
Chapter 195 Schumacher

Among these people, there is even such a horrible existence as a half-step god. Even this mountain and forest has been patronized by many strong people. If the white tiger hadn't noticed the pressure and hid very carefully, it would have been a huge disaster.

Because the person hidden in the belly of the white tiger is a key figure involved in the creator of this world, and even the gods of the heavens are concerned about it.

Perhaps, there has already been an oracle handed down from the secret of the Kingdom of God.

But in the end, those people only found the probably the root cause of the accident and knew the thousand-year hatred between Lahska and his slave nation. They wanted to check more carefully, but they were hurt by the power left by the middle demon god.

After half a year, these people disappeared. From then on, it was the beginning of the white tiger running wild in the forest. Because time was in a hurry, after touching that will, the White Tiger still had a lot of minced meat that had not been found, which went into the stomachs of other beasts.

For this reason, the white tiger had to become the most violent warrior in the mountain forest. After half a year of fighting, he finally killed all his opponents, collected all the remnants, and then used a long time to combine the minced meat in his stomach into a complete whole.

Finally, everything was combined, and there was such a scene tonight.

Looking back on what happened to Lahska and in this mountain forest, Mora couldn't help but look a little cold, and a humble ant dared to hurt his body like this.

And it's really unforgivable to abandon such a crazy body and even want to burn it. To take a step back, even if it is not himself, this nobleman's hatred of killing his husband and wife is absolutely damnable.

Especially in the sunlight reflected by the moon, Mora suddenly felt that everything was meaningless when he saw the power of Wadi talking about the king's eccentricities with the nobleman named Schumacher. Thinking about his anger at that time and his behavior.

Why should such a despicable guy be angry with him?

This world belongs to itself and under itself. Why do you need to change your emotions for that ant? The world that belongs to you is still between the gods.

As for Shesina, who has her own magic power in her body, is almost equivalent to a low-level god defending her. She doesn't need to worry about anything at all. Go see her tomorrow.

Mora withdrew his eyes from the moonlight, but for a moment, his eyes were still silvery, which was very frightening. The white tiger shrank in fear, but did not avoid it.

Mora didn't care whether he was naked or**. He leaned directly on the white tiger lying on the ground. Soft hair covered his body, and his own divine power slowly flowed in his body for final adjustment and repair.

From time to time, there is power to upload from Mora and reach the body of the white tiger, quietly transforming this huge and beautiful body, laying more foundation for the road of the white tiger's beast emperor.

The white tiger curled up comfortably and surrounded Mora in the middle. All the hair was changed to his body, looking like a doll.

The night is as deep as water, quiet and silent, only insects sing.

The brightly lit count's mansion was full of joy, and finally the powerful Count Schumacher became the target of countless ladies, because he once said that if he did not achieve power in a day, he would not marry in a day. At this time, the news of his great achievements suddenly set off a huge wave in the whole kingdom.

Of course, the reason is not just about girls' marriage. Schumacher, who has achieved great power, has royal blood, and the title will also be replaced by a count as a duke, which means that the cake that has been carved up will be bitten by another person at this time, and this person's identity is obviously more ** after achieving great power.

Although Schumacher is a friend of the king, in fact, the king has many "friends", and Schumacher is only one of them.

Moreover, among all the "friends", Schumacher is also the only capable warrior, and he has royal blood. He is still very young, and all kinds of things have set off a big storm in the small country of Urantor.

The storm became a whirlwind across Uranto and several neighboring countries the day after Schumacher announced his achievements. Schumacher suddenly issued another invitation, saying that his achievement banquet would be held at the same time as his wedding!

This news broke the hearts of all the Uranto girls and the crisp heart of the royal family, because after Schumacher achieved great power, they had a plan to marry the princess to him, but now it seems that there is almost no such thing. Schumacher actually announced two important news on the same day, Wang Guojian The solid rule suddenly exposed a lot of discord.

Countless people in a wait-and-see attitude were shocked by the second disappearance in an instant, because Schumacher, who achieved great power, should go to a royal princess as his wife, which is almost a well-known thing.

