
Chapter 139 Beauty

Mora looked at all this and thought to him: "Although these things look cumbersome, the final effect is similar to the hatred that many gods can do. No wonder those mages think that gods are just a high-end evolution of human beings. According to these, it is not unreasonable."

"However, the Supreme seems to be very different from other natural gods, but there are really many mysteries in it!" He sighed about the things he would soon face, and Mora also felt that his heart was quite heavy, because many of the enemies were beyond his cognition.

After a while, the fog came out of the crystal ball and continued to float in the air. Important place names and national border markings have been shown on the map, and even some broad routes have been marked. Susina looked at the map for a long time, then reached out and drew some obvious points, and explained, "When we get to these places, we will stop for a moment."

Sina put down the crystal ball, raised the gray-gold square, and restrained the fog. The cube lit up, indicating that everything was normal. Shesina pressed a pattern on the carriage, and then a dark grid rose from the ground. There was a cube in it, which could just put down the cube.

"Although these spells are exquisite, they are a little too complicated, aren't they?" Mora said.

"Yes, that's true," Shesina agreed: "In addition to mages with excellent memory and other intelligent people, many people who use this kind of carriage can't start the car without looking at the instructions."

Mora asked, "Why don't you improve it? With the mage's skills and craftsmanship, it's not difficult."

"I'm not very clear about this. It is said that it is related to trade. Such a complex manufacturing process can increase the employment opportunities of mage apprentices and the commodity value of sellers." Shesna guessed, "However, in my opinion, it may be because the exquisite and complex construction is divided into parts, or it may be for better quantitative production."

Moura thought about it and felt reasonable: "It's really a wonderful power and world."

"You are the real master."

"You will be too."

After putting down the cube, Xuesina pulled the string of beads hanging on the ground of the car. The car shook gently, and then she didn't feel too much, which showed that the speed was very stable. Only when the road conditions are a little bad will you feel the movement of the car, but the good shock absorption facilities make it difficult for people in the car not to look out, and it is difficult to know whether they are stopping or walking.

Looking that Mora seemed to be very interested in the car, Shesna continued to play for a while, and then rose a burst of smoke, which was the smoke map just now.

There are some changes on this map at this time, and a small moving point appears on the map. Shesina explained, "This is the location of our car."

Mora studied with great interest for a while, and then asked, "Can you detect nearby creatures and so on?"

Sena returned: "Yes, but that kind of function consumes more mana crystals."

Mora smiled and said, "For me, this is a question that doesn't need to be considered at all. Where can I charge it?"

Xessina thinks about Mora's ability and feels that it is true. Although it is wasteful to open the investigation along the way, why not do it without thinking about energy problems?

Sena reversed an ornament hanging on the wall of the car,

With a sound, a board retreated from the wall, revealing a group of mana crystals inside. The car has begun to start. These crystals are constantly flashing, and all kinds of light are very charming in the slightly dim carriage. The distorted air and light during energy exchange seem to have entered the fantasy world.

"Where to fill in the energy?" Mora looked at the complicated line and didn't know where to start.

Sina stepped forward, carefully debugged for a while, and then pointed to a small magic array and said to Mora, "This magic array is connected to an energy space, which can store energy for a year, please."

Mo stretched out his hand, felt the attributes of energy, and then slowly adjusted his energy content, jump and frequency, and slowly input the energy into it.

After losing for a while, Mora sensed the boredom and boredom of this kind of work, and suddenly changed his hand, and the power of the magic god transformed from the supreme divine power suddenly rushed into the energy space - full!

Shesina looked at the red light of the warning issued by the energy space and was stunned. Originally, she thought that Mora was just studying it. Unexpectedly, after a few breaths, she saw that the energy on Mora's hand had changed color. Before she noticed the energy stone or anything, she saw that the energy space issued an alarm of excess energy.

She quickly turned on the reconnaissance system on the car and other life spells such as dust removal, temperature control, flower fragrance, etc., so that the energy was not full and the carriage was not full. Mora is slightly embarrassed. Recently, he has reduced the direct use of supreme magic power and found that many problems in life are not as easy as before.

However, all of Susina's attention was attracted by Mora's ability at this time and did not pay attention to such details.

