
Chapter 141 The inevitable appearance of bandits

When you are emotional, you will not retreat if you make any bold move, but once it passes, people will notice their own image problems. However, at this time, Shesina's rosy face, which seemed to drip blood, was more attractive in Mora's eyes. The playful Mora kept looking at Xuesina, which embarrassed her.

Even if she appeared naked in front of Mora, Shesna felt that she didn't have to be so embarrassed. But even if you are already wearing a very thin silk underwear at this time, you have to put on clothes under Mora's gaze - for a woman, it may actually be more difficult to dress and undress in front of the opposite sex than ** in front of him.

Even many people who have walked into each other's hearts are not willing to put on and take off their clothes in front of the other person. What kind of emotions and thinking is in this is really complicated, and it is difficult for women to say it themselves. But if a woman can really do this calmly in front of another man, then there is no problem between them that cannot be solved.

Obviously, Susina can't be calm, but since the person who looks at her is the core of her life and she can't refuse any of his requests, she has to endure the feeling of shyness and madness and put on her clothes.

Just now, she was still considering whether to continue to seduce her master, but at this time, she was full of her mind to get dressed and run away. As for the covert seductive or something, she didn't remember it at this time.

I was in a hurry to put on the cook's clothes, but the busier it became, the more chaotic it became, and I couldn't even find the buttons. Listening to the increasingly noisy sound outside the car, Mora finally decided not to fight with Shesna anymore. From **, she stood up and tied up her maid's clothes, and then Shesna hurriedly buttoned up. However, when she reached out to tie the rope behind her back, she just caught Mora's hand. The surprised maid's body was stiff and her face was as red as blood. The boldness just now had already flew out of the sky.

The sound from the magic array on the car is getting louder and louder, which also reminds the female mage that there are already many people outside the car at this time. Thinking of my bold movements and behaviors just now, although they are in the car, they will not be known at all. But when she thought that there were so many hateful strangers not far away from her, and she was with her master like that... Shesna felt that she didn't want to live.

However, looking at her maid so embarrassed, Mora feels that such a maid with strong feelings is the real popular existence. As a person, if there is no human breath, it will be too desolate and lonely.

Finally, he got dressed, but Mora, who was standing behind, hugged her maid's small waist strangely. Xuesina blushed and wanted to break away, but she was a little reluctant to leave, but she thought that there were people outside. Although they would never know what was going on in the car, when they thought that there was such a group of strangers so close to her, Shesna became more and more ashamed.

"Lord, don't tease me."

Finally, Shesina begged for mercy, but looking at her ten-finger jade green onion holding Mora's arm, it's hard to say who didn't want to let go of whom.

"Go and prepare lunch, and I'll see what's going on." Mora let go of Shesna and her soft body left her arms. Mora began to sigh: Does her youth restlessness start from here? Desire still seems to be under its control, but it affects itself from time to time.

Every emotion has its unique meaning, family affection, love, friendship... Maybe she lacks something, that's why she is so eager? Suddenly, Mora remembered Coco, who was far away in Nigra, the lovely and intelligent little girl. What kind of relationship should she have between herself and her? Complex feelings spread through the heart in an instant.

Shesna packed up her mood and walked to the kitchen, thinking about what kind of food to prepare. Mora pushed open the door of the bedroom in the carriage and went outside to see what had happened and why the carriage suddenly stopped.

When walking to the corridor, you can see hundreds of people near the outside by scouting the map array, and the projection on the wall can also see these. Mora did not open the door immediately, but looked carefully from the projection on the wall.

The people outside are probably from both sides. The large group of people riding strong war horses are covered with shiny light armor. The machete in his hand flashed with a cold light in the sun, and blood was constantly dripping from the knives in front of them. The light armor and horses were full of splashing blood. It seemed that they had just experienced a sudden battle.

However, their equipment is mixed. Although they are all high-quality, they have different styles, and the ** horses are also colorful. Although they are strong and brave, they are not even tall or short. Obviously, they are a pieced team. It should be bandits, Mora guessed.

