
Chapter 114 The Ice and Snow Female Mage of Classic Characters

In the end, the little girl agreed to follow Ganliuha to learn spells. Although she was easily guided by a senior and experienced mage, the young Coco did not know how much she had made, and she was excited to take the mage entrance examination.

However, it is hard to say who made a profit. When the twelve beads can be used to start her path as a mage, Gan Liuha is bound to get great benefits from it. Although it is not direct, such a legendary treasure can take a look at its evolutionary rules and connotation. The reason is incomparable creation.

Ganliuha did not want to stop Coco, and Mora was also interested in the mana ** test of those mages. However, it is not suitable for Coco, a little girl, to join the team now, because everyone who participates in the exam prepares the number plate in advance and participates in order.

So Ganliuha took Mora and Coco to the living area of the college. However, although they want not to join the test team rashly against fairness, those today's losers are obviously not so immoral. Several people with resentment and resentment watched Ganliuha, the teacher of Nigra Mage College, walk into the magic college with a young man and a little girl, and immediately shouted:

"Unfair! Nigra Spell Academy is unfair! Why did we come here so hard and all the way to fail, but those people can go in directly by knowing the mages of Nigra Magic Academy!"

Although these people are full of jealousy and resentment, they have not lost their minds after all. Although they are making trouble, they still dare not offend their words! However, this alone has shocked countless people. Only 100 people are selected for the examination of 1,000 people. Although this situation is much looser than the other two (the exception is the Negra's magic lecture hall), it naturally makes people feel harsh when comparing the number of people intuitively at the scene.

Therefore, as soon as these people took the lead in shouting, whether other students who took the exam or failed the exam, whether they saw anything or not, immediately made a noise when they heard that there was unfair behavior at Nigra Mage College! The resentment that had accumulated for a day seemed to have found a breakthrough. The already noisy environment suddenly poured into a pot of hot oil like a glass of water and suddenly exploded.

"Where! Where!" The person who shouted like this was still a little rational and did not follow blindly immediately. Of course, some people have passed the exam, just to watch the fun.

"What? It turned out that someone went through the back door, why let those people seize our quota!?" A guy who ranked high but still failed the exam immediately exploded! This man is also relatively burly, and he is also a tall alien among the mage. With such a rough roar, the people nearby were shocked by his high voice before they responded to his words. Isn't it because this person's voice is too loud and rude to be brushed down?" Someone said in his heart.

"We strongly demand an explanation! Negra Mage College must give us an explanation!" A guy who likes to issue orders, stands high and is respected but unfortunately failed the exam, exerts his greatest strength in the shortest time: analyzes the general situation in a very short time, and then immediately sets a powerful direction of thinking for himself when others are not fully awake and tells it out to guide the public. People's ideas develop in the direction they like to see, "Gentlemen, we come from all over the world. Because we admire Negra's mage culture, we don't hesitate to come to Negra thousands of miles, just to be able to...ah!"

Unfortunately, this is not his home court. He was ready to launch a speech to mobilize other people's emotions. As a result, suddenly a gust of wind hit him like a hammer and immediately smashed himself down from the temporary wooden platform. Fortunately, below They are all human, and although the people who learn spells are not as strong as the explosive muscles of warriors, they are also more powerful than ordinary Kong Wu. Several people who are quite fond of the person who stood up to speak reached out and caught him, so that he was saved from a possible danger of trampling and trampling to death.


A woman's cold voice suddenly sounded in the big square in front of the whole college. The sound seemed to contain some strange magic. People who heard it only felt as if a cold water poured in from their ears, and it was frozen from the forehead to the soles of their feet! When Yuyang curled up this summer afternoon, everyone felt very comfortable.

While feeling happy, the nameless evil fires and angers that were provoked by the likes and dislikes of nature also dissipated in an instant. Originally caused by listening to some people's random shouts, the bad thoughts in my heart turned into rational thinking. The silence fell on the square, and everyone stopped to silently look in the direction of the sound.

