
Chapter 189 Doomsday Disaster

Countless faces, only faces, appeared from the dark clouds and silently stared at the Lahska people under them. Later, the face was completely covered with dark clouds. It seemed that this dark cloud was composed of endless faces.

Such a strange scene scared all the Lahska people. The earth, which was still in chaos, was silent at this time, and only the crackling sound of the flame burning houses occasionally broke the silence.

But at this time, no one cares about their property. Compared with life, property is always second.

After these faces were covered with dark clouds, they were ruthless at first, and then began to smile.

Extremely horrible smile, countless tens of millions of faces staring at the Rakhska people on the earth began to smile extremely horriblely.

That smile is like a happy smile like seeing an enemy fall into a trap and be slaughtered, ferocious and weird.

Endless faces are making this expression in the sky at this time. From babies to old age, there are men and women, as if they are a population.

At this time, they were all looking at the Lahska people with a ferocious smile.

Countless faces began to surge, surging in the sky, surging with a ferocious smile, as if to see the desperate expression before the death of more Rakhska people.

The Lahuska people underground were completely scared. At this time, the bravest warriors collapsed to the ground. Many ordinary Lahuska people were scared out. Countless children cried in unison on the ground. Some women were completely crazy and hugged the people around them in horror and sought protection.

But those people are hard to protect themselves. Some people madly took out their arrivals and stabbed them into their stomachs and wanted to die for liberation.


"Ah, ha, ha, ha--"

"Gaga-Gaga----Jia Jie Jie--"

Suddenly, horrible laughter came from the sky and reached into people's hearts, acting in the depths of the soul. Even if you cover your ears, you can hear this horrible sound.

The people below became more and more crazy, and some people even rushed into the burning shops and houses, and then rushed out full of fire and began to curse and laugh at the endless face of the sky.

The whole Lahska was reduced to hell in an instant. However, the smile on the sky became more and more blurred, which made the souls of the Lahska people begin to be confused and chaotic.

Someone pulled the woman around him, tore her clothes and began to circle, but suddenly the crowd trampled on the soles of their feet and trampled them into meat sauce.

"Lahska, you have to look up, but remember who we are--who--who?"

The huge voice suddenly echoed between heaven and earth, and this endless face actually spoke at the same time. The old young woman said the same thing in different voices, like thunder, but the thunder sounded in the hearts of those Lahska people.

At this time, they were extremely panicked. No one expected that these horrible dark clouds could make expressions and laughter, and they would speak, and from these words, it could be seen that this seemed to be wise.

What kind of enemy is the most terrible? There are many answers, but these terrible enemies must have one thing in common, that is supreme wisdom.

A wise enemy can be digested by the hearts of his eyes, unless he is wiser than him. Such a terrible dark cloud actually has wisdom, or a wise man controlling him. Such news is frightening in any case, because from the current situation, it seems that the enemy is coming to exterminate the Lahska people.

The existence of slaves has been in Lahska for nearly a thousand years. Except for a few people, even the Lahska themselves can't remember what the original nation and name of the slaves was.

At present, no Lahska knows why he has such an enemy to treat him.

"Today is a day of great joy, because thousands of years of hatred will come to an end today. Raheska, today is your retribution for letting us sink into the abyss of redemption.

This sound continues to echo in the sky, and tens of millions of people have accumulated for thousands of years to show their faces in the sky. At this time, they are under a consciousness and become a demon god who is a king in the evil country.

At this time, the Lahska people panicked like a burning rabbit, running around and continuing to jump twice when they hit the tree. Finally, the person with a little impression in his mind shouted heartbreakingly:

"It's the race of those slaves! It's their gods who come to avenge us!"

"Those slaves! It's the retribution of those slaves that has returned to us!"

A few intelligent and knowledgeable people shouted wildly, but not many people could understand what they said for a while.

Most people are crazy and can't hear what others say. They only make meaningless shouts, struggle uselessly, stab themselves with sharp weapons and pierce each other's bodies.

A small number of people heard the shouts of those who knew the truth, but they were confused and didn't know what they were talking about. History has long been changed.

Even if the facts are in front of them, they are at a loss, can't understand, they can't understand, only know that this disaster seems to be related to these slaves,

"What?! What are you crazy people shouting about? Aren't these slaves born to serve us? What are you guys talking about?

These are the words of those who hear but don't understand. They have been taught that those slaves are not human, but a special species that are born to be slaves for the Lahska people.

From their first generation to the present, but the words of those wise men and historical research make them not understand why it seems that history is not what they know?

The so-called unchangeable history is for gods. For human beings, as long as it is thorough and there is no irrevocable historical record, once this record is considered to be true for more than a hundred years, it will become a real history.

This is the sorrow of the slave nation and the sorrow of the Lahska people today. Most of them will die without knowing what kind of enemy they have offended and will be exterminated.

"Look, the earth has opened its mouth for you and will take you to places you don't want to go."

In the sky, the horrible voice sounded again, as if it was angered by the words of these Lahska people. When they came to revenge, these enemies did not know what their ancestors and the sins they sat down were, and they were innocently praying for redemption from all gods in the world. Help.

Such behavior stimulated the demon god more and more. At this time, he had appeared on the ground for a period of time, and soon the power of repairing the laws of the world was about to come to him.

