
Chapter 138 Many Breeding

"Drop out the car!" Mora said.

"Ah?--Oh--" Shesina, who was shocked, didn't react for a moment, but soon she adjusted herself: "Yes, my lord."

Sina stretched out her hand to untie a crystal hairpin from her head, and her long hair slipped from her shoulders, shining bright soft light in the sun. Shesina folded the hairpin, and the space array engraved on the hairpin came into contact with the mana crystal.

" Sagula!"

A snow-white carriage appeared on the road, and it was pulled by a magic puppet horse. Except for the faint light in its eyes, it looked no different from a real horse. However, this constructed spell puppet will never be tired unless it is damaged or the mana crystals are exhausted. And you won't be scared by anything.

However, such fantastic things are not used on the battlefield, because although they are not afraid of sound, fire and explosion, this horse is easy to be disturbed by spell fluctuations, and the cost is extremely high. With the resources to make such a carriage, it can already cultivate dozens of brave and powerful knights.

However, there are still many nobles and mages preparing this puppet creature. Of course, the former is to show off luxury, and the latter is for the convenience of travel. After all, except for the mage of the biology department, the mages will not have the one who is willing to waste their precious time on those trivial things.

As for hiring a servant, it is also a trouble for the mage. Many mages let their apprentices solve their life needs - an apprentice who can help them carry out spell experiments and take care of their lives other than their mage is often rewarded by their teachers.

So in Nigra, in addition to the Mage College, there are other colleges such as the Department of Chef and Home Economics. Although these colleges do not have amazing power, they have vast and unimaginable connections. Because many mages spent the most brisk years of their childhood here when they were young.

In addition, there is a custom in Negra about the cooking skills practiced by mages as apprentices. If a mage falls in love with a woman and decides to start a family, he not only needs to prove that he can make that woman live a rich life, but also proves that he is a family that can take good care of with his skills. A good man.

After eating the meal cooked by the mage's son-in-law, the father-in-law will always be in a much better mood, and they will often be happier about their daughter's upcoming marriage.

Moreover, it is said that many of the cooks in the palace work part-time as court mages. First, it is for safety. Second, the craftsmanship of the mages and the use of mana by their abilities are really unforgettable. Every year, the chef's grand event competition has always been a mage chef and a warrior chef.

Mages are a group of people who are very good at taking care of themselves and enjoying life. Except when they are about to advance, mages who have racked their brains will look so untidy, haggard and muddle-headed, but unfortunately, the strange images of mages are often spread more easily than their good images.

Mora and Shesna walked into the carriage and felt the owner's approach. The magic puppet horse hissed low, and then a step fell from the front of the car. It was very convenient to see that the designer of the carriage was a delicate person.

Mora walked in front, got into the carriage first, and then the ladder was automatically taken back, which was also very delicate, but it was obvious that the owner of the carriage did not consider the situation of two people sitting in the carriage. Shesna looked at the carriage that took back the stairs with embarrassment. The waist-length carriage was a big challenge for a woman in a knee-length skirt.

Although she has warned herself countless times in her heart that she is no longer a "free man" but a capable maid and servant, the woman's natural reserve still makes Shesina hesitate to climb up so awkwardly.

Just as Shesna was still hesitating, she stretched out a hand.

Sena raised her head, Mora's expression was calm, her eyes were clear, and there was nothing complicated or strange. Shesina stretched out her hand and felt that the hand that held her was so powerful, steady and strong.

With this hand, the other hand wrapped around the woman's soft waist and quickly fell steadily on the carriage. In just a few blinks, Shesna felt as if she had experienced a lot of things.

The half blink of an eye surrounded by that arm seemed to be as long as a century for her. Every change of light and every movement of the scenery appeared in her eyes extremely clearly, as if time had slowed down at this time.

"Maybe, this..."

Thoughts did not continue. Shesina interrupted these inexplicable ideas. Be a servant's job and don't think too much. Shesina secretly warned herself.

Mora put Shesna down and pushed the door in. Shesna calmed down and followed her in. However, Mora suddenly stopped for a moment, so Susina bumped into it unprepared.

