
Chapter 190 Another Accident

The world is clean, and the dark clouds in the sky seem to be remembering something, missing something, thinking about something. The law of the main world has begun to work on this new demon god, urging him to return to his evil kingdom immediately.

The demon god felt this power and seemed to have a very vicissitudes of emotion sighing on this land, and then the dark clouds all over the sky were deeply pressed down and hit the ground with a kind of despair.

These dark clouds are real. At this time, the terrible consequences of hitting the ground are completely borne by the neighboring countries.

Because this is the last resentment of the demon god, those countries have bought a large number of Lahska's slaves, and the vibration of the ground is based on a country.

Such horrible behavior was rare in ancient times. The deadly vibration of the ground was transmitted to a very far place through the earth vein, and even once again formed a huge tsunami on Nigra and his farther sea.

I don't know how long it took. The original Lahska's place was turned into a terrible country-sized pit by this demon god, reaching to the depths of hell.

However, the main world soon made up for this leak. Infinite water flowed from the ground near Lahska. Because of the earthquake, no one came out to investigate the source of Lahska. When someone came a day later, he was stunned to find that the original Lahska's place had become An inland sea!

This news shocked the entire Epera Empire and its nearby allies. Although I don't know what kind of existence destroyed Lahska.

But hundreds of countries promulgated laws prohibiting the slave trade a few days later. The free civilization on this side of the road has ushered in a ** again.


The location chosen by Mora is the next destination after passing Lahska according to the normal journey route.

However, I didn't expect that something happened to happen in Lahska, which made everything go in an unpredictable direction, but it seems that the final result is not too bad.

However, as mentioned before, even gods can't avoid this kind of accident. Once you encounter it, you have to prepare to deal with it or accept your fate.

When opening the portal of space for transmission, Mora's position is the city of Daru in Lahska, but his destination is Ulanto, the neighboring country of Lahska, which just needs to pass through the whole Kingdom of Lahska.

Compared with normal people, travel in space is actually a moment, whether it is thousands of miles or thousands of miles, but for the existence of gods, each moment can be divided into tens of millions. In the blink of an eye of a person, he can do things that a person can only finish in his life.

However, Mora, who has divine power but still doesn't know enough about the gods, still missed this point, so just as he was about to completely pass through Lahska, the power of the demon god's eroding space had penetrated from the space channel. By the time Mora found out, the power of the demon god was about to touch himself and faint. I'm fascinated by Shesina.

The speed time space at this time is a moment that almost does not exist in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is as long as the New Year for Mora and Shesna.

Seeing that this divine power was about to touch himself at this moment, Mora immediately accelerated the time flow around him, making the time division many times faster than the demon's attack.

In this way, it becomes such a scene. The power of the evil resentment curse of the demon god is only half a finger away from Mora, but it seems to be dozens of times slower than the snail, moving forward little by little.

This kind of time division belongs to the power of the realm of gods, and the power of each division is a normal unit of time for the divider himself.

But for outsiders, the whole before the division is their unit of time. Therefore, Mora divided time into so many points, but for the demon god, time is still faster than ordinary people, and he has found nothing unusual about himself. Unless he divides the time again, Mora's affairs are only a very short time for him, and nothing unusual has been found at all.

Seeing that this force was about to crush the space and destroy himself, Mora gritted his teeth and was still ready to carry it down. Although you can resist it as long as you use divine power, it is bound to reveal some of your clues. How could Mora, who managed to escape from the prophecies of the gods, do such a loss?

However, a little prophetic ability also puts Morra in a dilemma. If he insists on using the high-end power in his body to resist, although his life is not dangerous, he will inevitably be greatly harmed.

This damage will accompany him for a long time. At this time, Shesina's body is still terrible. If she doesn't have her own treatment, she may have a lot of trouble when she wakes up.

What's more, after resisting the attack of the demon god, you will inevitably fall into a coma. In case you encounter someone or a beast, it is really unpredictable.

What's more, many times people are countless times more savage than beasts, and the insidiousness and deceit can't be compared with the fierceness of beasts.