After the energy rush, the car looks more like a home. Temperature, humidity, light and air quality are as perfect as a garden in spring.

And the wall is also excited by the holographic spell projection because of the excessive energy. The scenery outside the car is clearly visible in the corridor in this carriage, which is extremely wonderful. It seems that Xuesina is rarely fully stimulated, so she has been enjoying it for a long time like Mora before saying, "Lord, please sit in the room."


The bedroom in the car is still pink. In terms of age, this color is no longer suitable. However, since the exile of her childhood, her life has been around the college. In fact, there has been no psychological change.

Or, even if there is a psychological change, she still retains the beauty and innocence in her heart in this completely private place. But today all this has been exposed to another person.

Xesina's face was slightly red, and two groups of touching red flew on her ice muscles and jade bones, and her beautiful plain face, as if a tree of plum blossoms opened in the ice and snow, which was elegant and intoxicating. But now this scene has been appreciated by one person.

There is only a round crimson soft bed in the bedroom, with more than a dozen strings of sea shell bells hanging on the **. At the head of the bed is a small cabinet with basic books and some night supplies.

There was a small table next to the bed, and Mora noticed that there was an array of spell symbols on the other side of the table.

Seeing Mora's eyes paying attention to there, Shesna wanted to transfer her energy, so she said, "That's an isolation array. Sometimes I make some food in this room. This array can isolate the smoke and transmit them outside."

"Really, it's really exquisite." Mora exclaimed.

Xessina looked at Mora, her eyebrows were bright, and there were subtle moods and emotions flying around.

"It's noon now. Let me prepare lunch for you." Shesina reached out and pressed her hand on a ring under the table,

"Liv to the navel."

A wall rises and divides the bedroom into two parts, with the desk and bed on one side. On the other side of the window sill, a board was put down, and the small cabinet behind the board was exposed. There was oil, salt, rice and vegetable meat in it. It seemed that the female mage seemed to have prepared all this.

Mora sat **, leaned his back against the head of the bed, picked up a "Mage XX Travel Note" and read it. Although the magic wall can separate the smoke, it does not block the sound and people. When Xuesina was about to walk over, she glanced at the mage robe on her body and suddenly turned red.

However, at this time, Mora had begun to concentrate on reading and did not find the embarrassment of the female mage.

The woman's body fragrance has been close to recently. Mora looked up in astonishment and saw Susina standing in front of her with a slightly red face.

"What's wrong?"

The shyness in my heart did not affect my speech: "I have to change my clothes to prevent oil splashing. The clothes are in the bedside table where you lean.

Mora sat up, but did not stand up. Mage xx Travel Notes is a very interesting book. The content is no different from other travel books, but Mage xx is a very funny person, including his books. I can't help laughing when I read it.

Mora was deeply attracted and did not find the embarrassment next to her.

The white mage robe was placed beside him, Mora glanced at it and found that this was not the one on the female mage's body.

She looked up in astonishment and happened to see the female mage standing in front of her in a tulle translucent silk suit with another suit in her hand. Although the female mage blushed, she turned around generously and completely showed her perfect and enchanting figure in front of Mora.

"Do you like it?" A muttering sound can be intoxicated with stones.

"Very beautiful! It's perfect." Then Mora tried to twist his neck and lower his head and stared at the book. "Put it on, you are too ** me."

Maybe the legend is true that the emotional ice and snow mage is the most dream of all men.

Looking at the rosy beauty rising from Mora's root, Shesina suddenly realized that the powerful and terrible master in front of her was actually just a young man who had just approached adulthood.

The woman who studied ice and snow put down her shackles, and her enthusiasm was stronger than fire.

Sina also sat down by the bed, and her soft and hot body clung to the teenager who was very entangled in her heart. A pair of jade arms surround the mountainside, tightly, like a stream surrounding it, flowing out with a touching demeanor.

The long soft and dark hair flows on Mora's shoulders, emitting a faint fragrance. Suddenly, the bold woman bravely put her face on her master's ears and exhaled the warm and touching.

Mora wanted to push her away, but before the action began, he realized in his heart: this is just the seduction of his own maid. Has the desire from the body begun to confuse him? Under such circumstances, if you don't have the strength to accompany yourself, can't you keep clear?