
Chapter 140 Like a Child

We are strong not because of our body, but because of our hearts. Mora's heart changed when he thought about what his ancestors had done.

Putting down the "Mage xx Travel Note", Mora put his hands around the soft waist of the mage's maid, and the exquisite curves slid in the palm of his hand, and the heartstrings of the hooked endlessly.

The soft and smooth feel made him love it, so he didn't let go. He sat down in the bed and then took the mage's maid and put it on his lap. Soft, warm and elastic buttocks and meat are extremely comfortable on her legs, and Mora turned the suddenly changing woman around.

Take a deep breath and try to calm your mind.

Sina looked boldly at Mora, with a burning flame in her eyes, and her body naturally twisted, bewitched and attracted.

The blessing of "birth and raising many" fell from the sky, from ancient times, and from the blessings of the Supreme. The red tide is all over the surface, and the body is also hot.

The body is best prepared. Although the time is wrong, when the feeling comes, all this turns into preparation for fertility. Inside the invisible body of the female mage, the relevant body organs are constantly secreting irritating hormones, and every blood vessel is constantly expanding, and the heart is like The volcano that will erupt will jump.

The snow girl, who has been silent for half her life, can't control herself. All these feelings come suddenly and fiercely. Only then did she make a decision in her heart, and things became different in a blink of an eye. The mirror on a wall in the bedroom was printed with a woman's emotional charm. Xuesina looked at the woman who twisted her body and couldn't be herself. She was shy and regretful, but her movements became more and bolder.

The Supreme One blessed: "You will give birth and raise many people on the earth." Mora, who contains the supreme divine power in his body, felt more and more at this time that it belonged to the vastness and greatness of the supreme power. That power was completely full of the body, and the power to sit down made him feel that if he had relied on such a state at this time, perhaps the demon of the evil spirit country he met halfway would be hit. Broken.

Without hesitation, Mora turned over and pressed Shesina under her body.

This action was fierce, powerful and domineering, but it was regarded as a signal by the woman, so she began to free her hands and clothes. But he was caught by Mora.

The delicate body was pressed by the tough body, and the round and plump ** was pressed by the strong thighs, like the arms of jade bamboo shoots being turned and twisted behind.

The body is close to each other, the heartbeat is the same, and the sound of blood flow can be heard from each other. His breath is mixed with her aroma, which is no longer inseparable. But the action was stopped by Mora. He didn't move, and she couldn't move.

The physical contact is so beautiful that no one speaks and quietly enjoys a moment of silence.

Time passed, ** gradually calmed down, and the feeling of being eager to take a step closer was replaced by another feeling. Clear eyes looked at the woman's eyes from confused to sober, then shy, finally infatuated, and then kissed, faint, like first love.

The slow passage of time may not be long, because the stomach does not feel very hungry.

"I don't know how long I can stay with you?" The so-called woman in love is indeed a strange existence, and the jump of thinking can only be followed by gods.

"I heard that Nigra's mages are excellent chefs. How about you?" However, Mora's mind is more jumpy than her.

Shesina regretted that Mora didn't answer her question. She decided that as long as he was not very angry, she would ask again: "I liked the kitchen when I was a child. Before I came to Nigra, I was the little chef king of our hometown. At that time..."

At that time, many people once smiled and said that the man who married her in the future would be the most blessed person in the world.

And when she was very young, there was indeed a cute little brother who was a little older than her who often ate the cakes she made and said that he would marry her in the future. In that disaster, the big boy who had begun to grow up cut off his tongue to show his disgust with her, and then killed his sister in front of his eyes.

She was not as cruel and patient as those people thought at that time. She was stunned until she escaped from the hell and was still confused and didn't know what had happened. Or, I don't want to believe it.

Later, she woke up and recalled everything. For the man who ruthlessly cut his tongue and killed her family, she decided not to cook for anyone in her life. However, Nigra, in the big human city that is said to defeat many gods, if you want to become a mage apprentice, you must first have good cooking skills and the ability to take care of people.

As a result, she had no choice but to break her vows immediately after she vowed never to be exposed to cooking again, which was also one of the main reasons for her cold personality in the Negra Academy of Mage.

This time, when I spoke inadvertently, I suddenly remembered the painful darkness of my childhood, and it seemed that there was a knife in my heart.