So, is it better to face human beings in a coma with a serious blow from the blow of the demon god, or to resist the attack of the demon god to avoid human beings. Really, this demon god is the resentment of countless people for countless years, and it is really difficult to predict the consequences of going crazy. Although human beings are evil and boundless, there are still rules to follow. It's better to face beasts than to face crazy people.

Mora finally made up her mind. Then divide the time and slow down, lift up all the power of your powerful warriors, and quietly leave a little supreme divine power in Shesina's body. This divine power will not protect her, but automatically attack after a fixed time to repair Shesna's body.

In this way, even if Shesna's body is destroyed in this demon attack, it can still be repaired quickly after her body reaches the ground, but the mental damage has to rely on slowly recuperation, if Mora doesn't help.

Mora adjusted the time and adjusted the attack with the demon god, and then the power of the demon god who paused there hit Mora instantly. The huge power tore the space and affected time. Although Mora's deepest body was protected by divine power, the outside body did not.

The power of power is okay in the face of low-level gods, but in the face of middle gods, it is really unsatisfactory. Although the split space fragments could not tear Mora's body, they were constantly exchanging from his body.

caused great pain to the visceral muscles in his body. For example, when breathing, the air that is about to enter the lungs is suddenly moved by space and appears in the stomach. The blood flows out of the heart, but it flows into another blood vessel. The blood in the blood vessel suddenly flows downstream, suddenly counterflows, suddenly bursts, and suddenly bursts, and suddenly does not.

From the outside, Mora is like a strange rubber clay balloon doll that is torn and swollen and suddenly shrinks. Even a few moments, Mora's eyes almost burst out.

At this time, Mora's consciousness was completely in chaos. He did not have any complete thinking that belonged to him. He was scared, afraid, brave and fearless, because even the organs and consciousness souls that received information from the outside world were distorted.

The only fortunate thing at this time is that Mora has been protecting and nourishing his body with the highest divine power over the years, so every part of his body is extremely powerful and is usually commanded by Mora's general consciousness, but at this time, all of them have awakened their own existence, and even one cell has its own independence. Soul and life.

If Mora can avoid this disaster and realize that his body has changed so much, he can even live forever in the world! Because at this time, every cell and nerve in his body has the ability to evolve into a creature alone,

As long as Mora copies his memory to each cell, he can achieve countless clones, tens of millions of self, and immortality (unless heaven and earth are destroyed).

Unfortunately, Mora's body consciousness was completely divided at this time, and he could not do this at all, even if he woke up, he would not know it.

Now, these countless little consciousnesses are moving alone, dealing with every blow and damage in the space alone. Although countless cells and consciousnesses are dying here, there are also countless cells to survive. After this exercise, when Mora recovers, his body will have the peak combat power.

The space is like a broken bucket full of gasoline. A fireball is thrown in and then burst into a pile of fragments. Even the nearby space has been ravaged.

Some beasts and strange and dangerous plants that could not escape were killed. Mora and Xuesina fell heavily, and both of them fell into the deepest dormant coma at this time. They should have fallen into a mountain forest.

The huge space shakes and tears the space, causing great changes in air and material elements, but there is only a huge manor nearby, which is a count's industry.

The count is preparing for spring hunting in this manor at this time. As a royal aristocrat of Ulanto, he is also a brave warrior himself, and he has two loyal and capable warriors left by his father.

He is also a well-known aristocrat in the domestic royal capital. His hunting habits and the prey brought every spring and autumn will be the most perfect gifts for countless small and medium-sized nobles and those noble girls in the royal capital.

A noble and royal blood aristocrat who has any ambition and was a childhood friend of the king are simply countless lovers who do not want to become a political marriage and hope to get a perfect aristocratic love girls.

In particular, the 32-year-old Schumacher Ulanto is said to have entered the realm of a mighty warrior and become the duke of the kingdom, and he is still single.

This is simply the most perfect golden son-in-law.

Now the golden son-in-law is looking at the storm and elemental vortex in the fragmented space on the distant hillside, and seems to be very interested.

.............................Another bad guy appeared. What will it be like this time? ..........................