the venue for the mage's exchange, it's probably too late. The helpless blushed old face told Mora this embarrassing fact. Mora was slightly stunned and didn't say anything, but Coco looked forward and backward with a smile. Gan Liuha became more and more embarrassed and almost jumped his feet, but it was always difficult to argue with a child, so he had no choice but to discuss with Mora and take him to visit the Negra Mage College where he worked.

Gan Liuha is not going the wrong way this time, but Coco, a pink little girl, always looks at Gan Liuha with suspicion, especially at every intersection. Under normal circumstances, if there is a cute little girl staring at herself with wide eyes, both the teenager and the old man will be very happy, but thinking that this clever little girl is doubting her road idiot, Gan Liuha is not in a good mood at all, and she can't fight with her little sister-in-law.

Although the old face was very dark and depressed, when he finally arrived at the Nigra Magic College, Gan Liuha still smiled at Coco's "hehe" and seemed to show off that he had not taken the wrong way. Coco's "talking" twice showed disdain. Gan Liuha suddenly realized that he was fighting with a child. Suddenly, he became more and more upset and secretly scolded himself: Old man, you are ashamed!

The Negra Spell Academy is surrounded by all kinds of people. In addition to the people who came from all over the world to prepare for the exam, there are also a large number of enthusiastic Nigra people who have prepared food and water for these students. Every day, 1,000 people are selected from Negra Mage College, from which 100 are selected to enter the college for further study. Because there are about 10,000 people coming to take the exam, it will take about ten days just for this batch. However, in order to show justice and comfort those students who have come from afar, even if they fail for the first time, they can still have a second and third chance, so it will take a month to finish his enrollment.

Ganliuha saw that Mora and Coco seemed to be very interested, so he did not take him in immediately, but watched the exams of these students outside. First of all, special enrollment. The so-called special recruitment is not only for schools, but for students. If he can show a special advantage in spells, he can pass this exam.

It was afternoon when Mora and Ganliuha came. Those specially recruited students have already finished, but you can also tell what kind of scene they are from other people's words and chats. Some people don't know much about spell mages, but they can emit flames or water vapor at will, or they can attract a lot of winds with their hands. There are also some people who can have the ability to see through when concentrating, and some guys can feel at a glance whether other people's bodies are sick or where they are sick... In this way, even if many students are recruited every year, these strange scenes are still amazing. Mage, spell, is really a wonderful and unparalleled world!

After the special enrollment ends, it is the normal enrollment method. People who are already under 40 mages can be exempted from the exam. However, although mages are obsessed with spells, there are not many people who can give up their faces and re-systematic re-en spells with a group of children.

The general enrollment procedure is intelligence test and mana ** degree test. The wisdom test is divided into many small projects, such as memory test, brain teaser test, association ability test, deduction ability test, computing ability test and so on. The final average score is the result of the wisdom test.

And the mana ** degree is not as simple as the legendary finding a crystal ball, but there is indeed a crystal ball, which is a mana crystal. If students can communicate the mana inside, it means that there is no problem with the mage ** degree. But in addition to these normal situations, there are still a large number of people who are born with **, and they may be very ** for other spell materials. For example, a basin of water containing water elements, a tree cultivated with magic power by using spells, or a magic paper written with spell ink, in short, there are hundreds of spell materials for those students to choose from. If there is nothing you can do, students can also bring some strange spell materials to prove that they have communication with their mana, but it requires three mages to verify it in person.

In the end, all the test results are combined to enter the Mage College. Those who didn't go in still have two last chances to wait.

After a general understanding, Mora suddenly asked Coco, who was sitting on her shoulder and nibbling grilled fish, "Coco, are you interested in learning spells?" Coco tilted her head and thought for a while, pouted and said, "What's the use of learning spells?"

Mora looked at Gan Liuha and waited for him to answer this question. Gan Liuha didn't know why Mora suddenly asked this, but looking at the string of twelve beads on the little girl's neck, his eyes suddenly became hot: "Cough, um, Coco, do you have any wishes?"

Gan Liuha is ready to start abduction. Coco looked at Gan Liuha, who was not very clean, approached her, turned her little eyes, and then reached out to grab Gan Liuha's skirt and wiped her fat little white hand full of oil.

Gan Liuha raised his eyebrows and jumped again, but he looked at the twelve beads shining in the sunset, and the smile on his face made even Mora want to vomit, so Coco said simply, "No."

"Ah?โ€”โ€”" Gan Liuha was dumbfounded: "Why not? How come there isn't? Think about it again. Don't you have any requirements for everything now?

"!" Coco lowered her head and looked like she was thinking, but her eyes were staring at her fat little white hand with oil and Gan Liuha's clothes that she might not have changed for a few days, so she hesitated.

ps: I admit that the recent chapters are particularly not wonderful, there are no good plots and no wonderful fights, but don't you think that a magnificent and strange world is gradually appearing in front of you... snickering... In fact, it is written that I am also confused, because the recent plot has been in my heart. I have been holding it for a long time, but I feel that if I don't write down those sudden fantasy life scenes about the different world, I always feel that something will be missing. Please forgive me as a tragic newcomer. It's my first time writing a book. Recently, I feel that it's not easy for me to stick to this day, and I'm still a shameless one thousand party every day... Sneer... If you say something that may worry, the next book has appeared in my heart, well, although this book is far away from At the end of the year of the monkey... I don't mean that I'm tired and don't want to write. I want a eunuch or something. In fact, I just want to tell you that I will keep writing, correct all the problems I can correct in this book, and strive to become a mature author at the end of this book! In addition, I am very grateful to the 30 readers who send me clicks every day. I don't know who you are or know you, and you never leave me a message, but I am still very grateful to you. It is your daily click that comforts me very much. Although the 30 clicks are simply compared with others... ...But at least I know I'm not struggling alone, thank you! Thank you very much! To be honest, this book is indeed not a cool book, nor is it a food for moving plots and complicated plots. The only thing I can read is probably be a different world that is talking about by me, a different world that is constantly improving (maybe I should have called this book "Aren Documentary" at the beginning, snicker...).

Anyway, I will insist on writing, even for full attendance every month (sneer, this is my greatest motivation...). The holiday is coming soon. After this month's exam, I will be... hey hey...

Finally, it's so cold. Everyone should pay attention to keep warm... Meow... My hands are frozen again...

Two "pig's feet" floated past the keyboard...