That is the majesty of the creation of heaven and earth by the Supreme One. Even the demon god has no power to support how long he will appear in the world for a while, and at this time, he is stimulated by the jealousy and anger of these seemingly "innocent" Lahska people, and he doesn't even have the mood to torture them.

Just want to destroy them, let them become part of their own strength, and disappear from the main world with their own born clan from then on.

When the angry demon god communicated with himself in the kingdom of evil spirits under the abyss of the earth, he summoned the flame hell power of the kingdom of evil spirits.

Under the earth, there seemed to be a huge sneeze. The ground was suddenly turned over, like two panels, revealing a strange purple-red fireworks. At first, it was just a strange purple color, and then as the ground shook, the flame kept rising, and the hot pain of directly burning the soul was not yet If you are close to the skin, you can feel it.

At this time, there were still many Lahska people who committed suicide crazily. However, when the local crack revealed the flame hell, their souls actually materialized in the firelight and were attracted by the flame hell.

The sound of howling spread almost throughout Lahska, which scared all those who were committing suicide.

Sure enough, death is not the end. Even if they die, people's sins still have to make them face the facts of the past.

When the ground cracks, many people are on the edge. As a result, the flame actually has the effect of flipping nerves. People's consciousness retreats, and then the body will move forward.

This is a legend that has been circulating all over the world, and many spells also have this effect, but when their lives are in danger, all the people who have just died have desperately flashed back, but the more they want to back, the more their bodies have to move forward, and finally fall into the flame of despair. Prison.

After devouring these people, the flame hell seemed to have spirituality. It suddenly surged up like a giant beast, and the light spewed out of the flame hell instantly sprinkled on many people.

At this time, there were howls, mournings, begging for mercy, crazy, and at a loss. Except for confusion, there was only chaos, but all the people who were illuminated by the hellfires panicked and wanted the hell to be farther away.

However, the hell does not spit when eating. The firelight of the hell has the effect of flipping nerves, which is a very invincible trick.

Even if you know its existence, you can't help but be tricked, because once you encounter danger, especially life, human beings tend to act instinctively, and instinct is to stay away from danger.

However, the more this flip nerve makes people insist on leaving, the closer they are to this danger.

It can be seen from the high altitude that thousands of people are madly wanting to retreat from the hell funeral home, but the more they think so, the more their bodies move forward;

The more you go, the more panicked you are, and the more you want to go back, and the people behind look at the miserable appearance of the people in front of them falling in, and even more unbearable panic and want to go back.

My mind was so frightened that I almost spit out my brain, and then my body fell forward faster.

Occasionally, there are a few brains who can still think about moving forward, but the people nearby are all pushing him down like crazy.

After such a horrible scene lasted for a while, it finally stopped, but half of the Lahska people had been swallowed up by Hellfire Lake.

Knowing that at this time, the fire hell was agitated as if it was full. As a result, countless souls appeared rapidly. They were all burned into extremely strange appearances by the fire. It seemed that they were about to die and disappear, but once the flames came, they suddenly had the strength to howled.

In fact, take a closer look, all the flames in this flame hell are actually composed of souls, and countless souls have been tortured to a certain extent, not to disappear, but become part of the flame of this hell and become a flame that tortures other souls.

It is not at all ambiguous that this flame with resentment, anger and curse burns the new soul.

Finally, after the flame hell devoured half of the Lahska people, the ground suddenly closed, and all the fire was like a blown out, and everything was like a dream.

If it hadn't been for the sudden reduction of half of the people on the ground, I'm afraid everyone would have thought it was just a nightmare.

At this time, all the remaining people were stunned. Occasionally, a few mentally depressed people walked around with a silly smile, and their bodies were full of bad shit and urine smell.

It's strange that all the chaos comes from the Lahska people. Not long after the dark cloud appeared, more slaves began to be stunned, and then became stiff pillars, with straight eyes and stiff muscles, as if they were people who had died for a long time, but the breath in their nose proved that these people were still alive. It is.

In the first wave of death, except for those who died in chaos and were trampled on, and some people who were close to the flame hell, no other slaves died.

However, time is not much for the demon god. Those people just now are used to pay for the country of evil spirits. After all, even if they are demon gods, if they want to occupy a territory in the kingdom of evil spirits again, they also need to attract some other existences.

Now, the rest are completely their own hatred. Although they can't torture these thousand-year-old feuds here, it is still okay to bring their souls into the kingdom of evil spirits and slowly torture them.

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly fell like raindrops, and each raindrop fell was a face. These faces rushed to the remaining Lahska people with horrible smiles, frightening the Lahska people to run around like rabbits.

Several warriors also tried to attack with courage, but at this time, the demon god already belongs to the category of divine power. Both power and realm are real middle gods. Even if it is only a trace, it is also the power of gods.

From power to ordinary people, all the souls of the Lahska people were penetrated by these horrible grimaces, and then these grimaces returned to the dark clouds covering the sky with a person's soul in their mouths.

Some particularly tenacious warriors even try to resist this power with their own willpower, but sadly, how can a person's power be compared with the resentment, hatred and curse of hundreds of millions of people for thousands of years?

Wither a moment of persistence, these self-willed warriors became a bubble in the torrent of resentment and hatred.

Time passed quickly, and finally there were no living Lahska people on the earth. Except for those slaves who stood in a daze, there were no creatures. At this time, plants or animals were swallowed up by the image of the dark clouds falling.

....................Although the scene is too big beyond my control, it does make me creepy, so it's a little successful............