Excessive emotional excitement brought the dark memory from the imprint of mutual heart. Mora loosened his hand holding his jade arm and wrapped it around his soft waist.

"I'll take you back. It will be over soon. Don't be sad."

"If you become a god and need a cook, please don't leave me. The world is very cold. The trembling body calmed down.

Mora turned down from her and lay on her back**: "The real god has a complete human body and divinity. Like people, you can eat, drink, rest, and be superior to others, and you can eat, drink or rest. So, rest assured."

Sena hugged Mora's arm and buried her face in his shoulder.

The carriage is quiet, but there is only a faint warmth.

For a long time, "I'll go for you..."

The carriage suddenly stopped. Although the car was very stable, it was inertia. Such a stop still had a little impact on the car. Half lying down talking to Mora, Shesna, who was about to go to lunch, was caught off guard and hit Mora's face.

The wet lips were knocked open, and a little wet water vapor rubbed against Mora's face. But this action is not so romantic - Shesna's nose also accidentally hit Mora's face. Although she is a mage and has good physical fitness, it is like hitting an iron felt when she meets the body of a capable warrior.

Tears, snot and saliva stained her face. The beautiful and exquisite female mage was extremely embarrassed at this time, but the female mage who wiped her tears at the first time quickly went to find silk for Mora, because the tears and saliva on her face actually touched Mora's face.

Looking at her maid so embarrassed, Mora couldn't help laughing. Holding Shesina aside, Mora picked up a roll of soft paper at the head of the bed and gently wiped her.

Shesina didn't expect that Mora didn't blame herself, but treated herself so gently. She was slightly sad for a moment when she was in the position of a servant, and remembered her loneliness and darkness over the years, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Mora looked at the soft paper in his hand strangely and wondered if it was stained with chili powder, otherwise how could tears be wiped more and more?

Hesna couldn't control her emotions, but looked at Mora, who seemed strange, and couldn't help laughing.


As a result, a snot bubble exploded from the face.

Such a big woman looks embarrassed and bad like a little girl with tears and snot on her face. But because there are only two people in the car and the relationship is so special, I think it's fun.

Crying and laughing, there was a shout outside the car, which was the magic array on the car that sent the information from the outside.

Sena raised her face and half knelt in front of Mora, as if she were a clever pet. The coy woman is always cute and very comfortable.

Mora carefully wiped the traces on Shesina's face with soft paper, then reached out and waved out a little water with creative activity and wiped her face. This water is the first water to create life and health in his world, with strong vitality and nourishment.

Xina only felt a refreshed face, and then found that her face seemed to be a tramp who had been hungry for countless years and suddenly saw the most delicious food in front of her.

The skin is so comfortable that it almost moans, as if it has life. Sherina wanted to find a mirror immediately to see what was wrong with her face, but Mora was wiping her face, and the maid who enjoyed the warmth of her master did not want to separate like this, so she simply closed her eyes and raised her face, looking forward to feeling the change in her face happily.

After looking at the water he casually summoned to clean the woman's face, he used a little water to moisten it. However, what he didn't expect was that after the woman's face was washed by this water again, it emitted such a touching luster.

The soft baby-like skin exudes a fatal attraction under her hands, making Mora love it. Looking at the maid's bright face that seemed to shine, Mora only felt a little jumpy in his heart. Xuesina raised her face and closed her eyes. Although she was half kneeling in **, the exquisite curves were still exposed from under the translucent silk clothes.

Mora, who had been feeling it with her hands, suddenly noticed this extremely attractive enchanting, and the full and round curve seemed to become a cat scratching in the palm of her hand.

I didn't restrain myself or indulge myself. I stretched my hand to hold my maid's delicate and soft body, and then lowered my head and gently kissed her beautiful forehead.

Sena opened her eyes slightly, and Mora naturally took her hand off the maid, but she was a little reluctant. Shesina took time to look at her face in the mirror at the end of the bed, and was stunned in an instant, followed by ecstasy. No woman doesn't care about her appearance, no matter who, no matter what happens.

Mora handed the clothes to his maid, which was the chef's suit.

"Put on your clothes first, my maid. Something seems to have happened outside."

Xisna looked at her face as soft and delicate as a baby in surprise, and even wanted to hug Mora and kiss together to express her gratitude. However, looking at the clothes handed over by Mora, she noticed that she had been wearing this translucent ** and swaying in front of Mora for a long time.