However, now he has announced that he is going to get married. So, it is obvious that the object of the wedding is not the princess, otherwise the royal atmosphere will not be so strange. So, what does this Schumacher want to do?

It is said that there are also two loyal and capable guards in his family.

The three powers are not too threatening in some countries, but for a small Ulan country with a population of less than one million, this is a force equivalent to the strength of the army, and it is a completely single-minded force. The power of the whole Ulanto is only a dozen, and many of them are still powerful achievements by secret means. There is no real power, only infinite suppression of warriors. In the face of real power, they are actually delivering vegetables.

The power of the Schumacher family is three real powers. It is said that the royal family was brightly lit all night, countless shadow guards patrolled, and the whole kingdom of Uranto became an abyss of storm in an instant.

On the third day, there was the biggest turning point. A turning point that stunned everyone, a "fair and orderly" royal warrior came to hold Schumacher accountable,

Why did you not go to the palace to meet the king and prepare to marry the princess after achieving great power, but made such a decision privately? Did you want to rebel?

Schumacher did not argue that he did not have a so-called agreement with the princess or make the most terrible rebellious decision. He introduced his chosen wife to the royal warrior "friend".

When this "friend" finally recovered from that peerless beauty and looked at him with envy and hatred, he calmly introduced the identity of his fiancee, a cousin from afar, a disciple adopted by a mysterious strong man, and now the powerful mage - Alan Er.

gang barely recovered from the peerless face, the royal warrior even thought that he knew the "truth" of the matter - Schumacher was fascinated by the woman's exquisite face, so he married her at such a critical moment regardless of the royal fear.

Even for a moment, the royal warrior was jealous and viciously thought that when the king saw this woman, he would be desperate to let the concubines of the whole palace invite her into the palace later, and then suddenly die of illness.

But then Schumacher's words broke his head like a huge fist. The royal warrior didn't know how he got out. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to say "shit luck" and then saw the perfect goddess woman look at him.

He appeared frozen on the street of the count's mansion, and his body was nothing strange, but he couldn't move. Until later, the same royal guard came and secretly carried him away.

But the royal warrior did not recover until the night, but the record gem in his chest was still intact. I really don't know why the woman didn't destroy it.

The contents of the gem are presented to the king's study as soon as possible.

The royal warrior continued to stay in the yard aggrievedly and was stripped and poked by a group of so-called strange people.

There was even an obscene guy trying to study his back, and the royal guard vowed that he would waste the bastard's claws.

In the middle of the night, the power of confinement suddenly disappeared, and a fart spewed out from under the royal guard, and it happened that the obscene guy was behind, accumulating countless vicious cursed gases to fascinate the obscene person. I don't know if it will leave any shadow.

But before he could kick the obscene man, someone immediately came forward to dress the royal warrior and order him to see His Majesty.

Sure enough, it did not surprise him. A deep and calm king was furious at this time. The study was full of smashed items, bookshelves, tables, weapon shelves, chairs, a gem player that was secure in the room, and everything else was scum.

And looking at the king's appearance, it seems that the player is the thing he wants to smash most, but he repeatedly stopped his impulse and sprinkled his anger on other things.

The royal warrior knew very well that the reason why the king was so angry was definitely not because Schumacher's great achievements did not come to the palace.

The king is jealous of Schumacher's shit luck. What kind of woman is that, and that woman is a great mage!

Great Mage!

Great mage!

The power of combat alone is almost equivalent to about ten powerful warriors, and it is said that the role of the teacher in national development and construction is even more than dozens of powerful warriors can do!

Get a woman like that, almost really love beauty and love the country. But how could that perfect existence become that damn Schumacher woman? That should belong to the king!

belongs to the king!

A woman who only belongs to the king!

............The content of this chapter is more similar to the outline, because it can be completely expanded to write more than 100,000 words, whether it is palace infighting or other things, but I guess this is what you don't like to read, and with my temperament, I'm afraid that I will forget that Mora and Shesna are the protagonists as soon as I pull it. As a person who often falls from time to time, please understand me. After all, you also have times when you can't get along with it... There is also a update........................