
Chapter 194 White Tiger Lady II

There are also some guys who may be able to get the lonely stone platform, but there is only a platform with a radius of four or five meters, a distance of dozens of meters, and only a little running. If the desire to become the beast emperor is not too strong, no beast is willing to let himself take this road.

But as you can see, the white tiger is about to die. As long as it can fall successfully, it basically means success. Although there may be other beasts falling, each of them has confidence in themselves.

A shadow suddenly covered this volley area, and dozens of beasts flying in the air turned into dark shadows, which were very hidden, but for the beasts at this time, they would rather be illuminated by the sun, because the darkness of this moment made their eyes blossom.

The originally inaccurate target is even wrong on a strange orbit. The adjustment in the air depends on instinct, but when the eyes fail, this instinct is funny, because there are no beasts with flying instinct in it, and there is no such instinct in their blood.

Do all the beasts today have to be buried with this dead white tiger?

Several intelligent beasts in their minds suddenly had such a vague consciousness.

The moonlight was covered by a dark cloud, which was a small place, but it happened to cover this cliff and lonely peak, as if a god passed by and suddenly wanted to make a joke.

This joke is not ridiculous for these land beasts flying in the air.

However, since it is a god's joke, how can it be so simple that the expressions of these beasts can't be seen clearly in the shadows, but all kinds of sad and frightened howls prove that these kings in the forest have been greatly frightened, including those who are falling down the cliff or have fallen.

It seems that time has gone back, and gravity seems to have disappeared or reversed. These falling beast kings began to rise, aiming straight at the lonely peak stone platform. This seems to be good news, but the wisdom of the beasts does not let them think so.

Every day these guys are fighting for the continuation of life, and they are always in the horror of life and death, and there is almost no slack and relaxation.

It can be different from human beings who fight for luxury and pleasure, fighting irrationally for some ridiculous reasons.

At this time, the power acting on these beasts obviously does not belong to heaven and earth and does not belong to the beasts themselves. Listening to the wailing of other beasts on their heads, these guys who were flying from the cliff or flying up from the middle also suddenly struggled desperately, but this struggle is really weak, because they are only the king of the earth. In the sky, even the people are not counted.

Soon these guys understood why those who jumped farther than themselves screamed, and the situation on the stone platform also appeared in their eyes. These sad beasts had to accept the second tragedy.

The howling did not last long, as if it had been broken, without even whining, and the world was clean. The cloud covering the moon disappeared, and the empty cliff was again exposed to the moon.

The white tiger narrowed her eyes slightly, and the warm and itchy feeling in her throat was very comfortable. The only uncomfortable thing was that she could not make a sound to express it, but the tough tail like a steel bar was shaking image at this time. The movements like a cat showed that she was still very happy at this time. No, she was very excited.

From now on, I will be the most powerful king of this mountain forest. Maybe I even have a chance to become an emperor?

The white tiger stared with huge eyes, and his blue sea-like eyes were full of curiosity and awe of the human standing beside her. Maybe he was the king of human beings?

No, it must not be.

He is so powerful that he should be the king of mankind.

I don't know what kind of enemy hurt him like that. White clothes are as snow, oh no, they are as white as snow, because the human standing next to the white tiger at this time is not dressed and naked**.

But under the bright moonlight, everyone who sees his body will think that this body is better, and there are no clothes in the world to match his body.

It is as mysterious as the law drawn by the muscle lines of the god, and the shape of the streamlined line makes the wind untenable. The straight chest is as willing to rely on as a mountain, and his strong arms prove that this man will be an upright hero.

The straight and strong legs are inserted into the earth like pillars, stable without moving at all, as if they were growing on this rock.

Such a strong man, his skin is whiter than milk. If it weren't for the slightly bulging muscles, maybe the first person who saw him would think that he was a beautiful woman.

The seriously injured white tiger also kept rubbing the man's body comfortably. The smooth feeling reminded her of a very fragrant mushroom she had eaten, but that was long ago.

Finally, I don't know how long it took. It seemed that a breeze blew with the man and the white tiger as the center, and dozens of powerful beasts were blown off the cliff from the edge of the stone platform, but obviously this wind was not a simple breeze. Half of the beasts that fell into the air suddenly turned into powder and disappeared in a mess.

The greatest contribution in their life is to provide someone with sufficient power to restore their body. Although this power is almost imgable compared with this real power, it is the key energy to awaken consciousness at a critical time, so this man's kind choice to let them disperse with the wind.

It won't leave the body to be ruined by other beasts. The man looked at the moon in the sky with a focused expression, as if looking at the closest lover. The silver moonlight accumulated in his eyes and condensed into a mysterious screen, which was replaying what had happened in the past year.

Although it is moonlight, because her brilliance is also related to the sunlight, some things that happen during the day can also be seen through the moonlight. However, it requires more power and a higher realm, but that thing is no longer a problem for this man.

Things over the past year have been constantly played back in his eyes. In addition to his own affairs, there are also many things in this world.

The demise of Lahska is serious about the whole world. Even in the cold north, the far east, and the desolate West, people have sent people to check it.

A country with millions of people was destroyed overnight. In terms of life level and sense, this is almost equivalent to the fall of a middle god. Such a big event is enough to shock the whole world.

......................................Fourth update, the next update will be soon................................