A female mage in a white plain pleated skirt appeared in front of the crowd. The female mage's face is beautiful and cold, her bright eyes are like water but not affectionate, her red lips are bright but tight and speechless, and her nose is like a hook, touching people's hearts. Although the female mage was wearing a long white dress, her white skin seemed to be more white and eye-catching than her clothes. Everyone would completely ignore her dress and pay all their attention to the female mage herself.

What's more surprising is that the long hair of the female mage is also white! However, this white is not brought about by old age. Every wisp of white hair shines with vitality in the afterglow of the sunset. Although white hair often makes people look older, this woman's white hair only makes people feel mysterious, beautiful and charming.

The female mage seems to be standing in the air at this time, but a sharp-eyed person can see a transparent ice ladder under her feet. Seeing this ice ladder, anyone who knows something about magic suddenly knows the mana category of this female mage. She is a female mage related to ice, cold and cold. No wonder her hair is also white. It seems that ice and snow spells have been studied to a certain extent.

And in private, some people who knew or heard of the image of the female mage immediately communicated in a low voice.

"Is this the most famous female mage in the Negra Mage College, Xue Sina Cud, who is said to be the most beautiful, coldest and ruthless female mage in the college who studies the power of ice!"

"What do you fat man know?! How dare you say that the goddess in my mind is cold and ruthless!"

"Huh? Is she enthusiastic?" Another person interrupted and asked.

The second person who spoke seemed to have a lot of people, so he had to withdraw his hand ready to fight: "What do you know? The mages who study cold power are all like this. They deal with ice cubes and snowflakes every day. After a long time, their natural facial expressions will be a little cold."

"Ah? And this statement, isn't the mage who studies fire the most enthusiastic? Previously, the man asked again, "by the way, how do you understand this? Are you a mage apprentice?"

"Hmm, it's not the Negra Mage College. Teacher Shesna's class is the one I have taken the most!" It turned out that this person was a student studying at the Negra Masters College.

"You failed the exam a year later, didn't you?" Suddenly, someone mocked.

It turns out that Nigra beckoned more than 1,000 new students every year, but obviously it will not only go in and out. In addition to those who graduate every year, there is also a rule in Nigra Academy that half of the students studying every year should be eliminated. Of course, considering that the quality of students in each class will be different, this number is still OK. There is a change. In the end, after the number reaches double digits, this class will be regarded as the completion of education.

This has long been known to the people of Nigra, and the guy in front of him is obviously a tragic eliminated person.

blushed, and this guy was suddenly pointed out his saddest thing, but he didn't defend himself. He turned around and lowered his head into the crowd and ran away in shame. Although others also looked down on those who had been eliminated, they thought that they didn't even have the ability to be admitted. They despised the escaped guy with a little sourness and jealousy, and then these people continued to look at the female mage standing on the transparent ice ladder.

It's just that somehow this ice ladder does not reflect light at all, otherwise it will reflect a seven rainbow light, which must be more magnificent and touching. However, some mages who know the inside story or those who are proficient in some ice mage knowledge are shocked - causing the ice to lose its original refracted light to emit rainbow light. Although this looks much less wonderful, it means that the female mage has reached a higher level in control and understanding of ice.

Among other things, from the perspective of killing, such transparent ice is obviously more deadly than those beautiful glittering ice edges. If such a mage appears in a country with ice and snow climate, then he can become a legion commander with this ability alone. Silent killing is not only powerful, but also can bring unimaginable mental pressure to the enemy, and even make the senior leaders of the other party restless.

However, at this time, there are not many people who can notice these far away things. Most people focus on the beautiful and cold face of the female mage to see what the female mage will do next.

There is nothing more to say that in many legendary mages' novels, there is a very XXX place - it is said that every female mage who studies cold power has extremely cold feelings between men and women, but once she is emotional, the enthusiasm that erupts out is more than the most violent fireworks on the Zila volcano!

Although there is no proof that can be believed so far, in the novels about the legend of mages collected by many men (including the legendary novels of mages collected by most male mages), there must be something happened to such a beautiful and ruthless female mage and male protagonist.