
Chapter 130 The Story of the Gods

When the divine pressure was about to radiate to the city of Negra, a deep "black hole" suddenly appeared on the pearl of the world (ring) decorated on Mora's fingers. If there is a hole in a box, a door or a wall, it is not surprising, but the hole appears in the air, floating in the air and connecting to an unknown place.

This hole does not look very powerful, because nearby objects, even air, are not affected by it, but as long as you look at the black circle, the edge seems to be deep enough to attract souls to enter, and no one will think that it is a harmless round hole.

The "holes" or "holes" that can attract attention and even the soul have a characteristic, that is, they are particularly for energy**, and all substances or real beings with direct available energy will be greatly affected by this "empty". In fact, this hole itself is not black. The reason why it looks black is that the existence of light also belongs to the category of directly available energy, so it is directly absorbed without any refraction reflection, so it seems that a mysterious and deep round hole has been directly opened in the air.

However, although this kind of thing looks wonderful, it is only for ordinary people. For energy owners, especially those who study the mysteries and laws of heaven and earth, who see this strange phenomenon, the first reaction is probably not surprise or fear, but immediately take out their mage equipment, and even Many crazy mages don't care whether those things that suddenly appear are dangerous or not. Let's "gnaw" a little research first.

However, that was a long time ago. As for now, due to the increase of the mage group and the improvement of the mage system, although many spells are still affected by personal constitution and cannot form regular tutorials, many of the core secrets of spells have been cracked, at least in Nigla, becoming a mage is not It's too difficult, as long as the luck is not too bad and the qualification is not too bad.

Because of the great development of mages, many strange phenomena are no longer so cowardly for mages. The first reaction of many mages to see those strange scenes is to see if there is any similarity between them and the experiments they have done with themselves, or the experiments they have done by other mages, and then they can see what is going on with this thing.

It is worth noting that it is precisely because of this mentality and habit that mages have the shallowest fear of gods than ordinary people or even warriors - they may respect those high-level beings, but they are not afraid of them in their hearts. Because those things that are seen as fear in the eyes of ordinary people may be just the flame of an experiment for a mage.

But ordinary people do not have this kind of knowledge, including some warriors who only know how to practice hard, and even many warriors often go to those dangerous places in order to experience themselves. They see more strange and scary scenes than ordinary people, but it is difficult to know the meaning behind those scenes, so that compared with Ordinary people are more afraid and trembling about the gods.

In addition to faith, people's belief in gods also have fear. Because of fear, he brought respect and faith, and then when he was weak and incompetent, he thought of faith, which was the edifice of the original belief.

Although the existence of this belief greatly limits the recklessness of human beings' own desires, it has also enabled some spiritual beings to obtain a machine to become gods. Those spirits use their own gifted power to attract mysterious scenes between heaven and earth to attract ignorant human beings to believe in themselves and use human beliefs. Strive to refine your wisdom and form of existence, so that your evolution and growth can develop the fastest and become... God!

The things in it sound mysterious, but in fact there are not many tricks. When the power of faith is concentrated, it will spontaneously resonate and then produce some strange effects. However, this situation is a certain big law established by the creator when he first created heaven and earth, which has nothing to do with those spiritual skills that are believed.

After the cohesion of the power of faith, with a certain number, everything about believers, that is, human beings, can be exposed to the believers - those spirits exist. If they are human beings, then they may have collapsed and gone crazy because they can't stand the huge thoughts and memories of countless people, but for spirits, but There is no such scruples at all.

On the contrary, the more people believe in them, the more people they can get memories and experiences. This experience is like they have lived a lifetime as human beings.

Every believer may not be an outstanding figure, but tens of thousands or even millions of believers gathered together, which is equivalent to the spiritual class experiencing millions of people's life experiences. It can be imagined that such an existence, even if millions of people are mortals, these millions of experiences and wisdom How horrible would it be to hold an existence and think about one thing?