There were also some cavalrymen leaning back slightly, holding bows and arrows, pointing at the team surrounded by these people.

The besieged team had more than a dozen cars. Except for the two gorgeous cars in the middle, the other cars were full of goods. Although you can't see the goods, looking at the deep rut and the gorgeous fleet, it can't be loaded with lead stones. The convoy was escorted by some cavalry wearing light armor of the same style, led by a semi-heavy knight with men and horses. His face was all sealed with iron armor, and only the knight's eyes could be seen shining coldly in the cracks.

The first half of the long gun in his hand was blood-red, and half of the fragments with flesh and blood hung on it. It seemed that several people had fallen under his gun. However, it is obvious that these bandits are not so incompetent, otherwise they will just intercept such a team that seems to be the official team of a kingdom princess.

Although there are no sword scars on the knight's body, there are several arrows inserted in his cracks. Although many arrows have been swept away on the ground in front of him, it is obvious that there are also masters among the archers. Several arrows not only shoot in the cracks, but even a trace of blood dripping down from there. Dye the silver-white semi-heavy armor into a sad color.

But other knights do not have such strength. Many people lie on the ground and howl at this time, and the arrows on their bodies are as ridiculous as hedgehogs. Several people have fallen to the ground and are silent.

At this time, several brave-looking warriors also stood on the gorgeous carriage in the middle of the convoy. However, looking at their position, if they are not standing there, but on the periphery, the loss may not be so great at this time. Mora looked at the sad and indignant and eager but helpless expressions on the faces of these warriors, looked at a waiter who leaned out of the carriage from time to time, and immediately guessed that the car was a noble and incompetent waste, so he was as timid as rats to arrange so many powerful guards for him. They have saved their lives instead of letting those people stand where they should stand.

As for the carriage Mora, it is purely passing by. Although the road is wide, there is only one target because of the channel - Rahska, a country with a population of about one million, with an area about the area of a medium-sized urban area of Nigra, but the annual GDP is only as much as a commercial street of Nigra, and most of it belongs to Wang. The room and nobles would have been annexed by other countries if the country had not been in a relatively desolate suburb.

Obviously, these bandits also know that they have intercepted the pair. It seems that Rakhska's aristocratic team does not have much strength and power, so they are so unscrupulous. Otherwise, unless those bandits establish a country, they will never fight against some national existence.

Every year, the Lahska people who go to Nigra are royal or nobles. Those civilians are mostly poor and have to accept the oppression of their superiors. Moreover, Rahska has strong restrictions on leaving the local residents in order to retain the population. Many Lahska civilians have never left their place of life a hundred miles away. Their lives revolve around planting, paying taxes and then raising the next generation, which is ridiculous and pitiful.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing on such a road. At this time, there were also more than a dozen bandits surrounding Mora's carriage and shouting the people inside.

However, the leading bandit leader was very cautious and stopped his irritable actions and did not let them attack the two carriages. This well-eyed little leader has seen that such an extraordinary carriage may not be as good as the middle aristocratic car in the convoy surrounded by his own people.

But in the eyes of this little leader with several years of experience, this carriage may be more valuable and valuable than the one over there, and of course, it also means more danger.

The little leader looked nervously at the faint glow flashing from time to time. These not-bright lights were easily ignored by people as the reflection of some decorations in the sun, but the little leader who had seen the mages was nervous to find that under these glows, they were actually some People will feel strange symbols and words at a glance, which are only used by mages and warlocks.

Such a luxurious carriage is driven by no one, walking steadily on this road without any guards, without any precautions, and the horse, although other guys are greedily watching all this, even the new young men under several of his hands are still discussing how to divide it. But this little leader saw that it was strange.

There is no hot air in the horse's nostrils, no sweat on its body, or even any dust! - This is particularly terrible. Other people are attracted by the horse's Shenjun calmly, but how could they think of it. This little leader only stopped these impulsive people, but did not explain the way to them carefully. Although they were all bandits, they were not brothers.

Ps: It's almost the Spring Festival. Happy New Year, everyone! Remember to vote for me! It's better to collect more...!