
Chapter 129 Brilliant Overture

This situation made Mora extremely confused, but he did not panic. In fact, he had noticed some strange places not long ago. He meets and communicates with those beings in the Kingdom of God through ideas. Although everything is wonderful, it is only formal and content. In essence, it is still similar to that in this world.

But later, after I had the divine power and gradually understood the mystery of the gods, this connection began to become a little unstable. At first, Mora thought it was caused by the turbulence of time and space when the world was intertwined, but later he noticed something wrong.

If it is space-time turbulence, then this instability should change. However, Mora can tell that his situation is gradual. Although it is not a linear relationship, it can also be close to the more regular parabola geometric changes. At first, it was still very stable, but later it became more and more serious. By now, even the channel has been completely sealed.

However, with Mora's current strength and wisdom, it is not difficult to open the channel again, but such behavior is too reckless for anyone to choose to do so. What's more, Mora also sensed a deliberate smell.

When I communicate with those strange beings in the kingdom of God, I have a mysterious feeling in my heart, so that I have been growing up as a spirit at the beginning of the birth of the kingdom of God. But at that time, I was still very weak and could not detect the feeling of being disturbed.

But later, after he had divine power and improved a lot in his realm, Mora began to gradually find that from his first entry into the Kingdom of God to the later passage seal, there seemed to be an unknown existence interfering in interference, making him almost a person who had never existed in the Kingdom of God. Things.

Mora even doubts that if he enters the Kingdom of God again and meets those ideas that have exchanged the original knowledge of the world, they may not remember their existence.

It's just that I can't enter the kingdom of God at present, so I can only keep this doubt in my heart. Moreover, Mora's most clear point is that he was born and grew up, and later sensed the divine kingdom and had divine power. All of this seems that there is a person who is setting up a script and waiting for himself to interpret and look at himself there. It even included the accident at the bottom of the sea and the back of time.

And all this, Mora knows exactly who it is. Mora has not noticed it before, but now it is becoming more and more clear that there are so many gods in this world, but not many people know his existence and his name for the supreme father god.

Where there are a large number of gods, there are also some priests and prophets who hold classics and records who know that there is a Father who created everything on top of what they believe. In fact, it is not completely correct to create everything, because many things seem to be brought from the heights of other worlds.

It is only certain that all the most basic materials in the world are created by God the Father, including many beings who later became gods for secondary creation, and many of them are also the basis of God Father's creation.

Therefore, from this point of view, the Supreme One can indeed be called God the Father. However, it seems that since the completion of his creation of heaven and earth, he has stayed in the deepest part of the kingdom of God, and even in the kingdom of God, few of his ideas appear. On earth, except for the days when countless powers existed in the era of gods and ancient times, the name of the father god was no longer spread on the ground.

In Canaan, the name of God the Father is not widely circulated. Most of the time, people directly call their believers God. Moreover, I don't know from which *, after many gods born on the earth have great abilities, they call themselves the supreme existence. The Lord of heaven fights endlessly, and their followers think that they believe in the gods who created the heavens - the Father God.

This habit of directly calling the gods they believe in is widespread on the earth, so even in the Canaan people, except for the deacons and priests and elders in those shops, those ordinary priests who do not study the scriptures and sacrifice do not know the true origin of their gods.

Moura didn't notice this because he had been living in such an environment before, just like a person who has been living on the earth and never felt that the sky was blue.

When he went to Mars one day and saw the gray and red sky there, he would know that the blue color of the earth in his hometown was actually a very unusual scenery. And there are many unfathomable secrets in the blue color, and each one is a different story.

Since he came to the peak of Nigra, an almost completely "human" civilization and exerted the power of people like spells, Mora clearly realized that many things that seem to be common sense in the world are actually deliberately made, as many archaeologists and historians often have The major discovery is the same.

In this city and country with almost no gods, Mora calmed down and meditate on all her growth experiences since childhood, and became more and more sure that she had a divine kingdom, or the strange connection with God the Father.

If there is no mistake in this sealed channel, it should be the will of God the Father who affected the heavens he created, causing the construction of that channel to slowly disintegrate, so I did not find the closure of the channel at the first time.

This closed way is extremely natural, and even the owner of Mora's own channel is not aware of it, let alone mention others. I'm afraid that those who have supreme hills in their hearts have never noticed such a channel that seems to appear "naturally" and "naturally" disappear, such a connection with the alien world and The passages of other worlds appear and disappear like the number of Ganges sand every day. Even in the blink of an eye, countless channels are open and closed.

So even if anyone wants to monitor such a thing, even if the Lord God can write a reasonable level of law at will, he can't do such a thing.

It seems to be protecting yourself from some existences that you absolutely can't resist. Mora thought to himself, so, have things changed in the Kingdom of God? However, since it already exists, what is worth doing?

Suddenly, the divine power on his body rotated slightly, and Mora's body began to shine faintly. This light seems to be transparent. It's strange that there is a transparent light. But if someone appears here, then you must be sure that this is light, although he is transparent, which is a strange feeling.

However, no one saw the transparent light in Mora's house at this time, and although the light was wonderful, it did not attract anyone's attention. All one's energy was restrained.

Although the energy was restrained, Mora's face was as white as snowflakes at that moment. He was originally a beautiful and pure Canaan, but now he is even more enchanting, but the slowly flowing light in his eyes proves that things are not simple at all.

Yes, it is indeed not simple at all. At this time, no one knows how much energy is running in Morra's body. Although there is almost no energy leakage outside, the faint majesty has affected the "pearl of the world" in Mora's hand.

Since returning from the underwater world, Mora has not paid much attention to the pearl of the world and the situation in it. He only paid attention to everything there, but did not start to create anything to change.

If it is someone else, I'm afraid he has already begun to study everything about the creation of the world, and then take this opportunity to explore the mystery of becoming a god, and then use this incredible treasure to break away from the category of human beings and become one of the gods of heaven and earth.

But Mora knows that such a god is just a dream bubble. In the world of gods, although creation belongs to high-end power, if it is created by human beings and then becomes a god, that god and his creation are unstable bubbles, even if other gods do not need to deliberately interfere, or even just One will can collapse a corner of the world, causing the collapse of the whole world.

What's more, Mora's attention is not creating the world. At present, the study of the world is not enough. How can there be so many experiences to create the world? How can a person who does not master writing create poems that have been passed down through the ages? Even if there is, it's just one or two phrases. That probability is really ridiculous.

So Mora didn't pay much attention to this bead. Occasionally, I just check to see if the mermaid bodyguard there is still intact. But at this time, this bead has helped Mora a lot.

Although the divine power in Mora's body did not overflow, the power could not be concealed. If this bead had not absorbed this power at this time, the power transmitted was enough to make most of the creatures of Negra lose their lives. The only ones who can survive are the power and those few magic gods.

It's no exaggeration. Although Mora can't do this with his own strength, the power generated by the divine power spontaneously conforms to the principles of heaven and earth can definitely do this, especially if Mora's divine power still belongs to the Supreme Series.

However, if that's the case, then the effect of all the changes in the divine power in Mora's body will be in vain.

All these changes are actually very simple. At the moment when the divine power began to operate, Mora knew what was going on. A question that had been hidden in his heart was revealed - in the Kingdom of God, the Supreme Man obviously encountered something, although Mora's current state could not understand the meaning of existence. Picture.

But it is certain that because I have been thinking about things that should have been taboo in private for a long time in my heart, I have been noticed by those high-class beings. If it hadn't been detected by the divine power in my body, I'm afraid that the gods had noticed the existence of Mora at this time. . And now, everything is not too late.