In the face of the prayers of those believers, many times it is nothing more than some personal difficulties. When the spirits of millions of people use the wisdom and experience of millions of people to deal with that person's affairs, what else can not be solved?

-That's really one heart!

Next is more and more believers, and then the spiritual power and prestige are greater. Knowing that one day, his body will be perfectly refined by these forces of faith, and he can rise to his throne and become a real god.

This way is also the origin of the birth of most of the so-called ground gods and human gods.

However, although these beings are also known as gods, few of them are qualified to enter the kingdom of God, which is not a narrow move to despise the existence of the kingdom of God or protect their dignity and interests.

But because although those spiritual beings have become gods, their foundation is those human beings. No matter how large their followers are, they can't change a fact. They only become gods based on the power of countless people. Although they have become gods, they can't get rid of the influence of human beings. Once human beings no longer believe in him, everything about him will be nothing, as if they had never existed.

Moreover, in the law of some creator, once they disappear, it will disappear most completely, and even disappear from human memory and the existence of history, including in the long river of time, that is to say, even if there is a supreme power to use Time goes back to find their existence, and it is impossible to find traces of their existence.

As for all the believers when they existed, they will be spontaneously filled by the repair power of the world. Perhaps all the history at that time will be another story of existence, and that existence is now a god, and there is no fallen god.

This can also explain why most capable people in the world are sure that God can be killed, but no one can prove it - once the god disappears, there will be no trace of his existence in everything, including the long river of time, so people can only be sure that there is a god meteorite. Fall, but I can't know which one has fallen.

Even those who slaughter gods will forget this after the initial mood turbulent time in the past! Many of the butchers recorded in the book did not know which existence they killed and why they had hatred with that existence at the beginning. How did you kill him? What happened later? Everything will disappear.

In addition to the "hypocrisy" of power, the actions of these spiritual gods who have become gods with the help of human faith have also been rejected by the existence of those kingdoms.

The foundation of their deity is piled up by human memory and experience. Although these spirits bear this incredible memory and experience, they seek common truth from these experiences, that is, when looking for common truths in special cases, these spirits, which are originally pure and noble, do not exist. It is inevitable to absorb those common natures in human nature.

In this way, although a god was finally created, from the perspective of the existence of the Kingdom of God, such a god is not so much a god as another more powerful form of human beings.

A god who acts in human thinking and way, many countries of evil spirits (they do not accept the existence of those spirits unless they choose to degenerate) and even call this existence a slave of human beings!

This statement seems to be insulting, but the existence of those evil kingdoms has rounded up this statement - a god based on human beings, a god who fulfills people's wishes in response to people's prayers. Their existence and human beings are often like the relationship between hired workers and employers among human beings, a contribution, and another One will be paid.

Maybe there are still people who will argue that the existence of those kingdoms of gods and evil spirits is the same, but the fact is that no matter which side they live without human beings, they will not be affected at all.

However, those spirits that have become gods with the help of human faith can no longer move half a step, or even exist in the world and time! It's like if the king of mankind is abandoned by his people, then he is just a loser who will starve to death!

However, in fact, such spirits that rely on human beings to become gods in the world are more popular among human beings than those gods of the kingdom of God!

This sounds incredible, but it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. Although the gods of the Kingdom of God are powerful and invincible, and even immortal, they are real gods, and there are almost no similarity to human beings. Whether it is the existence of the body or the way of thinking, although they are advanced,

Just as low-level existence cannot understand high-level existence, in fact, high-level existence is also difficult to understand low-level existence. Many myths circulating in the world mention that the gods of the Kingdom of God separated their own status and were born into the world. Many times, those gods themselves clearly declare that they are to better understand human beings from a human perspective.

And those spirits who have become gods with the help of human faith have no such concern at all. They are originally gods made up of human memory and experience. Most of these gods even know human beings better than human beings themselves.

This also means that every decision they make is absolutely in line with people's point of view - although this is exactly what the gods of the kingdom don't agree with, who will people care about?

Ps: This chapter makes me admire myself... I want a red ticket, although I may not...