The whole body is gentle, and the two balls are soft. The woman's nature made her ring Mora's waist. If there were outsiders, it would be a very loving young couple, but the facts were far from each other.

Sena blushed and quickly let go of her hand, and then immediately knew the reason why Mora suddenly stopped. The whole carriage is pink, and the front part of the carriage is a small corridor with many women's clothes, including close-fitting clothes. I'm afraid that any man who is unprepared suddenly enters such a place that is more than a boudoir.

Sena only felt that it was really not going well today. She blushed and whispered, "I'll clean it up right away."

However, Mora has returned to normal. Although his face is a little uncertain, he still waved his hand and said, "No," after thinking about it, Mora turned to Xuesina and said, "Actually, you just need to be careful. I'm not those who pay attention to foreign etiquette. Don't be too formal."

Sena looked into Mora's eyes and found that the words were indeed true, so she boldly stepped forward, bowed her head to Mora's chest, put her hands around Mora's waist, and said solemnly, "Okay, my lord - Mora."

Mo stretched his hand on her forehead, "The future will shine brightly, and everything is beautiful."

Then the two separated.

Mora said, "Go and prepare a house for me." This time, he did not rush forward. Who knew what was more embarrassing in the woman's carriage. Although I don't care much, the hot feeling on my face is really not very good.

This uncontrolled physical reaction made Mora a little distressed. Although he knew what it was - he had learned this knowledge when he was a child, but those who had no personal experience would find that theory was not supported by practice, and it was really a little unreliable.

Sena lowered her head and said, "There is a bedroom, a bathroom and a laboratory in this carriage. Would you like to live with me?" A woman's eyes look very soft and looking forward to it at this time.

So Mora didn't know what he said after he finished speaking:

"All right."

Sometimes, it is not necessarily a good thing that the body reacts faster than the brain. However, the body's reaction is often true and credible, because it carries instinct.

What is instinct? Mora suddenly remembered the blessing in the scriptures: "You should be distributed on the earth and have many births."

There are many births and raises.

There are many births and raises. Her eyes floated to the back of the woman, and the small waist as soft as a snake. I have to say that the female mage who studies ice and snow is indeed unique. Both her appearance and figure are the best among all sentient beings. Mora withdrew his eyes and felt that the human body was so wonderful that he didn't know if there would be anything similar to God's body.

However, what Mora doesn't know is that although ice and snow have the effect of paralysis and freezing, the effect on them increases their ** qualifications.

Women's ** is really powerful and incredible. Even an ordinary woman's body can detect this invisible existence, especially those who look at the woman's body**.

Many lustful men are often surprised why the women they peep can always find their own filth at the first time, but they don't know that women are no worse than being touched by those who look straight at their chest and buttocks.

Many new perverts have fallen on it countless times before they become hypocrites with clear eyes.

Sina felt the scorching heat of her buttocks and waist, and there was a strange feeling in her heart - ashamed and annoyed, but also with wings and tenderness, like a girl who was close to love.

However, although Shesna looks like a girl who is less than ten, she is actually a big girl who is almost thirty. It's just that the power of the ice and snow system sealed all the changes, and time did not leave too many traces on her body. A blue silk is still soft, like a tassel, and even reflects a faint light in the slightly dim carriage.

"Do you know how to get there?" Mora was not entangled in those bad things and changed the topic at the right time.

Shesina took out a cube and replied, "This carriage is a magic product as a whole. You only need to enter the map and destination in this control core, and the carriage will drive automatically."

After saying that, the frost jade hand gently floated in the air and floated out a cloud of smoke. The smoke floated and seemed to change shape casually, but it didn't take long for the smoke to change into a map. However, there are only some ups and downs and the direction of mountains and rivers on the map, but there are no marks such as place names and countries.

Shesna took out a purple-black crystal ball again and explained, "This is a 'libre' that records the geographical data of the mainland. It is updated every five years and can be bought in the Negra Mage Store."

She pulled the fog-like map into the crystal ball with her hand, and the purple-black crystal ball suddenly emitted light, illuminating the faces of the two people in the carriage.